The Anthony Backyard *REVISITED*

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BJB, Thank you. It's the "Y fitting" that I was seeing and thinking that was also where the two hose ends laid almost next to one another. Your patience and diligence is amazing. But this detail doesn't help; does it? And the cats were prettier.
I searched the entire Caylee forum for faucet and focet and found no link to any doc to support the theory that one had been removed from the Anthony home.

ETA: If the debris marking the original position of the hose reel isn't leaves (I searched and couldn't find a pic to see if the neighbors had trees that overhung) and not red mulch ~ can anyone think of what else it might be?
......remember.....they did a bunch of stuff back putting lime on the lawn....:eek:

This really has bothered me. Even if it's something that one would normally do, is it something that you would even THINK or remember to do if your grandchild was missing? I can't reconcile this.
i was thinking that perhaps after they got the car back with the smell....they turned the back yard up side down....and maybe had to wash more then just pants and boots....they could have had to wash ......the play house....or the sandbox lid...etc....or even the spot where GA talked about the ground......remember.....they did a bunch of stuff back putting lime on the lawn....:eek:

I understand what you're sayin', TakeNote, but, FWIW, the Anthony's didn't have all that much time to do a thorough cleaning of stuff in the back yard when you look @ what was happening in detail.

On the 7/15 thread alot of work was done by too many WS's to mention...and neither George nor Cindy had much opportunity to be out in the backyard between the time they recovered the car 7/15 and before the K9's showed up (7/17 PM IIRC). LE was @ the house 7/15PM. There was a little time...and obviously Cindy had time to throw the pants in the laundry...and perhaps take some things out back to rinse them off. But, IMHO there wasn't ample opportunity to do alot of wholesale cleaning of the playhouse, sandbox, etc. etc. A little cleaning...sure. Just not alot, IMHO.

IIRC, it was weeks later when George put the lime down on the yard. I'm not saying he did or didn't know this would help Casey's case...just saying it was after the K9's had searched.
I searched the entire Caylee forum for faucet and focet and found no link to any doc to support the theory that one had been removed from the Anthony home.

ETA: If the debris marking the original position of the hose reel isn't leaves (I searched and couldn't find a pic to see if the neighbors had trees that overhung) and not red mulch ~ can anyone think of what else it might be?

That fluffy pink insulation? I'm not good at web pics, but looks like it could be, if not leaves.
ETA: If the debris marking the original position of the hose reel isn't leaves (I searched and couldn't find a pic to see if the neighbors had trees that overhung) and not red mulch ~ can anyone think of what else it might be?

Thanks, EU. I guess I was jumping to the conclusion that those were the petals from the flowers that flanked the fenceline. IIRC, the full picture shows that some of those still have there last few petals hanging on them.

Any locals recognize these? Know when they lose their petals?

Thanks, EU. I guess I was jumping to the conclusion that those were the petals from the flowers that flanked the fenceline. IIRC, the full picture shows that some of those still have there last few petals hanging on them.

Any locals recognize these? Know when they lose their petals?

Sure not an expert here but love my FL plants and think the plants in the picture are birds of paradise (Strelitzia juncea). At first I thought they were just day lilies but the flower and leaves look more like the narrow leaved bird of paradise to me. The flowers fall gently, almost no debris. Here in the panhandle they bloom from late spring to early fall. If the "red stuff" is plant fall my uneducated guess might be that it may be what we call Turkey Oak. Those trees (if there might be one overhanging from the neighbor's yard) would shed it's leaves all year long. I have looked and I can't find a pic supporting the fact that there is one there. And the area we're looking at seems too condensed for that kind of leaf fall. I can't figure it out. That's what makes me think it must have come from their own back yard ~ even if it was transported from a different area to this one. If it were the oak leaves blown from a neighbor's yard it seems the leaf/wind line would have extended longer. knim?
Sure not an expert here but love my FL plants and think the plants in the picture are birds of paradise (Strelitzia juncea). At first I thought they were just day lilies but the flower and leaves look more like the narrow leaved bird of paradise to me. The flowers fall gently, almost no debris. Here in the panhandle they bloom from late spring to early fall. If the "red stuff" is plant fall my uneducated guess might be that it may be what we call Turkey Oak. Those trees (if there might be one overhanging from the neighbor's yard) would shed it's leaves all year long. I have looked and I can't find a pic supporting the fact that there is one there. And the area we're looking at seems too condensed for that kind of leaf fall. I can't figure it out. That's what makes me think it must have come from their own back yard ~ even if it was transported from a different area to this one. If it were the oak leaves blown from a neighbor's yard it seems the leaf/wind line would have extended longer. knim?

Thanks, EU. I'm glad you're thinking more critically than I am 'bout what this might be. I've also been thinking that the pattern looks like what you see when the wind swirls in an alley and piles leaves up behind barriers. Nothing says it has to be plant-matter...just happens to be my best-guess @ the moment.

Tangent to this topic, HP sent me a pic showing a hose running down the other side of the house on the fence-side of the pool. It is a very light colored green hose...that appears to be running to the garage side of the house or to the wall behind the pool. doesn't seem likely a hose arrangment would've been necessary to access the pool area for anything. Doesn't rule out the sandbox area, FWIW.

Also seemed to me that there were some pool tools (e.g. strainer/skimmer on a pole) handing on the inside of the fence over by the pool (in a similar fashion to the extension ladder that is hanging from the fence by the shed). would hafta ask why Casey wouldn't grab the pool skimmer to get something (esp. anything light) she needed to retrieve from the pool. I still contend that using a shovel to manipulate anything in the pool would've been unwieldy for Casey. :shakehead: Thinkin' more & more the shovel-for-pool-ladder story is something Cindy and/or George came up with to feed LE.
Thanks, EU. I'm glad you're thinking more critically than I am 'bout what this might be. I've also been thinking that the pattern looks like what you see when the wind swirls in an alley and piles leaves up behind barriers. Nothing says it has to be plant-matter...just happens to be my best-guess @ the moment.

Tangent to this topic, HP sent me a pic showing a hose running down the other side of the house on the fence-side of the pool. It is a very light colored green hose...that appears to be running to the garage side of the house or to the wall behind the pool. doesn't seem likely a hose arrangment would've been necessary to access the pool area for anything. Doesn't rule out the sandbox area, FWIW.

Also seemed to me that there were some pool tools (e.g. strainer/skimmer on a pole) handing on the inside of the fence over by the pool (in a similar fashion to the extension ladder that is hanging from the fence by the shed). would hafta ask why Casey wouldn't grab the pool skimmer to get something (esp. anything light) she needed to retrieve from the pool. I still contend that using a shovel to manipulate anything in the pool would've been unwieldy for Casey. :shakehead: Thinkin' more & more the shovel-for-pool-ladder story is something Cindy and/or George came up with to feed LE.

I agree. So now are we thinking that, regardless of what the debris is, that it is probably unimportant that it appears something has been moved from its "normal" position? If that may be true, then are we more interested in what caused the photographer to drive directly from the picture taking session at the dumpster to this site? What could the connection be and which seems to hold more importance?
I searched the entire Caylee forum for faucet and focet and found no link to any doc to support the theory that one had been removed from the Anthony home.

ETA: If the debris marking the original position of the hose reel isn't leaves (I searched and couldn't find a pic to see if the neighbors had trees that overhung) and not red mulch ~ can anyone think of what else it might be?

i have searched my self as well.....but i know there was mention of it....but i cannot find anything to support that right i guess it can be a *rumor* for now :crazy:

i will keep looking though :blowkiss:

and how do i do a search clear back to 2008.......sometimes my search cannot go back that far....even my own posts are gone
i have searched my self as well.....but i know there was mention of it....but i cannot find anything to support that right i guess it can be a *rumor* for now :crazy:

i will keep looking though :blowkiss:

and how do i do a search clear back to 2008.......sometimes my search cannot go back that far....even my own posts are gone

Bless you, TakeNote!! When I did my searches I thought they always went back through to the entire beginning of the forum; I could be wrong. I have not done a google or bing search on it though. If it was on a video or talk show it wouldn't have shown up in what I did. And don't even worry yourself about it. I'm not real sure it is even a great deal of importance at this time anyway. Thank you for all your efforts! :blowkiss:
Sure not an expert here but love my FL plants and think the plants in the picture are birds of paradise (Strelitzia juncea). At first I thought they were just day lilies but the flower and leaves look more like the narrow leaved bird of paradise to me. The flowers fall gently, almost no debris. Here in the panhandle they bloom from late spring to early fall. If the "red stuff" is plant fall my uneducated guess might be that it may be what we call Turkey Oak. Those trees (if there might be one overhanging from the neighbor's yard) would shed it's leaves all year long. I have looked and I can't find a pic supporting the fact that there is one there. And the area we're looking at seems too condensed for that kind of leaf fall. I can't figure it out. That's what makes me think it must have come from their own back yard ~ even if it was transported from a different area to this one. If it were the oak leaves blown from a neighbor's yard it seems the leaf/wind line would have extended longer. knim?

My first thought was that the plants on the left side of the picture, up against the fence, were daylilies too. We have bird of paradise here in southern California, and the broad base of the foliage looks more like the bird of paradise foliage. But, unless there's a different species of bird of paradise in Florida, they usually don't bloom until they're a bigger plant. I enlarged the picture to try to get a better look at what appears to be leaves against the house and behind the water faucet, and I'm not sure those are leaves. Individually, their shape is more rectangle than the oval shape of a leaf. I think it might be part of the mulch - cedar bark. It looks like what new cedar bark would look like, while the other bark, exposed to the elements, is aged. Something could have been sitting on top of some of the cedar bark, cause it to age differently as it was protected from sun and rain.
ok found this....

i remember seeing that photo with the sprayer looking thing in the bag.....i also remember talk about it in a rumor thread....but can not find it....but in this thread...someone mentions the talk in the rumor this thread it also talks about it being taken from the back porch.....

*I'm just not sure that the silver item in the bag is a sprayer. It looks like all stainless steel and to be pretty rigid. I still think that it is some sort of stainless steel connector hose with a coupling, and it could be connected to a propane grill tank since it's labeled to be from the porch. To me, the porch is the area outback with the lawn furniture and not the enclosed built on room beside the pool.*

i think it may have ended up being the sprayer for the pestacide tanks....but not 100% sure about that.....:blushing:....there is even a poster on there that wasnt sure if this is what was mentioned about coming from the back porch.....LOL

i just remember watching the tv or web cams when this bag came out and we were all talking about something coming from the back porch and what it could be.....that could be where i thought faucet attachment :)

but i dont think its what Bond was talking about :bang: sorry for any confusion....if i find anything else....i will post it....:blowkiss:
jmho- I think this pic was taken of the trash bag while it was still in the dumpster, before they removed it. Whatever that red/brown stuff that is on the bag, could have come from whatever was inside that dumpster. I think, the tow yard mgr. stated that when he thought to go out to the dumpster to get the bag, he had to go through many bags, but alas, never finding the actual bag-becase LE had beat him to the punch.

FWIW, I have red cedar double hammerd mulch in my beds, it does leave a residue on items it come into contact with, but it leaves more of a runny trail of residue, not sticky, like on the pic of the bag.

Decomp purge fluid is also a reddish color, sometimes mistaken for blood. If there was fluid in the trunk that got on the bag, that would mean KC had not completely cleaned up the spot after removing the body.

This could account for why the car still smelled so bad so many days after Caylee was out of the trunk. Maybe KC wiped it up (with paper towels, too) but missed the bottom of the bag.

When did the bag actually get into her trunk? I'll have to look back through the threads for the date...

ETA, but would GA have seen this fluid on the bag and "inspected it"?
Decomp purge fluid is also a reddish color, sometimes mistaken for blood. If there was fluid in the trunk that got on the bag, that would mean KC had not completely cleaned up the spot after removing the body.

This could account for why the car still smelled so bad so many days after Caylee was out of the trunk. Maybe KC wiped it up (with paper towels, too) but missed the bottom of the bag.

When did the bag actually get into her trunk? I'll have to look back through the threads for the date...

ETA, but would GA have seen this fluid on the bag and "inspected it"?

Transferred from that "basket ball sized" stain George described in the trunk of Casey's car? Wow, I think you may be on to it!! I never knew decomp fluid was red; I just assumed it would be plasma like in its coloring. Thank you!
Decomp purge fluid is also a reddish color, sometimes mistaken for blood. If there was fluid in the trunk that got on the bag, that would mean KC had not completely cleaned up the spot after removing the body.

This could account for why the car still smelled so bad so many days after Caylee was out of the trunk. Maybe KC wiped it up (with paper towels, too) but missed the bottom of the bag.

When did the bag actually get into her trunk? I'll have to look back through the threads for the date...

ETA, but would GA have seen this fluid on the bag and "inspected it"?

Decomp purge fluid is also a reddish color?? :eek::eek:
My first thought was that the plants on the left side of the picture, up against the fence, were daylilies too. We have bird of paradise here in southern California, and the broad base of the foliage looks more like the bird of paradise foliage. But, unless there's a different species of bird of paradise in Florida, they usually don't bloom until they're a bigger plant. I enlarged the picture to try to get a better look at what appears to be leaves against the house and behind the water faucet, and I'm not sure those are leaves. Individually, their shape is more rectangle than the oval shape of a leaf. I think it might be part of the mulch - cedar bark. It looks like what new cedar bark would look like, while the other bark, exposed to the elements, is aged. Something could have been sitting on top of some of the cedar bark, cause it to age differently as it was protected from sun and rain.

I did the same thing and I really don't think they are leaves. I think they are either rock or wood chips.
I really think the important thing they are capturing here (at least for me...maybe not for them) is the white pavers that are similar to the ones DC was looking for. You know - the white ones that Cindy says they don't have? She says all their pavers are peach. The photo captures the white cinder blocks that are similar to the ones we see DC gravitating toward.


...and remember there was a leak that there was something weighting down the bag. I've always believed that was a paver from their backyard.

NOTE added: Just wanted to clarify that I don't think this is WHY they took the pic (because they didn't know pavers were going to be important), but that it's important to me because of the weird coincidence with DC's search.
And this shot answers the question about padlock/no padlock. Answer is: padlock.


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