The British Royal Family - news, views, clothes & shoes! #7

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I'm going to London later this year, I've seen Buckingham Palace, any other suggestions?

I saw Phantom of the Opera in London at what I think was called the Royal Theater. It's been some time since I went, so someone can correct me if that is not what it's called. If you like going to the theater, it is an awesome experience.
I saw Phantom of the Opera in London at what I think was called the Royal Theater. It's been some time since I went, so someone can correct me if that is not what it's called. If you like going to the theater, it is an awesome experience.

I was going to suggest theatre, too, subject to what's showing and ticket availability. DH and I made arrangements months in advance to see Amadeus at the Old Vic. David Suchet, whom we knew from PBS Hercules Poirot series, starred as Mozart's nemesis Antonio Salieri. Truly memorable :)
I'm going to London later this year, I've seen Buckingham Palace, any other suggestions?

You can get cheaper tickets to a play. There is a site that lists activities and prices if you google. I have a friend going to England and I emailed her the site but forget what terms I used to find it.

I would go o a double decker tour. You see the city and hear some history. Then you can decide what you want to look at.

For me, the British Museum. It is free.

The wax museum, See the Royals, the Beatles.

The Tower of London. But get the recording rather than go with Beefeaters. Hard to understand and so many people.If you want to see the big diamond, go right away when it opens in the AM.

We liked Covent garden with all of the street performers.

Harrod’s was a disappointment as was Stonehenge.

Buckingham Palace from the outside was disappointing as well.

If like gardens, Kew gardens,

There is the London Eye but I don’t like heights. Went to Greenwich just to say was on the timeline. Not exciting.

Went to Portobello market. Lots of stuff for sale.

Did not take a trip down the Thames. Went to the museum with clothes. I forget what it is called. Did not go to the portrait museum, Too many museums. Favorite is the British Museum,

Speakers corner. Parliament is breathtaking.

So much to see.

When we were in the subway ( that is what they call a street that goes underground . The tube is what they call what we call the subway) on the way to the Tower of London, we were talking to a young man who was selling trinkets. We asked about the Tower.

He said that he had never been. We expressed surprise . We said there is so much history.

He said, “History history history. All there is is history.”
I know you were, so was I!

I'm planning to visit Conwy Castle, it just looks like a PROPER castle

View attachment 193517

Aside from being touristy and visiting Buckingham Palace, this thread is the most Royal thing I've ever done! I saw the Queen once in the 1980's, when she landed at a local RAF base and my mum took us to watch and wave.

Oh what a castle!!! Please give us updates and pics if possible when you go!!

I’m so jealous

I’m going to Washington DC on the weekend of August 8, does that count at all? Hahahaha
Oh what a castle!!! Please give us updates and pics if possible when you go!!

I’m so jealous

I’m going to Washington DC on the weekend of August 8, does that count at all? Hahahaha

Of course it counts! We were there for two days in November. We only had time for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Museum of the American Indian...both well worth it. We also walked about half the Mall and past the White House.

You could visit the Smithsonian “castle” on the Mall to get your castle fix.:)
Smithsonian Institution Building (The Castle)
I saw Phantom of the Opera in London at what I think was called the Royal Theater. It's been some time since I went, so someone can correct me if that is not what it's called. If you like going to the theater, it is an awesome experience.
Absolutely love Phantom, definitely going to try fit that in.
Of course it counts! We were there for two days in November. We only had time for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the National Museum of the American Indian...both well worth it. We also walked about half the Mall and past the White House.

You could visit the Smithsonian “castle” on the Mall to get your castle fix.:)
Smithsonian Institution Building (The Castle)

YES!! Good idea!

I haven’t been to the Smithsonian since I was a child.

I was born in Baltimore and lived in between Annapolis and Baltimore til I was 9. All my family is still living there. My youngest hasn’t been to DC yet so I am very excited to be able to take her!

You know how they say sometimes that a place looks larger in pictures then when you actually go looks so much smaller in person? (That’s how I felt about times square when I finally got to see it in person personally) Washington DC always to me is the complete looks smaller in pictures!

Washington DC it is absolutely huge and beautiful! pictures really do not do it justice
You have to be reasonable. They may have other things they cannot change.

No mater if Kate and Meghan beg, do not go clothes shopping with them. It would be hard to turn down their suggestions for what looks atteactive,
I refuse to be reasonable when it comes to my demands of the royal family. If ANYONE wants me to go clothes shopping with them, I will do so at the drop of a hat!
Hi, my princess': Lip reader reveals Beyoncé's gushing greeting to Meghan when they met for the first time at the Lion King premiere

Lip reader reveals Beyoncé's gushing greeting to Meghan as they met for first time | Daily Mail Online

It is a bit inappropriate Beyonce calling The Duchess “My Princess” when meeting her for the first time. Her official title is Her Royal Highness Duchess of Sussex and that is how Beyonce should have addressed her.

I doubt Meghan was offended by the lapse though. I think it would be very difficult for someone from the States to get used to being called by an elevating title, let alone be upset if someone didn’t use the right one. Our spoken greetings to authority figures, except for clerics, don’t include words that elevate that person above others (like majesty and highness) so it’s a foreign concept. I’ve often wondered if the younger Royals privately think it’s all a bit much.

Official Forms of Address - The Emily Post Institute, Inc.

How to Address Catholic Clergy
Suggestions for London.. we went in late October 2016
Tower of London
London Eye at night
Westminster Abbey - breathtaking
British Museum
Windsor Castle
Buckingham Palace Changing of the Guard
Double Decker Bus Tour - twice
Pickadilly Circus..M&M Store was on my husband's list
Greenwich with the Boat Tour down the Thames was interesting
Making of Harry Potter Studio in Leavesden - 20 minute train ride from London

We only had 4 full days. Buckingham Palace was disappointing to not be able to see the Changing of the Guard Ceremony from where we were but it was exciting to be there. Could of spent all 4 days in the British Museum..only had enough time to see the Egyptian Exhibit, I would love to go back to London for two weeks just to properly tour the museum. Windsor Castle was a great tour and was able to see the St. George's Chapel. Also at Windsor, Queen Mary's Dollhouse is fascinating. If you are a Harry Potter fan..touring the studio is worth the train ride and $.. my 21 yr old son and my husband thought that was the best part of our trip to London. I am not a huge fan so didn't think it was as interesting as the other sites.
MM has really aged in the past year. Hard to believe that she is still in her 30's. I know when I was under extreme stress around her age, it really aged me. I wish M would stay home and enjoy her baby. Her outfits are horrible. Stay home and take your baby to the gardens and enjoy Mother Nature. Come back in a few months. The stress is showing and having a newborn baby is stressful. M, you will NEVER regret the time with your baby, Hollywood can wait - it is not going anyplace.

MM, I am still available to be your stylist. The exercise bun has got to go.
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