The Anthony Backyard *REVISITED*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I too, thought the bamboo digging was weird and this was before we knew anything else about her. Now knowing what we do, that bamboo thing is BS. jmo

I agree 100%. In the 1st place a new bamboo shoot that just sprung up from the main root is a tender shoot and easily broken off. One would not need a shovel to do this really, you could likely do it with your foot. I have recently been "bamboo sharing" with a friend of mine (she has it and I am digging it) and there is not a chance that Little Miss Casey dug the bamboo down to the root and then cut the root. The root is as hard as a TREE and not easily cut. The shoots though? They are very tender and easily removed.

I still say that bush that was moved should be dug up...Let's see just how deep that hole is..

I think that moving bush did play a part although what part I do not know.

I'm still suspicious about them searching the backyard for Caylee.

I snipped this from a letter purportedly from Mark Nejame to a websleuther, post 276 - Nancy Grace 10-10-08 thread:

"It is not within them though
to go on search teams that are looking to dig up a Caylee that is no longer
with us. For them to do this would be for them to surrender to themselves
and to the Universe that Caylee is no longer with us. Today they simply
cannot do this."

So he's claiming George and Cindy cannot search for a dead Caylee because they are not emotionally ready to do that. Yet they went poking around their backyard BEFORE the police came to search looking for a dead Caylee. Does anyone else see a CONTRADICTION here?

HUGE contradiction!~ I still have not been able to locate the DATE when they claimed that they themselves searched the back yard...Was it the day they retrieved the car or PRIOR TO?

Me too! And then we see the hibiscus photo she made or uploaded with all the poetry writing around it. It's weird.

I somehow missed this photo/artwork. Anyone have a saved copy you can post or can anyone direct me to it so I can take a look?

Under Florida law it has to go to a GJ for capital crimes.

I think they are putting the pieces together for the cause of death. They want the body to determine that. It also could be if they took larvae from the trunk, they have the DNA evidence of Caylee and any drugs which were used in the death. Like I said before most people don't understand if they have the maggots, they have not only the DNA but if there were any drugs in the body.

They HAVE maggots. We know this now, right?

Thanks for all the info , Turbo!:blowkiss:
I was wondering, do you think washing the pants from the car one time would get out the odor if they were sitting in human decomp odor for days?

Or would Cindy have to do multiple washings if you can even get the smell out. Or would the pants have to be replaced with new identical ones?

Sorry if already asked somewhere else.:)

Does Turbo or anyone else know or have an opinion?

I very seriously doubt that Cindy gave LE the ACTUAL pants that were in the auto. Washing would not have removed the smell and there is no way Cindy was putting pants that smelled of death in her house!

I agree the B/Y needs to be searched again. When Greta did her interview with the "A's" CA made a comment that the dog hit over there, which was under the window. She went on to say that the oblong box by the pool was to be moved over under the window and they had moved a bush and it was replanted by the shed. My question is why was the 'Oblong" box by the "Round" pool to begin with. Why wasn't it placed against a wall, something flat like the shed and was a bush really moved and if so why was the box still sitting by the pool?

I think Caylee spent some time in the back yard. I do not know how much time though. I think it was in the back yard where she was "packaged" and so she had to have been placed there for at least a short time, and I totally agree with the shovel being used for leverage to roll her or scoot her onto the bags or the blanket to wrap her. There is NO way that Casey did that with her hands. There is not one chance that she lifted Caylee UNCOVERED and UNWRAPPED into the wrappings. She had to have leverage and I think the shovel was it.

Knowing what we know NOW, has anyone changed their minds about the "backyard" and its importance?:waitasec:
I have revisited and do not think that I ever saw anywhere in the entire thread WHEN the Anthony's searched their back yard. Does anyone recall, have a link or know?
i know i remember that i think it was CA that said they had searched the back yard.....and from what i remember it was early on when she said this....and it was after they found the car....kinda like saying yes...even we searched the back yard....but then was starting to change her tune about casey.....i will look thru some old news footage...and if i find it i will post it for you...

also...i will look for that pic....someone posted it...way back when we got the doc dump with all the photo's.....if its the same pic that im thinking of...some one mentioned that it might be a pic from a movie.....but its a odd one..that had a lot of talking about.....i will search for that too :) it should be in the last doc dump with all the pics and stuff from casey computer....
as i was going over some of the old new's links i found this statement by CA

interesting .....old Greta interview

Greta ask CA about the dogs hitting on the back yard....and CA first said "where Caylee's sandbox was" and Greta said you mean here...and points to the sand box...and CA says yes the sand box Greta walks over and pull's up the lid to the sand box, and say's you mean here.....

just the way CA said.....was.....makes me think the sandbox had been in a different spot....maybe moot...but thought i would bring it up...
I rather doubt that KC carried Caylee to the backyard to bury her if she was already in the trunk. When she borrowed the shovel from BB next door on the 18th, she may have started to dig a grave in the backyard where LE found that dug up area, but I'll bet she quit after finding it too hard. I don't think she would have had the body out in the sun for a half hour or so while she tried to dig - even with a fence, someone might have seen - or GA might have come home unexpectedly, but would have waited until her shallow grave was ready before she transported the body. And certainly the Anthony's own dogs would have noticed the spot then. I think she went back to the trunk and bagged her right there as she would have been laying on a flat surface and it would have been easier to pull two bags over her body using the trunk floor as a brace.

We've pretty much agreed that in order to get the 2.5 decomp signature and the stain in the trunk, KC would have had to have kept her there for a couple of days.

However, I think perhaps the cadaver dogs may have hit various places in the yard from either GA or CA first rinsing off either the wheel well cover and/or the pants with the hose, or dumping wet vac fluid after cleaning the trunk in the back yard by the pool. It would make sense to prop the wheel well cover against a sandbox while using the hose. That would have left a very fresh odor compared to ones that would have been almost a month old when the cadaver dogs were called in. It's an alternative theory.
CA said that the Pooh blanket was missing from the house and later said she didn't say that. Just keep that in mind---she probably did say they searched the back yard. I member it but don't know from where.
as i was going over some of the old new's links i found this statement by CA

interesting .....old Greta interview

Greta ask CA about the dogs hitting on the back yard....and CA first said "where Caylee's sandbox was" and Greta said you mean here...and points to the sand box...and CA says yes the sand box Greta walks over and pull's up the lid to the sand box, and say's you mean here.....

just the way CA said.....was.....makes me think the sandbox had been in a different spot....maybe moot...but thought i would bring it up...

OKay....I just watched this again, and I heard her say that the dogs had an inconsistent hit where the sandbox was, not "over here where the sandbox IS". I agree with you, she slipped and said where the sandbox WAS. I think the sandbox was somewhere else originally and this is all part of her covering something up.(Cindy)
i know i remember that i think it was CA that said they had searched the back yard.....and from what i remember it was early on when she said this....and it was after they found the car....kinda like saying yes...even we searched the back yard....but then was starting to change her tune about casey.....i will look thru some old news footage...and if i find it i will post it for you...

also...i will look for that pic....someone posted it...way back when we got the doc dump with all the photo's.....if its the same pic that im thinking of...some one mentioned that it might be a pic from a movie.....but its a odd one..that had a lot of talking about.....i will search for that too :) it should be in the last doc dump with all the pics and stuff from casey computer....

Anyone have luck finding the article or interview where CA said this? I remember it also.
From what I recall the A's searched the backyard before LE came.
Will keep looking for that interview.
I think KC "stored" Caylee in the sandbox or somewhere in the backyard until it was safe to move her into the trunk. Hence, the cadaver dog hits. I think she borrowed the shovel from the neighbor to throw some sand over her to attempt to cover her.

I think the only time I remember the As mentioning looking in the backyard was on Greta or another interview show because they showed the hole where the big bush had been and that it was moved. They had pointed that out to LE. I do remember all of this, just don't remember where I saw it.
You know I remember this statement too. I am thinking it was in one of GA's first LE interviews, or with the local TV reporters.

You know I remember this statement too. I am thinking it was in one of GA's first LE interviews, or with the local TV reporters.


I haven't read every document released and I'm wondering if there is a soil test in the document covering any soil found on the shovel. Does anyone know? Just a thought, was the soil analyzed as play sand by any chance?
this is the one thing that has bothered me from the very beginning of this case. If CA and GA, were soooooo sure that Caylee was alive....why the heck were they looking UNDER THE PLAYHOUSE for her?? When CA finally got AH to take her to KC, she not once asked if Caylee was there with them....all she was concerned about was the $$. This leads me to believe that they all knew that Caylee was already dead and buried out under that playhouse. KC moved the body what?? The A's searched the backyard BEFORE LE did....WHY??
looking back at my notes, this is what I find. GA tells LE in first set of docs released in Aug, at a 5:15 time marker, that he and CA searched the sheds and under the playhouse before LE arrived. Now I will go check and see how good my notes are....
looking back at my notes, this is what I find. GA tells LE in first set of docs released in Aug, at a 5:15 time marker, that he and CA searched the sheds and under the playhouse before LE arrived. Now I will go check and see how good my notes are....

What day did the A's search their own backyard? Was it the 17th or 18th? before LE arrived to search the backyard with cadaver dogs I assume.

The A's knew for certain Caylee was missing (not heard or seen since June 15-I go by the nursing home video), GA knew for certain the smell from the Pontiac was decomp..What had happened in the past to make them suspicious enough to search the yard or was it just as simple as LE and cadaver dogs were coming and they wanted to search first???
IIRC it was the 17th that they searched the back yard. I can't for the life of me, find where GA said this to LE....but I know he did...."they" meaning GA and CA
Didn't the Anthonys "repave" the patio or something on the weekend of the 4th? If that's true, they may have moved or reoriented the playhouse and/or sandbox.

I remember the part where the Anthonys said they "searched" the backyard for Caylee (which wouldn't have been odd if she had just gone "missing" but seemed weird after not seeing her for a month), but I didn't realize they had moved either the playhouse or the sandbox to look under them.

If they did that before LE came - it says to me they MUST have been looking for a dead child - after driving home that smelly car, they were not looking for a little child or even a little body hastily thrown behind a playhouse, but a GRAVE that might have been covered up by all the recent patio work.

They may have told LE that to indicate they were looking for a live or injured child, but if it is actually true they did that, there is no way they were looking for anything but a grave - I mean, they had been out in the yard with their dogs over 10 days after the patio work, if a "missing child" had been there, she would have been discovered.
IIRC it was the 17th that they searched the back yard. I can't for the life of me, find where GA said this to LE....but I know he did...."they" meaning GA and CA

I remember this too. I'll take a look also to find out where this was mentioned.
GA says this to LE right after they get the shovel from the neighbor, but before the back yard is searched.....I just can't find it....

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