The influence of MSM coverage regarding the Trayvon Martin case

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A simple thank you was not enough. This post needs to be printed in all MSM. I am so tired of the BS in this case with overly zealous reporters whipping people into a frenzy with inaccurate or exaggerated reporting. I find it disgusting and it completely turns me off of a case when they do that.

I agree. Stmarysmead, that was a remarkable post. Very well thought out. Too bad there isn't a way to get THAT in the big papers. Maybe we can start a fund and put it in as an ad.

Once again great post.
It is chilling when the Media chooses sides and clings on for dear life. As a veteran of another high profile Media Hoax, I can explain some of their "tricks."

Usually the side they choose is linked immediately to an historical metanarrative..often one that has great emotional resonance to a group of people. I am NOT disparaging these metanarratives or the historical reasons they exist. I'm pointing out that making an accusation of a crime FIT into old grievances, hurts and wrongs...helps the media begin its process of shaping a case and pre-convicting one side. To that end, the Duke hoax was immediately linked to the Metanarrative of White Men of Privilege raping poor Black women. This was referenced constantly. In this case, it is White Men killing innocent Blacks because of Profiling.

So now we bring all the anger at past profiling and racial disparity and we dump it on this Watch Captain in Florida. He can subsequently do no right in the media and the "victim" becomes immediately "perfect."

To that end, we need pictures. Let's take an old picture of a mean looking GZ and use that. OOPS cannot use any recent pictures of TM where he is pretending that Gang banger look...because the public will not embrace him if we do. So the media finds a picture of him at 13 years old...a CHILD'S stubble, no gold teeth...a child's picture. And a beautiful child who...yes, does look like a popular President.

So they use that old picture for weeks. This is NOT the face GZ saw that's a child's face. But the Media is about building outrage. Profiling THIS innocent child? How ridiculous, readers fume. (including ME, at first.)

Now we constantly reference the Skittles....a child's treat. Later we hear this 17 year old has an illegal drug in his system but that is WELL after the image of a 13 year old child with Skittles is seared in the publics brain.

The media Image Making and linking to the emotional Metanarrative sets the stage.

Now the mechanics. Any unflattering info about TM must immediately be downplayed or ignored...the changing of schools in mid-year, the three suspensions, the Facebook page, how LONG till they are mentioned and in what context? Where is info placed...beneath a headline ravaging GZ...who has every possible grudge holder interviewed for dirt and reported with zeal. GZ is cutting the 911 tape and running it cut many denying his finding an "expert" that identifies the screams as TM's...when we are never told that TM's FATHER SAID they were NOT his sons Screams.

Headlines are a tool as well. Today ABC has a headline :


Read the article and you also see at the end that the WITNESS at the scene supports GZ's story AND has TM beating him with Martial Arts Style...but the Media LIKED this quote for a smear GZ some more...made by a woman who apparently thinks that GZ KNEW he was going to be beaten to a inch of his life and therefore premediated the whole deal. She suggests he could have shot a peson straddling him and beating the LEG! Could someone explain exactly HOW to implement that? Maybe diagram the mechanics when someone is straddling you? That is so ridiculous and DUMB that it is appalling that this is considered relevant at all. That "witness" is giving a NON FACTUAL OPINION that no one can PROVE...but it is the Big Headine. Why? Because the media knows many folks just SCAN headlines and do not actually read. So this headline feeds anger...makes it harder for GZ to get a fair trial. And many will never READ the full context of this Witness' statement at all. Mission of fomenting more hate...ACCOMPLISHED!

Which is the whole idea...because the Media has chosen "a side" before they know the evidence. In fact they are CREATING False evidence to inflame potential jurors and force weak political DAs to file weak cases the Law does not support. Nifong. Corey. Placating public opinion first and foremost. Public opinion fueled by a rabid biased press...inciting for Mob justice. Based on their often later proven FALSE evidence. You cannot unring a Bell.

And if Race is part of the case...The Media is glad to use that to infuriate as well. Subsequently, we have the media reporting on racial slurs that later , much later...they admit were never spoken. That is RECKLESS. Knowing the implications, the hurt, THAT CHARGE should never be made unless it is 100 SOLID. But the Media is like excited gossipy Neighbors...OMG...OMG ...say anything then check it later!!

They initally call GZ "White" fit the Metanarrative of "Whites Killing Blacks Because of Profiling"....then when GZ's heritage is unfortunately MIXED...they invent the term "White Hispanic." Then, horrors, he has Black Heritage, Black friends, has mentored Black children. But this is DOWNPLAYED. Instead, the Congressional Black Caucus is interviewed for quotes about TM being "shot like a dog." etc. This is all part of making this case so RACIAL...that defending GZ in any manner makes one a RACIST. This is a useful "Shut-UP" tool that the media uses. If you don't see Crystal Mangum as Sister Survivor raped by three White Men of Privilege JUST BECAUSE she has no LAX DNA and every orifice is chock full of OTHER male DNA...then you are a RACIST! Or you hate women and love rape!

This is terribly unfair. It is possible to respect folks of all races but base one's opinons on FACT not emotion or allegiance. A Black friend who says GZ is not a racist should be allowed to speak and shown the same respect by the any of us would wish. It takes bravery.

If you read about GZ's injuries, read the Law and say, as Harvard Professor Dershowitz says...there should never have been charges...the editorials and media spin is that you are racist, or a gun-nut. How do they do quoting in articles "experts" who analyze people who do not agree with possessing these evil qualities. How many of these erroneous emotional "quotes" are ever retracted or corrected by the Media in later articles? Have you seen articles about the exaggerations made by these Congresspeople about this case? Why not? Does the Media have no responsibility to the truth?

Once the Media sets the hysteria going...witness statements change. The young boy who saw G on top is "corrected" by his Mother. Dad "corrects" whose voice he heard screaming. Because it becomes scary to oppose the Media in full outrage. Then they report death threats by the Black Panthers and our Government tolerates those threats. Gee, any witness, any gets the point to shut up or go with the Media Mob.

Of couse, we have the Entertainment Ghouls...who exploit these tragedies for ratings...another "media." How often they show their ignorance of the evidence is STUNNING. But they feel NO OBLIGATION to be INFORMED. They exist to pander emotion...push hatred...convict in the public's mind before trial. It is a barbaric profession. Lawyers who go on TV and push slander, lies and misinformation for RATINGS and personal enrichment. And they are quoted as if they are "serious media." Remember NG's wailing about how the Duke accusers fingernails were brutally ripped off?

Lee press on nails. She did her nails in the bathroom...the OTHER stripper testified to that.

Now we have an array of disgruntled old girlfriends, Middle Easterner work associates...blah, blah. The Media takes their every word as GOSPEL...they are the embodiments of perfect truth. No one who smears GZ could ever be lying, have an agenda or a grudge. After all, it's only those who SUPPORT GZ who MUST be liars, racists, or all of the above.

We live in an age where Media credibility is near ZERO...but we love to believe them when their VENDETTAS fit our opinions.

Excellent post.

Bold emphasis mine. :)
I agree. Stmarysmead, that was a remarkable post. Very well thought out. Too bad there isn't a way to get THAT in the big papers. Maybe we can start a fund and put it in as an ad.

Once again great post.

Or maybe we should stop giving so much credit to the MSM, like thinking they would actually allow any type of negative rebuttal.

IMO, when all is said and done, this forum should revisit all the blog sites that had this story pegged from day one and consider them legitimate in the future. The truth has been out there for weeks, even months in some cases, but MSM wanted nothing to do with it. There are excellent writers making a living getting the truth out and playing by their own rules on blogs. I predict blogosphere will be the end of the media as the source for truth and unbiased information in the future. At the very least, they will hold the MSM accountable and the public will listen.

Or maybe we should stop giving so much credit to the MSM, like thinking they would actually allow any type of negative rebuttal.

IMO, when all is said and done, this forum should revisit all the blog sites that had this story pegged from day one and consider them legitimate in the future. The truth has been out there for weeks, even months in some cases, but MSM wanted nothing to do with it. There are excellent writers making a living getting the truth out and playing by their own rules on blogs. I predict blogosphere will be the end of the media as the source for truth and unbiased information in the future. At the very least, they will hold the MSM accountable and the public will listen.


That is an excellent point, imo. I find that, without even realizing it, I have turned more and more to blogs and other non-msm sources if I want to know the actual facts, or even hear a reasonable debate of them. The only thing I still read in the msm is sports scores, celebrity and lifestyle fluff and straight facts like how much the dow is up or down and current weather conditions.
This one gets the reward for the most things wrong in one sentence. LOL LOL

Paramedics found Martin lying on his stomach, the can of iced tea, still cold, in his sweatshirt pocket. They flipped over his body and attempted CPR for six minutes.

1. Wrong, when paramedics got there Martin was on his back.

2. Wrong. Was not a can of ice tea.

3. Wrong. Was not in his pocket when paramedics got there.

4. Wrong. Paramedics did not flip him over.

5. Wrong. Nobody knows how long CPR was given.
Perfect Example of testing the waters:

Family of Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch seeks arrest March 7, 2012
(Excerpts from article)
"ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - The family of a 17-year-old African-American boy shot to death last month in his gated Florida community by a white Neighborhood Watch captain..."

"Trayvon Martin was shot dead after he took a break from watching NBA All-Star game television coverage to walk 10 minutes to a convenience store to buy snacks including Skittles candy requested by his 13-year-old brother, <modsnip>...."
"On his way home, a Neighborhood Watch loose cannon shot and killed him."
"Trayvon, who lived in Miami with his mother, had been visiting his father and stepmother"

"What do the police find in his pocket? Skittles," Crump said. "A can of Arizona ice tea in his jacket pocket and Skittles in his front pocket for his brother Chad."
"they [dispatcher]told him not to get involved. He disobeyed that order..."
The disgusting illegal leaking of school records by a criminal then the media does a story on it without showing the report.

In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

Read more here:

IMO, this story had very little influence and was, in fact, downplayed by the media via the family, especially Sybrina, 'they killed Trayvon and now they are trying to demonize him' (paraphrasing). In fact, I don't recall hearing this much at all on the MSM and the usual opinion type shows. Anytime it was mentioned here it was diminished with phrases like, "he was just being a teenager" or "all kids his age do things like that".

IMO, this story had very little influence and was, in fact, downplayed by the media via the family, especially Sybrina, 'they killed Trayvon and now they are trying to demonize him' (paraphrasing). In fact, I don't recall hearing this much at all on the MSM and the usual opinion type shows. Anytime it was mentioned here it was diminished with phrases like, "he was just being a teenager" or "all kids his age do things like that".


There was probably about a thousand post on here referring to it.
It is chilling when the Media chooses sides and clings on for dear life. As a veteran of another high profile Media Hoax, I can explain some of their "tricks."

Usually the side they choose is linked immediately to an historical metanarrative..often one that has great emotional resonance to a group of people. I am NOT disparaging these metanarratives or the historical reasons they exist. I'm pointing out that making an accusation of a crime FIT into old grievances, hurts and wrongs...helps the media begin its process of shaping a case and pre-convicting one side. To that end, the Duke hoax was immediately linked to the Metanarrative of White Men of Privilege raping poor Black women. This was referenced constantly. In this case, it is White Men killing innocent Blacks because of Profiling.

So now we bring all the anger at past profiling and racial disparity and we dump it on this Watch Captain in Florida. He can subsequently do no right in the media and the "victim" becomes immediately "perfect."

To that end, we need pictures. Let's take an old picture of a mean looking GZ and use that. OOPS cannot use any recent pictures of TM where he is pretending that Gang banger look...because the public will not embrace him if we do. So the media finds a picture of him at 13 years old...a CHILD'S stubble, no gold teeth...a child's picture. And a beautiful child who...yes, does look like a popular President.

So they use that old picture for weeks. This is NOT the face GZ saw that's a child's face. But the Media is about building outrage. Profiling THIS innocent child? How ridiculous, readers fume. (including ME, at first.)

Now we constantly reference the Skittles....a child's treat. Later we hear this 17 year old has an illegal drug in his system but that is WELL after the image of a 13 year old child with Skittles is seared in the publics brain.

The media Image Making and linking to the emotional Metanarrative sets the stage.

Now the mechanics. Any unflattering info about TM must immediately be downplayed or ignored...the changing of schools in mid-year, the three suspensions, the Facebook page, how LONG till they are mentioned and in what context? Where is info placed...beneath a headline ravaging GZ...who has every possible grudge holder interviewed for dirt and reported with zeal. GZ is cutting the 911 tape and running it cut many denying his finding an "expert" that identifies the screams as TM's...when we are never told that TM's FATHER SAID they were NOT his sons Screams.

Headlines are a tool as well. Today ABC has a headline :


Read the article and you also see at the end that the WITNESS at the scene supports GZ's story AND has TM beating him with Martial Arts Style...but the Media LIKED this quote for a smear GZ some more...made by a woman who apparently thinks that GZ KNEW he was going to be beaten to a inch of his life and therefore premediated the whole deal. She suggests he could have shot a peson straddling him and beating the LEG! Could someone explain exactly HOW to implement that? Maybe diagram the mechanics when someone is straddling you? That is so ridiculous and DUMB that it is appalling that this is considered relevant at all. That "witness" is giving a NON FACTUAL OPINION that no one can PROVE...but it is the Big Headine. Why? Because the media knows many folks just SCAN headlines and do not actually read. So this headline feeds anger...makes it harder for GZ to get a fair trial. And many will never READ the full context of this Witness' statement at all. Mission of fomenting more hate...ACCOMPLISHED!

Which is the whole idea...because the Media has chosen "a side" before they know the evidence. In fact they are CREATING False evidence to inflame potential jurors and force weak political DAs to file weak cases the Law does not support. Nifong. Corey. Placating public opinion first and foremost. Public opinion fueled by a rabid biased press...inciting for Mob justice. Based on their often later proven FALSE evidence. You cannot unring a Bell.

And if Race is part of the case...The Media is glad to use that to infuriate as well. Subsequently, we have the media reporting on racial slurs that later , much later...they admit were never spoken. That is RECKLESS. Knowing the implications, the hurt, THAT CHARGE should never be made unless it is 100 SOLID. But the Media is like excited gossipy Neighbors...OMG...OMG ...say anything then check it later!!

They initally call GZ "White" fit the Metanarrative of "Whites Killing Blacks Because of Profiling"....then when GZ's heritage is unfortunately MIXED...they invent the term "White Hispanic." Then, horrors, he has Black Heritage, Black friends, has mentored Black children. But this is DOWNPLAYED. Instead, the Congressional Black Caucus is interviewed for quotes about TM being "shot like a dog." etc. This is all part of making this case so RACIAL...that defending GZ in any manner makes one a RACIST. This is a useful "Shut-UP" tool that the media uses. If you don't see Crystal Mangum as Sister Survivor raped by three White Men of Privilege JUST BECAUSE she has no LAX DNA and every orifice is chock full of OTHER male DNA...then you are a RACIST! Or you hate women and love rape!

This is terribly unfair. It is possible to respect folks of all races but base one's opinons on FACT not emotion or allegiance. A Black friend who says GZ is not a racist should be allowed to speak and shown the same respect by the any of us would wish. It takes bravery.

If you read about GZ's injuries, read the Law and say, as Harvard Professor Dershowitz says...there should never have been charges...the editorials and media spin is that you are racist, or a gun-nut. How do they do quoting in articles "experts" who analyze people who do not agree with possessing these evil qualities. How many of these erroneous emotional "quotes" are ever retracted or corrected by the Media in later articles? Have you seen articles about the exaggerations made by these Congresspeople about this case? Why not? Does the Media have no responsibility to the truth?

Once the Media sets the hysteria going...witness statements change. The young boy who saw G on top is "corrected" by his Mother. Dad "corrects" whose voice he heard screaming. Because it becomes scary to oppose the Media in full outrage. Then they report death threats by the Black Panthers and our Government tolerates those threats. Gee, any witness, any gets the point to shut up or go with the Media Mob.

Of couse, we have the Entertainment Ghouls...who exploit these tragedies for ratings...another "media." How often they show their ignorance of the evidence is STUNNING. But they feel NO OBLIGATION to be INFORMED. They exist to pander emotion...push hatred...convict in the public's mind before trial. It is a barbaric profession. Lawyers who go on TV and push slander, lies and misinformation for RATINGS and personal enrichment. And they are quoted as if they are "serious media." Remember NG's wailing about how the Duke accusers fingernails were brutally ripped off?

Lee press on nails. She did her nails in the bathroom...the OTHER stripper testified to that.

Now we have an array of disgruntled old girlfriends, Middle Easterner work associates...blah, blah. The Media takes their every word as GOSPEL...they are the embodiments of perfect truth. No one who smears GZ could ever be lying, have an agenda or a grudge. After all, it's only those who SUPPORT GZ who MUST be liars, racists, or all of the above.

We live in an age where Media credibility is near ZERO...but we love to believe them when their VENDETTAS fit our opinions.

Best Post EVER IMO
I agree. Stmarysmead, that was a remarkable post. Very well thought out. Too bad there isn't a way to get THAT in the big papers. Maybe we can start a fund and put it in as an ad.

Once again great post.

Excellent idea! Count me in.
Perfect Example of testing the waters:

Family of Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch seeks arrest March 7, 2012
(Excerpts from article)
"ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - The family of a 17-year-old African-American boy shot to death last month in his gated Florida community by a white Neighborhood Watch captain..."

"Trayvon Martin was shot dead after he took a break from watching NBA All-Star game television coverage to walk 10 minutes to a convenience store to buy snacks including Skittles candy requested by his 13-year-old brother, Chad...."
"On his way home, a Neighborhood Watch loose cannon shot and killed him."
"Trayvon, who lived in Miami with his mother, had been visiting his father and stepmother"

"What do the police find in his pocket? Skittles," Crump said. "A can of Arizona ice tea in his jacket pocket and Skittles in his front pocket for his brother Chad."
"they [dispatcher]told him not to get involved. He disobeyed that order..."

This is the exact article that I can't get off my mind because of the inaccuracy! And the crap about stepmother and brother! GMAB. I mean if we can't even tell the truth about who /what the relationships are, how can we ever believe a thing that is printed? Crazy.
This is the exact article that I can't get off my mind because of the inaccuracy! And the crap about stepmother and brother! GMAB. I mean if we can't even tell the truth about who /what the relationships are, how can we ever believe a thing that is printed? Crazy.

When the media decides to "take a side" of the first clues is the "Father Knows Best/ Bill Cosby Show treatment of the preferred side.

They "mainstream' rather than tell the truth. They are appealing to "middle America"...they the "girlfriend" must be "the StepMother." The other kid is "the brother." He just ran out for 10 minutes to get Skittles.

And then you put a child's picture...YEARS younger than the FACE GZ saw....

That's the process.

Now this story COULD have been written this way.

"A young man lost his life in a Sanford condo Community last night. He was shot during a physical confrontation with the Neighbor Watch Captain who did not recognize the 17 year old...who had just begun his stay at his Father's girlfriends condo after his third school suspension in his second high school this year.

The neighborhood has been under seige from break-ins from youths, many of whom enter the area on foot. Residents were on guard after a several terrifying incidents and, under those circumstances, young Mr. Martin was being observed as he returned home from a convenience store.

Mr. Martin was shot once during the aletrcation which left Mr. Zimmermann, the Watch Captain with a broken nose and head lacerations. Mr. Zimmermann has invoked Florida's STG law. "

Watch the word choices too. On one side ..they will use words like "resisting"..rather than "attacking."

"Loose Cannon"...yup, the demonization has started.
When the media decides to "take a side" of the first clues is the "Father Knows Best/ Bill Cosby Show treatment of the preferred side.

They "mainstream' rather than tell the truth. They are appealing to "middle America"...they the "girlfriend" must be "the StepMother." The other kid is "the brother." He just ran out for 10 minutes to get Skittles.

And then you put a child's picture...YEARS younger than the FACE GZ saw....

That's the process.

Now this story COULD have been written this way.

"A young man lost his life in a Sanford condo Community last night. He was shot during a physical confrontation with the Neighbor Watch Captain who did not recognize the 17 year old...who had just begun his stay at his Father's girlfriends condo after his third school suspension in his second high school this year.

The neighborhood has been under seige from break-ins from youths, many of whom enter the area on foot. Residents were on guard after a several terrifying incidents and, under those circumstances, young Mr. Martin was being observed as he returned home from a convenience store.

Mr. Martin was shot once during the aletrcation which left Mr. Zimmermann, the Watch Captain with a broken nose and head lacerations. Mr. Zimmermann has invoked Florida's STG law. "

Watch the word choices too. On one side ..they will use words like "resisting"..rather than "attacking."

"Loose Cannon"...yup, the demonization has started.

Wouldn't the BBM above tend to slant the story in a certain direction since it had nothing to do with the shooting?
When the media decides to "take a side" of the first clues is the "Father Knows Best/ Bill Cosby Show treatment of the preferred side.

They "mainstream' rather than tell the truth. They are appealing to "middle America"...they the "girlfriend" must be "the StepMother." The other kid is "the brother." He just ran out for 10 minutes to get Skittles.

And then you put a child's picture...YEARS younger than the FACE GZ saw....

That's the process.

Now this story COULD have been written this way.

"A young man lost his life in a Sanford condo Community last night. He was shot during a physical confrontation with the Neighbor Watch Captain who did not recognize the 17 year old...who had just begun his stay at his Father's girlfriends condo after his third school suspension in his second high school this year.

The neighborhood has been under seige from break-ins from youths, many of whom enter the area on foot. Residents were on guard after a several terrifying incidents and, under those circumstances, young Mr. Martin was being observed as he returned home from a convenience store.

Mr. Martin was shot once during the aletrcation which left Mr. Zimmermann, the Watch Captain with a broken nose and head lacerations. Mr. Zimmermann has invoked Florida's STG law. "

Watch the word choices too. On one side ..they will use words like "resisting"..rather than "attacking."

"Loose Cannon"...yup, the demonization has started.

Respectfully bolded and underlined by me. IMO, I don't understand how these parts could be considered impartial reporting?

TM was killed -- a court will decide it the killing was justified, but "lost his life" is normally something I read about a person who has been battling cancer or something.

If you're gonna include any negative history about TM (and GZ did not know his school suspension history), then you gotta include the negative history of GZ (which TM did not know that night). Such as, "GZ had been arrested in the past on assaulting a law enforcement officer. The felony charge was later lowered to a misdemeanor charge after GZ agreed to go into a pre-trial diversion program, that included anger management counseling." Also, include the details about what TM's suspensions were for.

Is it known that the youth that were committing the break-ins entered by foot?

I haven't seen any resident describe these break-ins as terrifying?

GM just "observed" TM? I'm not sure why anyone would describe what he did as merely observing, because in GZ's own words, he followed him?

I would also add that there are conflicting witness statements and it is not know who started the physical altercation. Also, AFAIK, GZ has not legally invoked SYG. But, we have yet to see his statement to SPD from that evening. But, MOM has said that he is not sure if he is going to use this defense.

Of course, that is NOT impartial reporting. It is another way to slant a story. I could have made it much more slanted toward GZ and it still would hardly touch some of the odious biased reporting that has passed as journalism in this case.

I notice you want balance. You want any negativity toward TM countered by negativity toward GZ. Can we agree then that THAT VERY STANDARD should have been applied in reverse?

We cannot demand that TM's parents be off limits if we do not allow GZ's parents to be off limits too. We cannot extend copious amounts of credibilty to TM's friends and trash friends of GZ. We cannot scream at unflattering pictures of TM in Gangsta mode if we say nothing about unflattering pictures of GZ looking similarly bad. We can not say TM's Facebook, language, school problems, and "topics" on his own accounts are off limits if...we allow every bit of gossip from everyone who ever knew GZ to be tauted as GOSPEL truth.

Someone asked where is our empathy for the death of TM. Our empathy for this lost life should be great. Every Mom can identify with his Mother's grief. But the Media did THEM a disservice too. Their overkill in demonizing GZ and shouting down any defense of his...alienates people. Demands that we jail this man for "profiling" without understanding that crime from Black youth was a problem in that unfair to the extreme. These Talking Heads can shout people down, and shut them up....but they also TURN OFF their empathy. By the time this gets to trial, there had better be SOLID evidence to fit te Media Witchhunt...or Ms. Corey may be the next Mike Nifong...disbarred because of the Hoax of the Duke case.

Overkill by the Media creates a backlash. I think it is already starting. They demonized GZ too much...they sainted TM more than any teenager could be. They ma nipulated 911 calls, try to deny GZ's injuries, and invent the wildest theories when their stories fall apart.

We (StL metro) don't hear much about this case now that evidence is being released. In the first 2 weeks it was overkill . . . now there's nothing.

Pictures provided of a young TM did it for me . . . first misrepresentation of the "case".
Another example. While the article itself is critical of Angela Corey, whoever wrote the title came up with "George Zimmerman: Angela Corey needs her head examined."
That makes it sound as if Zimmerman is saying he wants Angela Corey to have her head examined. But Zimmerman did not write this article and did not say Angela Corey needs to have her head examined.

"That's the solution in a free society? I think she needs to have her head examined. She also sounds awfully defensive."
Look at this incindiary article in the Orlando Sentinel. It references the latest appearance of TM's Mother at a large church. It ASSUMES that "profiling" is at the heart of this matter.Fulton, who brought her mother, aunt and sister with her to Baltimore, praised Bryant extravagantly, as did her attorney, Ben Crump, who also spoke at the church.

"At the beginning, Pastor Bryant was there to help support this family ... telling them that God [doesn't] make mistakes and there will be justice," Crump said.

"Before she went out to meet the congregation, Fulton told reporters that this trip and others she's made recently aren't just for her son but for all young people who might be the victims of racial profiling."

NO where does it address Black teenage crime statistics in that condo area that might explain GZ's state of mind.

In fact, it quotes an attendee that says GZ had hate in his Blood.

This is all being reported and this Tour by the Parents going on pre-trial. What worth is on this article but to intensify emotion and hatred toward GZ. This is appalling.
No outrageous. And why is the Atty taking this to trial ingratiating himself with the public by these emotional appearances. And why is the media enabling this with publicity?
This "tour" and these types of articles shouls STOP till the man has his day in court.
Is this a new precedence in a new media stategy. Having the grieving parents go on the road WITH THE LAWYER ...pre-trial? And then friendly media write emotional fury-inducing articles?

Maybe the parents of Eve Carson who truly WAS shot in the street like a dog should have made the national rounds pre-trial of her killers? And the Channon/Newsome families? This is justice now in America?

Should we make this a new media PRE TRial norm.

You can delete this but it is SHAMEFUL. Raise money AFTER trial and report about it then.
Will juries be excused for attending these "rallies" or being a member of these churches or any church affliated with ones holding these events? How can anyone know the damage the Crump/Martin entourage is doing to the jury pool?

Innocent until proven guilty or until the grieving parents are brought to your Church to move you to fury.

If GZ has his charges dismissed, I hope he sues.
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