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I think enabling and covering up are two different things. Enabling is not against the law-covering up or being an accessory to a crime is. Enabling is what led to this crime. I'm sure Cindy's counselor, therapist whatever told her that she had been enabling Casey and that she needed to stop. Especially, since it was escalating and her victims were now including her grandparents. G&C's enabling and denial didn't just start. It has been going on for years.
Many children grow up and mature as they get older and stop doing stupid juvenile things like lying. I think G&C were hoping Casey would do the same. But, while they sat back and waited and enabled and denied-she spiraled down and out of control. By the time Cindy went to that counselor-I think it was too late. Remember, they denied her pregnancy till it was too obvious to be denied. Same thing with Caylee-they will deny it till they are shown what they can't deny-whats left of the little angel.
Did their enabling spiral into helping her cover up a crime? We'll see!!
No, it was getting out of control and that's not what we're about at WS. I'm sorry for even participating. I know better.

Me, too. It's best to just ignore their comments, but it gets so aggravating that it's hard not to reply.
My grandson tells me he loves me to the moon and back..a little off topic but so is he sometimes LOL

O/T too, but when my grandchildren look at me at and say "I love you to pieces Mimi" my heart just melts. :)
Amen Gram. I too knew better, but we are all human:crazy:

Yes...and I don't anything we could write could be as henious as killing a child or covering that fact up!

Pet peeve of mine when someone comes out and slaps the PC card on the table really hard :).....if the PC'ers are so sensitive and concerned then IMO they should not be reading or posting about anyone at all...:boohoo:
Me, too. It's best to just ignore their comments, but it gets so aggravating that it's hard not to reply.
Dang, I almost went off again on "searching for Caylee". If I don't let this go I'll be hitting up my pay pal account again for TES and we'll be eating Top Ramen all week. The sodium might just kill me the way my blood pressure has been lately.

Nice to meet you Gram2.
Yes...and I don't anything we could write could be as henious as killing a child or covering that fact up!

Pet peeve of mine when someone comes out and slaps the PC card on the table really hard :).....if the PC'ers are so sensitive and concerned then IMO they should not be reading or posting about anyone at all...:boohoo:

Amen is all about Caylee.

I don't mind anyone disagreeing with me, I just hate to be talked "down" to or told how I should feel about the A-Team.....I don't like them; for many reasons and no one is going to change my mind.....ever!
Amen is all about Caylee.

I don't mind anyone disagreeing with me, I just hate to be talked "down" to or told how I should feel about the A-Team.....I don't like them; for many reasons and no one is going to change my mind.....ever!

Hah! Ya got company sister :clap:

I have read on these boards for a long time...most of the people here would gladly do anything in their power to help the A's...or eat crow if Caylee were found alive...just don't tell us what to THINK after we SEE what we see :crazy:
Hah! Ya got company sister :clap:

I have read on these boards for a long time...most of the people here would gladly do anything in their power to help the A's...or eat crow if Caylee were found alive...just don't tell us what to THINK after we SEE what we see :crazy:

Glad I wasn't the only one...if I see, I saw it!:crosseyed:...know what I mean?
I think enabling and covering up are two different things. Enabling is not against the law-covering up or being an accessory to a crime is. Enabling is what led to this crime. I'm sure Cindy's counselor, therapist whatever told her that she had been enabling Casey and that she needed to stop. Especially, since it was escalating and her victims were now including her grandparents. G&C's enabling and denial didn't just start. It has been going on for years.
Many children grow up and mature as they get older and stop doing stupid juvenile things like lying. I think G&C were hoping Casey would do the same. But, while they sat back and waited and enabled and denied-she spiraled down and out of control. By the time Cindy went to that counselor-I think it was too late. Remember, they denied her pregnancy till it was too obvious to be denied. Same thing with Caylee-they will deny it till they are shown what they can't deny-whats left of the little angel.
Did their enabling spiral into helping her cover up a crime? We'll see!!

Lying is what this family does. How can one grow out of something the entire family does? We see now what liars this family are. Then you can't change what you don't acknowledge!

I think CA acted too impulsively when she was told by that counselor to kick Casey out. What she should have done first was gain custody of Caylee, then boot Casey to the curb. Which is where I feel CA has all this guilt. Her ever changing stories just anger me to know end.

The A's are still enabeling her behavior. They can still be supportive of Casey but they should be telling her to fess up. Caylee needs a proper burial. We still love you Casey.

In Cindy's mind, Casey is not a murderer, she loves that child. Maybe putting it differently to Cindy, saying it could have been an accident. Casey panicked would be easier to swallow. Cindy is worried about image and how the world will perceive her family. All the dirty laundry has been aired long ago, even if Casey lied about it, she still put it out there.
It sounded like to me that one of the A's was posting and defending the family just got a strange sense we were "blessed" with their presence for a minute:bang:. LOL

I get that feeling of being "blessed" with their presence quite often. :)
It's like that poster you see in many offices: Children Learn What They Live.

Most likely, all their lives Lee and KC grew up listening and watching Cindy lie. So why would they be any different?
It's like that poster you see in many offices: Children Learn What They Live.

Most likely, all their lives Lee and KC grew up listening and watching Cindy lie. So why would they be any different?

It's also like the old saying"Oh what a tangled web we weave,when first we practice to deceive." Their web has closed in on them and they can't get out. One lie has turned into many, one liar has turned into 4 liars. So many lies have been told by so many liars that there is no way to make this story at all credible. If I were the defense I wouldn't be worried about finding 12 people who hadn't heard pre-trial info. I'd just be trying find 12 people whose gullible enough to believe the crap all 4 Anthony's have said.
Just imagine at trial-the state could have 5 poster boards for the jury to see to make it real simple. 1-Casey's lies, 2-Cindy's lies, 3-George's lies, 4-Lee's lies and 5-THE FACTS! Ladies and gentlemen of the jury-we rest our case!
My grandson tells me he loves me to the moon and back..a little off topic but so is he sometimes LOL

That's funny because I have always told my grandson's " I love you to the moon & back a million times over." I said that to them when they were infants & now they say it back to me. I recently ordered a sign from a catalog with I love you to the moon & back on it. It was really cute. I painted their names on the moon & of course from LeLe. I couldnt believe I found it.
Sorry, off topic.....I hope little Caylee knows she is loved to the moon & back a million times over.

I don't know if the Anthony's post here or not. Nor do I care. I hope they get some grief counseling & can heal. I wish they would let Tim help them, he has been down this road with his own child being murdered.
Lying is what this family does. How can one grow out of something the entire family does? We see now what liars this family are. Then you can't change what you don't acknowledge!

I think CA acted too impulsively when she was told by that counselor to kick Casey out. What she should have done first was gain custody of Caylee, then boot Casey to the curb. Which is where I feel CA has all this guilt. Her ever changing stories just anger me to know end.

The A's are still enabeling her behavior. They can still be supportive of Casey but they should be telling her to fess up. Caylee needs a proper burial. We still love you Casey.

In Cindy's mind, Casey is not a murderer, she loves that child. Maybe putting it differently to Cindy, saying it could have been an accident. Casey panicked would be easier to swallow. Cindy is worried about image and how the world will perceive her family. All the dirty laundry has been aired long ago, even if Casey lied about it, she still put it out there.

I've always said that CA never gave KC a chance to confess IMO. I bet she would have but felt it was not safe to do so as she sensed that CA would have flipped out.
That's funny because I have always told my grandson's " I love you to the moon & back a million times over." I said that to them when they were infants & now they say it back to me. I recently ordered a sign from a catalog with I love you to the moon & back on it. It was really cute. I painted their names on the moon & of course from LeLe. I couldnt believe I found it.
Sorry, off topic.....I hope little Caylee knows she is loved to the moon & back a million times over.

I don't know if the Anthony's post here or not. Nor do I care. I hope they get some grief counseling & can heal. I wish they would let Tim help them, he has been down this road with his own child being murdered.

o/t--I say the same to my kids since they were young and we read them that book...except we go step further with "love you to moon and back...more than that"....:heart:
Anthonys: ask God for forgiveness! Support each other! Stop all the lies!!!

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