The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 19th June - Trial Day 7, Week 2

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No Monique Waymouth didn't mention a time in her statement.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*

Excerpt from the first bail application hearing.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*

BBM. I take this to mean that the enquiries that identifed when Allison left the salon came from Monique Waymouth.

I suppose it didn't matter all that much to the investigators or they would have investigated further as to the actual time Allison left the salon. There is probably also CCTV of her leaving the salon that we've not heard about.

Thanks Makara. I think it was a rough estimate originally given then the hairdresser clarified in court the other day.

Police may have retrieved footage from the salon's CCTV or others in the area.

Copied text from Monique Waymouth hairdresser's statement...

17. We also have closed circuit television in the salon which I am aware that BM, the
owner of the salon can operate.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*[/ame]
Forgot to add Scraps to the Time-frame. That was very important evidence giving IMO.
Apologies for omission. Will amend next version.
It wasn't just Scraps going off and carrying on out of the ordinary (ie acting berserk), but all the dogs in the neighborhood from what I gathered earlier.

I don't know if this will help with your timeline LB.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AU-Allison Baden-Clay,43,Brisbane QLD, 19April2012 MEDIA/TIMELINE LINKS,NO DISCUSSION[/ame]
Correct Marly. I only looked at the time of the first message from Kerrie-Anne. So at 7:50pm Allison was probably at home.

The time for Allison's last message was 7.50pm. It is on top of the message..
Sure, but if their explanation is completely implausible it won't be reasonable and it won't cause doubt! If their story is that Allison, despondent because a baby born on the other side of the planet had an outie rather than an innie, scoffed a pack of Zoloft, walked 14km in the dark and did a swan dive off a bridge, then the jury will have to ask themselves if that's possible. I think he's about to have his second run in with a razor - Occam's razor.

Brilliant post :)
I have only been here a few days but you are all so lovely and welcoming ..... Thanks guys
What is it with this?

Con Simmons: Okay. Any other close friends, sisters [INDISTINCT]
Con Simmons: [INDISTINCT]
GBC: I mean she's quite close to her sister but [INDISTINCT] Wendy um is the friend of her that actually told her about [INDISTINCT]
Con Wilkins's: Mmhmm
GBC: and ahh, and Wendy actually said she'd texted her LAST NIGHT. So ah I had to try and get together [INDISTINCT]
(Some discussion about Wendy's phone number etc then)
Con Simmons: When you spoke to her last night [INDISTINCT]
GBC: Ah texted her
Con Simmons: Texted her [INDISTINCT]
GBC: Or, or YESTERDAY . I can't remember.

Is it about Wendy telling ABC about GBC's affair and he not wanting to get together with her after that? I'm confused. Wasn't ABC meant to meet Wendy Thursday night for dinner? Was there some conflict there about Wendy? Did Wendy text ABC Thursday night or when? I capitalised LAST NIGHT and YESTERDAY in that text.
Link to transcript in following post:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 18th June - Trial Day 6, Week 2
This one?

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Thanks Freya.... In my opinion and as mentioned before I really think Allison was dragged down there by her feet hence why her jumper was up over her hands and head. Being found directly under the bridge would have given GBC and NBC ( because I still think he helped) some sense of security in not being seen.

sadly I don't think we will ever know the truth even after the trial is over and even if GBC is found guilty.... I'm preparing for many appeals but with each appeal I think GBC will never cave and remain defiant until his death.
4.00pm Allison's hairdresser appointment

7.00pm Allison left the hairdresser (possibly to drive straight? home about 15 or so minutes. Add time getting to and from car, etc.)

................. (to be filled in)

7.50pm Allison sent a text to her friend KAW regarding ballgowns.

Allison returned home at some time before or after 7.50pm. This is conjecture, give or take say 30 minutes.

Assuming (on my part only) that the children were fed, and possibly bathed, Allison would have said "Hello", and more importantly "Hello" to her three children.
If it is true that the children were fed and bathed, Allison may have needed time to prepare a meal for herself. Maybe not, may have got straight down to business, i.e. Toni and the conference.

Key words here: the Conference and TMcH.

An argument ensured. (Children on the periphery in hiding and terrified. Pretending not to hear) (Conjecture on my part.)

10.00pm Anne Marie Rhodes heard fighting, a scream and a thud and car wheels screeching.

10.30pm (approximately) Anne Marie Rhodes heard a loud thud. Then heard car wheels squeal and the car go back towards Brookfield.

A long gap follows ......

06.00am hours OW was at the GBC household, when the children were told Mummy had fallen down a hole and wouldn't be back.

6.20am: GBC sent a text message to Allison saying: “Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G”

6.41am: GBC sent second text message “Al, getting concerned. Where are you?The app doesn’t say either?The children now up. I’m dressed and about to make lunches. Please just text me back or call! Love G”.

7.09am: Police allege GBC searched the term ‘self incrimination’ on the Internet.

7.14am: It is alleged GBC accessed the Queensland Police Service home page.

7.15am: GBC called 000.

8.30am: Uniformed police arrive at the home in response to the triple 0 call

9.34am: Police allege GBC searched ‘psychiatrists Brisbane West’ on his phone.

9.54am: Police commenced the investigation into Allison’s disappearance.

10:01am - GBC phoned the Brookfield School.

12:00pm - GBC phoned NBC. Pinged from Indoorpilly.

12:25pm - GBC phoned the Brookfield Showground maintenance man. Pinged from Indoorpilly.

12:29pm - GBC phoned his solicitor Darren Mahoney. Pinged from Indoorpilly.

12:51pm - GBC phoned his solicitor Darren Mahoney. Pinged from Indoorpilly.

1:06pm - GBC phoned NBC. Pinged from Indoorpilly.

1:11pm - GBC phoned Robyn Ratcliffe, Solicitor Toowoomba. Pinged from Indoorpilly.

1:12pm - GBC phoned Robyn Ratcliffe, Solicitor Toowoomba. Call pinged from Chapel Hill.

Thanks for the timeline. Additions: GBC home after dinner with NBC, GBC off to bed.
Just reading a few of Hawkins old posts & found these interesting ( wonder what happened to him ??)

Wish he would come back to post his views now!!!!

Old 06-28-2012, 10:47 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I'm sure it's been commented about on the forum before but either the body showed signs of trauma or it wasn't dropped from the bridge. Regardless of decomposition.


Old 06-30-2012, 11:32 AM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I suspect the alleged cause of death won't involve an escalating dispute leading to sudden lethal violence on that night MOO.


Old 06-28-2012, 09:52 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I'd be surprised if the chipped tooth didn't happen post mortem.


Old 06-28-2012, 09:50 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Yes all good points. It's just a matter of contexts. I am absolutely certain that Harold Holt drowned. That doesn't mean he did. And you are right that the cause of death doesn't need to be proved for a murder charge just to succeed. Only that the accused was responsible for the death.

Old 06-28-2012, 08:39 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Medical evidence is only part of the mix when determining cause of death for the purpose of coronial inquests and criminal proceedings. Other forensic and circumstantial evidence can be very compelling to the point of virtual certainty. Harold Holt's body was never found, but he drowned nevertheless. A clear and evidence based cause of death will be asserted in this case.


Old 06-28-2012, 05:11 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Lunch with some very experienced criminal lawyers today. Three interesting things. They speculated and gossiped about this case. They whinged about the press doing exactly that. Consensus was based on evidence released so far a conviction would be far from certain. None have any connection with this matter.


Love this quote!!

Old 06-14-2012, 08:00 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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COD? Well the coppers reckon her husband is a murderer and the press say he was having an affair. So if they are correct, then the cause of her death was marrying a bloke she thought was decent but who was in fact a murderous, philandering ratbag. Simple logic.


Old 06-03-2012, 09:43 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I have to go to bed but just wanted to say to those who have left flowers etc that you are awesome human beings to care so genuinely for this woman and her family. I suspect that you'll be able to at least see that some justice is done in this case. There will be a trial and conviction(s) eventually IMO. MOO.


Old 05-28-2012, 10:08 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I have been very impressed by the restraint and grace shown by Mr and Mrs Dickie. If a man (hypothetically speaking) strangled my daughter, and mother of my granddaughters, then dumped her body in a creek to bloat and rot like some fetid animal carcass, then he would need to pray as earnestly as he could every day that the police would arrest him and lock him away in a safe and secure remand centre as soon as possible.


05-27-2012, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Strangeworld View Post
But IMO, anyone can give a good speech using the right formula.
In my personal life I judge a person's character by what they do. It's hard for people to say exactly what they think and feel. Even if you consciously attempt to be totally frank, your subconscious has a huge bearing on the words you choose, on how you say them and on your body language. Skilled detectives seem to have almost a sixth sense for knowing not just when a person is lying, but what that person's body is saying.


Old 05-17-2012, 02:21 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I believe that there are some further significant details about this death emerging. It seems to be a particularly nasty and confronting matter. Not the sort of case that would be pleasant for jurors.


Old 05-07-2012, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Paradox11 View Post
The mind boggles. I bet we will have to wait years for all the details to come out in court.
Very few details are likely to come out in court if it becomes a murder trial. The accused very rarely gives any oral evidence in such a trial and will therefore not be cross-examined or even speak in court beyond entering a plea. There would only be the assertions of the Crown based on what they can piece together. If the case is largely circumstantial then the prosecution doesn't even really produce a theory as to what actually happened beyond the simple assertion that the accused caused the death of the deceased. If there is a plea of guilty then there is no trial and, since the penalty is mandatory, there is no need for the convicted person to then say anything at the sentence hearing.

If it becomes a manslaughter trial then the Crown simply has to prove that the accused caused the death and very few details are required for that. A guilty plea is very common to mansluaghter because that plea will ordinarily reduce the sentence by 30%. A guilty plea to murder is cery uncommon, because there is no sentence discount for the plea.

The circumstances of this lady's death will likely never be known. Even if an accused person makes some sort of admission these are usually motivated by a desire to mitigate a manslaughter sentence and are therefore self-serving and somewhat unreliable.

But the public apetite for more details is usually inversely proportional to how many are available. This is the sort of case that will spawn books and significant profits for publishers. None of those profits are likely to make their way to the children which is a great pity.


By far the best post

Old 05-14-2012, 09:05 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Do not friggin start me. The objectification of women is a vestigial sociological imperative that is well past its use-by-date. Women have been commodities in the physical, emotional and spiritual sense for many thousands of years. Very few people really appreciate the depth to which these subservient roles are ingrained. Violence towards women is still at epidemic levels in our community and this violence is not specific to any demographic. The levels of child sex abuse, especially against girls is a national disgrace. Emotional violence and intimidation starts from a very young age and many, many men humiliate their wives and female relatives without any sense that they are doing so. Any man who thinks that Australia is a society which has turned the corner and which provides equal expectations and opportunities for women should experience life from a woman's perspective for a while. Boys need to be exposed to male role models who treat women as human beings, not as some other species who they should look after and 'respect'. Respect is a human right, not a right that you get by being a woman. Women are not furniture, they are not fashion accessories, they are not property, they are not investments. They are not cute things that you have a duty to look after like a pet. Violence against, and the objectification of, women is a deep social problem that is only vaguely recognised and addressed despite ridiculous claims that women are now somehow mostly 'equal'. If Mrs Baden Clay has died as the result of domestic or partner violence then hopefully the result will be something more than a shallow sense of satisfaction that her 'killer' is broughtto justice. All men need to look at their own hearts and their own values and ask what their potential is to act in the same way as her killer(s). We should all look at her death and ask how we collectively failed her and what we can do to empower our daughters to ensure that they do not suffer a similar fate. I am a man.

In a way, today's surprise witness strengthens the case for premeditation. If all the earlier screams and arguing can be attributed to another source, then we're left with a possible scenario of GBC waiting until the girls are deeply asleep and then suffocating Allison. It's not in the context of a heated argument.

I question if he had the b@lls to broach Toni's demands - and with everything about to collide for him - women, finances, reputation - the idea that had previously only been a fantasy was put into action.

Didn't muck up my timeline agenda either. Actually, I was so pleased to hear from this person. Sort of aids and abets the facts such as we have them. There's was a bit of a problem in the gap between screams. Couldn't work it out. Thanks.
Thanks Freya.... In my opinion and as mentioned before I really think Allison was dragged down there by her feet hence why her jumper was up over her hands and head. Being found directly under the bridge would have given GBC and NBC ( because I still think he helped) some sense of security in not being seen.

sadly I don't think we will ever know the truth even after the trial is over and even if GBC is found guilty.... I'm preparing for many appeals but with each appeal I think GBC will never cave and remain defiant until his death.

Agree with you. I think he's got too much to lose. But he'll find in the end that he's lost everything anyway.
She said she went to bed after 7pm and her mum was with her in the room for about 10 minutes.

The girl said she had dinner at her grandmother’s the night before and was picked up by her father. She said her mother opened the door when they arrived back home.

I did some homework and she helped me. Then we went to bed,” she said.
'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'

Allison what did you see in this person??

You were never insignificant. You did not deserve this treatment an there is no failure when you leave evil. We are all appalled by him. Mums are the backbone of the world. We have the say on what the world's future is going to be.

This is a timely reminder for parents to let their children know they are valuable and never to be or take second best.

And our jobs of being parents stay with us until we die.
There are times when we all feel like throwing in the towel. But that's the very time you pick up that towel, put it back around your neck and say 'I'll keep fighting' because that's is when your kids need you the most.

There are some people you don't fight for.

Let's break the chain now. Let's stop the chain continuing. I've snapped many links in my family's rotten chain and I've vowed not to continue with deeply grained nonsense. This attitude won't be passed down through me to my children.
Just reading a few of Hawkins old posts & found these interesting ( wonder what happened to him ??)

Wish he would come back to post his views now!!!!

Old 06-28-2012, 10:47 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I'm sure it's been commented about on the forum before but either the body showed signs of trauma or it wasn't dropped from the bridge. Regardless of decomposition.


Old 06-30-2012, 11:32 AM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I suspect the alleged cause of death won't involve an escalating dispute leading to sudden lethal violence on that night MOO.


Old 06-28-2012, 09:52 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I'd be surprised if the chipped tooth didn't happen post mortem.


Old 06-28-2012, 09:50 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Yes all good points. It's just a matter of contexts. I am absolutely certain that Harold Holt drowned. That doesn't mean he did. And you are right that the cause of death doesn't need to be proved for a murder charge just to succeed. Only that the accused was responsible for the death.

Old 06-28-2012, 08:39 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Medical evidence is only part of the mix when determining cause of death for the purpose of coronial inquests and criminal proceedings. Other forensic and circumstantial evidence can be very compelling to the point of virtual certainty. Harold Holt's body was never found, but he drowned nevertheless. A clear and evidence based cause of death will be asserted in this case.


Old 06-28-2012, 05:11 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Lunch with some very experienced criminal lawyers today. Three interesting things. They speculated and gossiped about this case. They whinged about the press doing exactly that. Consensus was based on evidence released so far a conviction would be far from certain. None have any connection with this matter.


Love this quote!!

Old 06-14-2012, 08:00 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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COD? Well the coppers reckon her husband is a murderer and the press say he was having an affair. So if they are correct, then the cause of her death was marrying a bloke she thought was decent but who was in fact a murderous, philandering ratbag. Simple logic.


Old 06-03-2012, 09:43 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I have to go to bed but just wanted to say to those who have left flowers etc that you are awesome human beings to care so genuinely for this woman and her family. I suspect that you'll be able to at least see that some justice is done in this case. There will be a trial and conviction(s) eventually IMO. MOO.


Old 05-28-2012, 10:08 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I have been very impressed by the restraint and grace shown by Mr and Mrs Dickie. If a man (hypothetically speaking) strangled my daughter, and mother of my granddaughters, then dumped her body in a creek to bloat and rot like some fetid animal carcass, then he would need to pray as earnestly as he could every day that the police would arrest him and lock him away in a safe and secure remand centre as soon as possible.


05-27-2012, 09:46 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Strangeworld View Post
But IMO, anyone can give a good speech using the right formula.
In my personal life I judge a person's character by what they do. It's hard for people to say exactly what they think and feel. Even if you consciously attempt to be totally frank, your subconscious has a huge bearing on the words you choose, on how you say them and on your body language. Skilled detectives seem to have almost a sixth sense for knowing not just when a person is lying, but what that person's body is saying.


Old 05-17-2012, 02:21 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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I believe that there are some further significant details about this death emerging. It seems to be a particularly nasty and confronting matter. Not the sort of case that would be pleasant for jurors.


Old 05-07-2012, 02:51 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Paradox11 View Post
The mind boggles. I bet we will have to wait years for all the details to come out in court.
Very few details are likely to come out in court if it becomes a murder trial. The accused very rarely gives any oral evidence in such a trial and will therefore not be cross-examined or even speak in court beyond entering a plea. There would only be the assertions of the Crown based on what they can piece together. If the case is largely circumstantial then the prosecution doesn't even really produce a theory as to what actually happened beyond the simple assertion that the accused caused the death of the deceased. If there is a plea of guilty then there is no trial and, since the penalty is mandatory, there is no need for the convicted person to then say anything at the sentence hearing.

If it becomes a manslaughter trial then the Crown simply has to prove that the accused caused the death and very few details are required for that. A guilty plea is very common to mansluaghter because that plea will ordinarily reduce the sentence by 30%. A guilty plea to murder is cery uncommon, because there is no sentence discount for the plea.

The circumstances of this lady's death will likely never be known. Even if an accused person makes some sort of admission these are usually motivated by a desire to mitigate a manslaughter sentence and are therefore self-serving and somewhat unreliable.

But the public apetite for more details is usually inversely proportional to how many are available. This is the sort of case that will spawn books and significant profits for publishers. None of those profits are likely to make their way to the children which is a great pity.


By far the best post

Old 05-14-2012, 09:05 PM
Hawkins Hawkins is offline
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Do not friggin start me. The objectification of women is a vestigial sociological imperative that is well past its use-by-date. Women have been commodities in the physical, emotional and spiritual sense for many thousands of years. Very few people really appreciate the depth to which these subservient roles are ingrained. Violence towards women is still at epidemic levels in our community and this violence is not specific to any demographic. The levels of child sex abuse, especially against girls is a national disgrace. Emotional violence and intimidation starts from a very young age and many, many men humiliate their wives and female relatives without any sense that they are doing so. Any man who thinks that Australia is a society which has turned the corner and which provides equal expectations and opportunities for women should experience life from a woman's perspective for a while. Boys need to be exposed to male role models who treat women as human beings, not as some other species who they should look after and 'respect'. Respect is a human right, not a right that you get by being a woman. Women are not furniture, they are not fashion accessories, they are not property, they are not investments. They are not cute things that you have a duty to look after like a pet. Violence against, and the objectification of, women is a deep social problem that is only vaguely recognised and addressed despite ridiculous claims that women are now somehow mostly 'equal'. If Mrs Baden Clay has died as the result of domestic or partner violence then hopefully the result will be something more than a shallow sense of satisfaction that her 'killer' is broughtto justice. All men need to look at their own hearts and their own values and ask what their potential is to act in the same way as her killer(s). We should all look at her death and ask how we collectively failed her and what we can do to empower our daughters to ensure that they do not suffer a similar fate. I am a man.

:great: dr. sleuth, Brilliant posts they are! Go Hawkins, wherever you are, :yourock:
I feel a bit optimistic about this. Knowing they have only done this last Sunday. Just sounds like they are feeling a bit nervous and things aren't going as well as they'd like.. Am I reading too much into it?

I feel the same way....very sus I think, why wait 2 years ?
Cannot understand why the Police chose to ignore the evidence of Stephanie Apse about she and her children arguing and her daughter screaming about a spider web at approx 9.45pm on 19 April.

This would now appear to cancel out relevance of the evidence given by witnesses during the Trial ....... with regard to arguing and screaming between approx 9pm and 10pm that night.

However, the evidence of Stephanie Apse may only be likely be seen to explain and remove the confusion about, what many of us have been pondering ........ two timeframes of screams, thuds and vehicle screeching talked about in evidence by other witnesses last week at the Trial. These other times were quoted as approximately between 11pm in Brookfield and 12.30pm out Anstead way.

Maybe it was prudent that the Prosecution include the earlier timeframe which the Defence could give a possible explanation for; as in my opinion, the Defence are struggling to offer anything concrete with regard to other evidence ....... e.g. I didn't hear them offer an explanation on how the said razor could actually have performed the gouges on GBC's face. As was stated .... sharp (not blunt) razors are more likely to make nicks on men's faces!

Nope. Not cancel out at all! IMO. Means that there were screams from the Apps (spider) household (coincidentally near the BC household) at or near to the time when screams were heard at the BC household give or take a couple of hours.
Means that screams were heard. Need to determine the time.
He called the principal, NBC, Mahoney and the maintenance man around noon. Wonder what the maintenance man knows.

Didn't one of the girls mention ropes in the back of the car?
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