The John Ramsey 2012 Roadshow

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Spiritual truths behind the media's JonBener tale
Monday, April 9, 2012

"the Ramseys truly were innocents trapped in a tale like Hitchcock’s “Wrong Man.”

The Wrong Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


John Ramsey on surviving JonBenet tradgedy & finding faith
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"JOHN: There’s still a bit of a cloud that I don’t think will ever go away—even if the killer is caught and convicted and imprisoned. There always will be an element of people who believe we’re guilty. The Bible talks about dealing with people like that who are fools and says we should just steer clear of them. That’s what I try to do. But it’s there sometimes. Just the other day, I remember looking into the face of a stranger I encountered and thinking: What does this person think of me? Are they coming with suspicion? I remember from marketing, years ago, that companies can do product surveys even on great products and they will get down to where maybe 3 percent of respondents still say that product is junk. The truth is: That’s as good as it gets. The haters are always out there."

Looks to me as if JR is hiding behind the bible and market research statistics. Do not politicians employ the same methods, e.g. fundamental this and market that, whilst accepting campaign donations from whoever?

The Bible talks about dealing with people like that who are fools and says we should just steer clear of them. That’s what I try to do.
Also looks to me as if this religion thing with JR is one big smokescreen, since the bible was created by Greeks translating from aramaic well over 2000 years ago, with all the usual mistakes and errors that you might expect occurring. It was later updated by the catholic church, to include only authorised gospels, then further revised as the King James version. What relevance can it have with the death of JonBenet?

I wonder if JR quotes from the bible in his married life? Or does he just trot out the bible when in interview mode? As he states he obviously views us as fools!

Looks to me as if JR is hiding behind the bible and market research statistics. Do not politicians employ the same methods, e.g. fundamental this and market that, whilst accepting campaign donations from whoever?

Also looks to me as if this religion thing with JR is one big smokescreen, since the bible was created by Greeks translating from aramaic well over 2000 years ago, with all the usual mistakes and errors that you might expect occurring. It was later updated by the catholic church, to include only authorised gospels, then further revised as the King James version. What relevance can it have with the death of JonBenet?

I wonder if JR quotes from the bible in his married life? Or does he just trot out the bible when in interview mode? As he states he obviously views us as fools!


An astonishing element of JR's recent book is that he has two anecdotes involving homeless men in which he says he can't understand how they can go on living without a home, without teeth, with diseased and broken bodies, etc... He explicitly states that the fact that THEY can go on living inspires HIM who has so much more than they do.

This emphasis on appearances is striking. If you had lost your first daughter in a car accident, your second daughter in a brutal sexual murder, and your wife to ovarian cancer, I don't believe you would look at a homeless person and think their life was significantly "worse" than yours -- unless you focus only on externals.

True suffering creates a brotherhood of man where we know that to look upon the surface is to at best see a reflection of ourselves, and be confronted by our own prejudices. JR is still obsessed with surfaces, with marketing, with fake religiosity (which I'm sure he himself believes). He was always an "appearances" guy.
Looks to me as if JR is hiding behind the bible and market research statistics.....I wonder if JR quotes from the bible in his married life? Or does he just trot out the bible when in interview mode? As he states he obviously views us as fools!


He sounds like a con man, errrr, a marketing genius to me UK.
"if you could handle your problems I can handle mine" -- JR referring to what a woman told him, but using his own words. Who refers to their daughter's death as a "problem" -- well it's a "problem" if you killed her and you need to convince others of your innocence.

"death became a sorrow and a relief" -- JR referring to Patsy's death in identical terms to what he supposedly felt upon finding JB's body in the wine-cellar.
He sounds like a con man, errrr, a marketing genius to me UK.

I agree, JR is pretty transparent, but his arrogance, probably generated by thinking he got away with it, makes him think any rationale he dreams up must be gold plated.

An astonishing element of JR's recent book is that he has two anecdotes involving homeless men in which he says he can't understand how they can go on living without a home, without teeth, with diseased and broken bodies, etc... He explicitly states that the fact that THEY can go on living inspires HIM who has so much more than they do.

This emphasis on appearances is striking. If you had lost your first daughter in a car accident, your second daughter in a brutal sexual murder, and your wife to ovarian cancer, I don't believe you would look at a homeless person and think their life was significantly "worse" than yours -- unless you focus only on externals.

True suffering creates a brotherhood of man where we know that to look upon the surface is to at best see a reflection of ourselves, and be confronted by our own prejudices. JR is still obsessed with surfaces, with marketing, with fake religiosity (which I'm sure he himself believes). He was always an "appearances" guy.

True suffering creates a brotherhood of man where we know that to look upon the surface is to at best see a reflection of ourselves, and be confronted by our own prejudices. JR is still obsessed with surfaces, with marketing, with fake religiosity (which I'm sure he himself believes). He was always an "appearances" guy.
Good points, and if he does believe then he must be in a bad place. You are spot on about him being an appearances guy, his religion is just a fig leaf. I wonder what Burke thinks, does daddy get the bible out when he visits?

I agree, JR is pretty transparent, but his arrogance, probably generated by thinking he got away with it, makes him think any rationale he dreams up must be gold plated.


Well, I know a lot of lay people who think he's guilty and I know a few professionals who think he's guilty.

With Patsy dead, I can't see this case leading anywhere. I suppose John could be charged but the cross-finger-pointing defense would still apply.

I haven't quite figured out why he picked this time to publish yet another book. I haven't read it and don't plan to. But I suspect there was method to his madness.
Well, I know a lot of lay people who think he's guilty and I know a few professionals who think he's guilty.

With Patsy dead, I can't see this case leading anywhere. I suppose John could be charged but the cross-finger-pointing defense would still apply.

I haven't quite figured out why he picked this time to publish yet another book. I haven't read it and don't plan to. But I suspect there was method to his madness.

With Patsy dead, I can't see this case leading anywhere.
Sure, but that might not prevent the truth from seeping out. In this case as in watergate, its the details about the coverup that could be the route to who did it? JR cannot stop this, once he passes on, I'll bet you all sorts of folks come out of the woodwork with claims about stuff.

I haven't quite figured out why he picked this time to publish yet another book. I haven't read it and don't plan to. But I suspect there was method to his madness.
Its patently a PR job, it roughly coincided with his latest marriage, coincidental, I think not. Nothing on Burke though, you notice that, do we get a glowing biography of Burks achievements, how he has prospered despite a tradgedy in his life?

So JR's omissions are just as telling as what he includes. There is the outside possibility that it was BDI, and this is JR telling us via bible speak, that he has reconciled the circumstances he found himself in?

Sure, but that might not prevent the truth from seeping out. In this case as in watergate, its the details about the coverup that could be the route to who did it? JR cannot stop this, once he passes on, I'll bet you all sorts of folks come out of the woodwork with claims about stuff.

Its patently a PR job, it roughly coincided with his latest marriage, coincidental, I think not. Nothing on Burke though, you notice that, do we get a glowing biography of Burks achievements, how he has prospered despite a tradgedy in his life?

So JR's omissions are just as telling as what he includes. There is the outside possibility that it was BDI, and this is JR telling us via bible speak, that he has reconciled the circumstances he found himself in?

The lack of info about Burke is striking, in both the book and interviews. Could this point to BDI or possibly "Burke suspects his parents so I have to be very careful in what I say about him" perhaps?
The lack of info about Burke is striking, in both the book and interviews. Could this point to BDI or possibly "Burke suspects his parents so I have to be very careful in what I say about him" perhaps?

I vote for Option 2, bolded above by me.:maddening:

Spiritual truths behind the media's JonBener tale
Monday, April 9, 2012

"the Ramseys truly were innocents trapped in a tale like Hitchcock’s “Wrong Man.”

The Wrong Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


John Ramsey on surviving JonBenet tradgedy & finding faith
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"JOHN: There’s still a bit of a cloud that I don’t think will ever go away—even if the killer is caught and convicted and imprisoned. There always will be an element of people who believe we’re guilty. The Bible talks about dealing with people like that who are fools and says we should just steer clear of them. That’s what I try to do. But it’s there sometimes. Just the other day, I remember looking into the face of a stranger I encountered and thinking: What does this person think of me? Are they coming with suspicion? I remember from marketing, years ago, that companies can do product surveys even on great products and they will get down to where maybe 3 percent of respondents still say that product is junk. The truth is: That’s as good as it gets. The haters are always out there."

Sounds more like The Talented Mr. Ripley to me!,0,7189681.story

John Ransey to speak at Christ Episcopak Church Charlevoix
May 18, 2012

"CHARLEVOIX -- John Ramsey will discuss his new book "The Other Side of Suffering" at Christ Episcopal Church at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 23. The title of his talk is "The Future -- Are The Best Days of Your Life Still Ahead?" This event is open and free to the public.

Through his New York Times best selling book, "The Other Side of Suffering," Ramsey shares how he re-established hope in his life and strengthened his faith despite loss.

Like the biblical Job, Ramsey had it all -- wealth, social position and a loving family. And like Job, Ramsey was destined for great affliction, as many of the most precious things in his life were cruelly taken from him."
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I don't see anything new on Google News. I just went through all the channels and I didn't see anything about the case.

What could it be? Did John do another interview?
John Ramsey says people who believe that John or Pasty killed JonBenet are fools according to the Bible? No I don't get that at all from reading my Bible.

Please John don't pity us for being fools. We pity you for thinking you could fool people while doing everything else, but looking for your daughters killer. But then again, we have a pretty good idea you know who killed JonBenet. Does that make us fools?
John Ramsey says people who believe that John or Pasty killed JonBenet are fools according to the Bible? No I don't get that at all from reading my Bible.

Please John don't pity us for being fools. We pity you for thinking you could fool people while doing everything else, but looking for your daughters killer. But then again, we have a pretty good idea you know who killed JonBenet. Does that make us fools?

No, to him, that makes us dangerous. (We'll find out HOW dangerous, based on his reaction in a few months or so!)
Maybe you should scan John's autograph from your book...just so we can be sure.
Re: Michael Tracey

July 18, 2012

"University of Colorado Mass Communication Professor Michael Tracey has been evaluated as being "below expectations" for two consecutive faculty performance ratings. CU spokesman Bronson Hilliard said that while he could not comment on a specific faculty member's evaluations, two consecutive ratings of "below expectations" are supposed to trigger a process CU calls "extensive post-tenure review."

Communicating to through the University's public relations department, Tracey declined to be interviewed, saying his evaluations were a matter to be kept private between him and his employer."

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