The Female Bounty Hunter

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I dunno, is all i do no is i feel like a greyhound dog chasing the rabbit. We have leaonard sayn were all going to be shocked, we have TES not sure of her name said we would all be surprised, and LE leaking a little here and a little there, I just wish caylee would be found (alive preferrably) and casey charged and the key thrown away.
The gems of info LP & Co have told the media, after leaving Orlando, surely had to come from this lady being with Casey... (remember, LP implied he had very little to do with Casey... then keeps dropping info that makes it sound like he had interacted with Casey) so I ponder if maybe she has lawyered up because she is now being pressed on the details she told LP, and that info she told LP isn't exactly the truth. The reason I say that is because I can't see Casey and the Anthony's allowing the lady to get the kind of info that has come down the pipe from LP: she was a stranger in their home... she was with a group that obviously did NOT support Casey... I just really can't see the Anthony's allowing the lady to be privy to important components of the case. On top of that, the lady bounty hunter was the wrong sex to entice Casey to open up... and I am not saying that as a mean joke, because Casey's personality type suggests that she views other women in her life as 2nd class and are only there for her convenience... that it is men that she only wants to deal with on a personal level.

Lawyer up and boom, Lady Bounty Hunter doesn't have to confirm or deny what she told the Padillas.

Just my "what if" opinion...
But Did't LP sign a confidentiality agreement with Caseys attorney? I remember we were all confused as to why he did this. So if he did, I am sure the female BH did.

I have mentioned previously, if you look at the tape of when Casey was arrested and at one point Cindy is standing outside on the phone, the female BH is there and Cindy turns towards her and they embrace, and wrap there arms around the back of each other in support. At the time, I remember th
inking that she had crossed the line and got to personally involved in the case

I just don't get this. What could she possibly have learned that would cause her to apparently sympathize with the Anthony's, possibly even Casey ?
I dunno, is all i do no is i feel like a greyhound dog chasing the rabbit. We have leaonard sayn were all going to be shocked, we have TES not sure of her name said we would all be surprised, and LE leaking a little here and a little there, I just wish caylee would be found (alive preferrably) and casey charged and the key thrown away.

I've heard about this comment from TES. Is there a link ?
The gems of info LP & Co have told the media, after leaving Orlando, surely had to come from this lady being with Casey... (remember, LP implied he had very little to do with Casey... then keeps dropping info that makes it sound like he had interacted with Casey) so I ponder if maybe she has lawyered up because she is now being pressed on the details she told LP, and that info she told LP isn't exactly the truth. The reason I say that is because I can't see Casey and the Anthony's allowing the lady to get the kind of info that has come down the pipe from LP: she was a stranger in their home... she was with a group that obviously did NOT support Casey... I just really can't see the Anthony's allowing the lady to be privy to important components of the case. On top of that, the lady bounty hunter was the wrong sex to entice Casey to open up... and I am not saying that as a mean joke, because Casey's personality type suggests that she views other women in her life are 2nd class and are only there for her convenience... that it is men that she only wants to deal with on a personal level.

Lawyer up and boom, Lady Bounty Hunter doesn't have to confirm or deny what she told the Padillas.

Just my "what if" opinion...

But if you think back early on LP and crew were the hero's that got KC out of jail. It all turned sour later on. There were a few days where things were just peachy with the A's and LP and crew. I mean LA was handing over cell records to them etc. IMO there was time in there for plenty of things to be said or done.
I just don't get this. What could she possibly have learned that would cause her to apparently sympathize with the Anthony's, possibly even Casey ?

I don't know..........I just remember thinking her actions were odd in the fact that she was a BG, working for the bail lenders......had been there a short time........and it was Cindy that actually turned to her if they had established a friendly relationship where she felt comfortable to do this.

A good BG will keep themselves removed from an emotional aspect of a case, they have to or it could cost them there life, of the life of the person they are guarding.
I've heard about this comment from TES. Is there a link ?

It was reported by one of the local channels in FL that a spokesperson from TES said that new developements would be surprising...something to that effect. One of our fellow websluethers spoke with this person from TES and said that what was reported was taken a bit out of context.
I don't know..........I just remember thinking her actions were odd in the fact that she was a BG, working for the bail lenders......had been there a short time........and it was Cindy that actually turned to her if they had established a friendly relationship where she felt comfortable to do this.

A good BG will keep themselves removed from an emotional aspect of a case, they have to or it could cost them there life, of the life of the person they are guarding.

Do you think they could have convinced her somehow that Caylee is alive ?

Why wouldn't she want to talk to LE ?
But if you think back early on LP and crew were the hero's that got KC out of jail. It all turned sour later on. There was a few days where things were just peachy with the A's and LP and crew. I mean LA was handing over cell records to them etc. IMO there was time in there for plenty of things to be said or done.

True, but it was immediately after Casey's release and being monitored by the lady bounty hunter, that things started souring. I just can't see Casey opening up to her, with things going down the tubes with LP and Co.
I think this case is such a zoo and everyone who comes near it gets their personal life torn apart, their motives questioned, and their 15 minutes if they want it or not. Lawyering up is not a sign of guilt to me, it is a logical response to attempt to control the splatter she is about to pick up. I am sure she is going to talk to the police, she may know something she didn't realize was relevant (or even considered to be true) until she left, and whomever she did tell it has gotten back to LE who says they are interested. Someone around her probably advised her to contact an attorney, or an attorney contacted her.

I agree with you. But I do also wonder if maybe she has any info (overheard or even speculation) regarding any possible family accomplice that LP had alluded too. I've wondered so much about her from the beginning. What a wealth of observations, insights and information I would think. I wonder too, If LE has ever tried to interview her before now and if not, what not? Just curious...:waitasec:
But if you think back early on LP and crew were the hero's that got KC out of jail. It all turned sour later on. There was a few days where things were just peachy with the A's and LP and crew. I mean LA was handing over cell records to them etc. IMO there was time in there for plenty of things to be said or done.

I am not in the majority of most on this board. I don't and have never viewed LP and crew as heros. I always thought they did this for the media attention and still do. I don't have much respect for LP going on NG show every night and providing information about an on-going case that has yet to go to trial.

If as LP says, "this is all about finding Caylee"......then what he is doing is NOT helping this case in any way. LP and crew were the only independent ones around the Anthony family once she got out of jail........and there testimony in court could be viewed as very important, but that has now been called into question (IMO)

I also NEVER understood why he signed that agreement with Caseys attorney, and if he did.......this will cause an issue in court with whatever he has to say.

Just something does not sit right with me on this aspect of the case. I just feel that allot of what LP is saying is his opinion vs. on actual facts.
The only think shocking and surprising would be that Caylee is really alive and that Casey's story was true. I can't imagine anything else that would be shocking.

It was reported by one of the local channels in FL that a spokesperson from TES said that new developements would be surprising...something to that effect. One of our fellow websluethers spoke with this person from TES and said that what was reported was taken a bit out of context.
Do you think they could have convinced her somehow that Caylee is alive ?

Why wouldn't she want to talk to LE ?

I have NO IDEA why she is concerned with talking with LE. We all have the right to have an attorney, so it should not be looked at in the way it is being looked at. But human nature being what it is, thats how we think. Maybe she did something for LP and is now worried that she could get in trouble........but remember, this is second hand infomation that we are receiving. LP said himself that he is a "media *advertiser censored*".
I am not in the majority of most on this board. I don't and have never viewed LP and crew as heros. I always thought they did this for the media attention and still do. I don't have much respect for LP going on NG show every night and providing information about an on-going case that has yet to go to trial.

If as LP says, "this is all about finding Caylee"......then what he is doing is NOT helping this case in any way. LP and crew were the only independent ones around the Anthony family once she got out of jail........and there testimony in court could be viewed as very important, but that has now been called into question (IMO)

I also NEVER understood why he signed that agreement with Caseys attorney, and if he did.......this will cause an issue in court with whatever he has to say.

Just something does not sit right with me on this aspect of the case. I just feel that allot of what LP is saying is his opinion vs. on actual facts.

I was referring to in the eyes of the A's they were the "heroes" My personal feelings on them are not involved in my post.
I am not in the majority of most on this board. I don't and have never viewed LP and crew as heros. I always thought they did this for the media attention and still do. I don't have much respect for LP going on NG show every night and providing information about an on-going case that has yet to go to trial.

If as LP says, "this is all about finding Caylee"......then what he is doing is NOT helping this case in any way. LP and crew were the only independent ones around the Anthony family once she got out of jail........and there testimony in court could be viewed as very important, but that has now been called into question (IMO)

I also NEVER understood why he signed that agreement with Caseys attorney, and if he did.......this will cause an issue in court with whatever he has to say.

Just something does not sit right with me on this aspect of the case. I just feel that allot of what LP is saying is his opinion vs. on actual facts.
IIRC there was no confidentiality agreement signed between lp and the Anthonys. In all the news reports I watched as well as lp statements he stated that anything Casey said to him was not privledged. That is why JB did not want his client alone with any of them. My this female body guard part of his operation or did he contract out for her....she is from CA..... It is my opinion LP and TP hired her and a team to provide the bodyguards, etc when they first bonded her out. I think we will know more in the coming week.... a name would be nice anyhow. Perhaps looking back at early video when the Ps first got there could at least narrow down some possible pics...
I have NO IDEA why she is concerned with talking with LE. We all have the right to have an attorney, so it should not be looked at in the way it is being looked at. But human nature being what it is, thats how we think. Maybe she did something for LP and is now worried that she could get in trouble........but remember, this is second hand infomation that we are receiving. LP said himself that he is a "media *advertiser censored*".

I agree with u on this one. except i am a fan leonard but you are right we all have a right to an attorny and thats it this part of the story. If she does talk to LE i just hope it information that can lead them to caylee.
I have NO IDEA why she is concerned with talking with LE. We all have the right to have an attorney, so it should not be looked at in the way it is being looked at. But human nature being what it is, thats how we think. Maybe she did something for LP and is now worried that she could get in trouble........but remember, this is second hand infomation that we are receiving. LP said himself that he is a "media *advertiser censored*".
It is second hand info in a sense. We do know that LE is out in CA. I am sure they are not at knotsberry farm or disney land :blowkiss: (btw, I love your mental challenges Mitch and your solid foot in reality! I need that time to time :blowkiss:)
True, but it was immediately after Casey's release and being monitored by the lady bounty hunter, that things started souring. I just can't see Casey opening up to her, with things going down the tubes with LP and Co.

Well, she was in the house right from when KC got released. There was definitely a few days in there before all the "talk" of LP pulling out b/c KC wouldn't speak to them...that is when things went sour. There had to be a few days b/c LP gave her a chance to speak to them.

CA seemed very fond of the female in the house..I think KC followed suit personally. She's obviously concerned about her mothers approval on many levels..nothing would surprise me.
IIRC there was no confidentiality agreement signed between lp and the Anthonys. In all the news reports I watched as well as lp statements he stated that anything Casey said to him was not privledged. That is why JB did not want his client alone with any of them. My this female body guard part of his operation or did he contract out for her....she is from CA..... It is my opinion LP and TP hired her and a team to provide the bodyguards, etc when they first bonded her out. I think we will know more in the coming week.... a name would be nice anyhow. Perhaps looking back at early video when the Ps first got there could at least narrow down some possible pics...

Remember when LP wanted to pull the bond? He had said he would do it by that Saturday. He ended up meeting with Caseys attorney, and they gave a joint press statement to the media, it was mostly Caseys attorney that was speaking and he said that LP and him had come to an agreement on the issues and that LP had signed a confidentiality agreement. I don't recall LP denying this during the interview, but if somone else does, let me know!

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