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Oh My God Tuba...it is uncanny how accurate you guys have been in all of this...Here is the post for anyone who wants to see the reality of how much these ladies have SEEN prior to discovery of evidence of FACT:
This was the November 7th post:


Thread: Amateur Astrological Info on Casey and Caylee: #3 View Single Post
#229 11-07-2008, 05:39 PM
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 841

Ravages of Time & Tempest


Much has changed since I asked "Where is Caylee?" months ago. Her remains at that time were near water but now appear to require raising. The Moon in this horary has recently paralleled Mercury which means the remains moved. In Pisces and parallel the Scorpio planet, this was due to change in wetland conditions.

In the horoscope of the initial arrest, the Part of Find was 1:56 Pisces and for this horary, the Moon now holds that place. From above one can see that where the original digging was done is embankment territory. What I mean is that if a stake or a flag was stuck in the ground where the shoveling and spading was done, an aerial view would reveal that the soil was part of a bank. Unfortunately, we have no such markers.

The very tall pine, the yellow flowers, the deteriorated bronze-black piece of plastic are location clues. Still refining the opening to the slush ground.


magic-cat, did you read the Pre-Trial Forecast & Chart, on the calendar at November 28? This discusses the surprise witness and the location of the remains.
Is deposition for CA/GA still on tomorrow? Just read the calendar again and the new moon coming up!
This may have been answered but Does any others with the gift of astrology see the "sex aspect" or the "fire or burning" that was discussed in the "Media Links - No Discussion".
I really hope this was a misreading - I cannot even begin to comprehend how someone could do this to anyone let alone there own flesh and blood!
You all truly have a gift! You have been right on the money - I imagine this is very hard for you - to be able to interpriate what really happened.
This may have been answered but Does any others with the gift of astrology see the "sex aspect" or the "fire or burning" that was discussed in the "Media Links - No Discussion".
I really hope this was a misreading - I cannot even begin to comprehend how someone could do this to anyone let alone there own flesh and blood!
You all truly have a gift! You have been right on the money - I imagine this is very hard for you - to be able to interpriate what really happened.

Hello HeartBroken and welcome to WS! :)
I've included a link to a previous thread #5 so you can do some catching up as well as the current active thread #6 regarding Caylee. There is much information available that will answer many of your curiousities.

Note the blue colored Astro Calendar signature at the bottom of my post. This will take you directly to specific charts and analysis/discussions.

Previous #5 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76505

Current active thread # 6 ( you are welcome to participate and ask questions) http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3087956#post3087956

Can Astrology help solve crimes? Forensic Astrologers use Astrology every day to help solve crimes, pinpoint or eliminate suspects, gain clues from crime scene charts, and much, much more.

You’ll be amazed at the informative and remarkable detail Forensic Astrology adds to your investigative toolbox. Join our Astrologers as they walk you through chart wheels, exploring and explaining planetary positions that define critical moments and key actions. See stunning crime scene details revealed before your eyes as the Astrologers translate the language of the Stars to uncover the who’s, where’s, why’s and what’s of a crime.

Find out:
* If the missing person is dead or alive --- before the police find the body!
* Who is the likely suspect and why?
* If death is indicated, what was the cause?
* What was the motive?
* Was the missing person kidnapped? Raped? Murdered? Did they run away?Commit suicide?

You’ll gain insights into the circumstances, events, key players and activities surrounding a crime that you simply can’t get any other way.

Our newly launched Astro Crime Calendar currently features the Caylee Anthony case. See for yourself how accurate and amazing Forensic Astrology is, as you review charts that predicted the truth before it was ever made public! Be prepared to be astounded and amazed as you see how the Universe really is in synchronicity with our lives, and how clearly the charts tell the tale!

The Stars don’t lie. People lie, but the Stars don’t lie.

WELCOME Sleuths!

Help! I can't get the link to open.
Nancy grace just announced on her blog on CNN the second autopsy is complete
the original thread in on the daily update one for today 1-7-09 .

Thought you might like to know
Thanks so much for posting this, it's infinitely interesting! Please keep up the great work.
I'm going to post this question here because I always end up at the Calendar. When I read Tuba's posts about a case she draws a line and underneath the line iis a link to: http: images photobucket jpeg. When I click on the link I am directed to the Calendar. From there I find the month and day, but there is no image there.

I have no idea what I'm doing!! Would someone be so kind as to tell me where the image is?

Thanks, Paulette
I'm going to post this question here because I always end up at the Calendar. When I read Tuba's posts about a case she draws a line and underneath the line iis a link to: http: images photobucket jpeg. When I click on the link I am directed to the Calendar. From there I find the month and day, but there is no image there.

I have no idea what I'm doing!! Would someone be so kind as to tell me where the image is?

Thanks, Paulette

When TUBA posts a 'new' chart for the specific case thread she is in, that chart link is within the text of the post-usually above the text. She refers to the respective chart in many of her follow-up discussions/analysis without re-posting that same chart in the thread. I think that may be where you are getting confused.

The link at the very bottom of her posts is the 'signature' link to the Astro Crime Calendar only. You'll note, the one at the bottom of my post takes you directly to the Calendar as well. These are considered static signatures which means they show up on all our posts regardless where we are inside of WS.

Hope this helps
When TUBA posts a 'new' chart for the specific case thread she is in, that chart link is within the text of the post-usually above the text. She refers to the respective chart in many of her follow-up discussions/analysis without re-posting that same chart in the thread. I think that may be where you are getting confused.

The link at the very bottom of her posts is the 'signature' link to the Astro Crime Calendar only. You'll note, the one at the bottom of my post takes you directly to the Calendar as well. These are considered static signatures which means they show up on all our posts regardless where we are inside of WS.

Hope this helps

AHA! I just had a thought to google "photobucket" & have a look-see at what it is, which I assume is where the charts are posted. Why I didn't think of this sooner is a mystery to me.

Thanks so much for your reply.
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