The Letters and the Secret Evidence

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I think for the defense to not fight the release of the notes was smart. The judge flat-out already said he was inclined to let them in. Fighting their release would be like the defense saying that the contents are damaging.

JB is probably right in that the notes are Casey blathering because she was lonely. But, if Casey wrote about Cindy in a mean way, that plays into the state's theory that punishing Cindy by killing Caylee was one of Casey's motives. I see it that way too. I think Casey is evil, self-centered and spiteful and that she killed her daughter because she was too big of a coward to take on the person she was really mad at. Reading Casey's blatherings when her guard was down, can offer glimpses into her mind and possibly reveal more about the dynamic between Cindy and Casey that could have been the reason for murder.

And I just have to add that I find it a little strange that even if KC cut her parents off for whatever reason......where is the support from LA? Why is he not in court at least some of the time, if not to support KC, then his parents? Do we think he is ashamed of their behavior?


I seriously can not figure Lee out? I go back and forth with him. I want to believe that he has had enough of all the lies... maybe CA lying about not knowing about DC going out into the woods off of Suburban Drive was enough for him to throw his hands up? Who knows?

I don't think we will see anything negative about Lee in these letters but then again, I wouldn't put anything past her. Hopefully Lee will go to sit with his parents today... especially if they are really harsh. That's if he wants anything to do with it?
Sure! It is super easy. Take some chicken, I like breasts, but any will do. Remove skin if you need to. Wash, dry and dip the chicken in a little flour with salt and pepper, and I like to add a little garlic powder. Brown in olive oil and put in crock pot. Chop up some celery - we like it so I usually add at least half a bunch. Chop up an onion, a good sized one - if you like a lot add more. Chop up a couple cloves of garlic. Put the veggies on top the chicken in crock pot. Take a bout a cup of white wine - I use a nice Chardonnay, if I feel like opening a bottle and plan on drinking the rest (uh, something tells me that I will feel the need tomorrow afternoon, LOL) or use Vermouth. Deglaze the skillet you browned the chicken with and pour this over the chicken and veggies. Add one cup chicken stock. Put the crockpot on low and it takes about 8 hours. On high around 4 or so. When you think the chicken is down, taste the broth and add salt and pepper if you think it needs it. You can whisk in a can of cream of chicken or celery soup now if you want the sauce thicker. Make some rice and serve with nice bread, (my hubbies weakness) I have some frozen half baked French in the freezer. Make a simple green salad and you will have a lovely dinner.

This works with pork chops as well. Change the chicken to round steak, change the white wine to a good red, the stock to beef (I often use Port wine, Julie Child said one time the only wine you really need int cooking is Vermouth and Port, so those are staples) the soup to cream of mushroom and add some sliced mushrooms the last hour of cooking.

It is amazing, a good dinner and he doesn't really pay attention to whatever else I have done (or not). Oh, on some days, Febreeze saves the day. The house smells great, the food is tasty and all is well.


What a husband doesn't know can't hurt them. LOL! My husband I were already married three months when he came home from work early one day to find a stranger in our house. Of course he demanded to know who she was, and she explained to him she is the maid, and had been my housekeeper for about six years now. LOL!!! I cannot be in four places at once, so I do what my Gram taught, prioritize, do the best I can and if I need help...get it and BE HAPPY! I got the biggest kick out of your "Febreeze saves the day". Too, too funny!!! That is going to last me well into the weekend.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
If I am JB and my client wrote a serious of letters that contained "relevant information" but no confession and further, place my already unpopular client in a bad light, and lastly, I cannot stop the release of same - What am I gonna do? Downplay. Put on my poker face and pretend they are no big deal.

ITA tlcox. I think JB and gang are going to act like this is no big deal whatsoever. If they were to freak out and protest the release it would do nothing but fan the flames even higher. So, like you said, he is going to pull a Lady Gaga with his "poker face" and hope the buzz dies down as quickly as possible.
welllll...I know some of you think that CA & GA will act like the contents of the letters don't phase them..they are impervious to anything and everything! River Cruz? No problem! HOWEVER--these letters may burst CA's little imagined bubble that KC is really just "misunderstood" and kinda cranky (we don't understand KC like CA does!)--These letters, if they are super-hateful toward CA may really change CA's unshakeable "support". I can not wait to see them!--I want to bet that CA might very well finally "take a clue". Wouldn't that be amazing??
tappping my toe. Patience is so dificult to muster at times like this. I am chomping at the bit to get a look into that sociapath's head.
I too agree with the posters re JB and acting like this is no big deal.
I think the letters are going to show how angry, immature and selfish she is. I would bet they are going to focus on her and probably her parents.
welllll...I know some of you think that CA & GA will act like the contents of the letters don't phase them..they are impervious to anything and everything! River Cruz? No problem! HOWEVER--these letters may burst CA's little imagined bubble that KC is really just "misunderstood" and kinda cranky (we don't understand KC like CA does!)--These letters, if they are super-hateful toward CA may really change CA's unshakeable "support". I can not wait to see them!--I want to bet that CA might very well finally "take a clue". Wouldn't that be amazing??

I'm with you on this. IMO, there is no way, if these letters are extremely hateful, that Cindy will just lay down and let the spiteful (bleep) make her out to be the bad one in all this. I think Cindy will officially lose it if they are really bad. That's why I hope Lee goes to see them today. She might need someone to hold her back from throwing all of Casey's stuff out of that house.
tappping my toe. Patience is so dificult to muster at times like this. I am chomping at the bit to get a look into that sociapath's head.

You would think that there would be an update somewhere? I've checked all the Orlando news site's at least 20 times this morning. Nothing recent.
CA knows exactly who her daughter is. IMO there is no bubble to burst. CA's almost pathological need to put up this supportive front on Casey's behalf stems from her need to appear to be a perfect mother and her need to play the stoic martyr. It is not based in any real belief that Casey is a victim but CA NEEDS her to be in order to uphold the facade she has created that "all is well" I cannot be held responsible because I was a great mom, I bent over backwards, blah blah blah blech.
In court yesterday, Cindy was looking kind of far away and droopy, head hanging alot like that one interview she practically slept thru where George did the talking. Maybe they did get to read the letters before their release today. They both looked very stressed, especially Cindy. I would think that KC badmouthing them would be the ultimate blow, considering how they have ruined their own reputations and lives to lie for her. Has KC blown their cover in these letters? In the past, BC has provided the A's with docs before they were released, I would imagine he would with these letters also, should they need to be prepared. They will continue to support her, despite, but the strain will show more.
You would think that there would be an update somewhere? I've checked all the Orlando news site's at least 20 times this morning. Nothing recent.

According to Orlando news sites there has been a major water main break on Orange Ave. If I'm not mistaken this is where the court house is so there may be a delay in seeing the letters. Orange Ave is expected to stay closed throughout today.
According to Orlando news sites there has been a major water main break on Orange Ave. If I'm not mistaken this is where the court house is so there may be a delay in seeing the letters. Orange Ave is expected to stay closed throughout today.

I did see that! I didn't know that the court house was there!

Have the police questioned JB about his whereabouts last night? Just kidding!
Kathy Belich will kayak thru to get those letters, not to worry ;)

That's funny! :biggrin: I agree, if it's possible to get to the court house Kathi will be there.
I too agree with the posters re JB and acting like this is no big deal.
I think the letters are going to show how angry, immature and selfish she is. I would bet they are going to focus on her and probably her parents.

I didn't get to see the post hearing interviews on IS yesterday, but from what everyone has described it seems there is going to be a problem between Baez and Mason. Mr. Mason could not have believed, imo, that Baez would prevail at the hearing yesterday. I think if he wanted to endorse Baez's handling of the TES matter he would have been the one arguing that. Instead he chose to try to save a different matter, the J. Jordan tape and come up with some case law to bolster his argument. ( IMO he was arguing the wrong facts on that as well, but that is a whole other show...I mean thread). With his ten times more experience than Baez has, he may have explained to him that you do not fight everything. You must accept that there are some battles you will not win, and you take your lumps and focus on having credibility with the judge and only bring before the court legitimate matters you have a hope of prevailing on. I think we will see in the future Mr. Mason taking more of the lead role in court arguments. Does anyone have that recording of them appearing on IS? I would love to see that for myself. I echo everyone's thanks for those of you who narrated for us!!!!

What we have learned from Judge Strickland is when he gives a statement that he is leaning one way or can pretty much take that to the bank. It would have been very misguided for them to jump up and down about these letters being released when he already gave them the wink and the nod...don't even try it clue. I imagine the prosecutors have to make these type of calls each day, they know they have the guilty party, they soooo want to bring the case to trial, but alas, if they just don't have enough proof they do not. I don't know if it is from a lack of experience, but it is clear to me that Mr. Baez has not cultivated the ability to discern.

The only reason I am suggesting it may be a lack of experience is he seems to honestly not understand court procedures or discovery procedures, whatsoever, and he, imo, often, very very often has a poor understanding of the judge's ruling. As some of our lawyers have pointed out, it is extremely common to go to another lawyer's office and sit for hours going through things to find the needle in the haystack. Apparently he has never done this because he was telling the judge he cannot be expected to do this. He seems to think the court appearances are his only responsibility. The majority of legal work is indeed quite dull, reviewing cases and sorting through documents and records, etc to prepare for your court appearance.
I am glad to see Mr. Mason on the case, for one reason alone. It will be nearly impossible for Casey to later claim ineffective counsel on appeal. The combined experience of Mrs. Linda Kenney-Baden, Mrs. Lyon and Mr. Cheney will derail that argument.
Mr. Cheney convinced Mr. Baez that enough egg on the face is enough and Mr. Baez likely presented it to the reporter inquiring as if it was his big idea and his great decision. That is my guess.
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