The influence of MSM coverage regarding the Trayvon Martin case

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It is easier to just repeat the same "charge" of profiling than give an intellectual rational reply as to why we should assume RACE, not CRIME caused GZ to be watched.

This is why I believe that GZ cannot get a fair trial.

There was no crime. There was only a young black male walking home. Where was the crime?? If GZ determined because TM was young, black, his clothes he was wearing, the way he was walking, etc. made him a suspect....that is profiling. That is the definition of profiling. You can't target someone as a suspect without any proof. Just being a young black male is not proof he was doing anything wrong. jmo
The burglary reports are facts not open to interpretation. All but one suspect were young black males.

Were these apprehended criminals or just suspected because there was a breakin and it was assumed they were black. How many were arrested? Do we know? jmo
Media overkill seems to be failing. New poll numbers show increases that favor GZ.

I believe that is due to the discovery just released. With the witness statements is may appear to some it was self defense if they are not following this case closely. I believe that is good for the jury pool because it does show people are not following the case that closely. The higher the numbers the better because if or when GZ's statements are released it could change people's point of view. We have yet to see the State presenting the "inconsistencies" in GZ's statements. I also don't see the average person sitting down and doing a diagram regarding how TM was shot. I do see them listing to FT on these media shows and believing every word FT might have to say. All-in-all I think it's a good sign for seating a jury. jmo
I believe that is due to the discovery just released. With the witness statements is may appear to some it was self defense if they are not following this case closely. I believe that is good for the jury pool because it does show people are not following the case that closely. The higher the numbers the better because if or when GZ's statements are released it could change people's point of view. We have yet to see the State presenting the "inconsistencies" in GZ's statements. I also don't see the average person sitting down and doing a diagram regarding how TM was shot. I do see them listing to FT on these media shows and believing every word FT might have to say. All-in-all I think it's a good sign for seating a jury. jmo

I agree.
I believe that is due to the discovery just released. With the witness statements is may appear to some it was self defense if they are not following this case closely. I believe that is good for the jury pool because it does show people are not following the case that closely. The higher the numbers the better because if or when GZ's statements are released it could change people's point of view. We have yet to see the State presenting the "inconsistencies" in GZ's statements. I also don't see the average person sitting down and doing a diagram regarding how TM was shot. I do see them listing to FT on these media shows and believing every word FT might have to say. All-in-all I think it's a good sign for seating a jury. jmo

I'm now thinking they may not get released. I read an article where it said that a defendants 'confession' (as GZ admitted to shooting TM) is exempt from public record laws.
Media overkill seems to be failing. New poll numbers show increases that favor GZ.

When I first heard about this case on CNN, I would run and turn the TV down because I didn't want to hear that horrible monster murdering the little boy they were showing in the photos. Then I started reading here, and found the current pictures, read about both people and listened to the 911 call. It didn't take long to see, clearly, the media was up to their old tricks. When Sharpton joined in, all doubt was removed.

I actually posted a poll about a week ago that showed a high number now believing it was self defense, seems like it was prior to the document dump, but I'd have to look. I've never believed this was anything stronger than manslaughter, after the document dump, I'm convinced it was self defense. Watching the media completely ignore some of the key facts of the case, even now, is despicable. I hope heads roll when this is all over.

I find it amazing that 39% believe neighborhood watch should be allowed to carry a gun.
Were these apprehended criminals or just suspected because there was a breakin and it was assumed they were black. How many were arrested? Do we know? jmo

The reports are still online. Reading them answers all of the above.
We have a [ame=""]local case here regarding the beating death of Kelly Thomas- a homeless, mentally ill man by Fullerton police because he was "resisting".[/ame]This case also was basically unreported and ignored for a month before being brought to the public's attention by Kelly Thomas's father through the media.
There were protests ,demonstrations and a LOT of public outrage.Ultimately ended with the arrest of 2 officers who are going to trial-one for 2nd degree murder and one for manslaughter.
So does anyone think that the media influence can be a good thing to bring about change?

Interestingly and as an aside, the officer being charged with the highest crime is not the one that actually did the most beating,or the final blow or anything physically related to the man's death.
They are charging him because he set the wheels in motion for it all to happen. he created the opportunity for the other officers to beat him to death.
We have a local case here regarding the beating death of Kelly Thomas- a homeless, mentally ill man by Fullerton police because he was "resisting".This case also was basically unreported and ignored for a month before being brought to the public's attention by Kelly Thomas's father through the media.
There were protests ,demonstrations and a LOT of public outrage.Ultimately ended with the arrest of 2 officers who are going to trial-one for 2nd degree murder and one for manslaughter.
So does anyone think that the media influence can be a good thing to bring about change?

Interestingly and as an aside, the officer being charged with the highest crime is not the one that actually did the most beating,or the final blow or anything physically related to the man's death.
They are charging him because he set the wheels in motion for it all to happen. he created the opportunity for the other officers to beat him to death.

Sort of like sharks. The first one was responsible for the drawing of the blood and the 20 or so other sharks showed up afterwards to finish the job in a feeding frenzy. I think the media is the only thing that will bring about way or the other. jmo
When I first heard about this case on CNN, I would run and turn the TV down because I didn't want to hear that horrible monster murdering the little boy they were showing in the photos. Then I started reading here, and found the current pictures, read about both people and listened to the 911 call. It didn't take long to see, clearly, the media was up to their old tricks. When Sharpton joined in, all doubt was removed.

I actually posted a poll about a week ago that showed a high number now believing it was self defense, seems like it was prior to the document dump, but I'd have to look. I've never believed this was anything stronger than manslaughter, after the document dump, I'm convinced it was self defense. Watching the media completely ignore some of the key facts of the case, even now, is despicable. I hope heads roll when this is all over.

I find it amazing that 39% believe neighborhood watch should be allowed to carry a gun.

I wonder if they asked what percentage of those 39% own guns. lol
I happen to have a copy of the April 9 issue of People Magazine in front of me. Found it in my carry-on. I haven't re-read the whole article but this emphatic statement jumped out at me:


"This much is indisputable: There were cries of 'Help,' then Zimmerman fired two bullets from a semiautomatic hand-gun, one of which fatally struck the teen in the chest."
We have a local case here regarding the beating death of Kelly Thomas- a homeless, mentally ill man by Fullerton police because he was "resisting".This case also was basically unreported and ignored for a month before being brought to the public's attention by Kelly Thomas's father through the media.
There were protests ,demonstrations and a LOT of public outrage.Ultimately ended with the arrest of 2 officers who are going to trial-one for 2nd degree murder and one for manslaughter.
So does anyone think that the media influence can be a good thing to bring about change?

Interestingly and as an aside, the officer being charged with the highest crime is not the one that actually did the most beating,or the final blow or anything physically related to the man's death.
They are charging him because he set the wheels in motion for it all to happen. he created the opportunity for the other officers to beat him to death.

The problem presents when the media distorts and misrepresents because of its own biases. There is no innocent explanation for the editing of a 9-11 tape, the reporting of 2 shots, the use of a child's picture when the new video CLEARLY shows that TM had become a man. This is out right manipulation of a story. The media these days is most often shameless...but, of course, even "a stopped clock is right twice a day."

When one can choose an article almost every day from major media sources and find sloopiness/or pure malice in their reporting, that media becomes irrelevant. In is wonderful when we get to see the actual court docs and witness statements, etc...and do not have to rely on someone with an agenda to "fix" what we read to scam us into a false belief. Thank God the 911 tape was available for all to hear.
There was no crime. There was only a young black male walking home. Where was the crime?? If GZ determined because TM was young, black, his clothes he was wearing, the way he was walking, etc. made him a suspect....that is profiling. That is the definition of profiling. You can't target someone as a suspect without any proof. Just being a young black male is not proof he was doing anything wrong. jmo

There was no crime. There was only a hispanic male going to Target. Where was the crime? If Mr. Zimmerman profiled, followed or even asked the individual a question, where is the crime? You can't target someone as a suspect without any proof. Just being a hispanic male on their way to Target, then stops to call 911, is not proof of doing anything wrong.

Both of these are logical fallacies. Just because one is white, black, asian, hispanic, etc doesn't mean they can not, or will not, commit a crime. Walking while black certainly isn't a crime, but assault certainly IS a crime and it doesn't matter the color of your skin. You punch someone in the nose for following you, that IS a crime.
There was no crime. There was only a hispanic male going to Target. Where was the crime? If Mr. Zimmerman profiled, followed or even asked the individual a question, where is the crime? You can't target someone as a suspect without any proof. Just being a hispanic male on their way to Target, then stops to call 911, is not proof of doing anything wrong.

Both of these are logical fallacies. Just because one is white, black, asian, hispanic, etc doesn't mean they can not, or will not, commit a crime. Walking while black certainly isn't a crime, but assault certainly IS a crime and it doesn't matter the color of your skin. You punch someone in the nose for following you, that IS a crime.

This is what was reported by media and a talk show where RZ, Sr. was a guest. According to RZ the reason GZ was following TM is because TM cut in between the houses (which would have been a common area) from the street instead of using the main gate. RZ said he did not use the sidewalk (thinking he meant the main street outside the gate) or the street. Since there are no sidewalks in that community at the front side of the homes there is only one place to walk and that would be the street. So TM's crime was cutting through that area off the main street which I think a lot of people would do if it were raining? I think all kids might do that instead of walking all the way down to the gate and more likely if it were raining (shortcut).

But wait how is it possible that GZ saw TM cutting through when he was parked on Twin Trees facing the clubhouse and was no where near that area. If he were on his way to the store how could he have seen TM cutting through that area when he was driving on Twin Trees and on his way out for milk? That area certainly isn't visible from his home. It would be visible from FT's home from the looks of the map we have viewed but certainly not GZ's. So how did GZ just happen to run into TM?

In order for TM to get by GZ's truck and continue his walk home he had to walk right past him in the street (no sidewalks) (he's comin to check me out).

Anyone, anyone could be guilty of a crime but common sense, logical people just do not run around looking at people as if they are about to commit a crime. It makes no sense when there was nothing, nothing GZ had to go on.

I would certainly hope most gun owners do not feel this way. That they are responsible, clear thinking individuals who know the difference between someone who calls LE and lets them do their job and a person who calls LE and then goes ahead and takes matters into their own hands. GZ had nothing, nothing in the way of evidence to prove TM was guilty of anything and yet he went after him. Why do we have police if we don't respect the law and how it is supposedly enforced? jmo
It is easier to just repeat the same "charge" of profiling than give an intellectual rational reply as to why we should assume RACE, not CRIME caused GZ to be watched.

This is why I believe that GZ cannot get a fair trial.

ITA although I think we're on different sides of the fence...I deeply worry about high profile crimes in FL jmo moo imo much as I want to know I wish they'd stop talking about it til court.
We have a local case here regarding the beating death of Kelly Thomas- a homeless, mentally ill man by Fullerton police because he was "resisting".This case also was basically unreported and ignored for a month before being brought to the public's attention by Kelly Thomas's father through the media.
There were protests ,demonstrations and a LOT of public outrage.Ultimately ended with the arrest of 2 officers who are going to trial-one for 2nd degree murder and one for manslaughter.
So does anyone think that the media influence can be a good thing to bring about change?

Interestingly and as an aside, the officer being charged with the highest crime is not the one that actually did the most beating,or the final blow or anything physically related to the man's death.
They are charging him because he set the wheels in motion for it all to happen. he created the opportunity for the other officers to beat him to death.

oh man JB how can you do this to me :( I couldnt get through your OP in that thread without crying....I need a break from being human sometimes I just dont get it.
There was no crime. There was only a hispanic male going to Target. Where was the crime? If Mr. Zimmerman profiled, followed or even asked the individual a question, where is the crime? You can't target someone as a suspect without any proof. Just being a hispanic male on their way to Target, then stops to call 911, is not proof of doing anything wrong.

Both of these are logical fallacies. Just because one is white, black, asian, hispanic, etc doesn't mean they can not, or will not, commit a crime. Walking while black certainly isn't a crime, but assault certainly IS a crime and it doesn't matter the color of your skin. You punch someone in the nose for following you, that IS a crime.

second b is bbm

I dont know whether or not you've got kids, but if you do, and one is a daughter, what do you advise her to do if she's being following on a dark rainy night, perhaps after they grab her? do you tell him she should remain absolutely calm and obey everything s/he tells her to do? if not your daughter, are you a lady? what would YOU do? how about your mom, your sister? should they remain absolutely helpless, no matter what the follower wants of them?

I'm not trying to pick on you, I am genuinely curious. I cannot shake the feeling that perhaps some people would see this case a little differently if trayvon had been a female. would everyone blame him, if he were a her, for fighting back in the exact same situation?

eta: ok I am in the wrong thread with this, I cant bring myself to delete cause I spent this whole time writing it while both hubby and son are trying to tell me stupid jokes while I am still snivelling over another case I was reading about, I'm too dang proud I managed it.
second b is bbm

I dont know whether or not you've got kids, but if you do, and one is a daughter, what do you advise her to do if she's being following on a dark rainy night, perhaps after they grab her? <snip>

Until they grab her, they have done nothing illegal - and I assure you, anyone who grabs a daughter of mine will wish they hadn't. As I can see from your example, you couldn't come up with a scenario that -only- involves following so I'm going to assume you're indirectly agreeing that following is not a crime.
It is chilling when the Media chooses sides and clings on for dear life. As a veteran of another high profile Media Hoax, I can explain some of their "tricks."

Usually the side they choose is linked immediately to an historical metanarrative..often one that has great emotional resonance to a group of people. I am NOT disparaging these metanarratives or the historical reasons they exist. I'm pointing out that making an accusation of a crime FIT into old grievances, hurts and wrongs...helps the media begin its process of shaping a case and pre-convicting one side. To that end, the Duke hoax was immediately linked to the Metanarrative of White Men of Privilege raping poor Black women. This was referenced constantly. In this case, it is White Men killing innocent Blacks because of Profiling.

So now we bring all the anger at past profiling and racial disparity and we dump it on this Watch Captain in Florida. He can subsequently do no right in the media and the "victim" becomes immediately "perfect."

To that end, we need pictures. Let's take an old picture of a mean looking GZ and use that. OOPS cannot use any recent pictures of TM where he is pretending that Gang banger look...because the public will not embrace him if we do. So the media finds a picture of him at 13 years old...a CHILD'S stubble, no gold teeth...a child's picture. And a beautiful child who...yes, does look like a popular President.

So they use that old picture for weeks. This is NOT the face GZ saw that's a child's face. But the Media is about building outrage. Profiling THIS innocent child? How ridiculous, readers fume. (including ME, at first.)

Now we constantly reference the Skittles....a child's treat. Later we hear this 17 year old has an illegal drug in his system but that is WELL after the image of a 13 year old child with Skittles is seared in the publics brain.

The media Image Making and linking to the emotional Metanarrative sets the stage.

Now the mechanics. Any unflattering info about TM must immediately be downplayed or ignored...the changing of schools in mid-year, the three suspensions, the Facebook page, how LONG till they are mentioned and in what context? Where is info placed...beneath a headline ravaging GZ...who has every possible grudge holder interviewed for dirt and reported with zeal. GZ is cutting the 911 tape and running it cut many denying his finding an "expert" that identifies the screams as TM's...when we are never told that TM's FATHER SAID they were NOT his sons Screams.

Headlines are a tool as well. Today ABC has a headline :


Read the article and you also see at the end that the WITNESS at the scene supports GZ's story AND has TM beating him with Martial Arts Style...but the Media LIKED this quote for a smear GZ some more...made by a woman who apparently thinks that GZ KNEW he was going to be beaten to a inch of his life and therefore premediated the whole deal. She suggests he could have shot a peson straddling him and beating the LEG! Could someone explain exactly HOW to implement that? Maybe diagram the mechanics when someone is straddling you? That is so ridiculous and DUMB that it is appalling that this is considered relevant at all. That "witness" is giving a NON FACTUAL OPINION that no one can PROVE...but it is the Big Headine. Why? Because the media knows many folks just SCAN headlines and do not actually read. So this headline feeds anger...makes it harder for GZ to get a fair trial. And many will never READ the full context of this Witness' statement at all. Mission of fomenting more hate...ACCOMPLISHED!

Which is the whole idea...because the Media has chosen "a side" before they know the evidence. In fact they are CREATING False evidence to inflame potential jurors and force weak political DAs to file weak cases the Law does not support. Nifong. Corey. Placating public opinion first and foremost. Public opinion fueled by a rabid biased press...inciting for Mob justice. Based on their often later proven FALSE evidence. You cannot unring a Bell.

And if Race is part of the case...The Media is glad to use that to infuriate as well. Subsequently, we have the media reporting on racial slurs that later , much later...they admit were never spoken. That is RECKLESS. Knowing the implications, the hurt, THAT CHARGE should never be made unless it is 100 SOLID. But the Media is like excited gossipy Neighbors...OMG...OMG ...say anything then check it later!!

They initally call GZ "White" fit the Metanarrative of "Whites Killing Blacks Because of Profiling"....then when GZ's heritage is unfortunately MIXED...they invent the term "White Hispanic." Then, horrors, he has Black Heritage, Black friends, has mentored Black children. But this is DOWNPLAYED. Instead, the Congressional Black Caucus is interviewed for quotes about TM being "shot like a dog." etc. This is all part of making this case so RACIAL...that defending GZ in any manner makes one a RACIST. This is a useful "Shut-UP" tool that the media uses. If you don't see Crystal Mangum as Sister Survivor raped by three White Men of Privilege JUST BECAUSE she has no LAX DNA and every orifice is chock full of OTHER male DNA...then you are a RACIST! Or you hate women and love rape!

This is terribly unfair. It is possible to respect folks of all races but base one's opinons on FACT not emotion or allegiance. A Black friend who says GZ is not a racist should be allowed to speak and shown the same respect by the any of us would wish. It takes bravery.

If you read about GZ's injuries, read the Law and say, as Harvard Professor Dershowitz says...there should never have been charges...the editorials and media spin is that you are racist, or a gun-nut. How do they do quoting in articles "experts" who analyze people who do not agree with possessing these evil qualities. How many of these erroneous emotional "quotes" are ever retracted or corrected by the Media in later articles? Have you seen articles about the exaggerations made by these Congresspeople about this case? Why not? Does the Media have no responsibility to the truth?

Once the Media sets the hysteria going...witness statements change. The young boy who saw G on top is "corrected" by his Mother. Dad "corrects" whose voice he heard screaming. Because it becomes scary to oppose the Media in full outrage. Then they report death threats by the Black Panthers and our Government tolerates those threats. Gee, any witness, any gets the point to shut up or go with the Media Mob.

Of couse, we have the Entertainment Ghouls...who exploit these tragedies for ratings...another "media." How often they show their ignorance of the evidence is STUNNING. But they feel NO OBLIGATION to be INFORMED. They exist to pander emotion...push hatred...convict in the public's mind before trial. It is a barbaric profession. Lawyers who go on TV and push slander, lies and misinformation for RATINGS and personal enrichment. And they are quoted as if they are "serious media." Remember NG's wailing about how the Duke accusers fingernails were brutally ripped off?

Lee press on nails. She did her nails in the bathroom...the OTHER stripper testified to that.

Now we have an array of disgruntled old girlfriends, Middle Easterner work associates...blah, blah. The Media takes their every word as GOSPEL...they are the embodiments of perfect truth. No one who smears GZ could ever be lying, have an agenda or a grudge. After all, it's only those who SUPPORT GZ who MUST be liars, racists, or all of the above.

We live in an age where Media credibility is near ZERO...but we love to believe them when their VENDETTAS fit our opinions.

You can't trust the media. I remember the Duke Lacrosse case and that fell apart fast.
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