The Box From Hell (BFH) - #1

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Hummm, I never thought of that. In every picture of GB he has gray hair. So what was the Grecian Formula for? It obviously didn't work, (or wasn't) for Brody. Waters was pretty young to be graying. Huh. Weird.
Do you think "Grecian Formula" could have been a plan to get Anna to Greece? Or am I just being paranoid?
Do you think "Grecian Formula" could have been a plan to get Anna to Greece? Or am I just being paranoid?

Hi Annasmom ;)

My first thought about the hair forumla was so Brody could hide his graying hair, the waitresses he liked to attract may not be keen on his graying his mind..

I am not sure if it would have had anything to do with Anna going to Greece. I was however, stumped about the 'Italian Consulate' comment tho.

Hi Annasmom,

I don't think the hair dye has anything to do with taking Anna to Greece. I'm with SideKick, Italy interests me more. To take a blonde child out of the US, or any other country for that matter, into Italy may look strange if you were trying to pass them off as Italian, but once in Italy, it is not out of the ordinary to see blonde hair. Northern Italians do have blonde hair and even blue eyes. I have been to Italy and seen blonde haired, blue eyed Italians, myself.

My two countries of interest are Italy and Mexico.

I know I have asked this question before, but I don't think you have told me if either G dyed their hair. Did they?

Love and prayers

OzzieMum (Chris)
just my thought ..:
I said in another WBS forum #413, that it was and it is impossible that a child, without all right documents can be in Italy ... why to hide a child in a little country, as is Italy, when the America is so large? I believe that Anna remaining in the USA, and that, almost for first time of kidnapping, she was in California...
just my thought ..:
I said in another WBS forum #413, that it was and it is impossible that a child, without all right documents can be in Italy ... why to hide a child in a little country, as is Italy, when the America is so large? I believe that Anna remaining in the USA, and that, almost for first time of kidnapping, she was in California...
Hi, Raf. It is always good to hear from you. The only reason to consider Italy or Greece is that the Italian Consulate was mentioned in GW's papers and his last passport application mentioned travel to Europe and Greece. Of course it is possible to get a ferry from Italy to Igoumenitza on the west coast of Greece, where passports might not be scrutinized as carefully as they would be in Athens or Piraeus. And yet anything is possible and I have a lot of faith in your intuition, which has led to some amazing research.
Hi Annasmom, my thoughts are always on Anna search, and I'm searching, following my intuition, and I'm pretty sure that GB was GWB.. I'm collecting and searching any info possible on GWB because, knowing the man, it is very possible that almost in the first time of Anna abduction, well Anna was with some friend, or relative or so of GWB.. the italian consulate mentioned in booklet second my thought is because GB thinked, that after GW death, cashing the GW insurance, well the Italy was a good place for to him life end... as you know GWb had some relative of italian heritage... however now I'm collecting any data and I hope of to find some new input... hugs, raf
Hi Raf,

Could you please tell me what thread your info on Anna being taken to California is. I would very much like to read your thoughts and ideas are on this. Like everyone else on here, I admire the research you do. The link you have to post #413 took me to the Sodder children (I have read a lot about them too).

Hi Ozziemum,
you can read my thoughts, here
starting from #633
it are my suggestions, but I'm pretty sure that GB is GWB... anyone here searched who was GB, and me too, and I have a very good knowdlege abt the Anna abduction... so before of #633 I found a very interesting article of 1941 year by Oakland Tribune, that it was very helpful for our search... as a well I found abt Margaret Kukoda...
I made a true deep search, and following my thoughts abt GB, understanding him behavior, I say that GB (GWB) was a man that wanted to have the power on every situation, and it is very presumable that it was so also abt Anna abduction... the power on ever situation, meaning that he wanted to have ever thing near, so near because he could manipulate the situation, almost initially... In Anna abduction it is very presumable that Anna was hidden in some area of California; why? because was more easy ... knowing that GB was a old man closed in the hotels, not travelling more, and that GW working also and he had no much free time for to travel... it is unthinkable that a father and the companion, involved in the daughter abduction, especially in the first days of abduction and knowing that they was suspected from police, well they making a false step as to go very far from own residence... and a Anna hiding place, very far, it was not a easy situation ... GB did not know as the police and Annasmom would have tried Anna, and what will be the evolution case... and I believe that GB arranged Anna in some place no much far, so for any problem, it could be more easy to resolve it...
GB/GWB always back in California, and he had a feeling for the California... and if I'm not wrong, GB/GWB arranged Anna in some place and with californian people ( maybe related in some way to GWB or only friend), almost in the first time of Anna abduction... and when GB and GW after Anna abduction, was for abt 1 week not in the Hotel, and nobody knew where they was, let me think that in this week(abt) they arranged completely the Anna ..

it are my thoughts, obviously, but frankly, I think that having good knowdlege( but we can only to presume) of GB/GWB maybe will have a possibility for to search better Anna...
To search a missing person, in confusionary way, it does not offer good results...
for a similar and complicate abduction, it need of to start from who, we think, it was involved in the abduction...
and all here we think that it was GB... I know that the police said that was not a family abduction, but I believe that the police had not idea of who was GB, who was really GB, and it is strange also that the police had not assessed the true identity of GB...
best regards,
i find myself, re posting things, that has already been posted, a year ago!
as i read save time, is there anything in this thread, that was not identified, or any thing regarding those letters that were posted, you seek clarification on.
Were these two George's homosexual lovers? Does anyone here have a clue?
Things I found for ISR

-Travel; abbreviation for Israel
-ISR Medical Association, aka IMA- Israel Medical Association
-Prescription drug 'isradipine' - used to treat high blood pressure among others which appear too new for the time GW mentioned ISR

Do any of these make sense to those closest to the investigation?

I,m not sure if this was a term that was used back then but I found this and thought it might be worth putting out there. ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance).
"Call APHA re ISR"

Could refer to The American Pulbic Health Association (APHA) and the Institute for Social Research (ISR). This could simply be a "work" related note.
"Call APHA re ISR"

Could refer to The American Pulbic Health Association (APHA) and the Institute for Social Research (ISR). This could simply be a "work" related note.

Good thoughts Pink. Do you know how long these organizations have been in existance? where they in 72/73? thanks!
"Call APHA re ISR"

Could refer to The American Pulbic Health Association (APHA) and the Institute for Social Research (ISR). This could simply be a "work" related note.

I agree the APHA and ISR is the organizations you listed here and are probably "work" related.

To answer Cubby's question, yes, I believe these organizations have been around a long time before 1973.
Do you recall anything GB said about his love life?
He claimed that both women and men were attracted to him and discussed the physical details of his relationships with women in conversation with GW. If you have seen his photographs, you may judge for yourself how "irresistible" he was.
He claimed that both women and men were attracted to him and discussed the physical details of his relationships with women in conversation with GW. If you have seen his photographs, you may judge for yourself how "irresistible" he was.

Yeah, he's my dream man. LOL :sick:
Yeah, he's my dream man. LOL :sick:

Well, I admit, I got quite the chuckle out that one! Thankyou, my husband looked me like.... uhmmm!

Funny that GB thought that of himself, Mr. Natural maybe? Haha, do you recall when GW's mentioned something about Mr. Natural and list an item he was going to purchase for him?

What a dreamer, but I wonder if that would have anything to do with WHO he was.....?

I'm trying to think of an example, certainly not a gigalo.... maybe just involved in his own narcissism a little too much.
Well, I admit, I got quite the chuckle out that one! Thankyou, my husband looked me like.... uhmmm!

Funny that GB thought that of himself, Mr. Natural maybe? Haha, do you recall when GW's mentioned something about Mr. Natural and list an item he was going to purchase for him?

What a dreamer, but I wonder if that would have anything to do with WHO he was.....?

I'm trying to think of an example, certainly not a gigalo.... maybe just involved in his own narcissism a little too much.
I remember something the hotel desk clerk said about how many hats GB had, and earlier this week I read an article about the only men's hat shop in San Francisco, how it had been sold to two young women who planned to keep it going. Of course I didn't save the article, though I thought at the time that we should look into that, because the irresistible Mr. Natural may well have bought some of those hats from that shop. Doubtful that the new owners would have records from the seventies, however.
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