The 2nd Attack Theory: Forum Legend???

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
beesy said:
Ah, Chris said there no carpet fibers found on the knife. I was saying if that's even true, then what Bevel said makes more sense. He said the outline was caused by blood running off the knife as opposed to putting it down on the carpet.
I don't know if there were or weren't carpet fibers on the knife because I only read it in MTJD, Chris' words, not mine. Does anybody know about this? Even if there weren't carpet fibers on the knife, it wouldn't make her innocent, Chris! I think he was throwing that in there to make it seem as if LE somehow "planted" the knife outline. :loser:

Beesy, look at that outline. There's no way blood dripping off the knife formed it while she held that knife in her hand. The knife had to be laid down there in order for that outline to form. It's possible the handle was heavier so it pulled the blade up a bit from resting directly onto the carpet and it's those drips that Bevel means. I tried with my son's knives (he's a cook) and he has one french knife that is the size of Darlie's. The handle is very heavy and when resting the knife on the floor, the blade doesn't touch it. Besides that I thought I read where the knife did have some fibres on it along with one of Darin's hairs. Have to go search out testimony again, LOL.

As always, MOO
cami said:
Beesy, look at that outline. There's no way blood dripping off the knife formed it while she held that knife in her hand. The knife had to be laid down there in order for that outline to form. It's possible the handle was heavier so it pulled the blade up a bit from resting directly onto the carpet and it's those drips that Bevel means. I tried with my son's knives (he's a cook) and he has one french knife that is the size of Darlie's. The handle is very heavy and when resting the knife on the floor, the blade doesn't touch it. Besides that I thought I read where the knife did have some fibres on it along with one of Darin's hairs. Have to go search out testimony again, LOL.

As always, MOO
I might have misunderstood exactly what Bevel meant. It's not like you can stop them and say "wait, what'd you say"? I might watch your tape and see. I've left it alone because I'm scared of taping over it. He might have meant simply the drops around the blood, as you said. Either way Darlie's blood is in the outline and the drops. The only way her supporters can dismiss this as very strong evidence towards her guilt is to insinuate a plant or claim the blood typing was wrong, which it wasn't.
beesy said:
I might have misunderstood exactly what Bevel meant. It's not like you can stop them and say "wait, what'd you say"? I might watch your tape and see. I've left it alone because I'm scared of taping over it. He might have meant simply the drops around the blood, as you said. Either way Darlie's blood is in the outline and the drops. The only way her supporters can dismiss this as very strong evidence towards her guilt is to insinuate a plant or claim the blood typing was wrong, which it wasn't.

That's correct.
cami said:
You can see a clear bloody outline of that knife in the carpet. Blood dripping off the tip of it in the manner they described would leave just a stain on the carpet not the outline of the knife, that's impossible, IMO. I know the arm holding the knife was bleeding that's what caused the blood pattern on the floor and the knife. But the knife was also laid on the carpet for the outline of it to have transferred. State's 111B, is the photo of the bloody knife imprint in the carpet. I know you don't have your book but it's page 300 if anyone else want's to check it out.
The problem with that theory is that the knife is bigger than the actual outline as I recall. If this is true, it makes more sense that it happened the way expert's described.
Dani_T said:
I've always felt the same Cami. Can't see anyway that the outline would have been that clear just from a dripping knife without it being put on the ground.

I haven't got MTJD with me but here is another thought from that...

From memory the knife outline doesn't have much/any blood in the centre between the bloody edge outline... is that right? Which raises the question- if the bloody knife was placed down on the carpet then why wasn't their transfer from the bloody blade to the carpet (not only the edges to form the outline but the flat part of the blade)?

You'd think that because there was no significant blood transfer of this type onto the carpet, the knife was probably pretty clean except for the blood which was being fed to it by Darlie's bleeding wound. Which would mean she had cleaned the knife already by this stage. And since we know that Damon's blood was found on the knife at the scene (as well as her own) that makes me think that it was used on him again after the outline was made in the carpet.

But again, this is based on a memory of the picture so maybe someone who has the book handy could check on it for me?
Why would she just be sitting there bleeding all over a clean knife unless she planned to cut herself there? I just don't see Darlie as suicidal. Maybe I am wrong but it seems she would have to have finished attacking both children, then gone into the kitchen, cleaned the knife, then returned to the family room, and just sat there or knelt there and placed the bloody edged knife on the floor while she did something unknown. That makes a lot less sense to me than that the blood ran down the edges of the knife and dripped onto the carpet.
cami said:
Beesy, look at that outline. There's no way blood dripping off the knife formed it while she held that knife in her hand. The knife had to be laid down there in order for that outline to form. It's possible the handle was heavier so it pulled the blade up a bit from resting directly onto the carpet and it's those drips that Bevel means. I tried with my son's knives (he's a cook) and he has one french knife that is the size of Darlie's. The handle is very heavy and when resting the knife on the floor, the blade doesn't touch it. Besides that I thought I read where the knife did have some fibres on it along with one of Darin's hairs. Have to go search out testimony again, LOL.

As always, MOO
She could have been standing there with it in her hand pointing downward and as the blood runs along the frame of the knife,it also dripps downward with most going to the tip (as you said somewhere) but not all. There is a perfect demonstration of it in the Medical Detectives profile, I think. It is what convinced me he was right. Take a look at that and see what you think.
Goody said:
Why would she just be sitting there bleeding all over a clean knife unless she planned to cut herself there? I just don't see Darlie as suicidal. Maybe I am wrong but it seems she would have to have finished attacking both children, then gone into the kitchen, cleaned the knife, then returned to the family room, and just sat there or knelt there and placed the bloody edged knife on the floor while she did something unknown. That makes a lot less sense to me than that the blood ran down the edges of the knife and dripped onto the carpet.
You don't think Damon was attacked a second time? I thought you did think Bevel was right. You're confusing the hell out of me lately Goody.
Goody said:
She could have been standing there with it in her hand pointing downward and as the blood runs along the frame of the knife,it also dripps downward with most going to the tip (as you said somewhere) but not all. There is a perfect demonstration of it in the Medical Detectives profile, I think. It is what convinced me he was right. Take a look at that and see what you think.
Could she have been bending over Damon waiting quiet as a mouse to see if he was dead yet, holding the knife in her hand but holding it parallel with the floor, just standing there bent over holding that knife, waiting to see if Damon was dead or if she needed to stab him again? Blood dripping on the floor from the knife being held parallel to the floor would make an outline on the floor resembling a knife. Since I have not seen the particular photo you are speaking of, this is the only explanation I could come up with, if there were no carpet fibers found on the knife, unless she rinsed any fibers off the knife when she was at the sink. jmo
cami said:
Beesy, look at that outline. There's no way blood dripping off the knife formed it while she held that knife in her hand. The knife had to be laid down there in order for that outline to form. It's possible the handle was heavier so it pulled the blade up a bit from resting directly onto the carpet and it's those drips that Bevel means. I tried with my son's knives (he's a cook) and he has one french knife that is the size of Darlie's. The handle is very heavy and when resting the knife on the floor, the blade doesn't touch it. Besides that I thought I read where the knife did have some fibres on it along with one of Darin's hairs. Have to go search out testimony again, LOL.

As always, MOO
Ok, I watched your tape and this is what Bevel meant: from the impression they can see the heavy amount of blood at the tip of the smooth side. So the knife was laid down there and it left the tell-tale imprint of the knife from someone bleeding onto it. And also the drops. The kicker is that it was Darlie's blood and she denies taking the knife back into the family room and her story is that the boys were attacked before she was.
texassnuboots said:
Could she have been bending over Damon waiting quiet as a mouse to see if he was dead yet, holding the knife in her hand but holding it parallel with the floor, just standing there bent over holding that knife, waiting to see if Damon was dead or if she needed to stab him again? Blood dripping on the floor from the knife being held parallel to the floor would make an outline on the floor resembling a knife. Since I have not seen the particular photo you are speaking of, this is the only explanation I could come up with, if there were no carpet fibers found on the knife, unless she rinsed any fibers off the knife when she was at the sink. jmo
See my post to cami above. Bevel(and others) believes that Darlie stabbed the boys and then left them when she thought they were both dead. She had already cut herself and called 911 when she saw Damon moving again. It was then he thinks she went over to him bleeding onto the knife which she held downward. Probably stood there wondering what to do since she was on the phone. It's possible Darin stabbed Damon the fatal time. Either way, from the tapes, we know Darin is downstairs already. There is no way he would not have noticed a struggle between Darlie and Damon, especially if she had to put down the knife to stab him. If Darlie did stab Damon the final time, she might have put the knife down to hold because she only had one spare hand. Then possibly quickly picked it back up to stab him. IMO
texassnuboots said:
Could she have been bending over Damon waiting quiet as a mouse to see if he was dead yet, holding the knife in her hand but holding it parallel with the floor, just standing there bent over holding that knife, waiting to see if Damon was dead or if she needed to stab him again? Blood dripping on the floor from the knife being held parallel to the floor would make an outline on the floor resembling a knife. Since I have not seen the particular photo you are speaking of, this is the only explanation I could come up with, if there were no carpet fibers found on the knife, unless she rinsed any fibers off the knife when she was at the sink. jmo
Oh jeeze...what a thought. :doh: I hope you are wrong. sounds possible. :(
SnootyVixen said:
I never want to say things that are not the truth and when I do it is just because I do not know that what I am saying is wrong.
Do I ever understand that! I have stepped on my tongue many times. Then pick it up and put it back in my pocket and try again. Sometimes with worse results. :banghead:
beesy said:
See my post to cami above. Bevel(and others) believes that Darlie stabbed the boys and then left them when she thought they were both dead. She had already cut herself and called 911 when she saw Damon moving again. It was then he thinks she went over to him bleeding onto the knife which she held downward. Probably stood there wondering what to do since she was on the phone. It's possible Darin stabbed Damon the fatal time. Either way, from the tapes, we know Darin is downstairs already. There is no way he would not have noticed a struggle between Darlie and Damon, especially if she had to put down the knife to stab him. If Darlie did stab Damon the final time, she might have put the knife down to hold because she only had one spare hand. Then possibly quickly picked it back up to stab him. IMO
Oh, my. So the part of the 911 tape where supposedly Darlie is calling Damon's name under her breath could very well be true. Oh, my. Wish we had a clearer version of that tape.
deandaniellws said:
Oh jeeze...what a thought. :doh: I hope you are wrong. sounds possible. :(
According to Bevel, Darlie would have had to be holding the knife downward for that amount of blood to end up on the tip. It had to have been placed on the carpet after this large concentration of blood ran down onto the tip. Read my posts #49 and the knife was placed on the carpet to what? Gain control of Damon? Bevel believes she was already on the phone with 911. She could have put the knife down for a second to rearrange the phone. She only had 1 hand to stab him and hold him down because the other was holding the phone. So she could have needed to tuck the phone under her chin. And Darin was also in the room by now. He had to have seen all of this. In fact he might have stabbed Damon the last time once he saw Darlie struggling with the phone, the knife and Damon.
texassnuboots said:
Oh, my. So the part of the 911 tape where supposedly Darlie is calling Damon's name under her breath could very well be true. Oh, my. Wish we had a clearer version of that tape.
Have you heard it? It's not transcribed, but I'll find Dani's and cami's notes on it if you want me to
texassnuboots said:
Do I ever understand that! I have stepped on my tongue many times. Then pick it up and put it back in my pocket and try again. Sometimes with worse results. :banghead:
Ah, do not be fooled...there are posters on here who wear masks
Goody said:
The problem with that theory is that the knife is bigger than the actual outline as I recall. If this is true, it makes more sense that it happened the way expert's described.
No it fits
beesy said:
Ah, do not be fooled...there are posters on here who wear masks

I have no idea which poster(s) you're talking about, but this doesn't look like it can go anywhere productive with regard to talking about the case, so . . . . you know.
Jeana (DP) said:
I have no idea which poster(s) you're talking about, but this doesn't look like it can go anywhere productive with regard to talking about the case, so . . . . you know.

As to the poster, I know just which one she is speaking of. ME. Always me. An apology I can not give her with out a hostile remark. I can not be comfortable here. Time to move on. More comfortable the forum will be for every one. I think it is a real shameful thing that one poster feels good enough to make another so uncomfortable that she must leave. And I do not want to develop the thoughness that would be able to withstand it. So there it is. I'm not angry this time, just sad a tiny bit.
beesy said:
Have you heard it? It's not transcribed, but I'll find Dani's and cami's notes on it if you want me to
Thank you beesy, you are so kind. But I have listened to it and have heard the word Damon (like a deep guttural sound) coming from Darlie, but I only heard one "Damon" not three like the others have heard. In others words I only heard "Damon" once, spoken with menace and low from the gut kind of voice. I had to listen over and over, but it is there and can be heard. But one has to listen so closely and hold the speakers to the ears blocking out all other sounds. I don't have earphones. When I first heard it, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I was that shook up over it. I had listened to that call many, many times before and had never heard it. It frightened me when I heard it.

Edited to say that I listened to the tape early this morning.

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