"The last time I 'saw' my daughter"

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I always thought it was strange the way Casey tells the police in her recorded interview about the last time "I saw her" and "Zenaida was the last person I saw my daughter with." She constantly says that she saw Caylee. I mean, if she brought Caylee to Zenaida's, then she brought her there - she didn't see her there. Know what I mean?

I can't quite put my finger on it. I just would never say "I saw my child." I'd say that I had him, he was with me, etc.

Am I the only one who thinks this?

LE asks the question "When is the last time you saw your daughter?" and Casey answers, "The last time I seen my daughter......."

In context, I don't think there is anything strange about how she phrased her answer; she phrased it to match the question she was answering.
While I could see someone with the maturity and education levels of the average American adult making a Freudian Slip between "perspective" and "prospective" places, imo KC is ignorant to the defining definition of each. I think her usage of "perspective places" was another one of her attempts to apply a word or phrase that was posed to her by LE during their initial investigation of her lies on the night on June 15th (perhaps: "Do you have any prospective places in mind that we should begin our search?"). KC just didn't know any better when she tried to borrow their words.

I also think she was reciting JB when she began to talk about everyone "misconstruing" her statements - imo she mispronounces the word ("misconshtrue") because she doesn't know how it's properly pronounced. I don't think she has a speech impediment at all, I think she is simply more ignorant than many perceive her to be.

Hi Marlene. I started a thread awhile back about Speech Analysis or a similar title. I noticed Casey used "perspective" instead of "prospective." I prefaced my comment on the possible Freudian Slip with a note that this could just be due to her limited vocabulary--same as you imply here. However, could be?

Next, I was the one who noted that after a detective has used a word, Casey will pick it up and repeat it in a subsequent, though, not direct answer. I possibly thought she could be subconsciously "mirroring" the verbiage of the detectives. This is a common tactic used in interviewing in order to sway the interviewer to your way of thinking. However, I know that this could also be due to her limited lack of vocabulary and needing to pick up on their words, or wanting to appear "intelligent" and make her lies "plausible."
I thought it was strange how when she was asked for a phone number....everyone either moved away and had their number changed or she couldn't remember their phone number. All these people have had so many phone numbers. That just doesn't sound very realistic. I don't normally have a problem getting phone number of people that I know, and actually their numbers don't keep changing either.
I thought it was strange how when she was asked for a phone number....everyone either moved away and had their number changed or she couldn't remember their phone number. All these people have had so many phone numbers. That just doesn't sound very realistic. I don't normally have a problem getting phone number of people that I know, and actually their numbers don't keep changing either.

Yep, you picked that up as well. I said it was funny how all of these people were always on the move!
because they don't want to steer her train...it would give her another set of rails to ride on. It drives me nuts too, because I would have had to go there. I think they were hoping that since she'd lied herself right into the brick wall, she'd step off the track and start spilling. The only rail they wanted her to travel was the "something bad happened and you were worried about how people would look at you" line. Obviously, that didn't go as planned. They knew they had their hands full when she continued to carry the lie after she'd been called out on it.

IIRC, it was mentioned previously somewhere on this forum (don't ask me where, I'm SO lost in here), that LE was also treading a line....she was being questioned, but not as a suspect, if they had out and out accused her, Miranda rights and lawyer rights would have been invoked, and they wanted to keep her talking, in hopes of garnering some pertinent info.....legal types, please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm sure this has been beaten around many times, but could it be that so much crap was going on in that house that Casey developed a split personality, and she is Zanaida in her own mind?

Oh man I totally think thats possible. If this has be discussed somewhere else can someone send me the link?
I'm sure this has been beaten around many times, but could it be that so much crap was going on in that house that Casee developed a split personality, and she is Zanaida in her own mind?

She could have several personalities...maybe one of them is a hooker as well as Zanny. If there is a link to this being discussed, I'd like to see it also.
I'm sure this has been beaten around many times, but could it be that so much crap was going on in that house that Casee developed a split personality, and she is Zanaida in her own mind?

Maybe she has many personalities, one as a hooker, one as Zanny and who knows what else. If there has been a link to this already, I'd like to know where it is as well.
I did not mean to post the same thing twice, my computer is acting very weird today. Sorry
I'm sure this has been beaten around many times, but could it be that so much crap was going on in that house that Casee developed a split personality, and she is Zanaida in her own mind?

I answered this on the theories thread:

Short answer is no. Someone with DID (MPD) would affect the personality of the person Zenaida. She would act as Zenaida, talk as Zenaida, be called by and introduce herself as Zenaida, and would not KNOW of Zenaida unless she was told she said she was Zenaida at times when she is the Casey personality. A person with DID (MPD) does not control when an "other" takes over, which would be the case in this instance, since Cindy and George and all her friends have never EVER met this Zenaida. Since Casey uses Zenaida as a cover with her friends and family, it is more likely that Zenaida is just your garden variety alias for a liarpants clepto.
Snipped and underlined by me.

imo she mispronounces the word ("misconshtrue") because she doesn't know how it's properly pronounced. I don't think she has a speech impediment at all, I think she is simply more ignorant than many perceive her to be.

I dunno about that, Marlene. I noticed KC makes a similar mistake in the "lost interview," where she repeatedly says frushtrated.

That's the same speech error in both words.
What I don't understand is after they have gotten her to admit that almost everything she has said is a lie, why didn't they say ok, so you weren't going to work, coz you don't have a job so why did you drop Caylee off, where were you going that day? Or when was the last time you paid Z? How much was it, what method of payment? How did you have money to pay her with no job? I wish they would have gone on and on down the line with her lies. But I'm no detective maybe they got what they needed to get??? moo

I've wondered if anyone has asked her those questions also. And I also want to know why there were no phone numbers for Zanni listed at home in case of any emergency. If Zanni was babysitting for as long as Casey claims, her mother certainly would have known how to get in touch with her as well, and have the address.

Do we know if LE has ever asked the grandparents about Zanni? Whether they believe her to be real or not? I just can't see Cindy not insisting on knowing the details in case she ever had to contact her.
First of all, I would never drop a two-year old off without seeing that a person was there to take care of the child. How does she even know that 'Zani' was even there if she just dropped her off.
Another thing, she said that Zanny was the last person she saw with Caylee. If she just dropped her off like she said, she didn't see Caylee with Zanny. So that might not be the last person she saw with Caylee (unless I heard something wrong).
I've wondered if anyone has asked her those questions also. And I also want to know why there were no phone numbers for Zanni listed at home in case of any emergency. If Zanni was babysitting for as long as Casey claims, her mother certainly would have known how to get in touch with her as well, and have the address.

Do we know if LE has ever asked the grandparents about Zanni? Whether they believe her to be real or not? I just can't see Cindy not insisting on knowing the details in case she ever had to contact her.

LE asked Cindy if there was a nanny (not sure if they used the word Zanni). Cindy said she wasn't sure, it may have been a name Casey used for whoever was watching Caylee at the time. Then I think Cindy pointed the finger at Amy or JG as the possible nanny. It's in one of the interview tapes released early on in the case.
Just one last thing. Did any of you notice that when she said she dropped Caylee off at the staircase, at the apartment, the detective asks with whom did you drop her off and Casey says: Zenaida.

I wish the detective would have pressed her for more information, because she simply got away with that.

He should have asked her: Did you see Zenaida come out and get Caylee? Did you talk to Zenaida at that specific time? Etc.

Oh, you just hit on another thing that's bothered me! KC telling detectives that she dropped Caylee off at the stairs. Making it seem like, well, she's never seen the interior of the apt. BUT, when CA asks KC if Zenaida has a drum set in her apt, she says yes! She's just been caught in another lie.
She could have several personalities...maybe one of them is a hooker as well as Zanny. If there is a link to this being discussed, I'd like to see it also.

I don't think she's a multiple personality. I think she just can't keep her lies straight anymore. Remember, she's never been questioned so intensely about her lies before. I think George and Cindy just let her lies slide.
Snipped and underlined by me.

I dunno about that, Marlene. I noticed KC makes a similar mistake in the "lost interview," where she repeatedly says frushtrated.

That's the same speech error in both words.

I never caught on to her pronunciation of "frustrated" before. That's an excellent point. I'll listen out for it specifically next time I have cause. Either way though, imo, KC comes off as a stereotypical inmate desperately trying to mimic the level of education of the lawyers and officers working around her.
when the prosecution shows and proves in the court room that the nanny does not exist and never did exist - this will seal the case DOWN

the facts when shown that the nanny does not exist it simply kills the defense

it just kills it

adios casey
Hi Marlene. I started a thread awhile back about Speech Analysis or a similar title. I noticed Casey used "perspective" instead of "prospective." I prefaced my comment on the possible Freudian Slip with a note that this could just be due to her limited vocabulary--same as you imply here. However, could be?

Next, I was the one who noted that after a detective has used a word, Casey will pick it up and repeat it in a subsequent, though, not direct answer. I possibly thought she could be subconsciously "mirroring" the verbiage of the detectives. This is a common tactic used in interviewing in order to sway the interviewer to your way of thinking. However, I know that this could also be due to her limited lack of vocabulary and needing to pick up on their words, or wanting to appear "intelligent" and make her lies "plausible."

Hi Concentric. Imho, no. I don't personally believe KC made a Freudian Slip between the words "perspective" and "prospective". I don't believe she can clearly define either one. I really think she is just trying to appear smarter than she is, and like many who use that tactic, she is only proving to be dumber than if she had relied upon her own vocabulary.

From what I've seen, it's pretty obvious that KC "mirrors" her interviewers. It's just too bad she doesn't have the insight on what her true reflection is.

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