The Letters and the Secret Evidence

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Personally, my patience is wearing thin but I will ask again (as I have many many times before)...

If you are going to make these (or any other allegations) please provide documented links or refrain from posting your opinions as facts.

Links, please?

I truly hope you are able to get a link out of NTS, because if the guard ever did such a thing, we all know Baez would be whining about it to Judge Strickland long before now!

But we haven't heard Baez stomp his feet because it never happened!
What I found interesting is the two other women she was conversing with were in the jail for "choking" weren't they?
What I found interesting is the two other women she was conversing with were in the jail for "choking" weren't they?

Birds of a feather and all that...
Hello WS :)

If Casey was not the one who put Caylee on Suburban, then Casey would have had no reason to react to any remains being found there. She would have been in jail when the remains where put in the woods, according to her defense team. If Casey did not kill Caylee, and really thought she was with the nanny: she had no reason to react to remains being found, at all. Hum. Wrong thread, but I think I just figured out(for myself) why the video of Casey's reaction is important.

As far as being on topic: I am very interested in reading the notes/letters that are being released. :woohoo:

Personally, my patience is wearing thin but I will ask again (as I have many many times before)...

If you are going to make these (or any other allegations) please provide documented links or refrain from posting your opinions as facts.

Links, please?

Don't hold your breath...I looked back and saw the following postings earlier in this thread:

haha just like the gaurd broke the rules by clicking on the microphone to listen to jb and kc. No big deal right? The guards taking Kc to the tv to watch her daughter get discovered. No big deal right? Now this, the gaurd breaking the rules to entrap Kc. No big deal right? So, when does the judge put his foot down and stop this stuff? why have rules? what is the point? why does kc have to give her letters to jb to pass to her parents? Are any of the rules in the jail houses written into law?

The above was posted on 3/26/10.

While I recall Baez discussing the visits in court, I certainly do not remember any proof of misconduct like this coming out. Do you have a link which shows evidence and proof that a guard was clicking anything?

In her new environment, there are rules and regulations she MUST follow, NTS. This time it's only a letter, what if next time is drugs or a weapon? Luckily this CO didn't do something considered illegal that would get her arrested. Could be she may only get a slap on the wrist or a suspension for a little while but the CO allowed Inmate Anthony and that other inmate to break the rules of the jail. Without rules/regulations we be lawless, which is what I feel the A's family stands for, LAWLESSNESS!

I don't understand how sometimes you back Inmate Anthony and at other times you're against what she stands for. Why not have an open mind, see that the parents are knee deep into conspiracy and feel the law doesn't apply to THEM! They refuse to be Caylee's voice, that angers the hell out of me.

As they said, Inmate Anthony was arrested on a WHIM...a whim? Do they not know it's against the law to lie to police during an investigation? These people beat to their own drummer and think the law doesn't apply to them, their "mistruths" speak volumes.

I can't speak for that microphone click you mention but as far as her reaction to "remains" being found, would go to presense of mind/state of mind, shows guilt, IMO for before anyone knew those remains were Caylee's, Imate Anthony knew because she knew where she put her! I don't understand why you give the Anthony family a free pass, for everything they do and have done goes against the grain, IMO, with them it's trying to free an alleged murderess all to save face! Has nothing to do with justice, at least for them and I feel they have and repeatedly show a huge disrespect and dishonor to Caylee, remember Caylee??? That's what this is, getting justice for a precious child who couldn't defend herself. They are the poster children for how not to act when a child goes missing..dispicable!

Justice for Caylee!

:waitasec: I must have missed all the above. Can you please share where this information came from?

As far as The guards taking Casey to the tv to watch her daughter get discovered, well nobody knew it was Caylee. Remember, little Trenton is still missing, so why would a guard purposely take Casey to the television? I thought she ended up spatting out and needed a tranquilizer for what ever reason? Or am I thinking of something else? I do recall that she knew about the search at Blanchard Park and even when it was said "items of interest" were found she did not react then. I know that the items have nothing to do with the Caylee case, but still. Casey did not react, and at that time most thought the items had to do with Caylee. So, why react to the find in Dec if the did not identify Caylee's remains until days later?

As far as Casey passing her letters to Baez to pass to her parents, who said that? I know it's an assumption since jail mail is read, but when did this become a fact? I find it odd that she would write 50+ letters to an inmate, yet pass letters through Baez for her family if she has nothing to hide.

And as for the rest, where did that information come from?

Please share if any of this information you have posted is a fact with a link and source or state if it's a rumor/opnion. TIA

So...If you don't back it up, it's a rumor and should go in the rumor thread. If it's true BACK IT UP with links, documents, evidence, video, etc. etc. something! NTS, you first made these allegations against the guard over a week ago...

I want to read these letters dang it! NOW! :) I don't care if it's drivel I still wanna read it for myself:)
I dont know but my hinky meter is going off here. Just the way JB acted about the letters makes me think it was setup:waitasec:If Im right and JB knew about it and had KC write them so that he could say see not once did she admit guilt. I dunno maybe im wrong but nothing would surprise me with this case.
I dont know but my hinky meter is going off here. Just the way JB acted about the letters makes me think it was setup:waitasec:If Im right and JB knew about it and had KC write them so that he could say see not once did she admit guilt. I dunno maybe im wrong but nothing would surprise me with this case.

I think JB hopes these letters will humanize Casey....make her look like a normal, ordinary girl. He really needs something to brighten her image....but TOO BAD, these letters won't do it for me.
I think JB hopes these letters will humanize Casey....make her look like a normal, ordinary girl. He really needs something to brighten her image....but TOO BAD, these letters won't do it for me.
Think this is why she looked so mad in court today? Her private notes are being exposed???
I was wondering if that closed session today with the Judge had anything to do with the ABC deal/ possible ethics violation and possible repercussions for Baez as the inmate's attorney. Would we have heard about it yet if he was being investigated? What does he face with an ethics violation? Could he be thrown off the case or his license revoked?

I hope this is ok for the thread, as I am considering that meeting to be secret; i.e. secret evidence.
According to Fox35's 10 PM newscast, their sources tell them: "Casey Anthony's parents are going to be VERY unhappy with her when these are released."

It's about time they were unhappy with her! LOL

Maybe they'll cave finally, and tell the truth. Publicly.
According to Fox35's 10 PM newscast, their sources tell them: "Casey Anthony's parents are going to be VERY unhappy with her when these are released."

It's about time they were unhappy with her! LOL

Maybe they'll cave finally, and tell the truth. Publicly.

Oh MY! I wonder if Casey says some unflattering things about Mummy and Pops...........Cindy will be so crushed.
MM, as much as I would love to see them cave and start singing like birds I just can't picture it happening.
According to Fox35's 10 PM newscast, their sources tell them: "Casey Anthony's parents are going to be VERY unhappy with her when these are released."

It's about time they were unhappy with her! LOL

Maybe they'll cave finally, and tell the truth. Publicly.
After all she has and done and said , I am anxious to see what levels we have reached that will finally make them unhappy with her. Should be an interesting day.
Oh MY! I wonder if Casey says some unflattering things about Mummy and Pops...........Cindy will be so crushed.
MM, as much as I would love to see them cave and start singing like birds I just can't picture it happening.

Well, what if she tries to implicate them, and says she has been covering for them?

We can only hope! :crazy:
Well, what if she tries to implicate them, and says she has been covering for them?

We can only hope! :crazy:

Something has been going on for a long time between Casey and her parents. At one time she used to acknowledge them in court and now she doesn't. There has to be a reason for this and I have long suspected it has to do with her defense or maybe something to do with mitigating circumstances.

Can anyone here remember exactly when it was that she stopped making contact with them in court?
According to Fox35's 10 PM newscast, their sources tell them: "Casey Anthony's parents are going to be VERY unhappy with her when these are released."

It's about time they were unhappy with her! LOL

May be they'll cave finally, and tell the truth. Publicly.

The only things I can definately predict that would make the 'rents very unhappy would be something that tarnishes the Anthony image of the "perfect mother and perfect grandparents".
1) kc trash talks the 'rents
2) kc reveals she has been and escort or some such "moral" issue that would damage their delusions of grandeur
3) they found out more about how much they were "duped" by kc for money, housing, clothing, support for Caylee, babysitting while kc partied, etc.
4) kc reveals she would do anything to get away from her parents now that she is no longer "tied down" to being a Mom.
According to Fox35's 10 PM newscast, their sources tell them: "Casey Anthony's parents are going to be VERY unhappy with her when these are released."

It's about time they were unhappy with her! LOL

Maybe they'll cave finally, and tell the truth. Publicly.

I wish! I bet they already have some idea. Surely Baez informed them of the contents and performed damage control. He needs them there supporting her for the case.

They will jump on ANY kind of excuse for her behavior and happily lay down for the bus to ride on thru the muck and mire that Inmate Anthony (kudos to whoever started that phrase) leaves in her wake.

I can hear him now... take this in context, she is in there 23 hours a day with nothing to do.... poor thing, she's just coming up with stuff on the fly... etc. ad nauseum.

Of course it IS Baez. Maybe he didn't even find the time.
Something has been going on for a long time between Casey and her parents. At one time she used to acknowledge them in court and now she doesn't. There has to be a reason for this and I have long suspected it has to do with her defense or maybe something to do with mitigating circumstances.

Can anyone here remember exactly when it was that she stopped making contact with them in court?

Pretty much since she has been incarcerated, she has barely acknowledged them. Andrea did seem to get her to acknowledge them a little bit, but it wasn't much.
Well, what if she tries to implicate them, and says she has been covering for them?

We can only hope! :crazy:
It wouldn't surprise me, after all, she did claim at one time she was protecting her family... :rolleyes:

(Hi MM :wave:)
Can I just say how grateful I am to all the sleuthers who provide links and updates and blow-by-blow details of these hearings for those of us who can't follow them IRT? Your reports and perceptions and insights are so appreciated. Thank you all, for all you do--for Caylee, and for all the victims on whose behalf you work so hard.

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