The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

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My thoughts are that the vast majority of todays testimony is true. There are definitley a few things that I am iffy about though - such as the facial scratches, the blood in the car, and when all is said and done, how on earth ABC died and ended up where she did. But frankly, I just don't think most of what he has said is unusual at all in the circumstance and context of thier lives. In fact, it all sounds rather (sadly) familiar to me...

I think his testimony is littered with nothing but lies....

First bail application charge sheet and summary

One lie...

The defendant initially spoke to police on 20 April 2012. This was the only time that the defendant has provided a version of event to police. Other than consenting to a Forensic Procedure Order on 21 April 2012 (see below), the defendant has not otherwise cooperated with police in relation to the investigation. The defendant did not assist in the search for the deceased during the period she was missing and did not attend the Command Centre set up in the Brookfield area.

Another lie....

The defendant said that the affair was no longer occurring and had ended in September 2011.[/I]

And another...

This examination further revealed a recent injury to his right palm consistent with a scratch with a sharp object. The defendant stated that he had received his injury whilst he was changing a light bulb at a house he was preparing for open house. An employee of the Century 21 business, Jody Meynell, was present at this time and refuted this claim that the injury was sustained during the preparation of the open house.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*


I know who I believe & it sure ain't the one on the stand charged with murdering his wife.
Journalists put Baden-Clay trial in jeopardy

A SHERIFF will investigate a juror's note about a journalist and cameraman approaching them during the lunch break.

Justice John Byrne told the juror they were right to bring the matter to him.

He said journalists should "know better than to approach a juror in a criminal trial".

Justice Byrne told the jury the media was in a separate room which was why they had not seen them in the courtroom.

He told them the media could see and hear the courtroom.

Justice Byrne described what had happened as "untoward conduct" at first blush and he hoped it would not happen again.

Jurors are not visible on the screens in the media room.

Media cannot get access to the courtroom because of the huge public interest in the case which has people lining up from 5.30am to ensure a seat in the public gallery.
I think there was one part .. one sentence probably when he told the truth..

that Toni paid for the movie tickets, and also paid for a hotel room for them to be together for a few hours occasionally ...

not being there.. its just a guess, but I reckon he would have been proud of that.. he would assume that tells everyone that he is in charge , here.. women pay to sleep with him...
Do you believe that Allison was as incapacitated by her depression as GBC suggests?

P.S you don't need to answer if you don't want to..... Just interested on how others see this. We have him and his family painting a very bleak picture of the impact her depression had on the family and Allison's family and friends saying it was under control with medication. I understand that outsiders don't always know what goes on behind closed doors. Not having ever suffered from depression, but I feel like my mum would be the first person I would turn to if it had got to that point.

I don't know Timmy. I don't think ABC would commit suicide. But I don't think GBC would kill her either. So I just don't know. I did for many years live with a partner who suffered from depression though - and it was kept from friends and family for many, many years. In fact, most people are still unaware of it. so I can identify with (albeit not condone) an awful lot of what GBC has said about that stuff. Which has made me very, very sad, because I thought I knew them a lot better than I obviously did. I could have been so much more supportive. :(
I think his testimony is littered with nothing but lies....

First bail application charge sheet and summary

One lie...

The defendant initially spoke to police on 20 April 2012. This was the only time that the defendant has provided a version of event to police. Other than consenting to a Forensic Procedure Order on 21 April 2012 (see below), the defendant has not otherwise cooperated with police in relation to the investigation. The defendant did not assist in the search for the deceased during the period she was missing and did not attend the Command Centre set up in the Brookfield area.

Another lie....

The defendant said that the affair was no longer occurring and had ended in September 2011.[/I]

And another...

This examination further revealed a recent injury to his right palm consistent with a scratch with a sharp object. The defendant stated that he had received his injury whilst he was changing a light bulb at a house he was preparing for open house. An employee of the Century 21 business, Jody Meynell, was present at this time and refuted this claim that the injury was sustained during the preparation of the open house.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Bail Hearing Documents *No Discussion*


I know who I believe & it sure ain't the one on the stand charged with murdering his wife.

According to the partners statements, his whole expedition on that matter was blanket lie after lie after lie after lie.. it was as if he couldn't help himself.....
I think it's pretty common for people who are rather self absorbed to be able to be untruthful and deny certain facts without flinching. He's a serial cheater it seems, so untruths aren't exactly foreign to him (let's not forget his message about being in agony/being hers by July 1 - which he didn't mean of course). I don't think he even knew there was blood in the car, so could lie easily about that if necessary. And well, the shaving story ... scraped down his squishy cheek once, twice, and then even a third time? Really?
Gerard said one of the themes Allison would ask about is where he and Toni had "been intimate". #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 17s

Gerard says he'd already told her he'd had sex with Toni in the Prado and she refused to drive it after that. #badenclay
I bet he never told her she had also had sleepovers when she was at her parents
Australians have just been asked which professions they consider the most ethical and honest.

You guessed it: car salesmen are at the bottom of the list. They have held that position for more than 30 years. Scraping along the bottom with them are advertisers, real estate agents and state MPs.


Read more:

I believe 1/100th of the depression bit, re Alison..

this woman had the confidence, and it would have taken buckets of it, to front up at that office, take over Toni's desk and carry on organising some sort of recovery for that sinking business.. plus 3 children, plus Gerard ruthlessly gaslighting her at the same time.. .. because, he was still IN the affair.. sure, he was meaning that Toni was to leave him, but he told her he was leaving Alison.. he told her that again that very night she was murdered.. Toni, I am selling the business and leaving my wife.. '... now.. Toni, if she knew how to speak Gerardspeak should have taken that to mean, Toni , You are to Leave Me and to feel Better about it....

what world is this guy in?
So let's get this straight..the jury is expected to believe that he remembers everything from 20 years ago in great detail but cannot recall the sequence things happened in on the 20th?!
I truly think his undoing will be that he has proven himself as a liar to the ones that he loved most, how can he be trusted to be telling the truth today? He fooled everyone with his double life.
Haven't caught up yet. I am a McDonalds boycotter. Do they actually serve serve weak decaf skim cappuccinos?

Another McDonalds boycotter here!! :loveyou:

With all this info coming out in the trial, about all these meetings taking place in and around McD's, it's giving us more reasons to boycott them! :floorlaugh:
Just re-reading the bail hearing doc Marlywings posted earlier, and was reminded of the claims that Allison often went walking at around 10pm - was anyone ever found who could possibly support that? It seems such an eerie time for a woman to go out on her own for some exercise, no matter where she lives.
NO GERARD! Your rental wasnt burning down but YOUR WIFE WAS MISSING!!

didn’t want to panic, I still just thought Al must be on her walk somewhere and so I looked up the police number on my phone on the internet and there was a 13 number, rather than calling the emergency number, because it wasn’t like a fire burning a house down or something like that and I didn’t want to misuse the service,” he said.
I believe 1/100th of the depression bit, re Alison..

this woman had the confidence, and it would have taken buckets of it, to front up at that office, take over Toni's desk and carry on organising some sort of recovery for that sinking business.. plus 3 children, plus Gerard ruthlessly gaslighting her at the same time.. .. because, he was still IN the affair.. sure, he was meaning that Toni was to leave him, but he told her he was leaving Alison.. he told her that again that very night she was murdered.. Toni, I am selling the business and leaving my wife.. '... now.. Toni, if she knew how to speak Gerardspeak should have taken that to mean, Toni , You are to Leave Me and to feel Better about it....

what world is this guy in?

I think much of what he described was accurate, with regards to living with depression, but I think it was massively overplayed. It can come and go with stress and when it's bad it can knock everything out of you so you can only function on a very basic level. I believe it had truth to it, but it was said to occur longer/more often/more deeply than in truth. Before they knew what it was it took a while to get hold of, but after she started Zoloft she knew when she needed it and asked for help, so i don't believe that it stretched out for long periods after that. Being in the house all day can cause a smart woman to go nuts, I think she needed to get out and do something, and probably could have worked at the R/E sooner if Toni didnt need Gerards help to keep her sales up.
I am not at all implying I think she suicided, but none of these were ruled out per the autopsy report. Page 14

I based the first of those two, the one about where she was found being more likely a place to hide a body than one she could reasonably walk to to suicide, on the fact that I'm a local and I know that route and I believe that to be true. The jury did go on a sight visit so they'd have travelled the route and should be able to see that too.

The second one, about the causes of death I believe are ruled out, I based on the testimony earlier in the trial.
16 Jun 2014

She was devastated when Baden-Clay broke it off in September or October 2011 after his wife found out, but then he called her out of the blue in December 2011 to tell her he planned to leave his wife for her.

They resumed their relationship in secret, and Ms McHugh said when she confronted Baden-Clay about their future he promised he'd leave his wife by July 1, 2012.

He repeated the promise in an April 3, 2012 email that was shown to the jury and said: "I have given you a commitment and I intend to stick to it - I will be separated by 1 July".

Then on April 11, Baden-Clay sent another email: This is agony for me too ... leave things to me now. I love you."

Ms McHugh said Baden-Clay rang her while she was in the interview room to find out whether she'd told police they were back together, and she said yes.

She told the court he told her in a later phone conversation "I need you to know that I don't know what's happened here. I need you to know I love you."
Sorry, haven't had any time to read websleuths today, but did read the transcript of the Brisbane times.

I saw a huge inconsistency between GBC saying he just wanted TM for sex, saying what she wanted to hear - and then saying HE kept trying to break it off as there wasn't a future in it. What man wants a future in an affair if all he wants is sex?

This "physical intimacy" term was giving me the irrits and I only read one article. Didn't Allison say in a journal she longed for hugs?
Great points either he wanted the sex or he didn't want it. Unless he changed his mind and no longer wanted the sex but the business wanted the sex so he had to keep doing it for the business ;)
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