The John Ramsey 2012 Roadshow

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Alex Hunter "clearing" them is not exactly a ringing endorsement that they were innocent.
Welcome to the forum!

Your question can be answered very simply. JR seems to be no closer after these 15 years because he is ALREADY there. And he was already there 15 years ago. Occam's Razor- things are usually what they seem. The simplest explanation is usually the right one.

FOUR people came home that night. Only THREE woke up alive that morning. NO evidence of an intruder. JR admitted to breaking the window. NO evidence of a break in. The perp had to be one of the three who survived the night.

JR can't find the perp because he already knows who it is. He was right about one thing...the perp is either dead or alive. in this case, one possible perp IS dead, and the other two are still alive. Alas, neither are in prison.

Bingo Dee Dee. Doesn't take a rocket scientist on this one.

Thanks to Cynic for posting the Anderson links. I watched the Nightline episode (thank God it was a short one) and I don't think I can handle watching Anderson. Was the tongue on active duty on Anderson?
There's a 5-page spread about John's new life and book in People magazine. He says he's working for a company in Las Vegas, so it looks like he has homes in Vegas and Charlevoix. He also described Burke as "pretty quiet".
There's a 5-page spread about John's new life and book in People magazine. He says he's working for a company in Las Vegas, so it looks like he has homes in Vegas and Charlevoix. He also described Burke as "pretty quiet".

He also described Burke as "pretty quiet"
That must be a form of Ramsey irony.
The Ramseys were cleared by the DA's office---they are not prime suspects except in the minds of certain people that want to believe they did it.

Unknown DNA cannot be discounted.....they have the person...they just don't know his name. There is no evidence in the cellar linking the Ramseys to the crime, except for the few fibers Kane tried to link to them, which was bogus. There is no explanation for the wolf dog hairs found on JBR.

They DON't have the person if they don't have the name.

Could have been anyone the Rs touched that day (handshake, etc) or come from anything they touched that day. (doorknob, etc). Therefore, SKIN CELL DNA could very well be innocent transfer and have nothing to do with the crime. As you very well know, NO DA or any other LE can "clear" anyone until they have a named suspect who was proven to be in Boulder that night.
Therefore, the Rs are prime suspects...period. They are only "cleared" in the minds of people who cannot accept that they could be involved.
The "wolf hairs" were never positively ID as wolf. They could have been beaver, and artist's brushed are often beaver. Patsy also owned fur-trimmed boots as well as fur coats.
The DNA appears ONLY on articles of clothing that BOTH parents admitted touching that day. Patsy admitted putting the longjohns on JB, and when you pull pants up on a child you touch the waitsband. JR was PROVEN to have touched them- he was SEEN by several people holding JB around her waist as he carried her stiffened corpse up from the basement. His fibers found inside those same panties makes me think his hands were the source of the skin cell transfer that placed those skin cells and DNA on the panties and longjohns.
That DNA is no slam-dunk for an intruder killer.
The Ramseys were cleared by the DA's office---they are not prime suspects except in the minds of certain people that want to believe they did it.

Unknown DNA cannot be discounted.....they have the person...they just don't know his name. There is no evidence in the cellar linking the Ramseys to the crime, except for the few fibers Kane tried to link to them, which was bogus. There is no explanation for the wolf dog hairs found on JBR.

BEM: LOL, sorry, but they will never know "his name" until they look for him!

John Ramsey almost immediately hired four attorneys for himself, two for Patsy, one for Burke, one for his ex-wife, and dumb and dumber as investigators to find (or create), evidence that they were innocent. Their book with their uppity mugs on the front is named "The Death of Innocence". One would think they named it for their child's untimely death - ahahaha, nope, it meant their innocence was dead, not JonBenet's. The book published a wrong number for the tip line, and there have been no websites put up to help find her with the exception of a few months or so when they needed to LOOK like they were actually doing something.

They sued anyone who mentioned Burke's name in the media or on the Internet, but not ONCE did they EVER go after the million + *advertiser censored* websites defaming JonBenet's memory and name in their advertisements.

Forget the mountain of evidence that points to them, and despite the misinformation published on websites like wikipedia and PNB that tries to point away, there's undeniable proof they've never looked for this illusive killer, and they, apparently, never will.

Stun gunning pigs and trying for 10 years to squeeze a complete strand of DNA out of a degraded sample doesn't count.

Just finished watching JR on Huckabee. While I'm disappointed that Huckabee seemed to almost pander and throw a pity party for JR, I'm not surprised. All I can say is "liar, liar, pants on fire" Mr. Ramsey. YOU KNOW what happened that night, sleep well sir.
I had to leave during Huckabee and left the TV on for my dogs to watch and reply how the show went with Lizard Tongue. Since they couldn't tell me, I will say thanks to Sharkeyes for the review and will not watch it on a rerun. How quickly people forget (I don't).
Dr. Lillian Glass and KoldKase are going to be on Websleuths Radio tomorrow night (Sunday March 18th) to discuss the Ramsey Road Show 2012. Also I will have a bit more information on the tidbit I have been teasing you all with. A bit more info on what this tidbit is.

You can listen here:

PS. Guys, I know on FFj things are easy going but on Websleuths we have to have a few rules that are a bit tighter.

As hard as it may be please refrain from calling John Ramsey any nick names like, "Lizard Lips." THANK YOU.
John Ramsey nor any member of his family killed this little girl.

There was no evidence found that an intruder entered nor any that the family did it either.

IMO, no one broke into their home. They simply entered through an unlocked door. With plenty of time to roam through the house, there was info in the office of how much Ramsey received as a bonus and plenty of time to construct a ransom note that he had no intention of ever collecting. If that someone knew John answers a lot of questions. If it was a total pervert there is no answer to why he did it other than to satisfy some insane need.

The Ramseys had nothing to do with this. Give it up and leave the surviving members to live in peace.

Cappy, as co-owner of Websleuths and as sole owner of Forums for Justice I will not "Give it up"

I took John Ramsey seriously when he and Patsy asked for help from the public a few days after the crime. And until John Ramsey shows us he has done one thing to help this investigation I will continue to try and expose his lies and his arrogance when it comes to his daughter JonBenet.

There is so much evidence pointing to someone in the house I don't know where to begin.

If you can show me ANYTHING to points AWAY from someone in that house please do so.

Let's start with the ransom note. Look at my signature.
In fairness to John Ramsey I have not offically invited him to be on Websleuths Radio.

Let me see if I can find his publisher's contact info. Shouldn't be too hard.

I'll get back to you.
ML also said "no one is really cleared of a homicide until there’s a conviction in court, beyond a reasonable doubt. And I don’t think you will get any prosecutor, unless they were present with the person at the time of the crime, to clear someone." She said this after she cleared the Rs.....

So Miss Mary, going by your own words you must have been present and know for a fact who killed JBR and if it wasnt the Rs, then who was it? The case didnt go to court, you were not judge nor jury and handed down no convictions, so how is it you cleared the Rs???? Oh, thats right, you coulnt have and shouldnt have.

What the heck Mary, you are so confusing the Rs groupies, as they still believe you were telling the truth when you said you had the right to clear the Rs. So where is the press conference admitting that you lied and helped in the obstruction of justice for a six year old child? Where is your letter apologizing to Jonbenet?
Jeff Shapiro responds:

Media Shifts Guilt and Innocence Around the Ramseys
by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro

The mainstream media didn’t fail to live up to its reputation yesterday when it reported the release of John Ramsey’s new book, “The Other Side of Suffering: The Father of JonBenet Ramsey Tells the Story of His Journey from Grief to Grace.”
As usual, the media once again misreported crucial information that impacted the perception the public may have about the guilt or innocence of the Ramseys as well as the official position of the Boulder Police Department. The media has almost always reported the story incorrectly, and I should know--I’ve covered the Ramsey case for more than 15 years since I was a cub reporter in Boulder, Colorado.
During that time I tracked down potential suspects and became well acquainted with both the Ramseys and the authorities investigating the case. As a result, I became very familiar with which stories were true and which ones were false.
Yesterday, two reporters at ABC News inaccurately reported:
“For years, Boulder police suspected the Ramseys killed their daughter, but in 2008, police cleared the Ramseys of any wrongdoing and issued an apology. JonBenet’s mother Patsy Ramsey died of ovarian cancer on June 24, 2006, without knowing her name had been cleared.”
The Boulder Police never cleared the Ramseys or apologized. In fact, the family has repeatedly complained that the Boulder Police Department has kept them under what Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner once called, “the umbrella of suspicion.”
It was former District Attorney Mary Lacy who wrote a letter to the Ramseys in 2008 on her own behalf apologizing to the family because she personally believed they were innocent. Lacy based her decision on the fact that miniscule elements of “touch DNA” commingled in JonBenet’s blood did not match the Ramseys.
The DNA is a fascinating evidentiary breakthrough, which does suggest the possibility that an intruder may have killed JonBenet, but it was in no way conclusive, and the ABC report fails to mention that shortly after Lacy wrote that letter they returned the case to the Boulder Police Department because they did not believe they were capable of solving the case themselves.
The ABC inaccuracy is significant since the police and prosecutors have almost always been at war in this case (The new District Attorney, Stan Garnett, reportedly has a much better relationship with the Boulder Police Department than Lacy did) . The police have always suspected the Ramseys and the prosecutors were equally divided--some believing the Ramseys were guilty and others believing it was an intruder.
The inaccurate assertion reported in the ABC story, which has been echoed many times before by other news outlets creates the false perception that the police admitted they were wrong all along when in fact the police have never changed their course.
On Friday morning I contacted one of the ABC reporters who co-wrote the story and I explained this to her, but she failed to understand the distinction between the two agencies and told me via e-mail that they would not change their story because "the Ramseys, nor anyone else, were ever officially indicted by the Boulder police."
Clarification: police don't file indictments, prosecutors do.
The only time the police ever changed their course in the investigation was very early on when they initially suspected John Ramsey of the murder and then decided it could be Patsy instead. The very first stories following the December 26, 1996 murder falsely reported that semen was found on JonBenet after she was brought upstairs from the basement by her father, John Ramsey.
Those reports created intense speculation that John was a pedophile and a murderer who sexually abused his 6-year old daughter. Nothing could have been further from the truth. It later turned out that the so called semen found JonBenet was actually a skin cleanser that killer used to remove his or her DNA off JonBenet.
JonBenet was in fact sexually assaulted the night of the murder, and a panel of pediatric experts later concluded there may have been ongoing prior sexual abuse, but there was never any evidence who the perpetrator was. The police quickly shifted their focus away from John to Patsy, but it took several months for the media to let go of the rumors that he was the killer.
In many instances during the Ramsey case the mainstream media followed the supermarket tabloids because they sometimes uncovered explosive leads. There were several stories however, in which the tabloids outright lied. In 1998, the tabloids began to suggest the murder was committed by JonBenet's then 9 year-old brother Burke, even though police did not believe he was involved. The tabloids knew the story was false, but they published it anyway because they knew it would sell.
Shortly after the tabloids reported that Burke was a suspect, many mainstream media outlets did the same actually citing the tabloids as their source. Eventually, the family successfully sued the tabloids on behalf of Burke and won confidential settlements.
The continued inaccuracies told by the media in this admittedly complex story is dangerous because it continues to shift public opinion around the potential guilt or innocence of the family.
Misreporting the position of the Boulder Police Department has also had a damaging effect in that it affects their ability to interview witnesses or potential suspects who have preconceived notions about who investigators are targeting. Some intruder suspects have accused the Boulder police of secretly conspiring with the Ramseys to blame an innocent person for the murder, and as a result refused to turn over their DNA or answer questions.
Of course, that allegation is flat out ridiculous, and even the Ramseys would probably agree with that since they know all too well that the police have always kept them under that "umbrella of suspicion."
Eventually, University of Colorado Professor Michael Tracey produced three documentaries that evidenced how the media corrupted the judicial process making it harder for the authorities to find the killer.
The truth about many issues surrounding the case is out there even if, after 15 years we still do not know whom the killer is. Reporting the truth can only help this case finally reach a resolution, and hopefully result in justice for JonBenet, which is long overdue.
John Ramsey interviewed by Huckabee:

Part One:
[ame=""]HJR1 - YouTube[/ame]

Part Two:
[ame=""]HJR2 - YouTube[/ame]
Dr. Lillian Glass and KoldKase are going to be on Websleuths Radio tomorrow night (Sunday March 18th) to discuss the Ramsey Road Show 2012. Also I will have a bit more information on the tidbit I have been teasing you all with. A bit more info on what this tidbit is.

You can listen here:

PS. Guys, I know on FFj things are easy going but on Websleuths we have to have a few rules that are a bit tighter.

As hard as it may be please refrain from calling John Ramsey any nick names like, "Lizard Lips." THANK YOU.

Can't wait! :martini::genie:
Those reports created intense speculation that John was a pedophile and a murderer who sexually abused his 6-year old daughter. Nothing could have been further from the truth. It later turned out that the so called semen found JonBenet was actually a skin cleanser that killer used to remove his or her DNA off JonBenet.

Thanks for the links. Now that skin cleanser was that a proprietary brand as in cosmetic or a kitchen cream thing? Was it identified with anything in the house?

Why a skin cleanser and not a bar of soap?

John Ramsey interviewed by Huckabee:

Part One:
HJR1 - YouTube

Part Two:
HJR2 - YouTube

wow, he looks like he has been in the caribbean, laughing a lot and talking much
different as he was with Patsy, he is another person now,how can he remember the bad times and laughing at the same time?! is the new wife and marriage for sure?!

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