The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 19th June - Trial Day 7, Week 2

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I thought both

I believe it's a lay day like last week and Monday GBC stays in the comfort of his new home while the jurors go to the bridge, Brookfield road and Boscombe road which interests me that Boscombe road has such significance. Allison's phone showed a signal from there, Mrs Apps and Scraps (dog) was from there.

damn I was hoping for some more action , lets hope his new home becomes his PERMANENT home
probably a silly question.....what happens if GBC gets off.
is he compensated by the they get any sort of money

Hi oli I've thought about this and I don't know how I'll cope knowing if he gets off he'll get Allison's insurance, the proceeds of the sneaky sale of Allison's house, the children and no doubt TMCH will run back into his wealthy arms.

I absolutely can't bear the thought. :banghead:
GBC was a powder keg ready to blow that night and innocent Allison took the full force.
Do we know if it was a vacuum hose or garden hose?

Both the vacuum & the hose...

Text copied from Constable Kieron Ash's statement....

29. Whilst still standing outside and at the bottom of the stairs, Gerard's father Nigel BADEN-CLAY then came down stairs and went underneath the house and came back out with a vacuum cleaner and a green garden hose and began to load these items into the rear boot of the Holden statesman. The Gerard also came downstairs and told me that he had arranged for his father to give him a hand doing some odd real estate jobs today and needed the hose vaccuum cleaner.

30. Sergeant JACKSON then appeared at the top of the stairs and informed me that he did not want any one else to leave the premises and not to allow Nigel BADEN-CLAY to continue putting things in the Holden Statesman. Sergeant JACKSON then called out to Nigel BADEN-CLAY and told him that he didn't want any one to leave and not to move any more items from the house.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*
Good morning everyone :)

There'll be no court today or Monday when the jurors will be taken out to Kholo.

Court will resume Tuesday.
Does anyone know if Allison was wearing shoes when they found her?

I think that would be quite important - no shoes if she was in bed, runners if she was out walking, slippers if she was at home?

Her trainers were missing according to GBCs interview with police in the am of day 1.

In addition, where are her PJs? Did she sleep in them? Were they in a pile on the bathroom floor after hurriedly getting into her walking gear? Were her conference clothes ironed and ready to go?

If she planned an early morning walk before a big work day she needed to be organised. IMO
why on earth isn't the blood and hair being given the importance it deserves

All the pieces of evidence to do with this have been presented in court already - by different people. Some of the jurors may have already pieced them together and the prosecution will certainly draw all these threads together in the summing up.

It doesn't seem (from the tweets) that it's been particularly emphasised so far - a little disappointing. When the photo of the car blood was being presented, the prosecution should have asked a few more questions to help connect the dots IMHO.

It's been overshadowed by the scratches, probably because the scratches can't be proven to be 100% fingernails. So the prosecution has tried to overwhelm this doubt with loads of experts. The hair and blood are an exact science though. They don't need to hammer them home.
Both the vacuum & the hose...

Text copied from Constable Kieron Ash's statement....

29. Whilst still standing outside and at the bottom of the stairs, Gerard's father Nigel BADEN-CLAY then came down stairs and went underneath the house and came back out with a vacuum cleaner and a green garden hose and began to load these items into the rear boot of the Holden statesman. The Gerard also came downstairs and told me that he had arranged for his father to give him a hand doing some odd real estate jobs today and needed the hose vaccuum cleaner.

30. Sergeant JACKSON then appeared at the top of the stairs and informed me that he did not want any one else to leave the premises and not to allow Nigel BADEN-CLAY to continue putting things in the Holden Statesman. Sergeant JACKSON then called out to Nigel BADEN-CLAY and told him that he didn't want any one to leave and not to move any more items from the house.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*
At some point that morning, a hose could be seen (and in fact was photographed by the Police) hanging on the bottom post of the stairs; haven't heard it discussed that there were two hoses. Wonder if NBC hung it there when Sergeant JACKSON said 'not to move any more items from the house'!
probably a silly question.....what happens if GBC gets off.
is he compensated by the they get any sort of money

Probably. Don't know how to link but Lloyd Rayney who is WAs GBC is suing the state for lost income. And he was free while waiting for trial! Grrrrrr
So... what are we all thinking?
Are any of us genuinely worried that he might get off? I know there is always that slight chance... but I'm hoping like heck he is found guilty.

Do we think the prosecution will have enough against him... or the defence will be able to put that bit of doubt there?

I know alot of the time when jurors visit the actual site it can bring it all home to them. Eg:"How could he do this to her?" I'm hoping that when they see the plants in the yard etc that it will all make sense. When they are confronted by the bridge and surroundings, hopefully they will feel the lonliness and isolation that's there, and how a beautiful woman was just left there.
Monday will be a very important day. Hope GBC is shivering in his boots... which I guess he is.
Where did the blood come from.
No heart beating, no blood flow.

Unless Allison's blood pooled into plastic (?) and spilt out into the car or got torn.
There are no sharp edges in the back of that car unless she was pushed in and into something sharp then something could have split the plastic.
That loop where the blood starts lays flat until it is needed and pulls out to tie things to, the photos of the blood shows it's pulled out. Was it this that chipped Allison's tooth?
The blood dripped down where the third row of seats are, that's why it wasn't seen.

I'm thinking aloud trying to understand why there was no blood around the house and no major injuries on Allison and if Allison was dead when placed into the car how was the blood flowing.

After midnight. Rant over.
The Police Forensic found some blood on a towel in the shower of a bathroom. The piece of towel which contained the blood was cut out and sent to be tested .............. haven't heard any evidence on the result of this ..........question: could this tested blood prove to be damning for GBC? His face scratches were observed to be 'weeping' (not necessarily containing blood). Wonder whose blood it was found to be?
Yes. Perhaps GBC took exception to Allison having a girlfriend or two to confide in (this was a separate life/privilege he deserved over and over, not Allison)...

When married to a monitor/man such as GBC friends learn quickly to write texts in 'code' to be sensitive and careful not to upset/enrage the monitoring partner.

Perhaps there really was no need for the dresses to be returned... but it gave an excuse for Allison to catch up with her other girlfriend (?)


The friend who texted about the dresses was Kerrie Anne Walker though, not Wendy Mollah. I knew KAW had texted about the dresses.
You know .. all this business about 'family name' and Allison and Gerard wanting a boy and all this nonsense as if they are some kind of noble family is such utter and complete rubbish .. they were BARELY middle class .. actually in reality they were sliding down fast .. they couldn't afford the school their girls went to, Gerard who was in the industry but hadn't even bought them a family home .. they were in the hole financially and things were getting worse .. it was all a complete illusion .. but it was just so important to them .. sorry, but really?? Talk about appearances over reality. Honestly .. does it even really matter, is it so important to appear to have some kind of social success when in reality your life is a disaster?

How much did this need to 'keep up appearances' play into this tragedy .. I'd suggest a fair bit, is it why Allison didn't speak the truth of her marriage .. was she in denial, or did she know the truth, but didn't know how to tell others, or did she want to keep up appearances herself? Did Gerard go from zero to murder in one night, or had he been physically abusing her for years? What amount of emotional abuse (beyond humiliating her with numerous affairs) went on? How many secrets was Allison keeping, and what stopped her from reaching out for help to the people in her life? When she reached out to a professional she was handed a packet of pills with no attempt to dig into the cause for her distress, as if there is some kind of agreement never to open up a can of worms which could pull down a charade, what a shame.

People looking in from the outside think the leafy middle class suburbs are just as perfect as they seem, but what a social disaster. How many women suffer in silence in order to maintain an illusion? Where do they go for help? Do they tell their friends that they've been trying to impress since high school that things are a disaster, do they go down to centerlink and start finding their way around the social welfare system to support themselves and their kids if they leave or get dumped for a younger woman, do they dust off unused degrees obtained decades ago and hope to find a job with no experience, if in physical danger do they reach out to a women's shelter if they need a safe place?

I guess what I am saying is that this sad need to appear to be living the dream can be incredibly dangerous once you put it above the truth .. Allison's instincts were SCREAMING at her, yet she still didn't leave or reach out, and Gerard was just as miserable .. wanting to leave, but not feeling like he could either and this whole thing has ended in tragedy.

Who really cares what car you drive, what suburb you live in, whether or not your picture perfect marriage turned out to be a joke, put your kids in public school if you can't afford the private one (it might save them from trying to fit an image that's all an illusion themselves one day) find a way, be happy, or at least be honest and safe.

Wow, Mrs Norris! This is an incredible post. I believe you have absolutely nailed it!! You have captured the essence of what drove this terrible chain of events. It does seem that for both GBC and ABC, much of their behaviour was driven by the image that they wanted the world to see. Having said that, Gerard's focus seemed to be on creating the illusion of business & financial success... Social status, with little regard for what truly matters in life. This focus on status seems to inherited from his parents. Allison, it seems, wanted to give the impression of a happy, loving marriage and family life, regardless of the awful reality. I'm certain, however, that she did derive pleasure & happiness from her 3 beautiful daughters. You have to admire Allison's incredible strength and resilience to have coped as well as she did for so long, under such difficult and emotionally painfully circumstances. I truly admire her.
Hi Squizzey1
They don't sit on Fridays and Monday is an excursion for the Jury.

Jury will no doubt see the memorial at Kholo Bridge. Be on the lookout for the wildlife under the pylons :croc:

Phew... those of us who've been busy, can now play catch-up on the threads plus hose the blood off the driveway, chuck the empty Zoloft packets into the recycle bin, wipe the sweat from our brow and tears from our cheeks. Lovely to see familiar faces and smiles.

More porridge in Arthur Gorrie this weekend. Hope it burns the roof of his mouth.
So... what are we all thinking?
Are any of us genuinely worried that he might get off? I know there is always that slight chance... but I'm hoping like heck he is found guilty.

Do we think the prosecution will have enough against him... or the defence will be able to put that bit of doubt there?

I know alot of the time when jurors visit the actual site it can bring it all home to them. Eg:"How could he do this to her?" I'm hoping that when they see the plants in the yard etc that it will all make sense. When they are confronted by the bridge and surroundings, hopefully they will feel the lonliness and isolation that's there, and how a beautiful woman was just left there.
Monday will be a very important day. Hope GBC is shivering in his boots... which I guess he is.

I think - and hope - he's gone. Remembering that unless we're actually there, we are only seeing the tweets, not the full context of the material being put in front of the jury; I think Prosecution is slowly but surely building a picture through a collection of circumstantial evidence so that any REASONABLE person would have to conclude: ( insert sound of banging gavel here) Guilty

Have faith.
Mrs G Norris, the girls school Brookfield State Primary School is a government school not a private one.
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