The John Ramsey 2012 Roadshow

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I know his answer to that already.....

"it was 15 years ago, I don't remember every bruise a little girl gets."


"Kids will be kids, they play rough and things happen."

Wouldn't go anywhere and easy to dismiss unfortunately.

Sadly true. Fact is, kids DO get into trouble. God knows I did!

But I'm not aware of anyone asking about those bruises. I know there's a picture of Patsy on Christmas morning gripping JB's arm HARD in the same place where some bruises were seen.
"You're not the only one, OneLove. My brother and I were talking a few years ago, and he definitely believes that someone in Patsy's family was subjected to sexual abuse. Or, to quote you what he said to me, "Guv, haven't you ever wondered why a beautiful woman like Pam Paugh never got married, never had children and let her looks go to waste so badly?" I have to admit, I'd never looked at it that way before"

That's such BS....what does your brother know about Patsy's family,and it's so chauvinistic to criticize Pam because what? She gained some weight? And chose not to get married? I chose not to get married because I didn't want to support some moron and am perfectly happy with boyfriends WITHOUT marriage. Pam was always attractive, had a career, and is quite intelligent.
"You're not the only one, OneLove. My brother and I were talking a few years ago, and he definitely believes that someone in Patsy's family was subjected to sexual abuse. Or, to quote you what he said to me, "Guv, haven't you ever wondered why a beautiful woman like Pam Paugh never got married, never had children and let her looks go to waste so badly?" I have to admit, I'd never looked at it that way before"

That's such BS....what does your brother know about Patsy's family,and it's so chauvinistic to criticize Pam because what? She gained some weight? And chose not to get married? I chose not to get married because I didn't want to support some moron and am perfectly happy with boyfriends WITHOUT marriage. Pam was always attractive, had a career, and is quite intelligent.

Presumably you are the board's resident Devils Advocate? Assertions such as: That's such BS are not fact, they border on the ad hominem

As might be what does your brother know , it's so chauvinistic to criticize, I chose not to get married, I didn't want to support some moron.

These personal assertions might be valid in the world you inhabit, but to those who have spent long periods reading up on the JonBenet case they appear childish.

They are not evidence confirming abuse or its absence!

Presumably you are the board's resident Devils Advocate? Assertions such as: That's such BS are not fact, they border on the ad hominem

As might be what does your brother know , it's so chauvinistic to criticize, I chose not to get married, I didn't want to support some moron.

These personal assertions might be valid in the world you inhabit, but to those who have spent long periods reading up on the JonBenet case they appear childish.

They are not evidence confirming abuse or its absence!


There is nothing showing any abuse in Patsy's household...quite the opposite. And the comment from the brother that Pam let her appearance go being evidence of abuse is deplorable.
There is nothing showing any abuse in Patsy's household...quite the opposite. And the comment from the brother that Pam let her appearance go being evidence of abuse is deplorable.

There is nothing showing any abuse in Patsy's household.
Really, you were there, you visited?

What do you make of Coroner Meyer stating that JonBenet had sustained acute digital penetration and sexual contact along with the autopsy report listing JonBenet's vaginal opening as being very much larger than normal?

e.g. something that might not occur overnight, suggesting someone was chronically abusing JonBenet?

"You're not the only one, OneLove. My brother and I were talking a few years ago, and he definitely believes that someone in Patsy's family was subjected to sexual abuse. Or, to quote you what he said to me, "Guv, haven't you ever wondered why a beautiful woman like Pam Paugh never got married, never had children and let her looks go to waste so badly?" I have to admit, I'd never looked at it that way before"

That's such BS....what does your brother know about Patsy's family,and it's so chauvinistic to criticize Pam because what? She gained some weight? And chose not to get married? I chose not to get married because I didn't want to support some moron and am perfectly happy with boyfriends WITHOUT marriage. Pam was always attractive, had a career, and is quite intelligent.

I agree with you. There's nothing wrong with not getting married or never having children. I don't see the connection with childhood sexual abuse.
I agree with you. There's nothing wrong with not getting married or never having children. I don't see the connection with childhood sexual abuse.

There is nothing wrong with it, but there could very well be a connection to problems with sexual intimacy as an adult, which could lead to an aversion to marriage and/or pregnancy. Some one who was sexually abused as a child may also have problems with trusting a spouse or other man around their children and may choose to not have children because of it.
There is also a connection to childhood sexual abuse and obesity as an adult- making oneself as unattractive as possible to be unappealing to the opposite sex.
I am not suggesting that this is what is behind PP's obesity or choices, but it is is mistake to say there in no connection in general.
I have often wondered if this stuff they keep saying is possible. I remember reading that lE spent time in the house trying to figure stuff out but did they ever try yelling from the stairs up to the bathroom to see if it can be heard. Also I am guessing if it was ever done it would be from the stairs near Burke's room closest to the bathroom end of the third floor. So it seems like that would have been a good time to check on Burke. Also since your yelling for John right near his door, he probably woke up and heard you. I just think this stuff is all made up and when anyone has a chance to think about it, there is no way anyone would do this. I was also thinking that you couldn't really hear someone getting dressed from one bathroom to the other. Especially when your in the shower. Was there ever any mention of John being wet when police arrived? Where there any pictures of the bathroom that was just used for a shower to see if it looked wet?
Did anyone go into the bathroom and see if you could hear someone at the stairs since the house was so big. The top floor was as big as the second floor which was 4 bedrooms and a playroom. (I believe) Another question I had was would a man shut the door when he goes into the bathroom. What do you married people think? (or just in a relationship) I was thinking the door to his bathroom would have been shut making it harder to hear anything.
I have often wondered if this stuff they keep saying is possible. I remember reading that lE spent time in the house trying to figure stuff out but did they ever try yelling from the stairs up to the bathroom to see if it can be heard. Also I am guessing if it was ever done it would be from the stairs near Burke's room closest to the bathroom end of the third floor. So it seems like that would have been a good time to check on Burke. Also since your yelling for John right near his door, he probably woke up and heard you. I just think this stuff is all made up and when anyone has a chance to think about it, there is no way anyone would do this. I was also thinking that you couldn't really hear someone getting dressed from one bathroom to the other. Especially when your in the shower. Was there ever any mention of John being wet when police arrived? Where there any pictures of the bathroom that was just used for a shower to see if it looked wet?
Did anyone go into the bathroom and see if you could hear someone at the stairs since the house was so big. The top floor was as big as the second floor which was 4 bedrooms and a playroom. (I believe) Another question I had was would a man shut the door when he goes into the bathroom. What do you married people think? (or just in a relationship) I was thinking the door to his bathroom would have been shut making it harder to hear anything.

Patsy and JR each had their own separate bathroom/dressing rooms. The entire third floor was the master bedroom, closets, dressing rooms and the his and her bathrooms.
My husband always closes the bathroom door when he showers. It'd be kinda chilly to leave the door open.
LE did sound tests inside the house. They went to the basement and screamed with some officers up in the 3rd floor master bedroom and some officers across the street by the house of the neighbor who had heard the screams. They determined that the scream could be heard from both places. There was no way the parents would not have heard her scream from their bedroom.
Is He gone yet?!

It's a crying shame that the media has been bullied into spineless supporter of John Ramsey's distortion of The Truth in order to avoid getting sucked into an expensive lawsuit...if only there were ONE that would flash a copy of Patsy's handwriting examples compared with the Ransom Note's but since they don't, I shall be keeping my signature picture below AND my avatar of Patsy striking a pose of her Daughter's Grave Forever & Ever, Amen.
... that in his recent press tour, John Ramsey has been saying repeatedly about the pageants, "I used to say to Patsy, JonBenet needs to lose a few of these so she learns that you don't always win in life."

This directly contradicts what Patsy writes in The Death of Innocence -- she says there that JonBenet only won a few pageants, and more often she lost them, or only won a small award of recognition in a sub-category like "Best Cover Girl."

It's a small detail, but it speaks to the way he is rewriting history on this press junket.
I think JonBenet did pretty well in her pageants. I know that she was crowned Little Miss Christmas, Little Miss Colorado, and Little Miss Charlevoix, which would mean she was the top winner. I guess it depends on what is considering "losing" a pageant. If you win your division but not overall, did you lose? Patsy seems like the type that would consider that losing. I don't know if I would say that John is trying to rewrite history. I don't think he even knows much about what pageants JonBenet won or lost, and just think it's a good story to go along with his medal.
I think JonBenet did pretty well in her pageants. I know that she was crowned Little Miss Christmas, Little Miss Colorado, and Little Miss Charlevoix, which would mean she was the top winner. I guess it depends on what is considering "losing" a pageant. If you win your division but not overall, did you lose? Patsy seems like the type that would consider that losing. I don't know if I would say that John is trying to rewrite history. I don't think he even knows much about what pageants JonBenet won or lost, and just think it's a good story to go along with his medal.

If you look back in the archives of her photos (there used to be lots available on ACR), you will see a very different-looking little girl at age 3 when she started the pageants (I believe right after Patsy's chemo ended) than when she died. And I am not talking about the age progression that is of course, part of the changing appearance of every child as they age.
When JB began, she had sandy brown hair, and her natural color eyes. She was a cute, but not stunning, little girl. I would imaging her singing, dancing, violin, French lessons had not yet begun. I would suppose that she did not win many of those early pageants, at least not the grand prize. I am sure that is what JR refers to.
Later on, as JB began to be more and more "glamorized" by Patsy (the hair extensions, blonde highlights, blue eyes (her were green in real life), over-the-top costumes, dance lessons and pageant coaching she probably won almost all of them. I had read long ago that some mothers pulled their daughters out of a pageant if they knew that JB was competing. There was no point- they knew she'd win.
These pageant circuits tend to have pretty much the same little girls competing. Some will travel all over for various contests, especially the less popular contests, because they might be easier to win and the child can begin their "collection" of trophies and tiaras.
I do not intend any disrespect here to the children (or the dogs) but dog shows operate the same way. Before a dog ever gets to compete at Westminster, they have had many, many smaller shows and titles behind them. And handlers often find themselves competing against the same dogs over and over again. The only difference is that with the dog shows, there is point system that qualifies the dog to compete at higher levels. ALL the dogs at Westminster (and Crufts, in the UK) are already champions. They have already won best of breed, best of show, or best opposite at other shows. (Best opposite means that if the top dog is male, the top female, thought not the winner, is named best opposite (sex) and vice versa if the winner is a female).
With Miss America, Miss USA, etc. there are also divisions that have to be won before you get to compete for the top title. (State, County and local pageants come first). With the child pageants, I don't think that is the case. You don't have to be a previous winner to compete for the top crown. But I bet it helps.
When I was looking back through photo's of JonBenet, I came across one that was black and white and looked to be in JB in full pageant hair, make up and dress. Am I wrong or is that JonBenet in a casket?

If so, I can only shake my head and think damn Pasty, you couldn't even let her be a little girl in death.
When I was looking back through photo's of JonBenet, I came across one that was black and white and looked to be in JB in full pageant hair, make up and dress. Am I wrong or is that JonBenet in a casket?

If so, I can only shake my head and think damn Pasty, you couldn't even let her be a little girl in death.

That picture was actually from PMPT, but JonBenet was buried wearing a pageant dress, tiara, and her hair was done.
When I was looking back through photo's of JonBenet, I came across one that was black and white and looked to be in JB in full pageant hair, make up and dress. Am I wrong or is that JonBenet in a casket?

If so, I can only shake my head and think damn Pasty, you couldn't even let her be a little girl in death.

While I wouldn't put it past Patsy, that photo was likely a screen shot taken from the TV movie "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town" by Lawrence Schiller, who wrote a book of the same title.
They used a mannequin for the corpse of JB because the director though it would be too traumatic to have the little actress portraying JB go through that. I'd be surprised, given his thoughts on that, if he had the little girl pose in a casket. I'd bet they used a mannequin for that scene as well.
If anyone ever watches that DVD, make sure to watch it at least once with the "director's commentary" turned ON. It really gives an insight to what Schiller was thinking.
"You're not the only one, OneLove. My brother and I were talking a few years ago, and he definitely believes that someone in Patsy's family was subjected to sexual abuse. Or, to quote you what he said to me, "Guv, haven't you ever wondered why a beautiful woman like Pam Paugh never got married, never had children and let her looks go to waste so badly?" I have to admit, I'd never looked at it that way before"

That's such BS....what does your brother know about Patsy's family,and it's so chauvinistic to criticize Pam because what? She gained some weight? And chose not to get married? I chose not to get married because I didn't want to support some moron and am perfectly happy with boyfriends WITHOUT marriage. Pam was always attractive, had a career, and is quite intelligent.

Well, Maikai, since my brother is not here right now to respond to this, it falls to me. By his own admission, he knows hardly anything about this case and is quite content that way, having seen how obsessed I've become.

But as to whether or not it's BS, given what I know of my dear brother, it very well could be. On the other hand, I'm reminded of the old saying, "out of the mouths of babes..." He said it and it got me thinking in a new way. That's all.

Frankly, if it were ONLY what became of Pam, I'd be tempted to write it off as BS myself. Except it's not JUST that. There's a few other things. Try looking at it that way.
There is nothing showing any abuse in Patsy's household...quite the opposite.

That's a matter of opinion, and THAT's me giving you the very best of it.

And the comment from the brother that Pam let her appearance go being evidence of abuse is deplorable.

He's not a tactful man, Maikai. FWIW, I balked a bit at his phrasing. But it was an interesting observation.

Spiritual truths behind the media's JonBener tale
Monday, April 9, 2012

"the Ramseys truly were innocents trapped in a tale like Hitchcock’s “Wrong Man.”

[ame=""]The Wrong Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]


John Ramsey on surviving JonBenet tradgedy & finding faith
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"JOHN: There’s still a bit of a cloud that I don’t think will ever go away—even if the killer is caught and convicted and imprisoned. There always will be an element of people who believe we’re guilty. The Bible talks about dealing with people like that who are fools and says we should just steer clear of them. That’s what I try to do. But it’s there sometimes. Just the other day, I remember looking into the face of a stranger I encountered and thinking: What does this person think of me? Are they coming with suspicion? I remember from marketing, years ago, that companies can do product surveys even on great products and they will get down to where maybe 3 percent of respondents still say that product is junk. The truth is: That’s as good as it gets. The haters are always out there."

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