"The last time I 'saw' my daughter"

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While I could see someone with the maturity and education levels of the average American adult making a Freudian Slip between "perspective" and "prospective" places, imo KC is ignorant to the defining definition of each. I think her usage of "perspective places" was another one of her attempts to apply a word or phrase that was posed to her by LE during their initial investigation of her lies on the night on June 15th (perhaps: "Do you have any prospective places in mind that we should begin our search?"). KC just didn't know any better when she tried to borrow their words.

I also think she was reciting JB when she began to talk about everyone "misconstruing" her statements - imo she mispronounces the word ("misconshtrue") because she doesn't know how it's properly pronounced. I don't think she has a speech impediment at all, I think she is simply more ignorant than many perceive her to be.

(Bolded by me.) I cannot say often enough how much I agree with this statement. I hear people frequently refer to her as a "master" of deception, and I think that's totally false. She's never convinced anyone of anything; she's just worn them down enough that they stopped giving a rock about anything she says. :yes:

I also think you're right on about the mirroring of vocabulary as opposed to the actual understanding and reuse of words and phrases. She's a child. :clap:
when the prosecution shows and proves in the court room that the nanny does not exist and never did exist - this will seal the case DOWN

the facts when shown that the nanny does not exist it simply kills the defense

it just kills it

adios casey
...that and no one's life (except poor Caylee) was in danger. So much for her silence...
Because it was the only element of truth to what she was saying to them.

I couldn't imagine having to live with her, even as her parent.


Marlene, it's exhausting and it is no wonder that G & C eventually just let things go. It's either that or life is one continuous battle after another.
(Bolded by me.) I cannot say often enough how much I agree with this statement. I hear people frequently refer to her as a "master" of deception, and I think that's totally false. She's never convinced anyone of anything; she's just worn them down enough that they stopped giving a rock about anything she says. :yes:

I also think you're right on about the mirroring of vocabulary as opposed to the actual understanding and reuse of words and phrases. She's a child. :clap:

I think you may have confused the terminology.

The term "mirroring" does not mean copying; however, when I introduced the term, I first pointed out the instances where she was re-stating or copying words the investigators had said prior in the interview. I conceded that this could be due to her limited vocabulary--thus her need to copy.

Mirroring involves the subject's deliberate use of the words and gestures of the interrogator in an interview situation as a means of gaining favor.
Oh I have one....(forgive me if it was posted elsewhere)..

You know how she always repeats words i.e. "Absolutely...Absolutely"...??

George said the exact same thing in the jail phone conversation with her when he finally got the phone from Cindy... I don't remember what she said but it was like..."blah blah all I care about is getting my family back together..." And George replies with "Absolutely...Absolutely."
Sorry, I haven't read this entire post, but my understanding of the use of the term "mirroring" when it comes to communication is when somebody expresses a feeling to you, you repeat back to them what they said (mirror it back) so that they get that you get what they said. Clear as mud?
Also, I don't think it was lost on anybody that KC repeated over and over to LE that ZG was the last person she saw her daughter with. And June 9th was the last time she saw her daughter, and the steps of Sawgrass was the last place she saw her daughter...blah.blah.blah...All LIES. What does it mean beyond that? It's just a three-fold lie. Nothing more. Remove the June 9th date and you can argue the obscure, weird factoids of this case. The "sawgrass" Caylee was dumped in. The Z & G addresses the property bordered...I swear, this girl must have researched(we just don't know it yet) how to get away with murder. Just do what the Ramsey's did (I can imagine the advise...)CONFUSS every possible thing that can be confussed. Pre-research weird stuff on your computer; dress the corpse lovingly but leave out one important element; leave your Bible open to an ominous passage...Set up a senerio that should make you flee, then don't flee...Make every one's head spin so your loved ones will try to make these obscure clues fit with your innocence....Confussion=reasonable doubt. Makes me sick to think she could get away with this...
I'm sure this has been beaten around many times, but could it be that so much crap was going on in that house that Casee developed a split personality, and she is Zanaida in her own mind?
I think you may be on to something. It may be that her "job" was being a nanny to her own child....as if she was the caretaker while George and Cindy were not home. As crazy as this is, I think she switches it up an changes it to Cindy as the "nanny" too. Zanny comes into play when she is using Xanax but all the other times the word, "nanny" is used.
(Bolded by me.) I cannot say often enough how much I agree with this statement. I hear people frequently refer to her as a "master" of deception, and I think that's totally false. She's never convinced anyone of anything; she's just worn them down enough that they stopped giving a rock about anything she says. :yes:

I also think you're right on about the mirroring of vocabulary as opposed to the actual understanding and reuse of words and phrases. She's a child. :clap:

I think she is of below average intelligence. I can upon an inmate similar to this and no one could figure out what made him do the crime. He is good-looking, spoke well, had a construction firm, beautiful family. Hours were spent daily going over files and interviewing him at least four hours a day for months, to no avail. He mentioned a few times when he wanted counseling before the crime spree but never seemed to get it. He was talented, had a interest in art and all the makings of being a good artist and a home designer....the crimes didn't fit..

After searching, researching and interviewing, it came down to he was of such low intelligence that it flabbergasted everyone. He was adept at covering and mimicking all of his life. He worked hard at it too. No one would ever suspect that this man was of very low intelligence till we started asking him about other things in his life he did wrong. When he explained his errors it became clear, he lacked any insight and was a pawn for other people to use.

Cindy Anthony stated Casey had taken AP classes at school (I think physics) well, if that were true, she would not have been 1/2 credit shy for graduation. She would have access credits to graduate. I suspect her mother and brother helped her get through school. She just became too much to handle when she turned 18 and they were worn down.
I think you may be on to something. It may be that her "job" was being a nanny to her own child....as if she was the caretaker while George and Cindy were not home. As crazy as this is, I think she switches it up an changes it to Cindy as the "nanny" too. Zanny comes into play when she is using Xanax but all the other times the word, "nanny" is used.

It's also interesting to note that KC states in her LE interveiw when discussing Zanny and how she felt about Caylee and if she could have wanted her for herself etc...KC makes (IMHO) the very weird statement that Zanny was "proud" of how Caylee was being raised (by KC). Proud seems a mighty strange word imo. A mother would say proud. A grandparent or other family member might say proud. But the babysitter?
It's also interesting to note that KC states in her LE interveiw when discussing Zanny and how she felt about Caylee and if she could have wanted her for herself etc...KC makes (IMHO) the very weird statement that Zanny was "proud" of how Caylee was being raised (by KC). Proud seems a mighty strange word imo. A mother would say proud. A grandparent or other family member might say proud. But the babysitter?
Do you think she was trying to imply that the last person she saw Caylee with was Cindy? That was always my impression.
It's also interesting to note that KC states in her LE interveiw when discussing Zanny and how she felt about Caylee and if she could have wanted her for herself etc...KC makes (IMHO) the very weird statement that Zanny was "proud" of how Caylee was being raised (by KC). Proud seems a mighty strange word imo. A mother would say proud. A grandparent or other family member might say proud. But the babysitter?

That's a good point. My sister is a child care provider and I've never heard her say she was "proud" of how someone was raising their children. She might say that so and so are good parents, or they are raising little Johnny right...but never proud.
The stalking her out was kc sitting outside of the Anthonys neighborhood watching when they would leave and arrive on the day of the 16th. Casey states ZG never answered her calls....it was CA that didn't answer her calls that day.I still don't know why Cindy didn't respond to any calls from kc. That baffles me. In fact she never initiated one call to Casey for the first two weeks.....very strange.
Sorry, I haven't read this entire post, but my understanding of the use of the term "mirroring" when it comes to communication is when somebody expresses a feeling to you, you repeat back to them what they said (mirror it back) so that they get that you get what they said. Clear as mud?

So if I understand you correctly, you believe mirroring is repeating back to the first person what you've heard in a way that demonstrates you understand what they said. Mud clear!

Mirroring also happens in body language. Next time y'all visit someone who has been married since God played marbles, watch their mannerisms. Or if you have small children, watch them carefully. You'll see a LOT of things you never paid attention to. Those times you'd say "He's just like his father" or "She's just like me" have roots in the fact that a child mimics its parents to learn.

Casey "mirrors" the people she's with. She partied like her friends, acted like a mom with other people who had children, became a "law student" with Jose, etc etc. It isn't that she's lying. She's trying to find "skin" that fits.

I think now I've gotten into more the psych thread, so I'll stop there. Mirroring is fascinating!
Do you think she was trying to imply that the last person she saw Caylee with was Cindy? That was always my impression.

I think she's implying that KC (the 22yr old Universal employee with a wonderful life, full social calendar, part time student and successfull future ahead) will take no responsibility for what happened to Caylee once she was dropped off with Zanny (KC playing the role of the Nanny-a pretend job made up to help her cope with babysitting Caylee all day and not having a job to go to or friends to hang out with, since they all worked and went to school). It has even been suggested on another thread that Zanny was even used by KC to get around a traffic violation while driving around in Annie's (or Amy's-I forget) car. I think she used it more often than anyone may realize.
kc had 31 days to think what she was doing, hiding and saying................
I don't believe KC gave it much thought during her 31 days. I think it was all done and behind her...it was over...she had moved on. Now ,if only she could convince TL to take her with him when he moved away...or MH to help her out if she chose to go west...and there was no hurry, since she and Caylee were far too busy to go see CA. We go back to Scarlett "I won't think about that right now, I'll think about that tomorrow...tomorrow is another day". The whole situation was out of sight, out of mind. KC isn't big on long, drawn out plots-she flies by the seat of her pants and makes it up as she goes along. Yes-she is manipulative-but even she doesn't know how it all works-it just comes naturally.

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