The Anthony's Phones Were Tapped and Traced for Numbers

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Don't forget another in-the-background 911 slip.....On the 2nd call, when CA is on hold being transferred to OCSO, you can clearly hear CA tell KC that she is gonna go to court and take Caylee, if that's how KC wanted to play it.
KC responds "That's not how i wanna play it."
Very serious discussions about custody have taken place in this family before. CA knew KC was unfit, and it goes beyond KC not having a job-It goes to KC not even wanting a job, that kind of attitude, and being generally a nasty person.

Anyway, why worry about being recorded? They can't keep their mouths shut anyway. (Thankfully)
Many times the people don't check anything but the DL# and that's that. I have used other peoples credit cards (even mens cards and it's quite obvious I'm a female) and never had anyone question me.

Me too, I have used my husbands card with a different last name than my ID, been asked for my ID, watched the clerk do a "matching" of the names, and then hand me back my ID and card with a simple thank you.

In many cases even if they ask you for ID, they aren't actually looking at the information. Just going through the motions.
Me too, I have used my husbands card with a different last name than my ID, been asked for my ID, watched the clerk do a "matching" of the names, and then hand me back my ID and card with a simple thank you.

In many cases even if they ask you for ID, they aren't actually looking at the information. Just going through the motions.

Never had my ID checked until I tried to buy a $$$ sapphire ring down in the Caribbean- then I was quite glad they did check me...:innocent:
I'm hearing "I don't have any need to talk to 'em."

iirc this was discussed a long time ago and the thought then was "'em" = TonE--that she wanted to talk to tonE----and silly ca was making that impossible.....
a bit o/t but

something that has bugged me for awhile - if the driver's license i.d. doesn't match the name on the cheque, why in the world would Target or whatever co. accept a cheque as payment? did I miss something?

also, around here, there are very few businesses (if any) that will even accept cheques as payment so I found that weird too ... although maybe some of the big box stores do (I'm not sure - haven't used a cheque in eons) but I have noticed most of the stores I shop at only have cash/debit/credit cards listed as acceptable forms of payment


I live in Jersey and you can use a check almost anywhere. I use checks when I go to Target, but in my Target they scan my license, when they ask for my id. It may be different in Florida.

I live in Jersey and you can use a check almost anywhere. I use checks when I go to Target, but in my Target they scan my license, when they ask for my id. It may be different in Florida.

It was explained to me that the machine they slide the check through scans and checks their system to see if any NSF checks have been a problem on that person's account, ever before at the store. It takes 98% of the responsibility off the clerk and the clerk normally would just compare the signature to the signature on the ID, not necessarily check the name and address, etc. , this was coming from a clerk, not management, but that was definitely his sop. I wonder if she has ever, ever been denied by any store because she didn't have the proper ID. I did laugh when the computer store owner said he refused her writing a check, it seemed she stayed a little longer to try to flirt her way past that we don't checks rule. I think she is very used to moving to the front of the line, as it were. I wish we had a tape of that day for the jury to see how he described her being jealous of Caylee. That is what stood out to me.
Remember KC claims she stole money from her frineds in order to find Caylee - I thinks she said "I will do anything to find her, steal, lie cheat...etc."

But it seems she was just buying groceries, lingerie etc. for her BF - and please note, no baby items at all on her shopping list. IMHO
After listening over and over, I hear "I'll never get diddy talk to um."

After listening over and over to this recording:,0,2907966.mp3file

I hear "They'll never get me to talk to them."

I'd love to know what she's actually saying.

Didn't they display what she said in that YouTube vid? The words on the screen said "I have nothing to talk to them." Which makes no sense, but that's what was displayed on the screen. Play it again and see if you see it, too...
After listening over and over, I hear "I'll never get diddy talk to um."

After listening over and over to this recording:,0,2907966.mp3file

I hear "They'll never get me to talk to them."

I'd love to know what she's actually saying.

It says it on the screen at the 44 second mark: "I don't have anything to talk to them". I am assuming we don't hear the last word in the sentence which would likely be "about".
Let's just hope they got some good recordings before the A's realized they were probably tapped. Anyone have an idea if and when they might be released?

Also, going back to talking about things said on the 911 tapes -- there was also kc begging her mom not to report Caylee missing at the beginning, saying "Please just give me one more day!". Wasn't that a red flag to CA?
Let's just hope they got some good recordings before the A's realized they were probably tapped. Anyone have an idea if and when they might be released?

Also, going back to talking about things said on the 911 tapes -- there was also kc begging her mom not to report Caylee missing at the beginning, saying "Please just give me one more day!". Wasn't that a red flag to CA?

Yes, I remember I was listening to that and doing something else at the same time and when I heard that just give me one more day it stopped me dead in my tracks. Cindy's "No, I've already given you a month" made me mad, so she did know something wasn't right for the whole month. She should have called the police day two that the baby was not where she was supposed to be, especially knowing Casey's history. Even if one of my dogs were missing, I would be door to door, let alone a child. The jury is going to despise this family, the lot of them.:furious: I am really thankful for the tapes. All the experts in the world, with all the money they may buy, is not going to be able to refute these recordings. I don't know how many , if any will be played, but I am just hoping for at least the "It smells like there has been a dead body in the car" one is played for them. I suspect when they have Cindy on the phone they will play many of them and ask her about them. In that way.... the jury will hear from Casey. I can just see them looking her way while they hear her NOT wanting to help the police. You really don't need chloroform to be in the bottle to conclude that she did something to the baby when you hear this and know at the time of the call the child had been "missing" 31 days. 31 days!!!!!

In Annie's police interview when they are grilling her about the Zanax they say we are going to stop the tape here for a second. I am hoping that off the record, Yuri asked her to wear a wire and record just as he did Tony. I would love to hear the recording of what they really talked about on the sleepover.
She is saying I don't have anything to talk to them about and then her mom says Answer their questions...

She doesn't have anything to talk to them about? Her baby is missing for over a month and she has nothing to talk to the police about? This chick is a piece of work all right!
The Utube says 'I dont have anything to talk to them', but
I hear "I'll never get to talk to 'em"
Anybody else hear something different?
Well, I've listened and listened and hear her whining and saying, "I'll never get to talk to him." Maybe meaning TonE? It just sounded like her self-centered thinking, too. But, I will keep listening.
Didn't they display what she said in that YouTube vid? The words on the screen said "I have nothing to talk to them." Which makes no sense, but that's what was displayed on the screen. Play it again and see if you see it, too...

It displays what whoever made that video thinks she is saying. I hear something different. And when I listen to a different audio, I hear something different still.

We may never know what she actually said.
Hi Lizz, I listened to it on my earphones and without and both ways it sounds to me like I don't have anything to talk to them, I could be wrong, but I know it DID NOT sound like help me, I'm frantic, my daughter has been taken. It is shocking to hear how cold she is.


That's what I heard as well
She is saying I don't have anything to talk to them about and then her mom says Answer their questions...

She doesn't have anything to talk to them about? Her baby is missing for over a month and she has nothing to talk to the police about? This chick is a piece of work all right!

All I hear is irritation that she is being questioned.
Yeah! Her tone when she says hello is maddening to say the least-like a grounded child having to listen to a lecture from her parent. I do not like her one bit, have I said that yet?:furious:

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