GUILTY Thailand - David Miller, 24, & Hannah Witheridge, 23, Koh Tao, 15 Sep 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
As the Thailand Justice site has vanished the above link to defense lawyer Nadthasiri Bergman's email regarding the appeal last May is no longer valid. I found that the facebook page is still active and located the letter. Have also saved a copy in case the facebook page disappears as well. This letter pretty well sums up this whole charade.

Blond hairs found in Hannah's hand???? Wtf?!?!
IIRC there was some talk of a blonde ladyboy. There was a photo floating around of a ladyboy with long blonde hair on stage that night in the club/bar but the photo only showed the person from the back. Not sure if this is relative or not. These photos show this pink bike outside the club/bar where they were. {Can't recall the name at the moment} In the first is Hannah with the bike parked...the second shows the bike leaving with the blonde on back and David taking a look.

IIRC there was some talk of a blonde ladyboy. There was a photo floating around of a ladyboy with long blonde hair on stage that night in the club/bar but the photo only showed the person from the back. Not sure if this is relative or not. These photos show this pink bike outside the club/bar where they were. {Can't recall the name at the moment} In the first is Hannah with the bike parked...the second shows the bike leaving with the blonde on back and David taking a look.

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Any idea who the man is behind Hannah? Was she with David at that point?
Matt Barrett...he is seen in the foreground of the group photo in choppers sports club. Hannah and Emma are seen in this CCTV with him and Tom Wood. David is seen after that CCTV image with Chris Ware and I believe some others. Matt and Tom headed off to Australia shortly after this and IIRC may have moved there permanently. Oddly that image of David and Chris seems to be scrubbed from the net as I was unable to locate it anywhere to get a time stamped image. I just happened to have it saved on an old hard drive I had set as a slave and located it. Have included Matt & Tom on the pub crawl.

Ah right, thanks. I'm sure I read it was much longer. The last CCTV of David was 0156, I think.

I remember in the Sally Anne Bowman case they asked all local males to give a DNA sample on the basis it would be destroyed if not a match and the turn out was huge. I wonder if that would work in a place like Koh Tao.
I've brought up an old thread - sorry.

It suddenly occurred to me that I acted in the Crimewatch Solved Sally Anne Bowman episode and it would be interesting to read discussion here from around the time it aired. However, when I do a search for the case, this is the only thread that comes up. Was it never discussed on here? It was probably too long ago! Might have predated Websleuths.
Two men convicted of murdering two British backpackers in Thailand have had their death sentence upheld by its Supreme Court.

The bodies of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, were found on a beach on Koh Tao in September 2014.

Burmese bar workers Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun were found guilty of murder in 2015. They lost an appeal in 2017.

The men claimed they were tortured by police and their legal team had argued evidence had been mishandled.

Thai beach murders death sentence upheld
How utterly Heartbreaking. Do you think it’s suicide?
How utterly Heartbreaking. Do you think it’s suicide?

The parents issued a statement:

"We confirm that our beautiful girl Laura passed away on Monday, September 16. Laura had been gravely ill and was being treated in hospital. Our hearts are broken, our lives are shattered once more. The pain of this loss is indescribable and our family very much need time and privacy during this unbearable time."
The parents issued a statement:

"We confirm that our beautiful girl Laura passed away on Monday, September 16. Laura had been gravely ill and was being treated in hospital. Our hearts are broken, our lives are shattered once more. The pain of this loss is indescribable and our family very much need time and privacy during this unbearable time."
That’s absolutely awful. Those poor parents.
Sometimes life is just not fair.
RIP beautiful sisters.
Sister, 30, of murdered backpacker Hannah Witheridge dies | Daily Mail Online

Laura Daniels (pictured, right), 30, died in hospital on Monday just five years and one day after her sister Hannah (left), 23, and fellow traveller David Miller, 24, were murdered
Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo are facing the death penalty for the murders of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, whose battered bodies were found on a beach on the island of Koh Tao.
Their mothers, accompanied by lawyers and a senior diplomat from Burma’s embassy in Thailand, have now submitted an official petition for clemency to the Thai King.
I, like the Miller family, despite the numerous errors made in the handling of various parts of the investigation, is but satisfied with the verdict and outcome. I am aware that this is an unpopular view, but the following I hope will explain why I have concluded what I have.

With the rape of Hannah being the sole motivation of the crime, what people on the island has the least to lose as a consequence of her attack & annihilation, for apparently short term sexual gratification?

Locals have too much to lose in commiting crimes against foreigners. With the entire economy of Koh Tao reliant on tourism, (especially the influential mafia families), which you'd think make much of the income from the bars that they own, (or have connections with on the island). Seems very un-plausible.

Alternatively, why would any tourists pick out Hannah Witheridge from the beach when lively bars are full of intoxicated and many other attractive women who are out for attention or a fling?.

The evidence which trumps all else in my opinion is the DNA that was present in the sets of semen that was left inside Hannah after the violent rapes. She was definately raped, (I've seen the uncensored pictures of her exposed genitals.)

After first liasing with the FBI, the Thai's were then likely advised to send the collected samples off to Singapore for more advanced genetic testing:- which they duly did. As a developed first world nation in every respect, it is hard to dispute their work, even if you find the Thai's suspect.

These Burmese men admitted to hanging out on Soiree beach that night, drinking, and by their own accord. CCTV evidence shows three men just before midnight riding a moped, presumably heading down the direction toward Soiree beach.

I have always suspected Hannah was heavily intoxicated by the early hours, after having been in and out of bars since at least 7pm that night, she was either found by D Miller at the AC bar and was walked back, or she became lost from her friends, and wandered alone the short distance back to the bungalows.

At some point the path crossed that of these Burmese men, where I believe a cigarette was requested or briefly shared. The rest hinges on whether she was alone, with strangers, or with Miller, but were then set upon soon after:- off guard and unexpectedly.

Motivated by strong sexual interests in Hannah, passion and possibly jealousy. The attack came fast, violently, and in an opportunistic fashion:- very little effort was made to try and cover up the evidence left behind or to steal any of the possessions they were carrying.

*David Millers phone probably ended up in the sand AT the crime scene, as he was dragged into the surf, where it was probably picked up rather than found at a different nearby location. That phone somehow ended up in the residence of the accused where it was later smashed up:- presumably, to avoid it being found by someone or by the Thai authorities.

That these two men say they only admitted to the crime before in order to stop police torture is absolute nonsense.

They must have known that if they had admitted to the murders they would face prison and a almost certain death sentence. The only obvious route to freedom would be to keep denying and pressing the miscarriage of justice' case.

These two Burmese men are trying to spin their way out of it by changing strategy from straight forward denial to one of persecution; the changing of pleas only shows that. If you're not guilty of a crime, there is no way you would ever say you were. You wouldn't.

If the Thai's had brutalised and continued to torture these men just to extract a confession, there would be mounting evidence of inflicted injuries, and it would lead to the two being unfit to stand trial or be seen in the public eye:- And that would almost certainly result in the Thai's getting found out.

Its highly unlikely that the Thai King will grant clemancy to these two men. That would be an admission of an enormous miscarriage of justice and would likely destroy Thailand's credibility internationally. If these men really didn't do this crime, (I'm pretty sure that they did), then their only hope now is that the real killers come forward to take the fall, otherwise they are going to be executed.
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Mothers of Myanmar pair facing death over Brit murders beg for clemency - France 24
"The mothers of two Myanmar men sentenced to death for the murder of a pair of British backpackers in Thailand submitted a plea for clemency from the Thai king Thursday, in a case tainted by claims of irregularities.

Myanmar migrant workers Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun were sentenced to death by Thai courts for the rape and murder of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and the killing of David Miller, 24."

"Defence lawyers have said the evidence used to convict the two men were unreliable as authorities had mishandled DNA and did not allow independent analysis of the samples.

They also say confessions by the pair were obtained under duress.

Defence appeals were exhausted in August and a royal pardon or commutation of the death sentence by the Thai king is the last chance of a reprieve.

"We are not challenging the judgement. We are saying that... by giving them the death penalty, they will lose the opportunity to do something good with their lives," lawyer Nadthasiri Bergman said."

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