The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 25th June - Trial Day 10, Week 3

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Let’s just say, the unthinkable happens and he walks. What exactly is GBC walking into? I can’t imagine anyone bankrolling a new business venture for him. He’s hardly going to be employable on any level. I doubt Toni would have him back. Can’t imagine any woman taking on a known serial cheater.
Even if he collects the insurance money – there are debts to creditors and lawyers, not to mention three broken little girls to provide and care for. With no income for rent, its back to Skul Manor in the spare room, friends distancing themselves, a tarnished reputation, a hyphenated name besmirched, the public humiliation across his entire personal, professional and social image. A mighty fall from grace with a resounding thud.
All in all, permanent residency with the lads offers a better lifestyle.

BBM: I think she would unfortunately have him back (well not really back as she never had him in the first place. He was married to Allison!! ) in a heart beat.......:sick:
Let’s just say, the unthinkable happens and he walks. What exactly is GBC walking into? I can’t imagine anyone bankrolling a new business venture for him. He’s hardly going to be employable on any level. I doubt Toni would have him back. Can’t imagine any woman taking on a known serial cheater.
Even if he collects the insurance money – there are debts to creditors and lawyers, not to mention three broken little girls to provide and care for. With no income for rent, its back to Skul Manor in the spare room, friends distancing themselves, a tarnished reputation, a hyphenated name besmirched, the public humiliation across his entire personal, professional and social image. A mighty fall from grace with a resounding thud.
All in all, permanent residency with the lads offers a better lifestyle.

I think if he walks the Dickies will have a whole new fight on their hands.

I predict he will move overseas with the girls. No one here ( wife ) to fight the move.
The Dickies could fight it but really what chance would they have of stopping him, he's been found not guilty ( hypothetically, don't anyone see not guilty and run with it ! :floorlaugh:) so nothing to stop him.
And Toni will move with him.

She need anonymity as much as he does.

A new country is the only way.
IT is Day 11 of the trial of former Brookfield real estate agent Gerard Baden-Clay, 43, who stands accused of murdering his wife Allison Baden-Clay, 43, on April 19, 2012.

Today, Baden-Clay will reveal today if he intends to call or give evidence in his defence.

Prosecutor Todd Fuller QC on Wednesday wound up the Crown case following 10 days of evidence, including testimony from 71 witnesses and more than 170 exhibits.

Mr Fuller tendered a number of admissions to the court including a copy of the Baden-Clays’ assets and liabilities that totalled $74,663.

The jury saw a number of admissions made by the defendant such as the timing of phone calls, changes to Ms Baden-Clay’s life insurance policy and interviews by police.
BBM: I think she would unfortunately have him back (well not really back as she never had him in the first place. He was married to Allison!! ) in a heart beat.......:sick:

Oh my GOD yessss. she would have him back. :banghead:
My sister fell off a push bike many years ago and hit her head on the road (long before helmets). She did not have a fracture anywhere but died from a subdural haematoma. So you are correct Cattail!
Oh that's just awful, I'm really sorry about that :(
Sky News Australia ‏@SkyNewsAust 1h

Accused wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay will be called to take the stand or call witnesses on his behalf today #badenclay (@liztilley84)
I'm not sure if this scenario has ever been discussed, but I've had thoughts of GBC getting on the stand and saying that Allison committed suicide at home, and he disposed of her body for a few possible reasons: To avoid the girls finding out; To get the insurance (if suicide wasn't covered or of he says he thought suicide wasn't covered); To protect the family name from the stigma associated with suicide; or, he could just say he freaked out and didn't know what to do.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying I think any of this is actually a possible scenario of what happened, rather, a possible explanation gbc may offer if he feels backed into a corner.....
I'm not sure if this scenario has ever been discussed, but I've had thoughts of GBC getting on the stand and saying that Allison committed suicide at home, and he disposed of her body for a few possible reasons: To avoid the girls finding out; To get the insurance (if suicide wasn't covered or of he says he thought suicide wasn't covered); To protect the family name from the stigma associated with suicide; or, he could just say he freaked out and didn't know what to do.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying I think any of this is actually a possible scenario of what happened, rather, a possible explanation gbc may offer if he feels backed into a corner.....

Perhaps this is 'the real story' that Olivia spoke of .......

He's such a liar so who would know what the real story is :banghead:
What an exhausting but unbelievable day. I'm finally able to come ond and make a couple of posts before Court begins again, this time at 11am.

I have checked mainstream media and the only thing reported other than the list of "irrefutable facts" was that the jury was asked to leave and there was legal argument. So i won't say a lot more than i already posted this afternoon in terms of the details of what was said in court, but I did just want to clarify a little as I noticed some discussions surmised incorrectly on a few things, understandably considering there wasn't much to go on if you weren't in the court.

So, the legal argument went on for an hour and a half, maybe more, not sure because I was first quite surprised that the Crown suddenly said they rested their case, just prior to the legal argument phase beginning. I was still trying to get my head around this (due to the fact that i was hoping for more bombshell evidence, or something, anything, that seemed more like a strong trump card from the Prosecution) when the legal argument started, as well as listen to the opening rationale from the Defence about what they were about to submit.

As well, as this phase proceeded, I was continually getting booted off WS, probably due to the huge numbers accessing it.

I will say what the legal argument wasn't implying, and just do an overview, without detailing the discussions and arguments. As others have pointed out, there are often standard legal arguments put forward at this juncture - this juncture meaning after the prosecution has rested their case, and prior to any further witnesses being called by the Defence. I assume this occurs at this time if deemed necessary by the Defence after hearing the Prosecutions case, as it may help their client and help them in how to proceed. MOO

A submission is put forward more or less saying there is no case to answer for the crime being tried, in the hope of either the case being dropped then and there, or a lesser crime being deemed more relevant. So this is what happened here. Suicide or manslaughter wasn't mentioned.

Anyway I will say the Judge was absolutely rigorous in his approach to both the Defence regarding the basis of their submission, and also towards the Prosectuion as they refuted the submission. The Judge totally played the devil's advocate (which i assume is what is supposed to happen) on both sides of the coin. I have to say it was an impressive display of impartiality, combined with an aggressive approach to arguing against both sides to draw out what would really hold up and force them both to justify their arguments.

At the end of it the Judge made his ruling that there was a case to answer for murder - not that he was saying he believed there was a murder, just that there was enough of a case to present to the jury to allow them to make up their own minds.

I found the whole legal argument style quite shocking and intriguing. Can't explain why, but perhaps one day i can come on and discuss it after it is all done and dusted.

It has left me quite puzzled too, and wondering if the Prosecution case is stronger than I thought? It's so hard to know.

Oh yes, also apparently a decision will be being made tonight as to whether, in the light of this, GBC will or will not be taking the stand. I think this may have been discussed here anyway. Also it looks like early next week both sides will make their final arguments.

Sorry for this long-winded, obtuse post! Just my way of gathering my thoughts for the day.

I'm intrigued as to what Thursday will bring!

Thank you ever so much It's the Vibe. I so appreciate you attending court (and all the others) :loveyou:
Last thoughts before sleeptime ...
I have been trying to put together what was given as evidence and not bring in anything that was left out.
<respectfully snipped>
I think the Prosecution have what they need for the 2 convictions - and they have kept a keen focus related to a designated location - the house.
Even with the Botanists evidence taking the case to Kholo Creek, the focus came back to the house.
The proven false scratches/razor incident was said by the accused to have happened at the house.
The majority of Plant matter found on the deceased was from the House property.
The blood in the car was located in the driveway of the house property.
It has been determined that a death has occurred which was not by natural means and that the person was known to be at that house before being reported missing.
The strength that the murder took place is designated to the house/property.

And I think it is there that the Prosecution are affirming that the incident took place at that location - beyond reasonable doubt.
so if there is no doubt with those facts...
The person holding not one, but at least 3 substantial MO's was located at the house during the time.
There was no other person said to be at the house or the property than the accused and 3 children.

... there being no other credible explanation provided to contest or include any other persons involvement at the house; any doubt that the accused was not involved would be unreasonable in the context of the evidence presented as it stands.

<respectfully snipped>.

Thank you FigTree for laying this out for us. It is certainly helpful IMO.
The officer’s first question to Mr Baden-Clay was: “How are you going, Gerard?”

Mr Baden-Clay answered: “Shithouse.”

He then relayed the story of his wife’s disappearance to Sgt Matthies, who asked what Mrs Baden-Clay’s mental state was when he’d last seen her on Thursday evening.

“She’s been predominantly up, we’ve had our ups and downs, she’s been predominantly up though,” Mr Baden-Clay answered, adding they’d been having financial challenges with their real estate agency.

Sgt Matthies: “Was she in a frame of mind where she would want to do anything to herself?”

Mr Baden-Clay: “No ... She has had a history of depression, but that’s pretty well managed by her medication

BBM: Didn't he say he didn't know if she was taking zoloft or not??

Mr Baden-Clay interrupted: “Can you keep your voice down?” :shush::whoosh:
The team from <modsnip> just leaving in a white commodore
Nigel with phone attached to his ear!!
Omg!! Nigel and obw ' husband dressed in black !!
We know what that means. Nigel!!!
Good morning everyone :)

Trial Day 11 isn't starting until 11am today.
Perhaps this is 'the real story' that Olivia spoke of .......

He's such a liar so who would know what the real story is :banghead:

Possible - I think as much as he would love to take the stand, thinking his odds are good, perhaps lured by the gentle ride his father & sister got. He won't take that gamble or rather he will have been instructed to remain not cross examined.
So bummed.... Off to hospital today for a minor op under GA- worst day to miss rolling updates!!!!! Arghh!!!! Hope I wake up quickly so I can catch up!! Lol
I hope he does take the stand. I'd like to hear him attempting to wriggle out of it. Gosh I wish I could go to court today! Was intending to go one day next week, wasn't expecting it to be done this quick.
So bummed.... Off to hospital today for a minor op under GA- worst day to miss rolling updates!!!!! Arghh!!!! Hope I wake up quickly so I can catch up!! Lol

Poor darling, goodluck.....we will all be here waiting....:loveyou::loveyou:
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