The Charges Against Jesse Leroy Matthew

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I don't know where to put this because it's discussed in all of these threads so I'll post it here too if its off topic somewhere please just delete...
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I found this interesting and it does answer some questions we've had here, apparently that sketch was also used in the MH case, not just the Fairfax case. Which would make clear to me that they are thought to be one and the same. In which they are linked by DNA
With MH, it was five months before DNA came back (from her shirt). At the time they announced the "forensic link" to MH, they had had JM's DNA for five days . . .

"Why eight months?
Why did it take so long to get a DNA match? Geller has long said DNA testing can take up to six months for the overburdened Virginia state crime lab to complete, even in a high profile case like Morgan Harrington's. She declines to say exactly when police received the results or even what type of forensic evidence was tested.

Ralph Barfield, a retired Charlottesville police sergeant and founder of Blue Ridge Forensic Services, doesn't doubt her explanation. . .

Please quit saying this. Morgan disappeared in 2009. DNA technology has advanced since then. We now have Rapid DNA and buccol swabs can be run in 90 minutes. Rapid Hit200 was released in 2012.

The RapidHIT 200 System provides actionable intelligence by automating and accelerating the process of producing standardized DNA profiles from cheek swabs in about 90 minutes. This is compared to a process that currently takes up to eight instruments and at least a day in a specialized lab, with results typically returned to police in weeks to months.

Q. How long does it take to run samples?

A. Run time is less than 90 minutes. Approximately 36 minutes for sample processing and STR amplification, 39 minutes for separations and detection, and four minutes for electrophoretogram analysis and reporting.

The Virginia Crime Lab likely didn't run JM's DNA. He was swabbed in Texas and he was arrested on a federal warrant.

We don't know where the DNA from Morgan's case came from. It could have just as likely came from her body as from her shirt. We know LE says her assailant revisted the crime scene. Without being graphic, killers of this nature often leave their DNA when they revist. . .so his wouldn't have been 3 months old. ;)
I couldn't disagree more. My comments in blue. . .

<snipped for space> This highlights one of the things I have trouble with in JM being a serial killer. Despite the clear similarities in MH and HG, there seems to be very little the same other than a vulnerable girl with similar general looks (both tall, slender blondes but look nothing alike).Not all victims of serial killers are "the same." We know the Fairfax rape victim and Morgan are linked via DNA. The Fairfax victim is Pakistani. . .so? Not all serial killers leave signatures but I see that going on with MH but why not HG? We don't know if HG's killer left signatures. LE hasn't found her yet. Looking at MH:

Body left purposely in un mown hay field that can be accessed only on a 4x4. Did JM carry her in? Maybe. Maybe he made her walk in on her own. Maybe she got out and ran and he chased her. Don't think his taxi would have made it in.

A distinct, expensive Svarofski crystal necklace was taken off of HM and has yet to be recovered. The perp did leave a distinctive gold bracelet found with her remains. So where is JM hiding said necklace? He could have thrown it in the river, tossed it in the trash or maybe he keeps it in a creepy little box in grandma's garage. Not finding the necklace hardly exonerates JM.

Police brush off the Pantera tee shirt. I think it was a signature or F you to a lot of people. It is brazenly displayed and not far from where a witness (again discounted by LE) swears she saw HM at 3:45 am after she supposedly disappeared at around 9:30 near the arena. Her cell phone and purse found in overflow lot near arena. It's not uncommon for serial killers to dump their victim's belongings someplace other than where they put the body. Klunder dumped the backpacks not at the crime scene and not where he put Kathlynn but another place entirely. Whoever did this to HM knows the area super well. He started on campus, knows back roads, knows the campus.Exactly! Interestingly HG's last text message is sent near where the shirt was found I don't think we ever learned where that text was sent from. What we do know is it wasn't sent from 14th and Wertland and there were at least two sexual assaults a block or so from same area while JM was in Texas or on way back to VA. No, the assaults were early morning on 9/14 and the other was on 9/15. JM didn't take off until after 9/20. Police say unrelated but they also said that shirt was of no significance. JM does know the area well and fits the profile for location and victim selection, but in my opinion it ends there for me.

I don't see JM as someone saving a necklace as a trophy, or brazenly displaying his victim's shirt for all the world to see. I am shocked LE does not see that as signifcant. He is batting us over the head with it. It did not just slip off of her or get dropped like a cell phone. It had to be taken off her body. The killer takes souvenirs. Does JM have a stash of those buried somewhere or were they hidden in his closet? I highly doubt it.Why do you doubt it? Because I believe that it is highly likely. IMO, JM does not come close to fitting that profile. He just seems like he would be happy to get laid even if he had to find a girl who might pass out or rough her up to convince her.Uh. . .I don't even know what to say to that. I see it ending there. There are lots of frat boys who act like JM according to Coy Barefoot, but happen to do it every weekend in groups. JM is not a frat boy. He's a 32yr old loner with below average intelligence (allegedly) who has worked several low paying jobs. And he recently just went through a break up with his girlfriend of 4 yrs. I think he's the classic profile! They just don't get hauled in by the police and tagged as a suspect because they were seen on video with her.You're right. They don't. There has to be probable cause for a search and then probable cause for an arrest. It is documented that HG was at a party with a young man who offered to walk her home. What is his alibi? Witnesses saw them together. What is his story? How do we know she was not slipped some sort of drug at a party? She was unsteady and disoriented before she met up with JM on the mall. Key words being "before she met up with JM on the mall." He was the last one to be seen with her before she disappeared of the face of the planet. What's his alibi? What's his story?

Yes, Hannah's cell phone is missing but given the magnitude of the search if it were dumped someone would have spotted it.Since it's an iphone it probably went in the river. There is also some mystery surrounding her last text. She was not physically in location she told her friends. Who sent that message. Again, it doesn't fit JM in my opinion.Why? He is all about getting laid, the person abducting and/or raping then murdering young women, collecting trophies, and displaying them is someone else entirely, I think.The cases from Liberty and CNU say otherwise. JM was singled out because he was caught on video trying to hook up with a drunk girl who went missing, because LE doesn't have anything better to do than single out innocent rapists who won't talk to them and then flees the state? jump to HM, skip over to the Fairfax rapist DNA connected to HM who happens to be black. and looks just like JM This is all LE has to go on it appears to me. Kinda explains why they can find no trace of Hannah after nearly a month of intensive searching. I'm going to assume you haven't followed many cases if you think LE not fidning someone in under a month is unusual. They are barking up the wrong tree. JM can tell that to the judge, but I don't think the jury will buy it. MOO
Please quit saying this. Morgan disappeared in 2009. DNA technology has advanced since then. We now have Rapid DNA and buccol swabs can be run in 90 minutes. Rapid Hit200 was released in 2012.

The Virginia Crime Lab likely didn't run JM's DNA. He was swabbed in Texas and he was arrested on a federal warrant.

We don't know where the DNA from Morgan's case came from. It could have just as likely came from her body as from her shirt. We know LE says her assailant revisted the crime scene. Without being graphic, killers of this nature often leave their DNA when they revist. . .so his wouldn't have been 3 months old. ;)

IMO, it was obvious from the VSP statement the "forensic link" to Morgan was JLM's DNA. Comments by Dr. Harrington confirmed that for me. We also know DNA links Morgan to the Fairfax victim. We know he's been accused of (at least) 2 other rapes. So IMO what we have is a serial rapist who has graduated into a serial killer.

I believe before the clock winds down on his charge of abduction in Hannah's case, we're going to see charges of abduction, rape and murder in Morgan's. I doubt he'll be charged with the Fairfax rape, but either way he's going nowhere.
I didn't catch Coy's report that day. Who said the evidence was voluminous? Was it Coy himself, JM's lawyer, or LE?

Coy Barefoots podcast from 10/8 is at the link below. Coy didnt name his source and doesnt have to as a journalist since hes protected under the 1st Amendment.

IMO it was probably a member of LE or someone else intimately involved in the case.

Start at the 33:30 mark and listen from there. The statement about the voluminous amount of evidence from an unnamed source is at 36:52.
IMO, it was obvious from the VSP statement the "forensic link" to Morgan was JLM's DNA. Comments by Dr. Harrington confirmed that for me. We also know DNA links Morgan to the Fairfax victim. We know he's been accused of (at least) 2 other rapes. So IMO what we have is a serial rapist who has graduated into a serial killer.

I believe before the clock winds down on his charge of abduction in Hannah's case, we're going to see charges of abduction, rape and murder in Morgan's. I doubt he'll be charged with the Fairfax rape, but either way he's going nowhere.

If his DNA is a match, and the victim of the Fairfax assault can identify him why wouldn't he be charged?
If his DNA is a match, and the victim of the Fairfax assault can identify him why wouldn't he be charged?

I have seen other cases where the perp has a charge and then when they go to some hearing, the charges go sky high.

They are probably getting the ducks in a row. Who knows. They may be in Skype conference with the Fairfax victim right this second
The Fairfax victim HAS LEFT the United States, highly unlikely (IMO) she'll return.

If his DNA is a match, and the victim of the Fairfax assault can identify him why wouldn't he be charged?
I read an article that a neighbor said the woman had moved in with family. Do you have a link that she left the country?
If his DNA is a match, and the victim of the Fairfax assault can identify him why wouldn't he be charged?

He could be, but I just doubt that will happen. Why make her relive that horror when they will have him on murder? He's never seeing the light of day again, IMO.
He could be, but I just doubt that will happen. Why make her relive that horror when they will have him on murder? He's never seeing the light of day again, IMO.

Sounds if she was one tough person though.

Maybe she would love to help nail him.
Since JLM has been arrested for the abduction with intent to defile charge is there a time frame for LE to add other charges against him? How about for other crimes? I think I know the answer for other crimes because murder does not have limitation statutes. I guess my question is, will LE announce additional charges before the Dec 4th hearing because they have to according to Va law?
Since JLM has been arrested for the abduction with intent to defile charge is there a time frame for LE to add other charges against him? How about for other crimes? I think I know the answer for other crimes because murder does not have limitation statutes. I guess my question is, will LE announce additional charges before the Dec 4th hearing because they have to according to Va law?
LE has been quoted as saying there is no need to rush the investigation.
In addition Morgan's parents have stated that the VA State Police are very closed mouth with their cases.
When they release information it is on a need to know basis.
Please quit saying this. Morgan disappeared in 2009. DNA technology has advanced since then. We now have Rapid DNA and buccol swabs can be run in 90 minutes. Rapid Hit200 was released in 2012.

The Virginia Crime Lab likely didn't run JM's DNA. He was swabbed in Texas and he was arrested on a federal warrant.

We don't know where the DNA from Morgan's case came from. It could have just as likely came from her body as from her shirt. We know LE says her assailant revisted the crime scene. Without being graphic, killers of this nature often leave their DNA when they revist. . .so his wouldn't have been 3 months old. ;)

He was arrested on a warrant issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia


And was swabbed in Virginia and
Since JLM has been arrested for the abduction with intent to defile charge is there a time frame for LE to add other charges against him? How about for other crimes? I think I know the answer for other crimes because murder does not have limitation statutes. I guess my question is, will LE announce additional charges before the Dec 4th hearing because they have to according to Va law?

There is no statute of limitations on felonies in VA except in a few specific cases. Rape isn't one of them.
He was arrested on a warrant issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia

And was swabbed in Virginia and

That arrest on a violent felony charge gave police authority under state law to take a cheek swab without Matthew's consent after he was returned late Friday to Virginia, where he is being held without bond in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail.

The FBI also had the authority to take a sample when he was arrested in Texas.
The FBI also had the authority to take a sample when he was arrested in Texas.

Not unless they were doing it at the request of the CPD or the VSP and then it would only be on behalf of the requesting agency. The FBI has no explicit jurisdiction in this situation.
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