The Crockpot - Case Related

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Well, and if he was that doctor, he would be the first SK transporting his victims a mere mile away, where he, one-leggedly, carried the bodies in the dark between the poison-ivy, not only defying the laws of probabilty, but also the physical laws of balance and light, because to stay upright with one prothesis, one has to see where one goes (hard in the darkness) and unhampered by heavy load, at least on uneven ground. So yeah, that would be pretty impressive.

True true. I've missed your biting sarcasm so PB! About as much as I'll miss this rash ;;; ))) Seriously though. It's good to have you back. You really do add alot to the conversation. I mean that. I've been wondering what you think of Inspector Gadgets POI' s.
My brother got into poison ivy on a camping trip once. He had it all over his face and forehead. He looked like The Elephant Man. Poor kid. And in those days, you got calamine lotion and that was it.

POOR KID! I AM SO glad I didn't touch my face or rub my eyes! I can't EVEN imagine! Thankfully the only areas affected were my hand and feet!
True true. I've missed your biting sarcasm so PB! About as much as I'll miss this rash ;;; ))) Seriously though. It's good to have you back. You really do add alot to the conversation. I mean that. I've been wondering what you think of Inspector Gadgets POI' s.

I'm as of yet not up to date about his POI. Last thing, I heard, was a duck-hunter, but not a specific one as far as I remember. Sorry, just back from the Jessica Ridgway case and still a bit shocked ... that guy got all profilers in the country flat, admittedly including me. 17 years old and fully blown. Makes one think about what is wrong with the world.
A doctor would be allowed to order prednisone in bottles of 100 to have on hand living in an area with lots of poison ivy. Or bottles of 1000 for that matter.

A doctor would also be likely to know what it was and therefore be less inclined to go for treatment. J/S
I am wondering if we can discuss the nursery guy or if he's off limits due to TOS
It almost seems as if we are limited because of TOS (which I DO understand and WILL respect) but am frustrated by because what if the killer hasn't been mentioned by msm? Perhaps that is why we are at a stand still?
Of course some have their suspect already...and some probably think I am riding the fence but simple truth of the matter is I am STILL keeping an open mind!
Well, and if he was that doctor, he would be the first SK transporting his victims a mere mile away...

that was one of the hangups I had about liking the doc for the GB4 (doesn't mean anything towards SG, still open to that)---even though that cliche saying rings in my other ear, "there's always a first time..." (I still agree w/PB)
I am wondering if we can discuss the nursery guy or if he's off limits due to TOS

JUSTICE. A week or so before the rumor about the nursery guy began I wrote on these very boards on how the SCPD 'could' solve this case, i.e., blame it on a man that can't defend himself. When you are dead you no longer can deny it. Blaming a murder(s) on a dead man is a tried and true technique for a lot of police departments. In most cases most don't care if a cop does a little imagination writing. In Suffolk County it is SOP. But the Gilgo Case is no ordinary case that quickly fades from the public eye.

In the SIL case the DA was looking for some payback for another guy that fought them even after being given a get out of jail pass. For one felony and three misdemeanors he was offered a VIOLATION. Just go away and don't put us at risk to expose our own scandals.

The fellow mentioned above was a friend of my son in law. They began their burglary investigation to put this guy in the middle of it while acting as the Mastermind.

After failing to put a legitimate case together two detectives, one a Det.Sgt that is now being sued in federal court for various charges that Martin Tankleff filed against him and others.

This detective told the SIL they were sent to him at the order of Tom spota. They told him Spota doesn't want you, he wants Tom N. They also told him 'don't shoot dice with this', and 'don't test us on this." He shot the dice because he had nothing to say other than lies they would create for him and he rolled snake eyes, and lost.

They just made it up as they went along. They got three criminals that were faced with jail to make up stories. Stories that even 6th graders should have understood were lies. But the usual suffolk jurors aren't 6 th graders, they are total idiot drinking kool aid consumers.

It was that easy to frame an innocent man even though he had a skillful lawyer, a great one. In any other jurisdiction the lawyer armed with the same information could have gotten Eichmann off the hook.

Which brings us back to the nursry owner. The two main pieces of 'evidence' they would have liked you to accept is he had a supply of burlap bags for his nursery business. The other piece of 'evidence' is he committed suicide not long after SG was found. GUILTY as charged. What the rumors didn't mention is that the nursery guy had suicide and suicide attempts in his family. Suicide is a genetic illness in some families.

The lie didn't fly because Boards like this,,,,,and make no mistake about it these types of forums do have some influence, wrote about what they were trying to do to close this case. The owner also had a surviving family with some money to fight these charges. Tom Spota decided to kill that rumor.

Also, make no mistake about it when I say the rumor was started by members of the SCPD. A word here and a word there and it gets out to the public for them to spread for the cops.

there is at least one poster on this Board who has told me he knows several uniform cops in SCPd and they told him that the nursery owner is the killer. The worse part is they probably believe it.

My friends, I got a PHD in SCPD/DA techniques. I continue to seque it into my posts because I truly believe the case should be used as a text book example on how they frame people with reckless abandon knowing they won't be punished for their criminal actions.
Oh I agree Hawk! I totally think he is a red herring! I just wondered if we.were allowed to disscus him and how he may or may not relate to the case.
I try to entertain all theories because I feel that is what's neccessary to avoid tunnel vision. I was quite compelled with the CPH theory for awhile. However I think I couldn't see the forest through the trees. I have PB to thank (yes I said it) for pulling me out of the woods with his logic. We don't always agree but when we do...we don't! ; )) Anyways, I have taken CPH off my short list but not off my list altogether because I firmly believe, "Everyones a suspect!" I would love to entertain other theorie( as allowed by TOS) and if we are not allowed to discuss on the forums certain ideas...well...we all have PM's ; )
It is easy to find oneself on a bandwagon. The important thing for me is when I find myself on one to get off and walk. I may end up arriving at the same destination or I may end up lost but who knows maybe I'll end up where I was intended to be. Does that make sense?
Fluke, WTF. Get a grip. Did you forget what these forums are for? What did you think that this was an easter egg hunt?
Fluke, WTF. Get a grip. Did you forget what these forums are for? What did you think that this was an easter egg hunt?

that's because he is SOOOO intent on CPH being named the sk and pushing people to believe that it can't possibly be anyone else, so blinded by his own agenda, that he even goes to multiple sites to spread the "get CPH" mantra---makes you wonder about him---like the old saying goes "....doth protest too much, methinks.." (and of course that assumes that it is really flukeyou on that site and others using the flukeyou screen name, although probably is cuz we have all read his "stuff" here)
Curious to me is what is the BEEF with the theory that is being slammed on that site? I think it's a credible theory. For ONCE CPH isn't even mentioned in the dialog. Make me wonder...well...I'll keep that to myself.
Hawkshaw needed help adding a pdf, so I'm posting this for him.

It's an enlightening read!


  • sic1-34.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 44
  • SIC35-88.pdf
    2 MB · Views: 24
Part 2


  • SIC89-127.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 9
  • SIC128-179.pdf
    2 MB · Views: 9
  • SIC184-203.pdf
    794.3 KB · Views: 6
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