The camera - is it possible for it to go off on its own?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Late to the courtroom today.

Why is this picture important? Jodi has admitted she killed him. They can't make out who is in the picture.

What does this prove or disprove?

Thanks in advance.

There is another picture on this website that is a close up of Travis Alexanders eye, and it looks much more clear than this one, and it is a bit different then what this expert on TV has outlined. In the picture on this website, you can clearly see Ariass' arms, the right one taking the pic, and the left one hanging more by her side with her hand out of view. You can even tell she is wearing a a tank top! The expert who is on TV right now has outlined her with both arms up. Did anyone else see this? You can find the pic on the sequence of events part two thread when you click on the attachments icon.

Hey all, I thought JA was suppose to be kneeling when she took this photo...that would wipe out what Nurmi was saying that this proves JA wasn't lying, wouldn't it? It doesn't appear that someone is kneeling in this picture (two legs). What do you all think?
I have always been of the opinion that Jodi was taking those shower pics unknown to Travis when she dropped the camera and that alerted him to her presence. No doubt he would be furious at this huge invasion of privacy, stalking and taking pics of a private moment.

ETA: But I looked at the time stamps and the pic of him sitting in the shower was after the "face" pic and then came the "ceiling pic". So I was wrong
So, I was just wondering if this picture is even possible from ground level. Has anyone tested that if that camera hit the floor it could even take a picture like this? It looks as though it was taken from about waist level. What does anyone else think?
I am new to Web Sleuths, and am still figuring out the site and how to post pictures and such. The picture I am referring to is the one that is aimed at the light and ceiling right above the shower stall.

It's not possible for the picture to have been created as Jodi said. If they were reviewing the pictures together, then the camera would be in review mode with the lens facing the bathtub or toilet room. so if she dropped it while the lens was facing the opposite way, the camera would have to bounce, flip out of review mode, somehow upright itself in the air and snap the photo on its own.

Otherwise, it could have hit the ground and had to roll onto its button, which would have taken a picture of Jodi's lower body--given that it snapped itself out of review mode first.

If she had accidentally hit the button before it fell, same results because the lens was not facing her, Travis or the shower. It was facing the bathtub, the bathmat or the toilet room.

I could imagine that it would have taken a picture of the floor as the lens fell on the mat. The lens would have hit the mat if it fell in the manner Jodi said--or it would have landed on the top button, but the camera would be upside down, and the picture was not taken upside down.
There is another picture on this website that is a close up of Travis Alexanders eye, and it looks much more clear than this one, and it is a bit different then what this expert on TV has outlined. In the picture on this website, you can clearly see Ariass' arms, the right one taking the pic, and the left one hanging more by her side with her hand out of view. You can even tell she is wearing a a tank top! The expert who is on TV right now has outlined her with both arms up. Did anyone else see this? You can find the pic on the sequence of events part two thread when you click on the attachments icon.

I don't believe this for a minute.
IIRC, There was testimony by an expert that the camera was about 3 ft from the floor when that ceiling pic was taken.
Yeah, and on the stand, she acted as if that camera had been hopping around in her hand like a hot potato before she "dropped" it.

She had to do quite some juggling to cause that picture happen the way she described.
I have made some progress on one of the pics (5:33:32), last night I swapped the colors and some details became more evident, you can see fingers/fingernails and the metal end of what may be the knife or the gun (although the stolen gun is supposed to be black and this metal is clearly silver). Anyways, anyone want to help sleuth the pics some more?


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Can you tell if the camera takes a photo on timer instead of spontaneous? The reason I'm asking is because IMO Jodi took those naked pictures of herself for his camera.

Is i possible the camera was still on auto?

These are extremely amateur questions, because I know nothing about photography. Has anyone ever seen photos taken by the supposed professional photographer Jodi?
The expression on her face in the nudie pics for that day have a rushed look- like "I've got to hurry up and do this now." This always made me kinda think she staged those pics. Maybe for her blackmail game- the pics of Travis look like she took it from the background, as though she weren't in front but coming from the side or another angle to "surprise" him. She could have said she deleted it or she didn't really take that pic. They probably had sex and then she left and came back. She snuck up on him and took the pics like before, but had weapons. I think after the face pic, she pulled the gun out and he slapped it away and the camera fell and snapped that pic. Just a guess.
Can you tell if the camera takes a photo on timer instead of spontaneous? The reason I'm asking is because IMO Jodi took those naked pictures of herself for his camera.

Is i possible the camera was still on auto?

These are extremely amateur questions, because I know nothing about photography. Has anyone ever seen photos taken by the supposed professional photographer Jodi?

Melendez could only recover thumbnail images of all the nude pics and I don't know if some or any of the EXIF data is contained within a thumbnail image, and that data tells them if a remote device was used, if it was on auto, the time stamp, what kind of camera took the pic, now it even has where the picture was taken (using gps).

Because of what seems to be superimposed images on the 'shoulder' (5:32:16) pic, I do think the camera was in auto and snapped several pics and the washing superimposed them, or the camera got wet by all the water in the bathroom, but there are more images than one on the 5:32:16 pic.
I've wondered if the sequence of photo and time stamps maybe altered through Photoshop?
A person could always change the camera's clock to any desired date and time, then take a picture with that date and time recorded.

That's why you might need a witness or some other method to corroborate the accuracy of the clock before you can even worry about the possibility that the date/time stamp was edited after the picture had been snapped.

In the Arias case we know the date is correct because pictures of the murder have the date of the murder in the EXIF. And presumably the defense never challenged the time stamps because the times are believable and she didn't have enough time to mess with them even if possible in theory.

As far as editing, all I know is that many programs can read the date and time from the EXIF with no problem, but I haven't run across software that changes those values. Even if you could, it would then be easy to demonstrate the time stamp in the EXIF does not match the time stamp recorded in the file system.
Not sure if this is correct place for my comments. The “face shot” is definitely taken through the glass shower door. Pretty much straight on.

The pix of TA’s lower torso, however, appears to be taken with the door open (although, given we don’t have the actual pix, it’s a little hard to tell). My vote is this shot was taken after the face picture, after the shower door was opened.

And about that lower torso pix … Notice how his legs are crossed, protecting his genitalia? And his body is somewhat curled away from the camera? Notice his arms are not visible, apparently raised?

TA is not relaxed in this shot. In fact, it appears he is beginning to shield his body.

His legs are not crossed. I thought that also, but it has been pointed out that it his entire right leg bent at the knee ... you can see his right foot at the end. It took me awhile to see that also.
I don't believe the "consensual" photo shoot story at all. I believe JA forced TA in some way to pose for the pictures. I just don't think TA would have consented to having shower photos taken. And I don't necessarily believe the story about them having a marathon sex session that day either. I believe all of this was staged and TA was forced in some way to pose for the pics. He was done with her at that point, no? I can't see him having a sexual marathon with her days before he was to go to Cancun with Mimi. And the pic of him, naked on the bed, shows that he was not sexually aroused during the that because he was being forced to pose??

I disagree, they had sex. He was posing for the shower pics and no one forced him to have sex. Their whole relationship was all about sex, at least the last year of it.

He let her in his house and the sex and pictures were taken willingly.
Wasn't her hair color in the pic JM showed of her with her sister the same brown color as it is in the nudie shots? I too was thinking she either copied the pics onto the memory stick or took pics of pics. I'm not convinced at all that those nudie pics were taken the same day, and am even less convinced they had sex that day. The chances of a man sending a text like he did on 5-25 or 5-26 and less than two weeks later have a big sex and picture taking party with 'the worst thing that ever happened to me'? I don't think so.

Yep, he did have sex with her on that day June 4th. When i say that Travis played too many games and that is why he is dead, is because of what you have wrote.

He allowed a very dangerous woman into his home and had sex with her. Knowing that she was not all there, but he was too immature to say no to her.

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