The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday

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If this "re-baptism" has anything to do with Caylee and her recieving justice-we should see the fruit of that pretty soon! If it is their way of bargaining with God-Lord help them! I will pray that JoJo and CECe do the right thing-cause I think Caylee would want that. And if they do the right thing-then that would truly be a birthday gift for Caylee! Since, she wants nothing now - but justice!!
I have never seen anyone exhibit such attention seeking behavior. Does this church exist to make the Anthonys happy? Will every birthday of Caylee be a religious holiday, with press releases? Their religious preferences are newsworthy? The fact that we even know about it is evidence enough of why they did it, JMO!
They are already showing that they believe that God has "called them" to collect money for "helping others". They are making a martyr and a mockery out of Caylee. I need to stop reading the board soon, it makes me too mad.....
I am just hoping they were baptized for the right reason and not as another publicity stunt. I hate that they did it on Caylee's birthday. It could have waited for another day.

If this "re-baptism" has anything to do with Caylee and her recieving justice-we should see the fruit of that pretty soon! If it is their way of bargaining with God-Lord help them! I will pray that JoJo and CECe do the right thing-cause I think Caylee would want that. And if they do the right thing-then that would truly be a birthday gift for Caylee! Since, she wants nothing now - but justice!!

Yes I am am sure that soon enough we well see how sincere they are.
I want to see how much BS they will spew.
Or will they really stand for justice.
Justice as we know it is for Caylee not BS for KC.
When I read the article I took it that there was three things that took place at the service: a re-baptism, a video montage, and a balloon release. I don't the video was part of the baptism necessarily.

I took it that all three were done as a tribute to Caylee.
And the reason for the video is????
I can see the Balloons for Caylee,
I am not sure about the Baptism being sincere yet.
But the video is for what? PR?:doh:
Hi. I am a Baptist and I have never heard of this Re-baptism that you speak of? As for Jesus baptism as an adult? That was his one and only baptism, and if once is good enough for the big JC then I would think it would be good enough for the rest of us lowly servants, wouldn't you?

Being baptized is symbolic of the old man (the physical or carnal one as the Bible calls it) dying and the new man (the spiritual one) being reborn. One can only be born once in the flesh and therefore it would stand to reason one could also only be re-born in the spirit once as well. A baby cannot be re-born a second time and neither can a spirit be re-born over and over again into the "kingdom of heaven".

If one wishes to renew ones faith, there is always re-dedication...but re-baptism? I never heard of it and spent my life in church...;)

Respectfully, not all Christian denominations or Churches of the same denomination practice the same way. In fact here in the rural southern US there are Baptist churches about every couple miles. Most towns might not have a post office here but they have 12 churches or more. I live in a town of 3,000 and we have 96 churches (That's not including the unlisted small "backwoods" churches) . It's been my experience that each church kind of does their own thing based on the local tradition. Hence why there are so many because there always seems to be a break off from one to the other because of a difference of opinion. Some have re-baptism and some don't. It is actually fairly common practice here in the rural south. I don't want to debate which is right or not I don't feel that's my place or the meaning of this forum to discuss such ideas. Suffice to say that it does indeed occur.

I was just pointing out that depending on the area and the denomination it can be a very common practice. So in regards to being re-baptised as the Anthony's have, in some cases that wouldn't be an issue because it is such common place especially given their circumstances. Now I personally question their motives but that's just my opinion.
Isn't there something about the hypocrites praying loudly in the streets, and the righteous ones praying quietly in their closets....?

Sure, but there's also something about casting the first stone...I'm just sayin'...

The other thing I have to throw in is that the Anthony's watering their lawn at one point made news. As frustrated as we've all been with them, whose to say they threw this out there for the media? The media is dying to dig up any info on the Anthony's that they can because they are an easy target for a good story. Just a thought, trying to play Devil's Advocate.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Mt. 12.33

Just sayin' :innocent:

The article notes "re-baptised" which indicates it happening before. It goes on to describe the publicity stunt -- er-- I mean religious ceremony during which a video montage of Caylee was shown. Of course, their lawyer was in attendance, I suppose to go over the fine points of the contract. <joking> The reason I mention his appearance is there was no mention of any family members there; not GA's parents, not CA's mother, not even Lee participated unless the author just didn't know or for some reason decided not to include that information. Josh Duckett, Trenton's father was also there.

Excellent post! Excellent observations!
Sure, but there's also something about casting the first stone...I'm just sayin'...

The other thing I have to throw in is that the Anthony's watering their lawn at one point made news. As frustrated as we've all been with them, whose to say they threw this out there for the media? The media is dying to dig up any info on the Anthony's that they can because they are an easy target for a good story. Just a thought, trying to play Devil's Advocate.

I'm not casting stones. I'm saying the Bible says hypocrites prefer to pray in public.

I have no religion, so I do not pretend to be religious. But I have read the Bible. And, other holy books.

The other side of the As publicity stone is that they have done more to court the medie than any parents of any other missing child that I can remember, expect maybe Jon-Benet's parents.

The As would dance on a table at Chuck E. Cheese, if it would get them media attention. They've hit all the talk shows they could land, had public tantrums, acted-out whenever a camera is near.....
Respectfully, not all Christian denominations or Churches of the same denomination practice the same way. In fact here in the rural southern US there are Baptist churches about every couple miles. Most towns might not have a post office here but they have 12 churches or more. I live in a town of 3,000 and we have 96 churches (That's not including the unlisted small "backwoods" churches) . It's been my experience that each church kind of does their own thing based on the local tradition. Hence why there are so many because there always seems to be a break off from one to the other because of a difference of opinion. Some have re-baptism and some don't. It is actually fairly common practice here in the rural south. I don't want to debate which is right or not I don't feel that's my place or the meaning of this forum to discuss such ideas. Suffice to say that it does indeed occur.

I was just pointing out that depending on the area and the denomination it can be a very common practice. So in regards to being re-baptised as the Anthony's have, in some cases that wouldn't be an issue because it is such common place especially given their circumstances. Now I personally question their motives but that's just my opinion.
As many branches and split offs the Church may have they all have one thing in common when it comes to any Religious Ceremony, in this case a Baptism.
It is always done with the Holy one in mind - and done for that right reason it is a cleansing of body, Mind and Spirit.
NONE of the Churches subscribe to any Baptism done for the mighty dollar, or for public opinion.
That would not be a Baptism regardless of the denomination of the Church.
I too question their motive. :eek:
I believe the future will tell the tale! If this reaffirmation is real there will be signs of it! And if this reaffirnation is for other reasons-there will be signs of it also. Because baptism itself is only a symbol-the water, whether dunked or sprinkled, symbolizes a cleansing from the old self to the new. The water in and of itself has no power to change the person.
So the future will show whether the A's became cleansed and changed - or -just wet!!;)

Exactly!!! Do the A's cleanse their souls and support justice for Caylee in totality ... and tell the complete truth .... or do they support what they have left, i.e., KC and try to walk the line, not telling the truth, not making it so obvious and, appearing to support Caylee?

With CA in the driving seat I'd hope for the former but fear this is just a part of the new PR campaign to make them look good while doing their level best to shield KC.

While BC may be counted on as a 'family friend' I skeptically see him as the "PR Guy". As was stated, there was no supportive extended family present, it seems, yet the PR guy was there?

Call me skeptical but every move is carefully calculated and orchestrated together with a measurement of how the general public will perceive and, how they did react.
I don't quite understand this re=baptized for the "A"s.

Are we suppose to "Forgive and forget and say "Oh that's o.k. now u are re baptized.."

Yeh Right, gee why doesn't Casey do that like a lot of prisoners do and we will just forgive an forget..Not me..

I bet if u check their background years ago they probably never even went to church an especially took caylee.. someone make me wrong.

I really disdain these people with all their BS stories, so to me it's another CON..
Well, I like to compare the CA/GA being reborn again by baptism kinda/sorta like being a little bit preggers. Either ya are or ya aren't, which is it now. Only time will tell.
This is not a decision of which I feel comfortable offering any criticism whatsoever. God sees into their hearts, and He alone knows their intent. All of us here and elsewhere can only surmise, and I for one am not comfortable analyzing anyone else's personal relationship with God but my own. I think that them doing so on her birthday can have a very healing and positive effect on them spiritually. To try and take her special day and memorialize it in a positive way by rededicating themselves to God - I feel that can only be a good thing. If they are doing it only for the sake of image, it will be born out in other ways. Many, many people stumble and often fall in their spiritual journeys. This family has had to endure much tragedy, and God is often revealed that way. Man can choose to harden his heart and turn away in anger from God's light, or he can embrace the light and seek a path away from the darkness of his tragedy. I truly hope that this will be a turning point for George and Cindy. They need all the love and grace they can get, because the next year or so will be even harder on them as the trial looms ahead.
I don't quite understand this re=baptized for the "A"s.

Are we suppose to "Forgive and forget and say "Oh that's o.k. now u are re baptized.."

Yeh Right, gee why doesn't Casey do that like a lot of prisoners do and we will just forgive an forget..Not me..

I bet if u check their background years ago they probably never even went to church an especially took caylee.. someone make me wrong.

I really disdain these people with all their BS stories, so to me it's another CON..

If you can stomach reading CA's lastest interview last released she is asked about this. From what I remember reading, she states she doesn't attend church but believes in God, working in His Own way. She goes on to say KC read the Bible and CA wanted to bring her one at the jail but was denied.

[ame=""]Interview Reference Guide To Finding All Interviews, Motions, Grand Jury and Trials. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

It's either in the July 30 or August 1 2008 interviews. I read these Monday and Tuesday but didn't take notes on where it was.
Since this topic was brought up I have thought about this some of this afternoon.

If CA was to attend my church would I accept her as a fellow member? I would have to have a long discussion about this with my Pastor knowing what I know. But on another level, I would keep my distance from her.

Does Florida have clergy confidentiality the same as with attorneys? Could CA/GA divulge and/or confess all they know to their Pastor?
All I can say is that if they had done it for the purest and right reasons...we would not have known about it. ;)

The article says that someone from the congregation told them about the rebaptism.S heeesh....its not like the A's invited the media to watch it!!
It's almost as if the A's are trying to worship Caylee---not God.

Another great catch.

I wonder if this congregation is in the habit of memorializing all or most of their parishioners in this way... well... Just sayin'

I guess I'm starting to judge the church by the company it keeps. It may not be fair but if the leaders of the church are making special rules for special people, then that's not fair either.

No offense to anyone but I think I'll pass on services that include the montage videos to lost members and/or their lost family members because at some point, it's going to be mostly those videos and not so much the food for the spirt I came for, kwim? I'm confident Sister Smith was just as attached to her husband of 60+ years as they were to Caylee; as was Brother Jones to his brother lost in Afghanistan, etc. etc. etc. If every Sunday there was a video or series of videos like that, I really would start to feel I was there to worship those gone to be with God rather than God.

At a funeral? Of course. On their birthdays in perpetuity? How about a prayer request instead?
I dislike being in the position of appearing to support anything George or Cindy have done but I just want to share the fact that the Baptist hold to the belief that a baptism is a "public profession" of one's belief in Christ. I pray it's as sincere as it is public!

I'm a fan of your posts and see you as being supportive of Christians and steps toward God rather than them personally.

However, this time I can't agree with you. After reading this thread, I'm pretty convinced it's not sincere, unfortunately. I hope I'm wrong. As a Christian I really hope I'm wrong on this. Most of us didn't tip off the press when we came to God. And we all know the A's are not the sensation they were a year ago; very, very little is reported about their personal lives. When was the last time you read an article about them going to church?

They just aren't the media darlings they want to be, imo. They keep trying but seems like their attempts backfire lately. Even this one which should have been an easy "A" in the press backfired. From what I've read, this announcement was met with outrage from the public for the most part. Those that would generally applaud such a dedication instead denounce it. Kind of reminds me of the Morgan depos when CA said something along the lines of, 'No, let him make an a$$ of himself on the thing,' indicating she thought she was humiliating Morgan instead of herself.

What are they gonna do on December 11, 2009? What will be done then to try to manipulate the public's sympathies? (In hopes of getting them to open their checkbooks, imo.)
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