The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 26th June - Trial Day 11, Week 3

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She was suicidal OR TM did it because she was volatile? Is that the two options they are presenting?
I bet Toni will not like it being referred to as just a physical relationship – her head and heart were ALL in it.
I double very very much Allison took his phone off him overnight – man………

PLEASE let him get up and show his true colours.

Toni said in her statement Allison checked his text messages.
I got to know! If someone knows the answer please tell me before I go off to bed.

The defense counsel has been saying that GBC will take the stand. But when the time comes to do so can GBC say no he changed his mind? not take the stand????
Obviously the fact that the phone was put on the charger at 1.18 am has been a worry for the defense, so they have introduced this "fact" about GBC handing his mobile to Alison every evening. Hope the jury will see through this.

I'd be surprised if they didn't. It sounds completely confected to me. I mean, GBC never took business calls at night?

Mr. F's phone lives in his pocket except when he's sleeping and it's charging. The idea of him giving it to me is just ... stupid.
12:50pm: Mr Byrne said financial difficulties began to emerge in Mr Baden-Clay's real estate business during its expansion.

"In respect to the home front, Gerard will tell you he was still with Allison, he cared for her deeply and between the two of them it had become a bit easier, they had a routine each week," Mr Byrne said.

"Things weren't still going well on a physical level with Allison and Gerard will tell you he went to a conference in Sydney and he had a brief but sexual relationship there with a woman by the name of Jackie Crane. Again, he'll tell you it's something he's not proud of, but it happened. And it was, to him, not a commitment, it was a physical relationship.

"Over Christmas of 2010 the business moved with a full sales team of about 25 people. As you would know, what happened at that time, was the floods. It was a cruel, untimely and rather devastating event for a new, heavily-staffed real estate agency.

"The financial situation wasn't getting better, it was going down. Phil Broome felt the pressure so much, he sold half of the rent roll to Jocelyn [Frost]. He hadn't told Gerard about that until after.

"Phil and Jocelyn wanted to sack all the staff and put the business into receivership ...

"That's when he spoke to his friends. Rob Cheesman, Stuart Christ and Peter Cranner. Two of those people were qualified accountants and the other was the director of a company."

Read more:

"It was a cruel, untimely and rather devastating event"

Oh come on Mr Byrne!!! Talking about the effect of the floods on GBC like that is disgusting!
38+ people lost their lives!!
Many, many people lost their homes, treasured possessions, photos and keepsakes!!
Many many people suffered far far worse financially!

"It was a cruel, untimely and rather devastating event"
might better describe what happened to Allison in April, 2012, don't you think?
For a sneaky guy I am gobsmacked that he handed his phone over each night and was given it back in the morning! Biggest load of codswallop. No bloke does that. Hard enough to get my kids tl do that! It must have been a decoy phone.

hows the F5 going now:seeya:
I just don't know how Allison stayed with him after such long-term betrayal. I guess she did it partly for the girls. I just can't even imagine being cheated on for THAT long. Finding out almost immediately is terrible enough!

I think its very likely Al felt strong and resilient enough to work through it. She wasn't a meek woman,always sought out a helping hand when things got tough.

She is a model to all of us. IMO.
Where are the pyjamas? Both GBC and one of the daughters have stated she was wearing PJ pants that night. But we have heard nothing (that I can remember) about police finding them in the house or elsewhere.

On the Dr G Medical Examiner TV shows, there's one episode where she mentions victims of strangulation and suffocation soil themselves more often than not. Makes me wonder if there was another reason for redressing Allison. And getting rid of the PJ pants.
I got to know! If someone knows the answer please tell me before I go off to bed.

The defense counsel has been saying that GBC will take the stand. But when the time comes to do so can GBC say no he changed his mind? not take the stand????

I have to say, I wondered this, though it can't imagine it so...

It did cast my mind back to car accidents and bomb threats though... I wonder what can happen in AG during the next 3 days? I hope they keep him wrapped in cotton wool!
I'm just trying to think with my brain and not with my heart is all. I grieve for Allison and her family very much. I just don't agree with the persecution of G by personality. I've known some truly dodgy personalities that wouldn't hurt a fly.

I'm following another case where the guy was an absolute scoundrel and my opinion is there isn't any evidence against him. So I understand where you're coming from. :)

Imo there is enough on GBC. I won't go through it all but for the marks left on him.

Those gouges on his face were planted there by Allison while fighting with GBC. So unless GBC at least admits there was some physical altercation with Allison, I'm not buying anything he is selling. :twocents:
Funny that they have placed the timelapse from Kholo creek at the very beginning of the opening - they then start the time line 10 years prior.

Do we have a contradiction list started as yet?
I haven't got a hope in hades of catching up with comments - been working elsewhere on a current case of a missing fireman in California.
[ame=""]ACTIVE SEARCH CA - Mike Herdman (Firefighter), 34, Tar Creek, Ventura Co., 15 June 2014, #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Just heard that GBC is going to take the stand - yippee, you bewdy bottler, lets all suck the sauce bottle or get 'sourced up'. Can't wait. Where on the list? Lucky last?
:trainwreck: :great:
Yep they are going to try & throw TMC under the bus!!!!!

I just don't know how Allison stayed with him after such long-term betrayal. I guess she did it partly for the girls. I just can't even imagine being cheated on for THAT long. Finding out almost immediately is terrible enough!
He told her it was her fault so I imagine she thought if I could become a better person/wife for him it will keep our family together

Poor Allison! There but for the grace go I and many other women, who have integrity and morals and make the misguided assumption that their partner must be just like them and have them too. It took me years and years to work that out, particularly when with a partner who believed his own b&&&&&&t and so was very convincing. I'm just lucky I didn't marry and have kids until I was much older and had come to understand this. Allison's only real fault was being kind, warm hearted and loving, and with a normal man this would in fact have been her biggest strength.
He will tell you he did not leave his young girls alone in the house at Brookfield whilst he drove out to Kholo Creek on any occasion on 19th or 20th April, 2012," Mr Byrne said.

"He will tell you that he certainly did not transport or carry his wife's body down the muddy slope next to the Kholo Creek bridge and he did not place it at the water at the bottom of that slope.

"He did not drive back from Kholo Creek having walked through the mud and he did not, because there was nothing ... to clean up at the house, in the surround of the house, or in the car."
I'm just trying to think with my brain and not with my heart is all. I grieve for Allison and her family very much. I just don't agree with the persecution of G by personality. I've known some truly dodgy personalities that wouldn't hurt a fly.

That's a good way of keeping it in perspective. I tend to be a little emotive about things, perhaps too much!

I certainly agree that cheater does not equal murderer. I guess it's all the small pieces of circumstantial evidence, even besides the affair, that make me think it's improbable for there to be any other explanation. I don't suppose well ever know the truth.
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
Gerard's business partners wanted to sack all the staff and go into receivership - defence #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 52s
Gerard turned to his friends, wasn't asking for a handout - defence #badenclay

Errrr.... Actually he was
Judging from what we've heard so far, I don't see how GBC's testimony can possibly work in his favour. He's laying it on much too thick, and the jury are not going to like being taken for fools, which you would have to be if you believed the nonsense about hubby handing his phone over to wifey when he gets home at night - in fact I'm surprised his team even agreed to try that one on.

IMO he's completely overplaying his hand.

ETA: I just mentioned this to Mr. F and he said "doesn't happen."
Are there blood test records for ABC : low potassium causes same side effects : chest sensation, fainting and/or passing out (whether sitting, driving, etc)

Low potassium caused by sweating, diahorrea, low dietary uptake, too much alcohol : all likely on a once in a lifetime trek around South America IMO

Anaemia and blood pressure can too. It made me wonder why G asked "Like blood pressure?" When Set McLeod asked if Allison suffered any other medical conditions beside depression.
Makara or Marly hoping you can perform some magic for me?
Remember way back there was a blog or similar that Gerard wrote about him sending Allison away for a weekend, she deserved it blah,blah.
Think you can find it?
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