The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

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I am having trouble recalling a sillier defendant on the witness stand for murder and interfering with a corpse..

I just cant think of one... Gittany was congenitally stupid, and he also had his family and friends as a direct demonstration of how stupid is transmitted genetically.. but even Gittany didn't reach the depths of real genuine encompassing holistic stupidity as our boy Gerard..

I love how you say things Trooper - so to the point and EXACTLY what I am thinking but I am unable to verbalise it as such - LOVE IT! :floorlaugh:
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 15s

We've adjourned until 10am. #badenclay

So... What are everyone's thoughts after today? No matter what we all might think about GBC and his behaviour .... I'm sure that nobody would want to see him found guilty IF he was innocent and no one would want to see him get off if he murdered Allison. At the end of the day all we can really hope for is JUSTICE.
So... What are everyone's thoughts after today? No matter what we all might think about GBC and his behaviour .... I'm sure that nobody would want to see him found guilty IF he was innocent and no one would want to see him get off if he murdered Allison. At the end of the day all we can really hope for is JUSTICE.

my question would be.. what part of todays testimony, and the previous day's testimony, had truth in it? I mean verifiable rational truth.. not a version of, or an imagined part, but which part of any of it had the genuine ring of truth to it??

to simplify.. when was Gerard lying and when was he telling the truth?
So... What are everyone's thoughts after today? No matter what we all might think about GBC and his behaviour .... I'm sure that nobody would want to see him found guilty IF he was innocent and no one would want to see him get off if he murdered Allison. At the end of the day all we can really hope for is JUSTICE.

I am waiting to see how he fares under cross examination.
We'll at least he was smart enough not to make up an explanation for the blood in the car! We were waiting for it!
Sorry if I missed it but...

Did anyone review the episode of The Good Wife that GBC referred to to see if "taking the fifth" was mentioned in that episode?
ok, so GBC has cried a few times in court. But from what I gather, he forgot to turn on the waterworks when he recalled the last moment he saw his wife as he was recounting his 'story' about what happened on the night of the 19th. Wouldn't he recall their last words exchanged, and at least shed a tear? significant moment if you ask me

Yep, where are the waterworks?!
kate kyriacou @katekyriacou · 6s

gerard says he argued with his dad and said there was no need, but his father was persistent. He says his dad called a lawyer. #badenclay

gerard says the lawyer's first piece of advice was to not give a statement to police. #badenclay

gerard says he argued with the lawyer, "i didn't care about myself, i just wanted to find allison". #badenclay

oh puhleeeeeeaaaaaase what utter drivel
Setting my personal opinion aside, IMO, he is succeeding in creating reasonable doubt. Everything now hinges on the cross examination by the Prosecution. Fingers crossed they go for the kill!
So... What are everyone's thoughts after today? No matter what we all might think about GBC and his behaviour .... I'm sure that nobody would want to see him found guilty IF he was innocent and no one would want to see him get off if he murdered Allison. At the end of the day all we can really hope for is JUSTICE.

I wonder what Gerrid thinks 'really happened?' What's his theory?
Well, he has confirmed by his own words that he is a liar.....the question is how many people has he lied to....Allison, Family, Toni, Business Partners, Friends, Medical Professionals, Counsellors, Police, Defence Attorneys, and/or Jury?
Sorry if I missed it but...

Did anyone review the episode of The Good Wife that GBC referred to to see if "taking the fifth" was mentioned in that episode?

Yes I did and confirmed it was called something like Ham Sandwich and was on at that time and had lots of references to taking the fifth in it. I actually believe his explanation to be true about that. In his second bail application he signed a stat dec explaining it. This was pretty much all that was in the stat dec. he could have said so many other things in it but no, just this about taking the fifth explanation. That's why I think it's true as he didn't explain anything else just that. That and it was on Tv that night.
4:42pm Wrap: This afternoon ...

* Mr Baden-Clay demonstrated for the jury how he cut himself shaving on the morning he reported his wife missing, using a pink highlighter pen.

The court has previously heard from forensic experts who have said the injuries on Mr Baden-Clay's face were more consistent with fingernail scratches than cuts from a modern razor.

* The 43-year-old recounted his movements on April 19, 2012, telling the court he was bitten by a caterpillar while watching his children compete in a school cross-country carnival that day. He said an "itching scratch" spread over his chest.

* He fumbled, however, as he recalled the morning he reported his wife missing on April 20, 2012.

"I started getting the children ready for school and I think I texted Al," he said.

"Actually, I think I texted her before I had all the children up. And I tried calling more than I texted."

* Mr Baden-Clay also told the court he asked police how he could help search for his wife in the days after she disappeared but was told "in no uncertain terms" not to join the search.

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Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 30s

Gerard is asked about "the date" he gave Toni when they would be together. "I don't honestly know where that came from." #badenclay

Gerard says he anticipated that time would come and go and Toni would be frustrated by that. He said he wanted her to leave him. #badenclay


I'm still catching up. :) Thank you wonderful retweeters and posters!! :loveyou:
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