The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 19th June - Trial Day 7, Week 2

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He has scouting experience. He wrapped Allison in a tarp, tied a rope to the tarp and put the rope around his shoulder to drag her, thus the marks on his right shoulder. This is why there was no blood in the back of the car only on the wheel arches. Might explain the shin damage and chipped tooth when he pulled her out of the car. This has probably already been put forward, but its just made so much sense to me.
I think for the wounds to be a smoking gun, this is one thing the prosecution have to prove, otherwise GBC is out of the picture. I imagine the more experts that testify to the same thing, the more weight it carries. It's the only thing that can possibly tie him directly to Allison's death . Even with it, I'm not convinced there is enough evidenc to be beyond reasonable doubt.

Yeah .. I hear what you're saying .. I guess these abrasions are the main thing they have and one witness wouldn't be convincing enough .. I can see why jurors have been known to fall asleep during trials now though!
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 6m

Dr Griffiths: It confirms my opinion it was an abrasion rather than a cut. A cut would have healed well before that completely #badenclayFrancene Norton ‏@francenenorton 3m

Dr Griffiths says a shaving cut would've healed within a week, but two months later he could still see them. #badenclay @abcnews

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 4m

Dr Griffiths: when I removed the beard I distinctly remember seeing the injuries, pretty much just like they were before #badenclay
Katrina Blowers ‏@katrinablowers 9m

Dr Griffiths re-examined Gerard #badenclay on 14th June 2012. Jury shown photos. He's grown a beard. @7NewsBrisbane

Leonie Mellor ‏@leoniemellor 9m

Dr Griffith also examined GBC on 14 June. Pic shown of him bearded with part of beard shaven where scratches were. @abcnews #badenclay
The 2 news witnesses have got me intrigued. Why now! And they must be important to be added to the witness list in the middle of the trial. Bear in mind that the prosecution has an obligation to present a fair case so these witnesses my not advance the prosecutions case.

I am also getting the feeling that the defence may not call many, if any witnesses. They are presenting their case through cross examination. Just like the Morcombe trial, the defence did not call any witnesses.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 4s

Dr Griffiths says he did not notice any skin tags during his examination on the 22nd. #badenclay

When asked whether the abrasions are from bottom to top, he said that wasn't his conclusion. #badenclay

"And it could also be explained through fingernail scratcing through clothing."


That's what they always looked like to me.
Ali, any idea why the various Drs have been able to give evidence by ph rather than appearing in person?
I very much like the fact that Gerard had to walk around with those scratch marks on his face up to the day he was arrested, Allison branded him, and it lasted for the rest of his time as a free man.
Katrina Blowers ‏@katrinablowers 3m

Dr Griffiths: "I can't imagine any razor currently available today would cause an abrasion so highly unusual." #badenclay @7NewsBrisbane

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m

Defence asks if injuries could be from bottom to top. Dr Griffiths says he thinks otherwise, but couldn't exclude it #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 16s

Defence says injury interpretation from photos 'notoriously imprecise'. Dr Griffiths says can be technically difficult to work out causes.
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 36s

Dr Griffiths describing injuries on Gerard's chest, thought it might have been from a strap on a pack #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 27s

Dr Griffiths says he can't be certain about the injuries above Gerard's armpit. It could be caused by a strap from a bag. #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m

Dr Griffiths thought the marks on Gerard's neck were caused by human figures, drawn down. Can't rule out other causes #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 17s

Dr Griffiths says he would classify it as a bruise with a patterned abrasion. #badenclay

Could Allison been put into a big fibreglass bag like this pictured at the bottom of the bed. I'd fit easily. Those handles would make abrasions if dragged or carried.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 11s

Dr Griffiths agrees the interpretation of injuries can be imprecise. #badenclay

Dr Griffiths is being asked about the marks on Gerard's neck. He says these injuries are much more superficial. #badenclay

Dr Griffiths says those abrasions seem to be caused top to bottom. He says indication of less pressure at the bottom. #badenclay
He has scouting experience. He wrapped Allison in a tarp, tied a rope to the tarp and put the rope around his shoulder to drag her, thus the marks on his right shoulder. This is why there was no blood in the back of the car only on the wheel arches. Might explain the shin damage and chipped tooth when he pulled her out of the car. This has probably already been put forward, but its just made so much sense to me.

That makes perfect sense. Thank you.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 3s

Dr Griffiths is asked about a report by Dr Wells who says can't indicate direction. "Well, that's his opinion." #badenclay

Dr Griffiths is asked to comment on the neck injuries being "intradermal bruise". Dr Griffiths says he believes the marks are abrasions.
While we're waiting.. I'm wondering if OW spoke to the girl's teachers that morning, I'd imagine she would have to explain a little about what's going on. How long was she away from the house and what info. might she have given them?

also, the house on B'kfld Rd. has a huge amount of construction and building going on around it, it's busy, loud, etc. I hope the jury gets taken on a quiet night.

Hi Dunnozo, O said that she spoke to the girls' teachers and also the principal that morning. Would be interesting to know what was said - I expect it was probably that Allison hadn't returned from her walk and I have no doubt that the word depression would have been thrown in too...
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 29s

Dr Kumar says the marks on Gerard's neck and chest were "scratch marks". #badenclay

Dr Kumar says she asked Gerard how he could have scratched himself "like that" on his chest and he demonstrated for her. #badenclay

Interesting that he chose two female GPs to get his "shaving cuts" verified.
(1) women won't know anything about shaving
(2) women will be overwhelmed by my charm and believe anything I say

Marks on Gerard Baden-Clay's neck.

Marks on Gerard Baden-Clay's neck. Photo: Court Exhibit

12:10pm: Dr Griffiths said abrasions on Mr Baden-Clay's neck were also consistent with fingernail scratches.

"There may be other explanations for that, I can't think of any, but there may be other explanations," he said.


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Ali, any idea why the various Drs have been able to give evidence by ph rather than appearing in person?

I think it's just so that appearing in court doesn't disrupt their work schedule so much.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · now

Dr Griffiths is asked to comment on the neck injuries being "intradermal bruise". Dr Griffiths says he believes the marks are abrasions.

Dr Griffiths repeats the marks on Gerard's chest were a patterned abrasion with some suggestion of directionality. #badenclay

Defence says Dr Wells report says chest injury is a bruise. Dr Griffiths says that would involve blunt force. "I think it's an abrasion."
Ali, any idea why the various Drs have been able to give evidence by ph rather than appearing in person?

Those doctors must have asked if they can give evidence by phone and neither the prosecution or defence insisted they come to court. It's winter too so lots of sick patients need their good doctoring.
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