Thailand - FOUND ALIVE - Officials Believe 12 Boys And Coach Trapped In Cave , 23 June 2018

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Boys trapped in Thai cave are adventurers, teammate says

Mae Sai: It could have been him, too, trapped in that dark, flooded cave.

Songpol Kanthawong, 13, hasn't been able to shake off that thought since June 23, when his teammates went missing. He is part of the same soccer team, the Moo Pa, or Wild Boars, whose coach and 12 members were exploring a vast cave complex in northern Thailand when rains hit, trapping them there for 12 days and counting.
More at link. . . some good photos of teams working to save the coach and boys.
Boys trapped in Thai cave are adventurers, teammate says
Hi all. Back for the afternoon/early evening shift of following this story. (AEST) ;)

I am still not giving up hope. I was a bit dismayed this morning to hear that there are serious concerns about the oxygen level/quality in that cave, but it stands to reason. It is also hard to hear that the coach and two of the youngsters are doing poorly. That too, isn't terribly surprising.

Hopefully the climbers and mountaineering folks will find a natural chimney somewhere close to the young men, and can perhaps drill down. I am pinning my hopes on this more & more. They youngsters said they have heard roosters crowing and other sounds, so unless they are hallucinating (a distinct possibility) this might be a better plan.

Had a hunch the diving them out scenario was going to be pulled, or at least reconsidered. Cave diving is extremely treacherous, even for experts, and that cave system is a mess: fast current, near-zero visibility, areas that requires taking off tanks to squish through, etc. I suppose some of the boys could make it, but it isn't the easiest option, nor the easy choice to make.

And of course draining. I hope that since I last checked in last night, that the officials on site have corralled those Good Samaritans who mistakenly pumped water back into the cave. If the rains hold off and all sorts of good pumping technology is found and used, then the young men can "walk" out. It'd still be a hard slog--- damp, sticky mud, some sharp inclines, etc. I think I'd like to see this. Imagine if these youngsters can all get out on their own power, what a boost to their self-esteem. They must be feeling pretty scared and feeling self-doubt . It'd be nice if they could get back a bit more sense of resiliency and strength. Most of all, it'd just be terrific to get them out.

Anyway, just mainly collecting my thoughts here. Drill, drain, dive or something else-- time is of the essence here and I refuse to give up hope. If humanity can land a man on the moon (and rescue other men stranded on the way to the moon!) we can somehow rescue these young men. I have faith in the human spirit. :)

So every article I read, whatever the scenario, the general gist is, these boys are going to die.
They'll die while trying to get them out; they'll die if they stay there.
That's pretty much all I'm seeing.
I hope Elon Musk's pumps can keep the new rain water from flooding the rest of that hellhole.

Forget any precise drilling - please just blast the side of that mountain off, then bore into the chamber to get them out!

I'm just having a meltdown over here.

This might not be a popular post but I am very skeptical of Elon Musk and his very late, IMO, offers.

These latecomers are doing it to attach their names to the 'rescuers' and for publicity IMO.

Where have they been all this time?? IMO

signed, Very Skeptical.

To Those Who Pray:

To those who pray... Stop.
Whomever, Whatever, Wherever your Higher Power is...
if you pray's time to stop praying.
...It is now time to demand a miracle.
Demand a miracle.
It is time to cash-in our chips for all the years of blind faith, and reap the return on our servitude.
These. boys. need. a, miracle.
An all-encompassing miracle.
No more praying -- start demanding!

Lord, God, Jesus, Buddha, St Jude, St Benedict, Kannon-sama, Waheguru, crystals, Spirit Energy, the Power of Positive Thinking --
-- your choice.
Don't pray for a miracle.
Demand a Miracle.
Believe it will happen.
KNOW it will happen.
KNOW it will happen.
KNOW it will happen; because of your faith.
Knowing = Faith
Faith = Knowing

Let us all Know that these boys will make it out; and return home alive, well, happy and safe!

Verdigris, thank you for your words above. KNOW it will be ok. ...for all who are suffering at this moment. Xo
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