The Crime Scene and Investigation

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So MS hasn't left either?

ETA/ Thanks for all the updates!! [emoji2]

No, their van is parked just b4 the driveway, so MS could not have seen them until he went to leave. He just stopped and sat there in the car...then backed the car up....sat there...then finally door down. Trent Kelley trying to ask him to respond to CWW news this morning. They're just sitting out front...waiting... and MS not coming back out.
So MS must not have seen the NBC2 van when he first went to venture out because he just opened the single bay garage door and was walking out with something in his hand...a staple gun. He realized the van was sitting there and hightailed it back in the garage and door back down. NBC2 is setting up now to do live report.

Please move if this is not in the right thread...I wasn't sure where to put, but thought the crime scene would be appropriate??
No, their van is parked just b4 the driveway, so MS could not have seen them until he went to leave. He just stopped and sat there in the car...then backed the car up....sat there...then finally door down. Trent Kelley trying to ask him to respond to CWW news this morning. They're just sitting out front...waiting... and MS not coming back out.

So MS must not have seen the NBC2 van when he first went to venture out because he just opened the single bay garage door and was walking out with something in his hand...a staple gun. He realized the van was sitting there and hightailed it back in the garage and door back down. NBC2 is setting up now to do live report.

Please move if this is not in the right thread...I wasn't sure where to put, but thought the crime scene would be appropriate??

So was he walking outside or walked out and then went back in the garage and got in the car? Sorry, I get confused easily.
I wonder when media crosses the line and it becomes harassment? Regardless of the guilt or innocence of their target, it does seem like harassment to me.

Since MS hasn't been named as complicit or the mastermind or anything other than a victim by LE, it just is so disgusting to keep pursuing it. It's been months and the only thing MS has said to the media is 'no comment'. Why think he'll say anything today.
I wonder when media crosses the line and it becomes harassment? Regardless of the guilt or innocence of their target, it does seem like harassment to me.

Since MS hasn't been named as complicit or the mastermind or anything other than a victim by LE, it just is so disgusting to keep pursuing it. It's been months and the only thing MS has said to the media is 'no comment'. Why think he'll say anything today.

This is not the first or last time media will attempt multiple times to get comments from relevant folks. I'm sorry but MS is not a victim here his wife TS is/WAS.

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This is not the first or last time media will attempt multiple times to get comments from relevant folks. I'm sorry but MS is not a victim here his wife TS is/WAS.

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So, TS children, mother, father, sisters and brothers aren't victims, either?

SMS did state that MS is a victim.

Harassment is harassment, no matter the reason behind it. Especially since there's nothing MS would say to the media that could change the case - it's just personal interest cr*p they're after. That's all I'm saying. :D
I know that in the Casey Anthony case the media parked their trucks across the street from the Anthony's and one station even put up two webcams for people to watch the coming and goings from the house. Of course in that case CA would trot right over and get another five minutes of tv time. So I do believe the media is within their legal rights to be there. Now if they were going onto his property continuesly and ringing the doorbell to me that would be harassment. I have no sympathy for MS and the media, but it does bother me that if the kids are in the house it must be effecting them.
Media is media...there are "no trespassing" signs posted in the yard, mailbox, etc... They are able to stand in the street and try to get an never know when/if MS decides to speak out. NBC-2 intended to do a "live" report from the scene of the crime, but I'm sure got there a little early just in case.

I'm not sure how to get the answer to this, but would it be best to "not" post when something is going on at the house...other than if it's a slew of LE?
Media is media...there are "no trespassing" signs posted in the yard, mailbox, etc... They are able to stand in the street and try to get an never know when/if MS decides to speak out. NBC-2 intended to do a "live" report from the scene of the crime, but I'm sure got there a little early just in case.

I'm not sure how to get the answer to this, but would it be best to "not" post when something is going on at the house...other than if it's a slew of LE?

Yeah, I have double standards. You are in a unique position and I totally have no problem with you reporting to us what's going on there, lol! You guys aren't staking out MS home and in his face asking the same ole' question. :D

I remember what happened with Casey Anthony's parents and how they were hounded and harassed. As much as I detest the mother, it really was a circus there. I know there are legal boundaries, X number of feet, not obstructing traffic. Neighbors can't love that.
Media is media...there are "no trespassing" signs posted in the yard, mailbox, etc... They are able to stand in the street and try to get an never know when/if MS decides to speak out. NBC-2 intended to do a "live" report from the scene of the crime, but I'm sure got there a little early just in case.

I'm not sure how to get the answer to this, but would it be best to "not" post when something is going on at the house...other than if it's a slew of LE?

I'm THRILLED Mckazpm that you fill us in the live details! Keep it up!
No, their van is parked just b4 the driveway, so MS could not have seen them until he went to leave. He just stopped and sat there in the car...then backed the car up....sat there...then finally door down. Trent Kelley trying to ask him to respond to CWW news this morning. They're just sitting out front...waiting... and MS not coming back out.

Hi. Thank you for sharing. I can't seem to locate where to find the news from this AM. Can anyone point me in the right direction? TIA!

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So MS must not have seen the NBC2 van when he first went to venture out because he just opened the single bay garage door and was walking out with something in his hand...a staple gun. He realized the van was sitting there and hightailed it back in the garage and door back down. NBC2 is setting up now to do live report.

Please move if this is not in the right thread...I wasn't sure where to put, but thought the crime scene would be appropriate??

Wonder what he was planning to do with the staple gun???
With Dr Sievers BD coming up tomorrow I was just reminiscent of where we started with this investigation and where we are now. I was rereading some of the earliest theories in this case and noticed a very simple thing: SMS was saying almost immediately, that Dr Sievers had been targeted and that therefore, the neighborhood was relatively safe.
Yes, he recommended to keep doors locked and else, just as a general safety procedure. They quickly knew it wasn't random. Why? Because the assailants had broken into the house, had killed their victim and had "covered their traces very well". They were prepared for the job they were doing from the very beginning. That's why they covered up so well. If they had broken into the house not knowing that Dr Sievers was just about to return home, they would have not planned to kill her and they would have not been able to "cover their traces well". Talking about premeditation..

Back to waiting.

The theory (in CWW charging document) that this was not premeditated holds significance to the fact that I believe that MS was directly involved and LE needs this cover for now- until he is arrested and charged. If MS isn't involved I will eat my mouse pad- I'm serious.
The theory (in CWW charging document) that this was not premeditated holds significance to the fact that I believe that MS was directly involved and LE needs this cover for now- until he is arrested and charged. If MS isn't involved I will eat my mouse pad- I'm serious.

Count me in on that Frigga.

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