The influence of MSM coverage regarding the Trayvon Martin case

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Look at this incindiary article in the Orlando Sentinel. It references the latest appearance of TM's Mother at a large church. It ASSUMES that "profiling" is at the heart of this matter.Fulton, who brought her mother, aunt and sister with her to Baltimore, praised Bryant extravagantly, as did her attorney, Ben Crump, who also spoke at the church.

"At the beginning, Pastor Bryant was there to help support this family ... telling them that God [doesn't] make mistakes and there will be justice," Crump said.

"Before she went out to meet the congregation, Fulton told reporters that this trip and others she's made recently aren't just for her son but for all young people who might be the victims of racial profiling."

NO where does it address Black teenage crime statistics in that condo area that might explain GZ's state of mind.

In fact, it quotes an attendee that says GZ had hate in his Blood.

This is all being reported and this Tour by the Parents going on pre-trial. What worth is on this article but to intensify emotion and hatred toward GZ. This is appalling.
No outrageous. And why is the Atty taking this to trial ingratiating himself with the public by these emotional appearances. And why is the media enabling this with publicity?
This "tour" and these types of articles shouls STOP till the man has his day in court.
BEM: The civil suit to follow is my guess. He won the last family 7 million, of which he received a hefty fee. This, without a conviction. He sued the police department as well.

Unless there's a payday at the end, he's spent many months totally dedicated to a case he is making zero money on. He should have backed off already, the arrest he proclaimed to want has been made. He needs to keep this in the media and he needs to continue to demonize GZ for the end to justify the means. JMO
What if they don't have the money to afford and install an alarm system?

It's about $25 a month. If you can manage cable in your budget you can certainly manage a security system. That would have kept GZ plenty busy. And with that many condos I bet the HOA could have worked a deal with a local security company. It's not that expensive if you fear breakins. How much is your life worth??? If you can afford to live in a gated community, you can afford the extra security. Also your local police department can also tell you how to keep your home safe and it's not expensive. Charlie bars, locks on downstairs windows, etc. all of which are relatively inexpensive. jmo
I find this threat so ironic.For years and years and years MSM has helped vilify young black guys.IMO MSM has a lot to do with people profiling young black guys as criminals.In this case I have yet to see prove that young black guys were causing most of the crimes in the gated community.I think to realize that GZ was racial profiling is common sense to those of us who feel that way and none of us needed MSM or the Martins attorneys to point it out.I don't think MSM has influenced anyone in either direction in this case.
And what about blogs like ""? Without prove of anything they claim to have discovered who the minor witness in this case is that is supposed to stay anonymous and everyone one is influenced by it and takes it as the truth.
I find this threat so ironic.For years and years and years MSM has helped vilify young black guys.IMO MSM has a lot to do with people profiling young black guys as criminals.In this case I have yet to see prove that young black guys were causing most of the crimes in the gated community.I think to realize that GZ was racial profiling is common sense to those of us who feel that way and none of us needed MSM or the Martins attorneys to point it out.I don't think MSM has influenced anyone in either direction in this case.
And what about blogs like ""? Without prove of anything they claim to have discovered who the minor witness in this case is that is supposed to stay anonymous and everyone one is influenced by it and takes it as the truth.

I had asked about the alleged girl friend up thread in response to a post where you suggested that the wrong girl was identified. I was wondering whether there is a reason you can share about why they have the wrong girl, and where information about that might be. Without name her, of course. If I'm wrong about who this witness is, I'd like to know. TIA :)
I think most of the big media outlets want to get it right. Misinformation comes from people who want to "sell" their information to media and that is the biggest problem and why so much of the information is incorrect. The media runs with it because it's protected information they can't confirm so they release it. It's a gamble. Recently some of those reporters lost their jobs. It was a gamble, they lost.

Reading through the posts I'm amazed at how many people think TM was the aggressor and GZ was totally, and I mean totally, innocent even after hearing the charges. Without any proof other than TM was a young black male walking from 7-11 after buying a drink and candy and was on his way home. That somehow this is all his fault. That somehow he did not walk fast enough, did not run, should not have been hiding, maybe doubled back just to attack GZ. If TM made it all the way home and doubled back in that small amount of timeframe how would he have known GZ was still following him???

The media is not perfect but they do appear to be doing the best they can. Covering the Martins is news. It's still a free country, thank goodness, and unless the Martins were calling for riots I believe they have a right to be heard. This was their son, they could be banging the drum a lot harder. They do not want this to happen again to any young innocent teen. Can we blame them???? jmo
I think most of the big media outlets want to get it right. Misinformation comes from people who want to "sell" their information to media and that is the biggest problem and why so much of the information is incorrect. The media runs with it because it's protected information they can't confirm so they release it. It's a gamble. Recently some of those reporters lost their jobs. It was a gamble, they lost.

Reading through the posts I'm amazed at how many people think TM was the aggressor and GZ was totally, and I mean totally, innocent even after hearing the charges. Without any proof other than TM was a young black male walking from 7-11 after buying a drink and candy and was on his way home. That somehow this is all his fault. That somehow he did not walk fast enough, did not run, should not have been hiding, maybe doubled back just to attack GZ. If TM made it all the way home and doubled back in that small amount of timeframe how would he have known GZ was still following him???

The media is not perfect but they do appear to be doing the best they can. Covering the Martins is news. It's still a free country, thank goodness, and unless the Martins were calling for riots I believe they have a right to be heard. This was their son, they could be banging the drum a lot harder. They do not want this to happen again to any young innocent teen. Can we blame them???? jmo

NBC didn't want to get it right. How can that be explained as anything else by trying to lead a story in one direction?
I had asked about the alleged girl friend up thread in response to a post where you suggested that the wrong girl was identified. I was wondering whether there is a reason you can share about why they have the wrong girl, and where information about that might be. Without name her, of course. If I'm wrong about who this witness is, I'd like to know. TIA :)

If the court sealed her name we shouldn't be sleuthing her, should we? The point of keeping her name out is the exact reason we should not be trying to find out who she is. We shouldn't be sleuthing any witnesses who names are sealed that we don't already know. The judge sealed them for that very reason. He does not want outside interference that will influence their testimony or threats to them. jmo
NBC didn't want to get it right. How can that be explained as anything else by trying to lead a story in one direction?

How many stories does NBC get right? Someone was not watching or editing this person. They lost their job which was the right action for NBC to take. It's a mistake that can be rectified. IMO the error was caught by readers. The same people who read the original will probably read about those getting fired. It all evens out in the end. If you don't like a particular media station, don't watch them. That is what many people do. Enough people stop watching they'll clean up their act.

Until the media learns that "money is the route to all evil" and continue to pay big bucks for these stories (pictures) this problem will never go away. jmo
This may be OT:

First I want to say I am Puerto Rican (just in case you thought I was white, but to some I am a WHITE Hispanic eyes rolling.)

Next I want to say I agree with you. Do we live in a world where criminals come with a sign that tell us right away that they are criminals? Do the signs also tell you if they are about to commit their first offense on you?

NO I think NOT. We live in a world of statistics, MSM polarizations of criminals and local facts.

THE PROFILE of the criminals that were breaking into these homes was in fact BLACK YOUTH. Trayvon was a BLACK YOUTH, he fit the profile because he was BLACK and a YOUTH in a neighborhood where BLACK YOUTHS were breaking into homes. GZ did not make this up. He saw a BLACK YOUTH walking around looking like he was ON DRUGS in a neighborhood that was having this specific issue. His first thought was not simply that Trayvon must be a criminal because he is black, but he had the local facts which were that YES he fit the profile of what GZ was watching out for. This was not a racial crime. It may be a crime of another beast but NOT racial. IMO

We live in a world where it is not okay to describe a suspicious person who is looking suspicious IF THEY ARE BLACK. If they are WHITE then we can say they are WHITE and suspicious. But if they are BLACK then we are saying that they are suspicious to us BECAUSE they are BLACK EVEN THOUGH we didn’t SAY THOSE WORDS, but only if the person who is reporting is not also BLACK because black on black profiling is RIDICULOUS (sarcasm).

I never understood why it is a huge no no to use race when you suspect someone might be dangerous. Like why I am a horrible person if I get nervous on a plane with a middle eastern man who I think looks suspicious, the terrorist who scarred me for life on 9-11 look like this man sitting next to me. I am sorry if I get nervous but those are facts that that man will have to live with. He may be innocent, but I don't know this.

If I know there is a rapist loose and he was described as a black male wearing red pants and I see a black man wearing red pants and I think could this be him and I cross the street, why am I wrong? Why should I assume I live in some UTOPIA where all black men should be considered innocent unless they are wearing a sign. If the rapist was described as white male wearing red pants and I have the SAME feelings when I see a white male am I wrong? Or am I just wrong when he is black?

I live in NYC and it looks to me like rikers (prison) is mostly full of minorities and most criminals polarized in the news are minorities here in NYC. That makes me sad and I hate that this is what it is, but it is a fact. Why is it wrong to say it out loud?

I think what happened that night was a chain of errors - bad situation made worse by bad choices and hysteria. I think what happened in the MSM after was horribly damaging and made things worse.

The real story was that a neighborhood was being burglarized by black youths and a neighborhood watch person thought he had spotted one in the neighborhood, he was ampted up, he was suspicious of the youth, he was following him thinking he caught one of them before a crime was committed, he at some point tells the 911 operator that "these as**oles always get away" which means that he really wants to catch him, why? To be the hero neighborhood watch guy? Maybe (error in judgement on GZ part).

Trayvon notices GZ and starts coming toward him according to GZ who is growing more suspicious and more ampted because he is convinced this is one of the youths. He think Trayvon has something in his hand.

Trayvon RUNS (misunderstanding) - why does he run? Is he afraid of GZ? Does he think GZ is a cop? Doesn't matter because now GZ is even more convinced that he is right. MO

Meanwhile the young teen had no idea what was happening in the neighborhood and saw a man watching him and seemed to be following him. He had no idea he fit the profile of the criminal teens. A misunderstanding came to ahead the youth believing he was being followed, the man believing he was looking at a criminal.

At one point on the call GZ loses TM. What happened next? How did they find each other again? Did Trayvon simply run and then come up behind GZ?

MO: The youth not knowing the man was armed confronted the man and knocked him to the ground the man not knowing the teen was not involved in the criminal acts fights the teen and becomes overtaken by who he believes is a criminal and he shoots him. The situation confusing and hysterical at that point. I heard the screams and they sound like GZ screaming for help. MO

What is the answer to what happened? Who was wrong? If GZ is right that he was being attacked, had he not had a gun and TM continued to beat him, would we care? or would this just go down in the neighborhood as another attack by a black youth?

Errors made by both. TM if he did have drugs in his system perhaps felt angry that he was being followed and did attack GZ, but in his ignorance did not expect to be shot and perhaps did not deserve to die over a few blows.

GZ should have called the police and stayed put, but did he know this was just some 17 year old kid who was visiting the neighborhood who currently was high and may lose his temper due to being followed?

GZ had a gun and may have invisioned some kind of citizens arrest, but it just did not go down that way.

MO - this is a huge tragedy and TM's parents at least do deserve to know what happened and the SYG law does not apply here. If GZ is claiming self defense then there needs to be a trial and a jury will decide. He should not get an automatic pass because of SYG - this is a life he took because of a misunderstanding, he should not have gone as far as he did and that needs to be investigated.

The MEDIA was wrong to make this about RACE.


BEM: Totally Agree with Bolded.
Re: Nbc:nothing gets on the air with just one person vetting it. Every media outlet has "checkers." Think of how attorneys involve themselves today ALL across the media for fear of lawsuits. Yes, this was "reviewe d. It wasn't ONE persson. NBC had an agenda to put out a false report. Ooops, They were caught. They have zero credibility henceforth.

And yes, there is BIG money now at play here. Crump has PR machine and a srategy hat includes polluting the jury pool with emotionalim through this PR tour. I do not blame the grieving parents. I BLAME HIM.
This may be OT:

First I want to say I am Puerto Rican (just in case you thought I was white, but to some I am a WHITE Hispanic eyes rolling.)

Next I want to say I agree with you. Do we live in a world where criminals come with a sign that tell us right away that they are criminals? Do the signs also tell you if they are about to commit their first offense on you?

NO I think NOT. We live in a world of statistics, MSM polarizations of criminals and local facts.

THE PROFILE of the criminals that were breaking into these homes was in fact BLACK YOUTH. Trayvon was a BLACK YOUTH, he fit the profile because he was BLACK and a YOUTH in a neighborhood where BLACK YOUTHS were breaking into homes. GZ did not make this up. He saw a BLACK YOUTH walking around looking like he was ON DRUGS in a neighborhood that was having this specific issue. His first thought was not simply that Trayvon must be a criminal because he is black, but he had the local facts which were that YES he fit the profile of what GZ was watching out for. This was not a racial crime. It may be a crime of another beast but NOT racial. IMO

We live in a world where it is not okay to describe a suspicious person who is looking suspicious IF THEY ARE BLACK. If they are WHITE then we can say they are WHITE and suspicious. But if they are BLACK then we are saying that they are suspicious to us BECAUSE they are BLACK EVEN THOUGH we didn’t SAY THOSE WORDS, but only if the person who is reporting is not also BLACK because black on black profiling is RIDICULOUS (sarcasm).

I never understood why it is a huge no no to use race when you suspect someone might be dangerous. Like why I am a horrible person if I get nervous on a plane with a middle eastern man who I think looks suspicious, the terrorist who scarred me for life on 9-11 look like this man sitting next to me. I am sorry if I get nervous but those are facts that that man will have to live with. He may be innocent, but I don't know this.

If I know there is a rapist loose and he was described as a black male wearing red pants and I see a black man wearing red pants and I think could this be him and I cross the street, why am I wrong? Why should I assume I live in some UTOPIA where all black men should be considered innocent unless they are wearing a sign. If the rapist was described as white male wearing red pants and I have the SAME feelings when I see a white male am I wrong? Or am I just wrong when he is black?

I live in NYC and it looks to me like rikers (prison) is mostly full of minorities and most criminals polarized in the news are minorities here in NYC. That makes me sad and I hate that this is what it is, but it is a fact. Why is it wrong to say it out loud?

I think what happened that night was a chain of errors - bad situation made worse by bad choices and hysteria. I think what happened in the MSM after was horribly damaging and made things worse.

The real story was that a neighborhood was being burglarized by black youths and a neighborhood watch person thought he had spotted one in the neighborhood, he was ampted up, he was suspicious of the youth, he was following him thinking he caught one of them before a crime was committed, he at some point tells the 911 operator that "these as**oles always get away" which means that he really wants to catch him, why? To be the hero neighborhood watch guy? Maybe (error in judgement on GZ part).

Trayvon notices GZ and starts coming toward him according to GZ who is growing more suspicious and more ampted because he is convinced this is one of the youths. He think Trayvon has something in his hand.

Trayvon RUNS (misunderstanding) - why does he run? Is he afraid of GZ? Does he think GZ is a cop? Doesn't matter because now GZ is even more convinced that he is right. MO

Meanwhile the young teen had no idea what was happening in the neighborhood and saw a man watching him and seemed to be following him. He had no idea he fit the profile of the criminal teens. A misunderstanding came to ahead the youth believing he was being followed, the man believing he was looking at a criminal.

At one point on the call GZ loses TM. What happened next? How did they find each other again? Did Trayvon simply run and then come up behind GZ?

MO: The youth not knowing the man was armed confronted the man and knocked him to the ground the man not knowing the teen was not involved in the criminal acts fights the teen and becomes overtaken by who he believes is a criminal and he shoots him. The situation confusing and hysterical at that point. I heard the screams and they sound like GZ screaming for help. MO

What is the answer to what happened? Who was wrong? If GZ is right that he was being attacked, had he not had a gun and TM continued to beat him, would we care? or would this just go down in the neighborhood as another attack by a black youth?

Errors made by both. TM if he did have drugs in his system perhaps felt angry that he was being followed and did attack GZ, but in his ignorance did not expect to be shot and perhaps did not deserve to die over a few blows.

GZ should have called the police and stayed put, but did he know this was just some 17 year old kid who was visiting the neighborhood who currently was high and may lose his temper due to being followed?

GZ had a gun and may have invisioned some kind of citizens arrest, but it just did not go down that way.

MO - this is a huge tragedy and TM's parents at least do deserve to know what happened and the SYG law does not apply here. If GZ is claiming self defense then there needs to be a trial and a jury will decide. He should not get an automatic pass because of SYG - this is a life he took because of a misunderstanding, he should not have gone as far as he did and that needs to be investigated.

The MEDIA was wrong to make this about RACE.


It's all they have, really. The crime is not heinous enough without racial profiling.

Unfortunately the media never put any emphasis on the fact that the dispatcher was sending a mixed message, at least GZ may have felt that way.

"which way is he running?" GZ has to think for a second, "toward the back entrance".

"Let me know if he does anything else." This may have given GZ the impression the dispatcher wanted GZ to keep an eye on him. The NW says one thing, but the police trump the neighborhood watch.

When the dispatcher realized GZ was following, he told him he didn't need to do that. GZ said Ok.

The media has never talked about the timeline, ever. Why not? Because anyone with common sense and remedial math skills would know that it does not take seven minutes to walk 100 yards.

Calling anyone who believes in due process, rather than emotional chaos, a racist, cheapens the term and cheapens their argument. JMO
The media and the lawyers looking for a payday have made this about race. It should be about a tragic death and WHAT and why it happened . Nothing more. The Brits, I beieve, allow nothing after a person haas been charged.

That is fair.

Ths media and PR campaign is a abomination to justice. And,it might just reult in a backlash that will complcate us ever knowing the truth. Or achieving justice for ANYONE.
It's about $25 a month. If you can manage cable in your budget you can certainly manage a security system. That would have kept GZ plenty busy. And with that many condos I bet the HOA could have worked a deal with a local security company. It's not that expensive if you fear breakins. How much is your life worth??? If you can afford to live in a gated community, you can afford the extra security. Also your local police department can also tell you how to keep your home safe and it's not expensive. Charlie bars, locks on downstairs windows, etc. all of which are relatively inexpensive. jmo

We had a security system almost 10 years ago and it was twice that. I'm pretty sure that the system my DD has now is closer to $70/month. That's a significant amount of money for a family or individual on a budget.
Why should people , in these hard times, havev to spend money from their budget to protect themselves from crime?

Neighborhood Watch is an excellent concept...and it is based on watching strangers in one's neighborhood...particularly those who fit the demographic of THOSE committing the MOST crime.

If it is old Blond women, or bearded Amish guys in buggies..THAT is whom you watch. If it is Black watch a stranger that fits that description.

It should insult NO ONE..if Neighborhood WAtches focus on Whomever is causing the problem in their area. There is no racism in statistics. This was a diverse neighborhood. ALL those good people just wanted to live in peace.

Would it have been "profiling" if the Condo Watch Captain were Black and watched TM that night? Must we examine statistics and choose someone of that race or ethnicity in order to avoid lawsuits and cries of profiling? " Okay, old White Men are terrorizing our Neighborhood. We need an old White Watch Captain?"

If the AA woman who said the "Elephant in the living Room was Black teenage crime in that area" was Watch Captain....would SHE have been "profiling" TM if she followed him?

What is the definition of "profiling?" these days?
If the court sealed her name we shouldn't be sleuthing her, should we? The point of keeping her name out is the exact reason we should not be trying to find out who she is. We shouldn't be sleuthing any witnesses who names are sealed that we don't already know. The judge sealed them for that very reason. He does not want outside interference that will influence their testimony or threats to them. jmo

I'm not sleuthing her. Apparently, the OP is the one with information about who she is. And I was very clear that my request was for information that she could share and w/o a name. If that information was obtained from sleuthing a minor and can't be shared here, why bring it up to suggest that others are ill-informed? jmo
I find this threat so ironic.For years and years and years MSM has helped vilify young black guys.IMO MSM has a lot to do with people profiling young black guys as criminals.In this case I have yet to see prove that young black guys were causing most of the crimes in the gated community.I think to realize that GZ was racial profiling is common sense to those of us who feel that way and none of us needed MSM or the Martins attorneys to point it out.I don't think MSM has influenced anyone in either direction in this case.
And what about blogs like ""? Without prove of anything they claim to have discovered who the minor witness in this case is that is supposed to stay anonymous and everyone one is influenced by it and takes it as the truth.

I live in an area near a very poor White area. There is a lot of crime from young WHITE teens. It's a problem but it does not offend me to admit it. It has a lot to do with poverty and Fatherless homes. The reasons for crime are not about skin hue anymore than they are about eye color.

This is why I am offended by this "profiling"charge. Do you think that people n my area should have less awareness of White teens if that is statistically who is causing the majority of our problem? If my Black neighbor does me a favor by watching a White kid we do not he a "profiler?" Can he be charged with a "hate crime" if something happens?
I find this threat so ironic.For years and years and years MSM has helped vilify young black guys.IMO MSM has a lot to do with people profiling young black guys as criminals.In this case I have yet to see prove that young black guys were causing most of the crimes in the gated community.
I find this incredible after almost 90 days of having this information at our fingertips.
I think to realize that GZ was racial profiling is common sense to those of us who feel that way and none of us needed MSM or the Martins attorneys to point it out.I don't think MSM has influenced anyone in either direction in this case.
Respectfully, I'm very honestly curious -- without MSM, Crump, or the Martins, how did you come to the conclusion this was a racially motivated shooting. TIA
And what about blogs like ""? Without prove of anything they claim to have discovered who the minor witness in this case is that is supposed to stay anonymous and everyone one is influenced by it and takes it as the truth.
Blog sites are under no obligation to keep the minor witness anonymous, although I believe the one you mention did. This particular site has also gotten about 99% of this case right so far, and they do have proof of everything MSM ignores because it does not fit their bias.

It is easier to just repeat the same "charge" of profiling than give an intellectual rational reply as to why we should assume RACE, not CRIME caused GZ to be watched.

This is why I believe that GZ cannot get a fair trial.
I find this incredible after almost 90 days of having this information at our fingertips.
never saw anything convincing at all

Respectfully, I'm very honestly curious -- without MSM, Crump, or the Martins, how did you come to the conclusion this was a racially motivated shooting. TIA
the 911 call !!!!
Blog sites are under no obligation to keep the minor witness anonymous, although I believe the one you mention did. This particular site has also gotten about 99% of this case right so far, and they do have proof of everything MSM ignores because it does not fit their bias.
in who's opinion did they get 99% of the case right?

IMO jmo
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