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if they want to find their grandaughter... i got a newsflash for them


Really don't see how it could be any simpler than that! :woohoo:
If I had a lot of money I'd take out a full page ad with that saying or fly a plane with that banner and so on and so on.
HEY CINDY AND GEORGE? DO YAH THINK YOU SHOULD BE OUT LOOKING FOR YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER INSTEAD OF READING ONLINE STUFF ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU? WHAT'S MORE IMPORTANT? Clearly your narcissism feeds your mental illness. Go look for your granddaughter for goodness sake since you have all the tips.

I was wondering as well... why on earth would anyone with a missing grandchild be concerned with what others are saying about them? who would give a d*mn about their reputation if they were truly grieving or consumed with find that child?
:argue::bow::whistle::detective::heart::biglaugh: :idea:

Absolutely the best reply to CA's garbage drivel position of the case I've seen yet!

In the Court of Public Opinion
In the Matter of CA v. The Public

The motion of RobotDog for summary disposition of disputes raised by CA against the Public is hereby heard and disposed. If CA wants to know the location of her granddaughter, she may ask her daughter where she disposed of the body. On the Complaints of CA against The Public; the motion of Robotdog, Public Member, is granted.



if they want to find their grandaughter... i got a newsflash for them



Now wouldn't that make a great saying for a T-Shirt?

Now wouldn't that make a great saying for a T-Shirt?


i might just get a couple printed up...

i have nice printing and i could put in on nice new white T-shirt :crazy:
if they want to find their grandaughter... i got a newsflash for them


That's darn well plain enough. I hope CA is reading here tonite, she can't miss that.:clap::clap::clap:
Where is Caylee? A real grandmother would do the right thing.....

If my daughter had come up with a *advertiser censored*-a-may-mee story about losing my grandson, then a babysitter kidnapped him, I would beat the living tar out of her! Then I'd call 911,CPS, the FBI, TES.... anyone! I would still love her but I'd have to do the right thing because grandmothers have a very special bond with their grandchildren that's much more different than with their children. Maybe it's because they are so small and helpless and if their mothers can't step up to the plate, we are all those little ones have!
If my daughter had come up with a *advertiser censored*-a-may-mee story about losing my grandson, then a babysitter kidnapped him, I would beat the living tar out of her! Then I'd call 911,CPS, the FBI, TES.... anyone! I would still love her but I'd have to do the right thing because grandmothers have a very special bond with their grandchildren that's much more different than with their children. Maybe it's because they are so small and helpless and if their mothers can't step up to the plate, we are all those little ones have!

Amen to that! I love my children with all my heart and soul and nothing would ever change that, I will ALWAYS be here for them no matter what. With that said, my grandchildren think I am the greatest thing since sliced bread and what I feel for them could never be explained in words, they ARE my heart and as I tell them all the time - They make my heart SMILE! Many days they are what keeps me putting one foot in front of the other. God forbid that I ever be in such a situation like this, but I PROMISE you they would come first. :blowkiss:

I know you love your daughter and you only want good things for her but wishing and hoping isn't going to take away whatever she has done this time. Ya know, OK, I can get you covering, making excuses for the money & credit card stealing, the lying about having a job, even her partying but this has gone past that and you cannot let her just continue to get away with things, not something like this!

If you love your daughter, if you love your grand daughter, now is the time to stop enabling and lying for her.. Stop letting your guilt eat away at you- you are not at fault here, you did not do this, CASEY did. She took away the one thing in the world that you adored, that gave you joy. Casey is already gone, you have already lost her. She doesn't care about you.. she certainly wouldn't cover for you if the situation were reversed (be honest with yourself now, you know it's true!).

I think you know in your heart, in your soul- that Caylee is gone. The way I see it somebody owes that child something.. your family owes Caylee, not Casey, something.
I was wondering as well... why on earth would anyone with a missing grandchild be concerned with what others are saying about them? who would give a d*mn about their reputation if they were truly grieving or consumed with find that child?

I would think that if you were grieving and consumed with finding the child, the reputation will take care of itself.

I reckon that when the "real story" comes out in Baez's opening, I am going to fetch a mother of the year trophy from Wal Mart. Unless he forgets to spill it.
I definitely believe they read and post here very consistently. Especially after the thread some of us just posted on was abruptly closed with no explanation as it was just getting good. (Drama Maybe?):)
I definitely believe they read and post here very consistently. Especially after the thread some of us just posted on was abruptly closed with no explanation as it was just getting good. (Drama Maybe?):)

No, it was getting out of control and that's not what we're about at WS. I'm sorry for even participating. I know better.
No, it was getting out of control and that's not what we're about at WS. I'm sorry for even participating. I know better.

I enjoy a lively debate, but when it changes into an argument...that's when it's time to go. I think that's what had happened.
It sounded like to me that one of the A's was posting and defending the family just got a strange sense we were "blessed" with their presence for a minute:bang:. LOL
Amen to that! I love my children with all my heart and soul and nothing would ever change that, I will ALWAYS be here for them no matter what. With that said, my grandchildren think I am the greatest thing since sliced bread and what I feel for them could never be explained in words, they ARE my heart and as I tell them all the time - They make my heart SMILE! Many days they are what keeps me putting one foot in front of the other. God forbid that I ever be in such a situation like this, but I PROMISE you they would come first. :blowkiss:

My grandson tells me he loves me to the moon and back..a little off topic but so is he sometimes LOL

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