The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

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Sorry, haven't had any time to read websleuths today, but did read the transcript of the Brisbane times.

I saw a huge inconsistency between GBC saying he just wanted TM for sex, saying what she wanted to hear - and then saying HE kept trying to break it off as there wasn't a future in it. What man wants a future in an affair if all he wants is sex?

This "physical intimacy" term was giving me the irrits and I only read one article. Didn't Allison say in a journal she longed for hugs?

December 17, 2012

"I would give anything if my partner would love me and make love to me," Allison wrote on December 8, 2010.

"It hurts when my partner won't give me a proper hug.

"Sometimes at night I feel lonely and cry.

"I feel the most lonely when my partner won't sleep in the same bed."
I based the first of those two, the one about where she was found being more likely a place to hide a body than one she could reasonably walk to to suicide, on the fact that I'm a local and I know that route and I believe that to be true. The jury did go on a sight visit so they'd have travelled the route and should be able to see that too.

The second one, about the causes of death I believe are ruled out, I based on the testimony earlier in the trial.

Do you have a link for the ruling out of causes of death please?
So what does that mean? That he left the girls alone and NBC turned up before he returned?

Im trying to work that out, but it reads that way to me. Where was OW when he rang her about calling the police?

Baden-Clay told the jury he drove in a Holden Captiva around Brookfield for around 20 minutes looking for his wife.

He said he called his sister during the search and asked her if she thought it was too early to phone police.

The accused said she told him to do so.

“I didn’t want to panic, I still just thought Al must be on her walk somewhere and so I looked up the police number on my phone on the internet and there was a 13 number, rather than calling the emergency number, because it wasn’t like a fire burning a house down or something like that and I didn’t want to misuse the service,” he said.

He said it went to an automated service and in the end he called 000.

Baden-Clay said he drove home and found his father at home with his daughters.
I think she did go walking at 10pm regularly... on her machine.

Just re-reading the bail hearing doc Marlywings posted earlier, and was reminded of the claims that Allison often went walking at around 10pm - was anyone ever found who could possibly support that? It seems such an eerie time for a woman to go out on her own for some exercise, no matter where she lives.
So what does that mean? That he left the girls alone and NBC turned up before he returned?

I think we need to keep in mind that the reports we are getting are made from notes and tweets and may not be word for word accurate. I was under the impression that NBC turned up at the Brookfield house to look after the girls before GBC went out 'looking'.
I think it maybe MSM wording again

4:00pm: Mr Baden-Clay said he phoned his dad Nigel Baden-Clay to ask whether he had seen Allison.

"I didn't want to be alarmist or anything," he said.

Mr Baden-Clay said his father arrived at his house a short time later and sat with the children.

He said he set out searching for his wife.

"I didn't want to panic. I still thought Al must still be on her walk somewhere," he said.

Mr Baden-Clay's sister Olivia Walton, who was visiting from Townsville at the time, also set out searching for Mrs Baden-Clay.

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I think much of what he described was accurate, with regards to living with depression, but I think it was massively overplayed. It can come and go with stress and when it's bad it can knock everything out of you so you can only function on a very basic level. I believe it had truth to it, but it was said to occur longer/more often/more deeply than in truth. Before they knew what it was it took a while to get hold of, but after she started Zoloft she knew when she needed it and asked for help, so i don't believe that it stretched out for long periods after that. Being in the house all day can cause a smart woman to go nuts, I think she needed to get out and do something, and probably could have worked at the R/E sooner if Toni didnt need Gerards help to keep her sales up.

BBM - you hit the nail on the head there BatWoman. I'm not making light of Allison's depression at all, but it does sound like she was more prone to it under certain circumstances - as are many of us. GBC's accounts of when she seemed to be at her lowest are pretty telling, and seem to be when she was understandably fearful, out of sorts, or under pressure that GBC seemed blissfully unaware of - plus he doesn't seem inclined to acknowledge that his behaviour could have played an enormous role in her state of mind at any of those times.
I'm not expressing myself very well there as I am fully aware of the seriousness of depression as an illness, as I have been there myself - especially during the years after having children. GBC's testimony has shown what a huge part he may have played in exacerbating Allison's illness IMO. He is almost whining about her condition now - can you imagine what he was like when she was actually living through it? I'm not sure he would have been quite as supportive and positive at the time as he would have us believe now - he's just been laying it on too thick to be totally believable. Just my take on it anyhoo.
does anyone here believe that Nige and Elaine , and most likely Olivia DIDNT know about the slidy stuff with Toni??

Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou

Gerard says his dad and the three girls were home when he arrived. #badenclay

Gerard says he looked for 20 minutes to half an hour. #badenclay

Gerard says he pulled over and called his sister to ask if it was too early to call police. She said it wasn't. #badenclay

Gerard: I still didn't want to panic. He says he tried the police 13 number. It went to a recorded message. He called 000. #badenclay

Gerard says he went straight home to be there when police arrived. #badenclay

Gerard says his dad and the three girls were home when he arrived. #badenclay

Kates tweets she is usually on the ball
3:08pm: Defence counsel Michael Byrne QC has turned his questioning to the events of April 19, 2012.

Mr Baden-Clay said he attended a Kenmore Chamber of Commerce meeting that morning. He said his wife dropped their daughters to school before going to work.

3:05pm: Mr Baden-Clay said his wife asked: "Do you regret the whole thing or just being caught?"

Mr Baden-Clay said: "I told her that I regretted it very much indeed and I told her I was very, very remorseful and I wished it never happened and I told her how much I appreciated how she was handling things and how she was being so understanding and forgiving of me."

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Sooooo did not answer the question. Ball in both courts there.
I have had depression all of my adult life. I am medicated. When it rears it's head the way I describe it to my doctor as 'feeling unloved, a feeling of impending doom'. That is why this case has drawn me in so so much. If Allison had the same feeling I get, she HAD GOOD REASON TO HAVE IT.
3:29pm: Later that day Mr Baden-Clay said he stopped by the Pullenvale house of his friend Robert Cheesman where he had been "project managing" some renovations to prepare the property for sale.

Mr Baden-Clay said he cut himself while changing a light-fitting in the main bathroom.

"I was using a ratchet screwdriver, which I'd borrowed from my father, and when I was using that screwdriver ... it slipped off and drove a little divot into the palm of my hand," he said.

The court was shown a photograph showing the injury on Mr Baden-Clay's right palm.

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Perhaps the police should have tested the screwdriver for blood ...
I think we need to keep in mind that the reports we are getting are made from notes and tweets and may not be word for word accurate. I was under the impression that NBC turned up at the Brookfield house to look after the girls before GBC went out 'looking'.

True, RLTP, I was in court today and he said that he phoned NBC on the morning of 20th and when he arrived and took over getting the girls ready for school and cutting their lunches (they must be hungry girls, as it seemed like the lunches were made GBC, NBC & OW), he (GBC) went out looking. OW was in her car also looking and was in phone contact with GBC.
I completely agree Susan. I understand that different people lead different types of lives, have different personalities and different experiences, so would therefore react differently in different circumstances - and perhaps that is why so much of what he says is thought by so many in here to be lies. But I just don't find most of what he has described today as being obvious lies. Even the blood in the car which he said he didn't know it was there. I'm sure if he is guilty and he DID know it was there, he'd have cleaned it up before he called police - so I don't think that's a lie either. For me, I guess the extent of his lying comes down to the scratches on his face. And I don't shave, so can only go by what others on here who do - and of course the expert witnesses - have said about that.

Good thinking! Of course he didn't lie about not knowing the blood was there, if he had, HE WOULD'VE CLEANED IT UP!

I get it now how the little lies are covered up and glossed over.
so when Nigel tells Phillip Broome ( see statement ) that Gerards 'shenanigans' were a bit of worry ,you don't think that applied to Toni and the hanky panky??

I don't know Trooper. Maybe the 'shenanigans' was to do with the partner issues. Maybe it was to do with other stuff going on at the time. Or maybe they were told when everyone else in the office was told - and then thought it was finished with when TM left. I just really can't imagine GBC telling his parents details about it. Nor can I imagine the staff gossiping about it within earshot of N or EBC. I've always thought that and still do.
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