The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 2nd July - Trial Day 14, Week 3

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TM turned to water when she saw Allison at the gym, remember

TM needed a shoulder to cry on and Allison was a nurturing, caring woman

After half a cup of coffee, I can just hear TM asking, 'And did it only last three and a half seconds with you, too?'

That's true, but now GBC said he was definitely leaving Allison by July 1. Imo TM felt triumphant.

She wrote that Allison was a lady of leisure and so on, god only knows what she said out loud about Allison. As if she can criticise her like that?

I just think GBC couldn't afford to have them meet, and TM was on the warpath. Again jmo.
Following photo was taken on the day Allison's body was positively identified. "Himself" was on way to his lawyers in the photo taken that day.....

May 01, 2012

A WOMAN'S body found on a creek bank in Brisbane's west has been identified as that of missing mum Allison Baden-Clay.


Love that photo! I was in Melbourne last weekend, and there seemed to be a Pie Face shop on every street- I s******ed at each and every one!

Having spoken of almost nothing but the trial since it started, (or so it might seem to those I live and work with), I was still surprised today when a lady I was talking to, (about the trial) told me she was a quite distant relative of Todd Fuller. I sang his praises very loudly!
I wonder how Pastor Walton-Baden-Walton-Clay is going with preparing his next sermon to a bewildered congregation. Remember way back the email he sent to his parishoners about how they are going to be hearing a lot of dreadful untruths.........I am imagining him tweeting the trial word for word to his congregation until getting to the bit where Gerard asks the prosecutor how much sordid detail he is expected to give and he suddenly realises and rereads what he has tweeted.....

Don't discard the magic power of denial that the flock can sustain.....
Love that photo! I was in Melbourne last weekend, and there seemed to be a Pie Face shop on every street- I s******ed at each and every one!

Having spoken of almost nothing but the trial since it started, (or so it might seem to those I live and work with), I was still surprised today when a lady I was talking to, (about the trial) told me she was a quite distant relative of Todd Fuller. I sang his praises very loudly!
Ohhhhh NOW I know the Pie Face reference Hahahahahahahahahahahahajajahajajaja
Well I don't want to go off topic for fear of a mod slap so will be brief.

Due process must be followed, even for loathsome individuals such as Cowan. It is one of the cornerstones of civilised society.

The Court of Appeal Justices will be the ones who, in the absence of a High Court challenge, will decide if Cowan is to face a retrial. If Cowan's conviction is overturned on appeal (unlikely, but possible) then the media saturation would ensure that he could not possibly obtain a fair hearing by jury and it is inevitable in my opinion that an application for a bench trial would be successful. It would not be the Judiciary "baiting" anyone, it would be acknowledgement that he did not get a fair trial in accordance with Queensland law, nothing more.

And there would be such a demonstration of outrage by the Aussie public that ways would be found -- would be created -- to pacify the Aussie public, I assure you

After all, as has been known for hundreds of years and as is proven to us on daily basis, the law is an *advertiser censored* not a bible
A little off topic but I'm genuinely interested at your wanting the girls to have a relationship with GBC for their sake. It Family Law textbook in Australia but aren't there exception to the rule?[/QUO
I think there will come a time in those young girls lives when they will need and want a relationship with the surviving parent, perhaps to understand him a little, perhaps to relive memories of their early life, perhaps just that bonding that comes with family. The Dickies are elderly and in all probability the girls will left alone again, I think with proper counselling and help on both sides, he should make an effort to help his daughters understand and to find some good in him, otherwise I can imagine their lives will be harder than they have to be. I wish them and their grandparents all my best wishes.

Despite the disgusting and wicked things that we have heard about through this trial, I am sure that the girls will have had fun times with their Dad before this great tragedy.

I feel strongly that if there was confession and genuine and deep remorse from the alleged perpetrator of this crime, that would go a long way towards rebuilding relationships for the future and would help the girls in working through what has happened. At this point in time, sadly this scenario looks unlikely. Miracles do happen though.

Confession and genuine remorse will go a long way to restoring a man's soul....... without it people seem to become increasingly twisted. I am no expert.... this is just my observation from a distance of what seems to happen to people convicted of such crimes but continuing to deny that they did it. (I am sure that the scenario will be totally different for a truly innocent person wrongfully convicted). Confession and genuine remorse allows people to respond with forgiveness which helps the victims too.

One thing my beautiful parents taught me when we had foster siblings for many years was that no matter what wrong a parent had done to a child, they were still important to that child as they were part of who the child is and hence part of their identity. So, I was never to bag or put down these children's parents (even though I knew of the wrong they did). If my foster siblings asked questions about the wrong things I would answer gently as much as they asked and no more..... so I would be truthful. But whilst acknowledging that whatever action was wrong, I would still speak respectfully about them as a person and a parent. I think it boils down to hating the wrongful action of an individual but loving and respecting them as a person.

People who have made the biggest mistakes and done the most horrid of things can still have things that people love about them. I believe that in these situations children need to be given permission to still value, treasure and love the good things about a person that may have hurt them greatly. It is ok for them to remember the good times fondly. I think that if you completely crush a person important to a child because of a great wrong, like in the case we are following, you are also crushing the child. They have to know that their happy memories were real, true, good and valid experiences, even if the person then went on to do something horrid.

I do admit that in this case this will all take some careful navigating, lots of love and wise counselling. I also acknowledge that I am sure that children will go through all the stages of denial, rejection and so on, and so it will be a long road for them.
there used to be a WebSleuther on this thread, way back , who called themselves PieFace in tribute to the clever photographer who caught the snap..
Now that GBC has finally stopped talking there is something that should be noted:




Why, I wonder?

Yeah - and "normally" we remember the deceased far more fondly than in life - all the little annoying things get forgotten. Yet most of his testimony (beyond the sniffling how he "fell in love with her") was one big Allison-fails party. To be expected from his personality disorder, but still it should stand out as weird to the jury.
It's weird you said that because when I first saw the right hand side pillow in the bedroom I got bad chills.

Does anyone else remember the missing pillow case in the beginning?
AND I noticed in one of the girls rooms there was a cushion on the bed and not a proper pillow. Actually the same design of cushion on the lounge.

Missing pillowcase. Really, I thought it, looked for a clue in the photos.

This seems important. Are there photos to show a cushion or pillow without a cover or just one standing our with a new, clean, fresh, ironing lines cover on it?

Broken tooth, gouge to GBC hand and of course the scratch marks to his cheek.

I'm behind in reading posts so apologies if you're all done and dusted on the subject.
there used to be a WebSleuther on this thread, way back , who called themselves PieFace in tribute to the clever photographer who caught the snap..
That is hilarious...cannot believe it took me this long!!!
And there would be such a demonstration of outrage by the Aussie public that ways would be found -- would be created -- to pacify the Aussie public, I assure you

After all, as has been known for hundreds of years and as is proven to us on daily basis, the law is an *advertiser censored* not a bible

Cowan occupies the same place Julian Knight does.. no premier wants to be the one to give either of them a boost..
Yeah - and "normally" we remember the deceased far more fondly than in life - all the little annoying things get forgotten. Yet most of his testimony (beyond the sniffling how he "fell in love with her") was one big Allison-fails party. To be expected from his personality disorder, but still it should stand out as weird to the jury.

It's said the jury scrapes its shoes free of the 'stuff' on the steps of the court as it departs for the day
That is hilarious...cannot believe it took me this long!!!

in the early days, Gerard was often referred to as Pie Face.. it needed no explanation.. I recall the first time it was bunged up on the thread.. I reeled back, snorting and howling with laughter.. I couldn't type for hours..
Following photo was taken on the day Allison's body was positively identified. "Himself" was on way to his lawyers in the photo taken that day.....

Oi! Warnings plz Marly - I've just eaten!

WS needs a spoiler tag for these things, lol
in the early days, Gerard was often referred to as Pie Face.. it needed no explanation.. I recall the first time it was bunged up on the thread.. I reeled back, snorting and howling with laughter.. I couldn't type for hours..
I am laughing now.....being asked "what is so funny?" And I am telling the kids two words,Pie Face, and they don't get it....which makes it funnier..... oh dear....
Would genuinely like to agree. But children who're manipulated by narcissists go a bit numb in the memory department, based on what I've observed. For example, knew a couple really well. Father was close to a saint - closest I've met. The mother was a bone-deep narcissist. The father left his air-conditioned vehicle for his wife every day, even though she didn't get out of bed until noon (no exaggeration). And the father rode a bone-breaking motor bike about 50 kilometres out to the mines each day. And 50 kilometres return trip. All in stinking heat

Before the father left for work, he made breakfast for his children, changed the younger one's nappy, settled them down with something to entertain them. The children and father were well aware by that stage that mum was not to be disturbed. On one occasion, the girls got a stool and into the fridge, looking for boiled eggs, because they were so hungry and Narcissist Mum was still flat on her back asleep. They smashed almost an entire carton of raw eggs, one after another

Twenty years went by and the elder daughter was now a mother herself. On a trip down to the coast, she dropped in to see me, baby and husband in tow, to ask if I'd mind caring for the baby for the day (turned out to be 18 hours without word from her, plus she'd brought the toddler son of her sister in law along to be minded also)

We were talking about her childhood and she commented on how great her own husband was with the baby, etc. and how useless her own father had been when she was a child. I said, 'But don't you remember how great your dad was? Don't you remember how he did this and that for you?'. No. She said she had no memory of it, adding, 'Mum always said he was the most selfish, useless ... blabla'

I couldn't believe it. Her father went above and beyond for his children, always gentle, teaching by leading, sacrificing for them daily, putting up with their mother. All forgotten, wiped away by the narcissistic mother. The kids had been brain-washed and had lost all those wonderful memories of their father as if none of what he'd done for them had ever happened

You sure that dad wasn't doing a superman GBC impersonation and the mum was in bed depressed and over-medicated?

Worth considering.

I'm sure you're probably right. You were witness not me. Narcissism isn't selective re sex, race, socio-Eco status, age, etc.


I'm trying to have a sense of humour about it, please don't be offended : I'm well aware why I'm not a stand up comedian for a living. :blushing:
Oi! Warnings plz Marly - I've just eaten!

WS needs a spoiler tag for these things, lol

Have to admit, it's difficult to find a 'good' photo of GBC. Packs of Tums should be mandatory for online sleuths for the duration of this trial
You sure that dad wasn't doing a superman GBC impersonation and the mum was in bed depressed and over-medicated?

Worth considering.

I'm sure you're probably right. You were witness not me. Narcissism isn't selective re sex, race, socio-Eco status, age, etc.

I'm trying to have a sense of humour about it, please don't be offended : I'm well aware why I'm not a stand up comedian for a living. :blushing:

No, he was the real deal

The word most used, even today, re: the mother, is 'satanic'. True. For years, people believed she was possessed. But the exorcism failed and the exorcist nearly died afterwards and went into seclusion

These days, people have to rely on AVOs to protect themselves and loved-ones against her
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