The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 18th June - Trial Day 6, Week 2

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Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 48s

Gerard says he's a bit confused why police said they didn't want to alarm him. #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 51s

Officer says this is just not what we normally get with missing persons #badenclay

Francene Norton ‏@francenenorton 57s

Police: this is just not what we normally have with missing persons. #badenclay @abcnews

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m

Sgt Jackson says they need to "ramp things up" to find Allison. "I want things ramped up," says Gerard. #badenclay

Louisa Rebgetz ‏@louisarebgetz 1m

In police recording Gerard #Badenclay told officers cuts on his hands were from helping a friend renovate their house @abcnews
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 44s

The recording is finished. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 55s

Gerard: I'm happy to answer all the questions in the world. Says he wants to jump back in his car and keep looking. #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 57s

Gerard says he wants to drive the streets, recording ends #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 56s

Sgt Jackson has been excused. #badenclay

Francene Norton ‏@francenenorton 1m

#badenclay: "I'm happy to answer questions but I want to jump back in my car and drive the streets or something. @abcnews

Jamie McKinnell ‏@jamie86 1m

Police: "This is not what we normally have with missing persons, it's not how things normally go" @NewsTalk4BC #badenclay
Is this the first we are hearing that they (supposedly) had a 15 min talk on the Thurs night?
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 52s

Cameron Simmons, a plain clothes senior constable, on the stand. #badenclay

Francene Norton ‏@francenenorton 54s

Recording ends and Sgt Jackson finishes evidence. Next up is Snr Const. Cameron Simmons. #badenclay @abcnews

Jamie McKinnell ‏@jamie86 1m

#badenclay said he was happy to answer questions but he wanted to get in his car and help w/searching @NewsTalk4BC

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 2m

Sgt Jackson has been excused. #badenclay

Francene Norton ‏@francenenorton 2m

#badenclay: "I'm happy to answer questions but I want to jump back in my car and drive the streets or something. @abcnews
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 24s

Simmons went to Brookfield home just after 9am with two other officers from the Indooroopilly CIB #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 32s

Simmons says he arrived at the house just after 9am. #badenclay
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 57s
Gerard tells the officers he did his usual 's**t shower shave' that morning, read emails on toilet #badenclay


Is this Gered trying to sound just like a "normal bloke"?? If so, I think he failed.

Love this picture of Allison & her mum.

That is a stunning photo. I bet Mrs Dickie treasures it.
Tessa Scott ‏@TessaScott9 27s

We are now hearing from officer Cameron Simmons who also recorded a conversation with #badenclay that morning. @9NewsBrisbane

Francene Norton ‏@francenenorton 40s

Snr Const Simmons' conversation with #badenclay in kitchen of Brookfield home was also recorded. @abcnews

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 50s

Conversation between the three detectives and Gerard was recorded #badenclay
I cant open the CM today to post the updates from there. Can anyone here post from the CM please :)

Ive used my quota :blushing:
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 7m
Officer says he doesn't want to alarm him but has to call in detectives from the CIB #badenclay


Not trying to alarm you, but we think you're FOS and are calling in CIB :D
Emmy Kubainski ‏@emmykubainski 30s

Jury hear a 2nd recorded conversation of police this time from criminal investigation unit with Gerard Baden-Clay. @7NewsBrisbane #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 7m
Gerard: I'm happy to answer all the questions in the world. Says he wants to jump back in his car and keep looking. #badenclay

Did he mean keep looking, or jump in his car and keep driving .. you know, maybe forever!
Francene Norton ‏@francenenorton 25s

Snr Const Simmons says his conversation with #badenclay lasted up to 2 hours. Looked in bedrooms. @abcnews
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 28s

Simmons says he looked around house, including the main bedroom. He said covers on the bed had been pulled back. #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 39s

Simmons went into the bedrooms in the house, being shown photos #badenclay
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