The Charges Against Jesse Leroy Matthew

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Not just a Memphis, TN problem, Priester...

DETROIT (WXYZ) - "I was in shock. I was outraged and I just assumed kits were being tested," said actress Mariska Hargitay about the thousands of rape kits in Detroit and across the country that have been left sitting in storage without being processed, allowing rapists to remain free to attack again. And they often do.

Over 11,000 sexual assault kits, some dating back to the 1980's, were found abandoned in a Detroit Police storage facility back in 2009.
<sniped - read more>
And people seriously wonder why some women don't go to LE when they are raped.
I am sort of wondering why LE announced the link with Morgan, if not ready to charge him with anything to do with her death yet. Also wondering if they hope to find Hannah soon, partially in hopes of trying him for both together, as these trials cost the counties millions. Also not sure it is a good idea for Longo to be saying Hannah might still be alive, as that pretty much tells the defense they can't prove JM murdered her. No reason for JM to cooperate, if the can't prove she is dead. All in all, not sure about how this has all been handled so far...but jmo.
I am sort of wondering why LE announced the link with Morgan, if not ready to charge him with anything to do with her death yet. Also wondering if they hope to find Hannah soon, partially in hopes of trying him for both together, as these trials cost the counties millions. Also not sure it is a good idea for Longo to be saying Hannah might still be alive, as that pretty much tells the defense they can't prove JM murdered her. No reason for JM to cooperate, if the can't prove she is dead. All in all, not sure about how this has all been handled so far...but jmo.

I think they can't.say she's possibly dead because they haven't found a stitch of evidence. With Alexis Murphy, they saw enough blood to infer that she would not be able to survive with such blood loss. With HG, they have zero evidence. He can't be charged with murder, but they do have enough to charge him with the Abduction w intent to defile, which is a start, and at the very least (which is huge) enough to hold him him behind bars. I don't know what kind of jail sentencing comes with that sole accusation, does anyone?

I think they will go forward and charge him on MH once the HG case is more solid. I truly hope they find something tomorrow. This has gone on long enough. Her poor parents. Gil Harrington said the "missing" part was the absolute worst for them. I can imagine that.
I just really want this girl found, preferably alive...
I think they can't.say she's possibly dead because they haven't found a stitch of evidence. With Alexis Murphy, they saw enough blood to infer that she would not be able to survive with such blood loss. With HG, they have zero evidence. He can't be charged with murder, but they do have enough to charge him with the Abduction w intent to defile, which is a start, and at the very least (which is huge) enough to hold him him behind bars. I don't know what kind of jail sentencing comes with that sole accusation, does anyone?

I think they will go forward and charge him on MH once the HG case is more solid. I truly hope they find something tomorrow. This has gone on long enough. Her poor parents. Gil Harrington said the "missing" part was the absolute worst for them. I can imagine that.
I just really want this girl found, preferably alive...

Well they had enough to charge him with abduction and intent to defile, but we don't know that it is enough to convict him, since we don't know what they have. I think it could be difficult, if she is never found, to get convictions, unless what they have is rock-solid. They may have thought she would be found before it comes to court. But he may have learned, if he killed Morgan, not to leave a body where eventually, someone will find it. I doubt he used private land again, for example, and he may even have buried Hannah. Obviously, they did not find signs of a major crime against her, or Longo presumably wouldn't be saying what he is saying. I hope he is not leading her parents on, although of course they have to have hope that she could be alive. Personally, I don't see how. I think JM operates alone and then slips right back into his daily routine.
I am sort of wondering why LE announced the link with Morgan, if not ready to charge him with anything to do with her death yet. Also wondering if they hope to find Hannah soon, partially in hopes of trying him for both together, as these trials cost the counties millions. Also not sure it is a good idea for Longo to be saying Hannah might still be alive, as that pretty much tells the defense they can't prove JM murdered her. No reason for JM to cooperate, if the can't prove she is dead. All in all, not sure about how this has all been handled so far...but jmo.

I thought it leaked? And then LE had no choice but to confirm.
There was no PC to announce it...It makes you wonder if LE did not want the info out (yet).
I thought it leaked? And then LE had no choice but to confirm.
There was no PC to announce it...It makes you wonder if LE did not want the info out (yet).

I am not sure how it became known. I think the DNA part was a leak from a "source" but not sure about the original "linked by forensics" got put.
There's a twitter hashtag #ididnotreport reading through the various reasons haven't reported is heartbreaking. Someway, somehow we need to change this. The VICTIM'S name should NOT be released! Let a jury decide if guilty or not. Men need to remember to not put themselves into a position they can't defend against a claim as well. Anyone drunk doesn't mean consent. yeah, I know, rape happens even in marriage, and many of us have had drunk sex that was consentual, but there's so many that are raped, and aren't given the support or the trust that they will be believed. For many it takes years to realize they were raped, and it wasn't their fault!! Some people will even think that no one will believe them because they were dating the person, or willingly drinking with them, or they didn't scream and run, etc. It's so many reasons why it's not reported, and some have stated they reported a rape, and nothing was done so why report the next one? Their stories are real, and it's just saddening, and maddening at the same time.
And people seriously wonder why some women don't go to LE when they are raped.

There are stats , and then there is who/what I know personally. Sadly, I'd say most do not report.
Fragile or Transient Evidence

- Hairs, fibers, glass, fractured objects

- Shoe and tire impressions

- Bare foot impressions (latent)

- Bare foot impressions (in blood)

- Fire accelerants (point of origin)

- Body fluids (blood, semen, saliva)

- Skin cells (items touched or worn)

- Latent fingerprints

- Gunshot residue and patterns

Solid or Tangible Evidence

- Toolmarks (focus on point of entry)

- Firearms

- Other weapons (knives, clubs, etc.)

- Fired bullets

- Fired cartridge cases

- Unfired cartridges

- Drugs and paraphernalia

- Documents (checks, notes, receipts)

- Computers and devices
There is absolutely no way he is going to get anything less than the maximum sentence. No jury is going to acquit a serial rapist/killer. It does not matter if we never hear about any more evidence or if he is never arrested for other cases...People are not going to want someone on the streets who could possibly be a threat to themselves or people they care about. The judge can say do not take it into consideration, but unless they get people on the jury who have no idea about the DNA match, it will be in their subconscious when they deliberate.
I am not sure how it became known. I think the DNA part was a leak from a "source" but not sure about the original "linked by forensics" got put.

I suspect foul play on le behalf. The leak was done on purpose to put pressure on jlm at the same time have option to backtrack. Unless hg's body is found case seems circumstantial.
Only once evidence is revealed will we be able to predict jlms fate in court

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We don't know what LE has on JM. He might well have a good chance of walking on these two charges and even get LE chastized and the DA fired for them being so trumped up with what is out there now. We have no idea what the DNA or forensic link is. IT could be very weak.

Though I personally believe that VA LE has caught a serial rapist/killer, without Hannah's body, it may be an uphill fight to get any charges to stick, much less result in conviction. There is a bar that has to be met for evidence to be so entered in court case. His behavior and the college cases aren't not likely to be considered prime evidence, if at all. I do believe it shows a pattern of behavior and will be admissable, but really without some strong stuff more than LE is sharing with us I don't see him necessarily getting convicted. We have no idea what the forensice link is to the MH case, none at all. With MH's remains being skeletal, according to reports, what DNA could they possibly have found on her after lying there out in the elements for 4 months? I'm interested in what was found and where. I think they found a match maybe on that shirt that was found near the stadium, not near MH's body, serious. JM, if placed in the area there at that time could have touched it and not MH. Yeah, I know, not likely on a reasonable basis, but if he weren't in the spotlight now in the Hannah Graham case, doubt that would have had him in trouble. And not a word has been said , has it about a link to that rape case that is DNA linked to MH's case? Or has it? No charges filed on either at this time, in any case.

Usually cops love to pile it on with charges. You get stopped for something, they find a beer with a little left in it, you ran a light, etc, etc, they can have you up to 6, 7 charges, some of them superfluous and a lawyer will usually sweep it down to a core charge which he will then try to have reduced. So that all they have on the table is the Reckless driving and Assault with intent to defile, (and probably some flight charges that I've yet to hear) is indicative that LE and the DA are moving very slowly and carefullly, or they don't have anything. Texas now has some charges regarding false info to police, but all of that is not the issue at all. If there weren't publicity on this case, if it weren't for Hannah being missing right now., I don't know what the risk is for JM. His lawyer has not said much at all. It seems to me he is waiting it out before speaking, and unless there is more evidence in LE's coffers, JM might walk. We don't know.

The FBI confirmed in 2012 that there was a DNA connection between Morgan and the Fairfax assault. So, I believe that the "forensic link" that has been spoken of recently is DNA. I also believe JM will be charged with capital murder in Morgan's case in the near future. This is just the beginning of a very complex investigation. Any/all evidence is currently under seal, and even JM lawyer has been denied access to it. Be patient. It will all come out eventually, and when it does I have little doubt JM will be facing the DP for Morgan at least.
gitana1 .... You are so valuable. I always enjoy the content of your posts!
What we have thus far:

1. JM was seen on CCTV walking around near where Hannah was last seen, around the time she was last seen.
2. JM was seen by a witness approaching Hannah, putting his arm around her waist and walking off with her.
3. Hannah appeared to be inebriated that night.
4. There is no evidence Hannah knew JM prior to the night she met him.
5. JM was the last person witnesses saw with Hannah before she disappeared.
6. JM subsequently refused to come forward when LE released video stills of him and asked for him to come forward.
7. After being identified, JM refused to speak to LE about Hannah.
8. JM went to the police station, but asked for a lawyer and refused to talk.
9. JM drove recklessly when tailed by the police, on the day he left the police station, causing police to stop their surveillance of him on that occasion.
10. JM was charged with reckless driving. He failed to turn himself in despite a warrant.
11. The court issued search warrants of JM’s car and home, after finding that there was probable cause for a search.
12. Forensic results based on what was recovered during the searches, were due back Tuesday.
13. LE has failed to state what the results were of the forensic testing done. However, forensic testing resulted in a warrant and a charge of abduction with intent to defile/rape, on the day the forensics were due back.
14. JM fled the jurisdiction, ending up in Galveston County TX, after the warrant for abduction was issued.
15. JM did not turn himself in but was spotted by a bystander, in TX, who called the police.
16. JM lied about his name when the police stopped him for questioning.
17. JM was accused of rape in 2002 in college. The police were involved. He was not charged. He was, however, expelled from college due to the allegation of rape.
18. JM has a criminal record. He was arrested and charged with trespassing, larceny and assault after accosting a motorist in 2009. The motorist agreed to drop the larceny and assault charges. JM was convicted of trespassing in 2010.

Did I miss anything?
Charlottesville hasn't had a death penalty case since 1905. It will be interesting to see who gets jurisdiction in all of this in the end. I would trust the competency of the Charlottesville Commonwealth Attorney far more than the one in Albemarle.
Question about a hypothetical scenario:

"If" they don't find Hannah's body before trial and "if" they don't feel they have enough evidence to charge him for murder without the body . . . Then he will go on trial for abduction with the intent to defile.

"If" he is acquitted for whatever reason and they later find her body with a lot more evidence, could he then be charged with murder?

I know you can't be retried for the same crime . . . Just curious if a different "charge" qualifies as a different crime or not since it's all tied to the same "incident."
Question about a hypothetical scenario:

"If" they don't find Hannah's body before trial and "if" they don't feel they have enough evidence to charge him for murder without the body . . . Then he will go on trial for abduction with the intent to defile.

"If" he is acquitted for whatever reason and they later find her body with a lot more evidence, could he then be charged with murder?

I know you can't be retried for the same crime . . . Just curious if a different "charge" qualifies as a different crime or not since it's all tied to the same "incident."

I want to know the answer to your question too. However, the prosecution might try to delay the trial as much as they can in the hopes they will find her before it starts. So it could be years away, and how much evidence will there left? Also, how can a jury convict him of murder when another jury acquitted him of abducting the same victim? Is the 2nd jury allowed to take into consideration the verdict of the 1st jury?
I want to know the answer to your question too. However, the prosecution might try to delay the trial as much as they can in the hopes they will find her before it starts. So it could be years away, and how much evidence will there left? Also, how can a jury convict him of murder when another jury acquitted him of abducting the same victim? Is the 2nd jury allowed to take into consideration the verdict of the 1st jury?

Good follow up questions/points to my original one. In my perfect world, she will be found quickly, all evidence will clearly point to the same place, and justice will be served with one trial.

However, given how easy it seems to be to hide women in that area, I think reality is that my perfect scenario is a long shot. :(
How long can they hold JM in jail without bringing any charges? And the December court date is for what exactly? From what I'm gathering in these threads, it looks like it is going to be a very protracted process.
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