GUILTY Thailand - David Miller, 24, & Hannah Witheridge, 23, Koh Tao, 15 Sep 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Verdict expected on Christmas Eve, it's not going to be a happy outcome either way :(
Yes, I wait with baited breath for this verdict.

I'm not gonna look til after Xmas. (she says...).

If they get found guilty I'll feel there's been a miscarriage of justice. If they don't I fear it will never get solved. Either way I strongly believe there is still a killer on Koh Tao and it sickens me that the authorities are preventing justice by failing to get this man arrested and tested.

I've been to many of Thailands islands but not Tao. It's no longer very high up on my list.
Verdict expected on Christmas Eve, it's not going to be a happy outcome either way :(

I was just looking to get updated with the events at trial as I've not seen much in the press about it. It is absolutely awful the verdict is due to be delivered on Christmas Eve. I know both families will always struggle massively with Christmas, you always do when you lose a loved one, particularly a young family member. But delivering the verdict on Christmas Eve will surely form an association that will make Christmas absolutely unbearable forever. No compassion in this case at all. Like it could get any worse....
Listen to the video of the family. Sounds like the correct verdict was reached. It is sad that the cries of the killers family almost drown out David's brother.

The garden hoe did not match the suspects but the DNA on the victims did match. The killers had 7 top lawyers to defend them.

"Prosecutors claimed DNA evidence collected from cigarette butts, a condom and the bodies of the victims, linked Lin and Phyo to the deaths."
I am glad there is closure on this for the families.

Also, this does not surprise me. I was nearly attacked by Burmese men in Thailand and I get the vibe they are not into foreigners like Thais are.
I am glad there is closure on this for the families.

Also, this does not surprise me. I was nearly attacked by Burmese men in Thailand and I get the vibe they are not into foreigners like Thais are.

Oh they're in to foreigners, just in a different way...
I don't know what to think. I'd be interested to hear what Hannah's family feel about the verdict but I'm just not convinced I'm afraid.

That the chief islands son/nephew (or whoever it was that was widely thought to be involved) was so uncooperative raises big red flags to me. But David's family seem satisfied the verdict is correct and they have all the info, as well as guidance from the UK police and coroner.

It's several years now since I was in Thailand and Burma but I found the people of both countries to be lovely. But then I was "farang" and they wanted my dollars. I'd love to go back but think I'll avoid Koh Tao - it's been sullied by this case, I'd be interested to hear whether tourist stats have changed.

Rest easy, Hannah and David. :(
Glad that there is closure for both families and justice as been done and the right punishment for these men - that is as long as that they have the right people who committed these murders
Glad that there is closure for both families and justice as been done and the right punishment for these men - that is as long as that they have the right people who committed these murders

Exactly - I don't think there'll be full closure as long as there's a big fat ? hanging over the case.

I'd like to hear the UK did their own DNA tests and that they concluded the same, until then I will never feel satisfied that justice has been done. At all.

Right folks, I'm outta here for a few days. Peace, love and mulled wine to you all.

Cags x
Personally, I don't feel that justice has been done at all, the main reasons being (amongst many others)...........

The murder weapon was never tested for DNA by the police/prosecution.???
Hannah's clothes were never submitted as evidence and have been lost by police !!!
When describing David's injuries in court, no mention or reference was made of the several puncture wounds on his body.(Odd)
No CCTV footage of the area directly around the crime scene was ever submitted, it was alleged that the several cameras in the area were "not working"
The police stated that they did not view the CCTV footage of the pier close to the scene, where at least one boat left early the morning following the murders, the police said that they didn't feel that it was necessary.
All the DNA samples which the court had allowed the defence to examined was all "finished".

I could go on....
Personally, I don't feel that justice has been done at all, the main reasons being (amongst many others)...........

The murder weapon was never tested for DNA by the police/prosecution.???
Hannah's clothes were never submitted as evidence and have been lost by police !!!
When describing David's injuries in court, no mention or reference was made of the several puncture wounds on his body.(Odd)
No CCTV footage of the area directly around the crime scene was ever submitted, it was alleged that the several cameras in the area were "not working"
The police stated that they did not view the CCTV footage of the pier close to the scene, where at least one boat left early the morning following the murders, the police said that they didn't feel that it was necessary.
All the DNA samples which the court had allowed the defence to examined was all "finished".

I could go on....

Sounds like a whole lot of questions need answering here ? I am worried that the wrong people are being accused and convicted of this crime if that is the case we have to ask why the need to cover up this case? Who was responsible? Why is all the evidence not been checked properly does not sound good here but one side of victims family seem fine with today's outcome
Sounds like a whole lot of questions need answering here ? I am worried that the wrong people are being accused and convicted of this crime if that is the case we have to ask why the need to cover up this case? Who was responsible? Why is all the evidence not been checked properly does not sound good here but one side of victims family seem fine with today's outcome

The reason that the case is being covered up is suspected by the majority (IMO,MOO) that the head mans son along with his mates did it, the original police investigator - General Panya Mamen more or less said so, but he was quickly removed from the case and moved to another district, the evidence brought to court against the Burmese boys was more than feeble. Oh and when the police were looking for Nomsod (before the Burmese 2 were arrested) it took more than a week to find him, when allegedly he had been in Bangkok all along? This case typifies the Thai justice/police system, don't get me wrong please because I realise that injustice happens all around the world, and the vast majority of Thai people are great, they have to put up with bullsh** and corruption every day of the week.


  • 26122015001625pressreleaseEn251258.pdf
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Koh Tao Court Judgement .pdf file
This will not be going away anytime soon Prime Minister Prayuth. Perhaps if your judicial system had shown some respect to the rule of law, provided rock solid evidence and proven the guilt of the defendants beyond a reasonable doubt your Karma would not be coming back to slap you.

Hate to say it, but, I don't think the Burmese will be getting out of their new prison, I'll be surprised if they last long in there, especially if Prayuth is getting're right, this is not going away anytime soon. I just hope that one day someone will be brave enough to come forward with witness's not likely I know.
"While the Millers and Scotland Yard have publicly supported the Thai authorities, the overwhelming international consensus appears to be that both Wai Phyo and Zaw Lin, were indeed tortured and set up by Thai police as scape goats to protect Thailand’s lucrative tourist trade.

The family of Hannah Witheridge has perhaps correctly decided to hold fire on any comment."

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