The aftermath of the verdict *MERGED*

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Apologies if this has already been posted but wonder if anyone recognises themselves in this round-up of the trial and those who attended court??!!!

"... spent her time in public gallery reading a book during the boring bits of evidence. We agree there is nothing particularly strange about that, except for the fact the book was about the life and times of infamous Australian serial killer Ivan Milat ..."

The layout of this article is not great (nor is the condescending, bordering on offensive, tone IMO) - the interesting bit starts under the heading "Law with Tony Kiem"
Looking at the girls at Allison's funeral, at one point, I queried whether he used a hand signal on the youngest child i.e. he had his right hand on her chest and his pointer and index finger separated and pressing into her chest. Meanwhile she is holding her maternal grandmother's hand.

Yes !!!
Looking at the girls at Allison's funeral, at one point, I queried whether he used a hand signal on the youngest child i.e. he had his right hand on her chest and his pointer and index finger separated and pressing into her chest. Meanwhile she is holding her maternal grandmother's hand.
Pointer and infex finger is one and the same. Are you meaning the pointer/index finger and the middle finger???
Possum, well done on wanting to be verified. I can't wait for what you may be able to share with us all. Any news on how that's going yet?
Looking at the girls at Allison's funeral, at one point, I queried whether he used a hand signal on the youngest child i.e. he had his right hand on her chest and his pointer and index finger separated and pressing into her chest. Meanwhile she is holding her maternal grandmother's hand.

I also remember an "odd" hand movement I think from when he left the Indooroopilly police station. The one where he was "deflecting" the media, but he used the opposite hand, away from the media. It looked strange to me at the time. Video anyone?
I also remember an "odd" hand movement I think from when he left the Indooroopilly police station. The one where he was "deflecting" the media, but he used the opposite hand, away from the media. It looked strange to me at the time. Video anyone?

If it's the one you're referring to it's on this vid even though it's not the original. I remember when it was first shown on tv, the reporter said something along the lines of, GBC tried to swipe the cameraman's head off because he was leaning on the BC's car.

Hi Spotted Reptile.

I don't want to enter into a big debate about this with you, as it is obviously emotive for you. I'm really sorry if I offended you - not my intention at all!!!

And I certainly wasn't trying to say that all hunters could easily kill humans - I was referring to somebody like GBC, without any apparent moral core or empathy for other people. I believe that if that kind of person has been exposed to hunting and killing of animals for 'fun' and 'kicks' and the dead bodies are then hung up on walls like trophies, I think that has an influence on his ability to respect life. It desensitises a man like that to death and dead bodies. That's all I'm saying.

And of course, it's only my opinion. Not claiming it's gospel :seeya:

Very gracefully said. It's one of my buttons and when it gets pushed I will defend it to the teeth, probably not quite as gracefully. I am glad we can have opposite views and still be polite. I won't bite any further, the mods are probably sick of me already on the subject. . .
Possum, well done on wanting to be verified. I can't wait for what you may be able to share with us all. Any news on how that's going yet?

Got too worried about privacy :blush:
Fair enough. But then you say that the 'whole hunter mentality normalises killing and intrinsically teaches the 'right' to take another being's life.' Again, you are putting hunters all into the same basket. I have hunted and killed animals. I do not, repeat not, feel this equates to taking a human life in any capacity at all. It is a picture drawn by someone who has not ever participated in it, and is viewing it from the outside. Go out with a group of responsible, adult hunters (yes there are many), and see if they all have murdering tendencies. To say that killing an animal is an 'easier' step towards killing a person is a grossly irresponsible and offensive statement to me. You simply cannot equate the two, and respectfully, you have no idea what you are talking about in this particular area.

I agree with you in every other aspect of your post, and I am aware that there are some gross behaviours out there relating to killing animals. But hunters ain't all hunters. All I'm saying.

I realize this is not the place to get into a debate over hunting- it is a very controversial subject with many people having strong views(myself included) And to do so would likely go very off topic.

But I did just want to comment on what I bolded in your comment. And while not talking specifically about hunting, I believe killing or torturing animals is actually a widely recognized indicators to future abuse or violence towards humans. "Murderers...very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids," according to Robert K. Resler, who developed profiles of serial killers for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Please understand though, I am not equating this to hunters necessarily either, just commenting on recognized links. I hope that this does not cause any offence- as I am not suggesting you or anyone else who hunts are going to go and kill a human being

Edited to add: my appologies Spotted Reptile, I didn't see your comment above about your buttons :) and not biting any further until after I posted. I'm certainly not trying to push any buttons :) or stir up any issues with my comment.
Very gracefully said. It's one of my buttons and when it gets pushed I will defend it to the teeth, probably not quite as gracefully. I am glad we can have opposite views and still be polite. I won't bite any further, the mods are probably sick of me already on the subject. . .

No problem :seeya:.

Ah, our good old buttons!! One of mine is being told that a child was 'born evil'!! Don't even start me on that........:facepalm:
Folks it's fine to paraphrase a comment from blogs etc as long as you include a link to it. But it then can't be discussed.
Folks it's fine to paraphrase a comment from blogs etc as long as you include a link to it. But it then can't be discussed.

Sorry Marly, I'm hopeless with a computer, perhaps one day my kids will give me a crash course.
A quote I like... "If someone treats you like *****, just remember that there is something wrong with them! not you. Normal people don't go around destroying other human beings". Unknown.
Pointer and infex finger is one and the same. Are you meaning the pointer/index finger and the middle finger???

My apology and I stand corrected, I mean GBC's pointer finger (second digit) and middle finger (third digit). Thanks JK673.
I'm quite surprised that GBC has turned out to be even more despicable than I had imagined . Really nothing would surprise me anymore . I get the feeling that he's done something like this before and got away with it . And probably enjoyed it too . Maybe it's just all the talk about hunting and thinking about Milat . But I can just see it ..
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