The oversized Bloomingdale’s panties.

DNA Solves
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Did Patsy lie about the Bloomingdale’s panties?

  • Yes

    Votes: 164 77.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 6.6%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 15.6%

  • Total voters
I am not following you at all. Sorry, its getting too complicated to debate the subject anymore. But a couple of easy bits...

As I said, Patsy has memory loss about buying panties for JB. She remembers buying size 12s, not size 6s.

Why on gods earth would JB select size 12 underwear and why would Patsy let her?

Sorry, its about time someone said it, Occam's Razor is the most hair brained way of thinking I've ever come across.

You know this how?

As I said, Patsy has memory loss about buying panties for JB. She remembers buying size 12s,
not size 6s.
Absolutely, she just does not say it, she consistently forgets. As I've said before if she had said I bought JonBenet a pack of size-6 day of the week Bloomingdales, she would probably have been asked about a missing Wednesday pair?

You know this how?
It is the minimal information that the killer could have:

1. Definitely another R would know what day of the week JonBenet was wearing, e.g. Patsy.

2. Patently male underwear is a no no.

3. The killer, unless present, could not know if someone else had seen JonBenet's underwear at the White's.

Did Patsy put dates of purchase on everyone's underwear or just on the children's? If dates were on hers and JRs too then it could just be some kind of little OCD quirk (By the way, I have medically diagnosed OCD so I want to assure everyone I'm not making fun of the condition). If the dates are only on the children's underwear then the habit seems stranger than if dates were on everyone's. Most people would probably keep letting the kids use the same underwear until they either outgrew them or they got a hole in them or a seam came loose somewhere, but the Ramseys are wealthy so maybe they were in the habit of discarding things on a regular basis that were still in reasonably good condition. I grew up poor and we had to wear things until we busted out of them, so I wouldn't know anything about discarding clothing just because it had reached a certain age, but it's possible that's what the dates were for I guess.

I am currently re-reading Kolar's book since I'm out of work for snow days and I know there will be things in it I didn't notice the first couple of times through.
I disagree on your point about there not having to be consistency between what she was found in and what she wore to the party. It was said that Patsy could have simply changed the panties before bed, but then she would have to produce the size 6 Wednesday panties wouldn't she? Or did they just disappear. And really, what parent in the history of the world has decided to change an already sleeping child's underwear when putting them to bed?

I still think the Ramsey's biggest fear was the discovery of the sexual assault. The panties contained evidence and needed to be destroyed. Fearing someone at the party had seen the Wednesday panties, the size 12s were the only option.

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Yes, that's right. MURDERER_SERVANT has already pointed that out.
Lets think logically about these size 12s. We know Patsy bought them on the mother/daughter trip to New York. We know they were intended as a Christmas Gift for Patsy's Niece. Given that Jonbenet was withe her when they were purchased, it seems that if she had wanted them that badly, Patsy would have bought her a set in her proper size. It seems highly unlikely that Patsy would for some reason decide not to give them as a gift as originally planned. Did she ever explain why? Did she ever say what she got her instead? Was she even asked?? I think that it is realistic to conclude that the size 12s were still earmarked for the niece and probably were wrapped in one of the gift boxes still in the wine cellar that night.

So then we need to ask ourselves who knew they were there? Ramsey statements seem to indicate that Burke had been down there on Christmas day opening presents, so he may have been aware of them. Patsy obviously knew because she wrapped them. I find the story of Burke being the one that opened the boxes to be a little suspect. Lets face it, its Christmas day, he's probably got a stack of new toys (including a new Nintendo) and from all accounts he was playing with friends all day. I honestly don't see him being motivated enough to sneak down there on that day to open more gifts. In my opinion Burke took the wrap (see what I did there ;) ) for this one. I believe Patsy was the one that tore in to those boxes, specifically looking for those size 12s.

So what could the reason be? There are a few possibilities. I think that due to the wiping of JB's groin it is quite evident that somebody was worried about some kind of identifiable forensic evidence that could be found in that area. So it makes sense that whatever panties she was wearing would need to be destroyed as well. Why use the size 12s?

- As discussed, possibly JB was wearing the size 6 Wednesday panties and the size 12s were used in case anybody at the party had noticed them.
- Patsy may have been working alone on this and did not want to go upstairs and risk waking John. She uses the size 12s that she knows are gift wrapped.
- Perhaps Patsy wanted to properly commemorate JBs Christmas death by having her wear Wednesday panties. (Although Patsy would later say JB would just wear whatever panties she grabbed, it seems very coincidental that she happened to be wearing Wednesday panties on Wednesday)

Finally, it is ludicrous to think that JB put those panties on for the simple reason that the rest of them should have been in her drawer. I think we can all agree that an intruder would have no clue that the size 12s were there and probably would have had no interest in redressing her anyway. Likewise, John probably had no clue the size 12s were even there. That leaves two people and I would bet my life that it was Patsy. Yes you could make a case that it was Burke but I think logic likely points to the adult being
worried about forensic evidence over a nine year old boy.

OK, let's try to think logically about the 12s. Here are a few thoughts to get us started, in no particular order of importance.

1. JBR most likely wore size 6 panties to the party. We can assume this because of Patsy's statements to the effect that she (Patsy) didn't notice anything unusual while putting the long johns on JBR. Patsy says JBR's panties did not come down with the velvet pants when they were removed. Patsy makes no attempt to claim that she (Patsy) changed the underwear before putting the ljs on JBR. So, most likely the panties worn to the party were size 6 panties.

2. A pair of size 6 panties are unaccounted for. We think. That may be because they are missing, presumably disposed of due to forensic contamination. But, it may be that the size 12s were substituted for the size 6s for reasons only the killer knows (his/her own bizarre reasons) While disposal of the size 6 panties for forensic reasons makes sense, and is a reasonable inference we should be careful not to treat it as a fact. For all we know, there may have been a pair of size 6 (possibly Wed.) panties in the dirty clothes hamper.

3. Publicly available info does not allow us to say that someone at the party noticed the size/color/date/dotw of JBR's panties at the party. We can speculate that this might be the case but it's merely speculation. It's quite possible for someone to help her with her toileting w/o making note of the particulars of her panties. It's possible no one at the party assisted her with her toileting.

4. The panties worn at bedtime do not need to match the panties worn to the party. However, as MURDERER_SERVANT has pointed out, if the Ramseys claim to have changed the underwear at bedtime, then they ought to be able to produce the pair that was worn to the party. The pair unaccounted for has to be the pair she was wearing when the LJs were put on her. For reasons we've already touched on, that's likely to be the size 6s she wore to the party.

5. Patsy had lots of time to come up with an answer to the question why was JBR found in size 12s. By the time she sits down with the police she knows about the 12s, she knows (or can assume) that the police have searched the house, including the underwear drawer. She knows that if the package of size 12s were never placed in the drawer that the police could not have found any in the drawer. So, she is either lying about putting the package of 12s in the drawer, or someone other than Patsy took the entire package from the drawer (for whatever reason). I would note that if she's lying it's a poorly crafted lie, given that she already knows the police search is at odds with her story. Since the Rs will blame the redressing on the "intruder" does it matter whether the intruder found the 12s in the drawer or in the basement? Does Patsy think it's more plausible that the "intruder found them in the drawer ? There must be some reason for telling a story that is at odds with the physical evidence (no size 12s in the drawer) when she knows ahead of time that the search was done and that the 12s are an issue.

6. A package of size 12s is supposedly found by the Ramseys, some years later. It is claimed that they were packed with other things when the family moved to Atlanta. Of course we cannot verify that these are actually panties from the house, from the night of the murder, but it's at least possible.

7. If the forensic contamination that we think might account for a pair of panties being disposed of was merely JB's blood, then I'm not sure why they'd have to be disposed of. Given that the autopsy will reveal the vaginal trauma there should be nothing odd about JB's blood being on her panties. The blood could have been rinsed out, but then perhaps it would be difficult to explain a pair of soaking wet panties in the hamper. Another possibility for forensic contamination is semen. Though there is no semen on the body this doesn't necessarily mean that there was none on the panties. The killer may not have wished to risk rinsing the semen out, as even a tiny trace of semen in JBR's panties would be difficult to explain.

8. Given that the "story" the Rs wish to push is that JBR was killed during a "kidnapping gone wrong" there was no need to substitute panties at all. Why would the "intruder" bother substituting panties? This indicates that the way the body was initially taken care of (wiped, redressed, wrapped, hidden in the WC) happened before the "kidnapping gone wrong" story was thought of. For some reason the body was not re-staged consistent with a "kidnapping gone wrong". Either that or the killer imagined that wiping, redressing, etc. is what a sex murderer would do. This indicates one Ramsey working alone w/o the knowledge of the other(s) ? (And we don't need to assume the R working alone was Patsy)

This is not an exhaustive list of everything to do with the size 12s, but it will do for a start.

So we can separate her lies from the truth.

No, Patsy states quite clearly in her interview that JonBenet selected an item for purchase, Patsy cannot remember if they were size-12 or size-6 underwear.

Note Patsy splits her purchases into gifts and some things for her, i.e. JonBenet!

Patsy states quite clearly in her interview that she purchased size-12 underwear for her niece.

Patsy does not wish to discuss any underwear purchase for JonBenet, so she says she cannot remember, but if she had purchased two packs of size-12 underwear, then there should still be a size-12 pack in the house.

No, there is absolutely no requirement for underwear to match. Since, as per the size-12's themselves, the R's can claim JonBenet dressed herself in any size or day of the week underwear, due to bed-wetting, simple change of clothing, or even none at all!

The person who redressed JonBenet was not thinking back to the White's party, he was thinking about another R viewing JonBenet's underwear, or simply picked a pair of size-12's, since they were female underwear and served to redress JonBenet at that point in time.

And who would be any the wiser, since Patsy would toss the wrapping paper in the bin and place the remaining size-12's into JonBenet's underwear drawer, just like she claimed she did!

Occam says its because the size-12's were female underwear?

Patently Patsy did not know about the size-12's, if JR did he never told Patsy prior to the interview, thus avoiding being told no size-12's were to be found in JonBenet's underwear drawer.


The person who redressed JonBenet was not thinking back to the White's party,

I agree that the person who redressed JBR was not thinking back to the party. The party panties are unaccounted for and the decision is made to put on the size 12s. The size 12s can't conform to what someone saw at the party unless JBR wore size 12s to the party (anyone who may have helped her with toileting would be sure to notice panties that large, and if the didn't notice the size we can assume the size was "normal" e.g. size 6) Despite the Wednesday pair being selected, the size 12s are not meant to replicate what she wore to the party.

he was thinking about another R viewing JonBenet's underwear,

I'm not sure why another R would veiw JBR's underwear, but even if that was a concern, again the size 12s are not a reasonable substitute as the other R either knows that JBR didn't wear 12s to bed, or can reasonably assume she didn't.

or simply picked a pair of size-12's, since they were female underwear and served to redress JonBenet at that point in time.
Yes, they were probably chosen because they were at hand and served to redress.

Absolutely, she just does not say it, she consistently forgets. As I've said before if she had said I bought JonBenet a pack of size-6 day of the week Bloomingdales, she would probably have been asked about a missing Wednesday pair?

But was there ever a pair of size 6s? You suggest cops didn't ask about a missing Wednesday pair because Patsy never admitted buying them. My question is why would they need that answer? Shouldn't there have been six pairs of size 6s in her drawer? The fact that cops even ask tells me that there were no days of the week panties of any size found in that drawer.

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OK, let's try to think logically about the 12s. Here are a few thoughts to get us started, in no particular order of importance.

1. JBR most likely wore size 6 panties to the party. We can assume this because of Patsy's statements to the effect that she (Patsy) didn't notice anything unusual while putting the long johns on JBR. Patsy says JBR's panties did not come down with the velvet pants when they were removed. Patsy makes no attempt to claim that she (Patsy) changed the underwear before putting the ljs on JBR. So, most likely the panties worn to the party were size 6 panties.


2. A pair of size 6 panties are unaccounted for. We think. That may be because they are missing, presumably disposed of due to forensic contamination. But, it may be that the size 12s were substituted for the size 6s for reasons only the killer knows (his/her own bizarre reasons) While disposal of the size 6 panties for forensic reasons makes sense, and is a reasonable inference we should be careful not to treat it as a fact. For all we know, there may have been a pair of size 6 (possibly Wed.) panties in the dirty clothes hamper.

I've yet to see conclusive evidence that there were any size 6 DOTW panties.

3. Publicly available info does not allow us to say that someone at the party noticed the size/color/date/dotw of JBR's panties at the party. We can speculate that this might be the case but it's merely speculation. It's quite possible for someone to help her with her toileting w/o making note of the particulars of her panties. It's possible no one at the party assisted her with her toileting.

I think that it was Fleet that said that he meant to speak to John about JBs habit of asking anyone to help wipe her private areas. Although this doesn't prove anything, it does indicate that Fleet had at least been asked for help by JB at some point. As Fleet has remained tight lipped about that night, all we can do is speculate.

4. The panties worn at bedtime do not need to match the panties worn to the party. However, as MURDERER_SERVANT has pointed out, if the Ramseys claim to have changed the underwear at bedtime, then they ought to be able to produce the pair that was worn to the party. The pair unaccounted for has to be the pair she was wearing when the LJs were put on her. For reasons we've already touched on, that's likely to be the size 6s she wore to the party.

The Ramsey's have positively stated that they never changed the panties, so I don't see any reason why we can't all agree that the panties she wore to the party should have been the ones she wore to bed. However, this is dependant on the Ramsey's actually telling the truth. For instance, if we use Steve Thomas's theory, the party panties would have been soiled, which began the chain of events leading to her death.

5. Patsy had lots of time to come up with an answer to the question why was JBR found in size 12s. By the time she sits down with the police she knows about the 12s, she knows (or can assume) that the police have searched the house, including the underwear drawer. She knows that if the package of size 12s were never placed in the drawer that the police could not have found any in the drawer. So, she is either lying about putting the package of 12s in the drawer, or someone other than Patsy took the entire package from the drawer (for whatever reason). I would note that if she's lying it's a poorly crafted lie, given that she already knows the police search is at odds with her story. Since the Rs will blame the redressing on the "intruder" does it matter whether the intruder found the 12s in the drawer or in the basement? Does Patsy think it's more plausible that the "intruder found them in the drawer ? There must be some reason for telling a story that is at odds with the physical evidence (no size 12s in the drawer) when she knows ahead of time that the search was done and that the 12s are an issue.

Yes it would. The Ramseys themselves believe this was a kidnapping gone bad, so presumably the goal was to get her out of the house alive. Why then would an intruder stop in her room to look for extra panties? Did he think she was going to have an accident on the way out the door? Or did he abuse her in the basement and then for some reason feel the need to go all the way back to her room and rummage around for new panties? Doesn't make sense.

6. A package of size 12s is supposedly found by the Ramseys, some years later. It is claimed that they were packed with other things when the family moved to Atlanta. Of course we cannot verify that these are actually panties from the house, from the night of the murder, but it's at least possible.

Exactly. If there was any evidentiary value left in those panties, they'd still be in the Ramsey's possession. I do wonder if LE thought to check the remaining panties for matching DNA? Somehow I doubt it.

7. If the forensic contamination that we think might account for a pair of panties being disposed of was merely JB's blood, then I'm not sure why they'd have to be disposed of. Given that the autopsy will reveal the vaginal trauma there should be nothing odd about JB's blood being on her panties. The blood could have been rinsed out, but then perhaps it would be difficult to explain a pair of soaking wet panties in the hamper. Another possibility for forensic contamination is semen. Though there is no semen on the body this doesn't necessarily mean that there was none on the panties. The killer may not have wished to risk rinsing the semen out, as even a tiny trace of semen in JBR's panties would be difficult to explain.

Agreed. But I will ad that the panties may have been destroyed not because they had semen on them, but for the fear that they may have had semen on them. These are two different things.For instance, we know JB was wiped down and that only her own blood was found to have been wiped. This does not rule out the fear of semen for being the reason for the wiping. This would be consistent with say Patsy cleaning up a mess that Burke had created without being 100% sure of exactly what he'd done.

8. Given that the "story" the Rs wish to push is that JBR was killed during a "kidnapping gone wrong" there was no need to substitute panties at all. Why would the "intruder" bother substituting panties? This indicates that the way the body was initially taken care of (wiped, redressed, wrapped, hidden in the WC) happened before the "kidnapping gone wrong" story was thought of. For some reason the body was not re-staged consistent with a "kidnapping gone wrong". Either that or the killer imagined that wiping, redressing, etc. is what a sex murderer would do. This indicates one Ramsey working alone w/o the knowledge of the other(s) ? (And we don't need to assume the R working alone was Patsy)

Agreed for the most part. I feel that John wasn't involved until later that morning. The staging was all Patsy, and the weirdness of it all reflect the weird person that Patsy is to a tee.

I've yet to see conclusive evidence that there were any size 6 DOTW panties.

I think that it was Fleet that said that he meant to speak to John about JBs habit of asking anyone to help wipe her private areas. Although this doesn't prove anything, it does indicate that Fleet had at least been asked for help by JB at some point. As Fleet has remained tight lipped about that night, all we can do is speculate.

The Ramsey's have positively stated that they never changed the panties, so I don't see any reason why we can't all agree that the panties she wore to the party should have been the ones she wore to bed. However, this is dependant on the Ramsey's actually telling the truth. For instance, if we use Steve Thomas's theory, the party panties would have been soiled, which began the chain of events leading to her death.

Yes it would. The Ramseys themselves believe this was a kidnapping gone bad, so presumably the goal was to get her out of the house alive. Why then would an intruder stop in her room to look for extra panties? Did he think she was going to have an accident on the way out the door? Or did he abuse her in the basement and then for some reason feel the need to go all the way back to her room and rummage around for new panties? Doesn't make sense.

Exactly. If there was any evidentiary value left in those panties, they'd still be in the Ramsey's possession. I do wonder if LE thought to check the remaining panties for matching DNA? Somehow I doubt it.

Agreed. But I will ad that the panties may have been destroyed not because they had semen on them, but for the fear that they may have had semen on them. These are two different things.For instance, we know JB was wiped down and that only her own blood was found to have been wiped. This does not rule out the fear of semen for being the reason for the wiping. This would be consistent with say Patsy cleaning up a mess that Burke had created without being 100% sure of exactly what he'd done.

Agreed for the most part. I feel that John wasn't involved until later that morning. The staging was all Patsy, and the weirdness of it all reflect the weird person that Patsy is to a tee.

Let's think simple for a while..
The oversized huge panties screamed redressing. Add that the obsession of Patsy to write the days onto the panties and given a wednesday pair was selected from a full package on a wednesday, it was P who redressed JBR :)
But was there ever a pair of size 6s? You suggest cops didn't ask about a missing Wednesday pair because Patsy never admitted buying them. My question is why would they need that answer? Shouldn't there have been six pairs of size 6s in her drawer? The fact that cops even ask tells me that there were no days of the week panties of any size found in that drawer.

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You are not consistent in your reasoning. If you know that there were no days of the week underwear in the drawer, why would anyone assume someone had seen JonBenet wearing a Wednesday size-6 pair at the Whites so redress her in a Wednesday size-12 pair?

My question is why would they need that answer?
They want to lock Patsy into a version of events, e.g. an intruder did not bring the size-12 Wednesday underwear into the house.

If the investigator can establish that Patsy purchased a set of seven pairs of size-6 days of the week underwear from Bloomingdale's recently, then its unlikely any should be missing?

If its established that Patsy purchased a pack of size-6 underwear at the same time as she purchased the size-12's for her niece Jenny, then Patsy can be asked about innocent reasons why a Wednesday pair should be missing, i.e. lost, ripped, soiled, etc. if no innocent explanation is forthcoming the investigators might link the size-12's as a replacement for the size-6 Wednesday pair?

This links the R's to the underwear and not any old intruder!

Any time I click on a JonBenet thread here, I learn something new. I read a huge book about the case shortly after her death and thought I knew a lot. Apparently I forgot or too many thngs were left out. Wow !!!
Let's think simple for a while..
The oversized huge panties screamed redressing. Add that the obsession of Patsy to write the days onto the panties and given a wednesday pair was selected from a full package on a wednesday, it was P who redressed JBR :)

Hi, I just wanted to add a brief note to your post to help clear up any confusion. It is my understanding that PR wrote "dates" and not "days of the week" on her children's underwear.

The original quote about it was said to be from the housekeeper (LHP) and comes from Schiller's book. I no longer have a copy of the book, perhaps someone else can find the exact quote, page #, and post it here for clarification.
Hi, I just wanted to add a brief note to your post to help clear up any confusion. It is my understanding that PR wrote "dates" and not "days of the week" on her children's underwear.

The original quote about it was said to be from the housekeeper (LHP) and comes from Schiller's book. I no longer have a copy of the book, perhaps someone else can find the exact quote, page #, and post it here for clarification.

Hi CorallaroC
Thank you for correction.. It would be helpful to find that quote .. It makes no sense to write the 'dates ' on underwears since some older items which are unliked /uncomfortable remain newer ...very weird.. then again who knows :D
Hi, I just wanted to add a brief note to your post to help clear up any confusion. It is my understanding that PR wrote "dates" and not "days of the week" on her children's underwear.

The original quote about it was said to be from the housekeeper (LHP) and comes from Schiller's book. I no longer have a copy of the book, perhaps someone else can find the exact quote, page #, and post it here for clarification.

Heyya CorallaroC.

ty, I was wondering about the source.

from 'Search Inside This Book'

"clothes were organized in drawers.
Turtlenecks in one drawer, pants in another, nighties and panties in one, socks in another. Days of the week on all their underclothes..." - LHP

"These weren't naughty children. They dressed themselves, and Patsy did JonBenet's hair. All her daughter's clothes were organized in drawers. Turtlenecks in one drawer, pants in another, nighties and panties in one, socks in another. Dates on all their underclothes."

"It was my impression that Patsy had only bought one package of the Bloomies underwear, so I can’t say how many Wed. panties were in the home."

Not sure I'd trust Schiller, he's been wrong about lots of things. But from those quotes it sounds like individual days of the week were written on.
Heyya CorallaroC.

ty, I was wondering about the source.

from 'Search Inside This Book'

"clothes were organized in drawers.
Turtlenecks in one drawer, pants in another, nighties and panties in one, socks in another. Days of the week on all their underclothes..." - LHP

"These weren't naughty children. They dressed themselves, and Patsy did JonBenet's hair. All her daughter's clothes were organized in drawers. Turtlenecks in one drawer, pants in another, nighties and panties in one, socks in another. Dates on all their underclothes."

"It was my impression that Patsy had only bought one package of the Bloomies underwear, so I can’t say how many Wed. panties were in the home."

Thank you for finding the quotes, Tadpole! And my apologies to M_S that I had it wrong.

Now we have two different quotes from Schiller, one indeed saying DAYS (of the week) and the other saying DATES. I wish we could ask LHP to give us the correct information. It does make a difference KWIM?

If the underwear were all labeled with a day of the week, it is even more strange than I originally thought. If PR demanded that the children adhere to day of the week underwear that is awfully strict IMO. I sure hope the person doing laundry was equally strict about having clean ones done up on time.

... but then, multiple sources (including PR herself in interviews) admit that PR's housekeeping skills were rather bad.

this is interesting..... TY
Heyya CorallaroC.

ty, I was wondering about the source.

from 'Search Inside This Book'

"clothes were organized in drawers.
Turtlenecks in one drawer, pants in another, nighties and panties in one, socks in another. Days of the week on all their underclothes..." - LHP

"These weren't naughty children. They dressed themselves, and Patsy did JonBenet's hair. All her daughter's clothes were organized in drawers. Turtlenecks in one drawer, pants in another, nighties and panties in one, socks in another. Dates on all their underclothes."

"It was my impression that Patsy had only bought one package of the Bloomies underwear, so I can’t say how many Wed. panties were in the home."


"These weren't naughty children. They dressed themselves, and Patsy did JonBenet's hair. All her daughter's clothes were organized in drawers. Turtlenecks in one drawer, pants in another, nighties and panties in one, socks in another. Dates on all their underclothes."

I have the hardback and its quoted in the section with the heading Media Stalking Her, Ramsey Complains pp 181.

The exact page will vary between different editions due to page size and font type etc, but Dates is the word used by Linda Hoffman Pugh.

Just checked the paperback edition and on pp 236 its says "Days of the week on all their underclothes."

Very strange!

Why would the wife of a millionaire need to mark underwear with the day of the week, do they not make underwear with that feature?
Thank you for finding the quotes, Tadpole! And my apologies to M_S that I had it wrong.

Now we have two different quotes from Schiller, one indeed saying DAYS (of the week) and the other saying DATES. I wish we could ask LHP to give us the correct information. It does make a difference KWIM?

If the underwear were all labeled with a day of the week, it is even more strange than I originally thought. If PR demanded that the children adhere to day of the week underwear that is awfully strict IMO. I sure hope the person doing laundry was equally strict about having clean ones done up on time.

... but then, multiple sources (including PR herself in interviews) admit that PR's housekeeping skills were rather bad.

this is interesting..... TY

Days Of The Week or Dates the same criteria apply since the size-12's found on JonBenet lack either marking, so if the rest of the underwear taken from her drawer is marked with either feature, well go figure?

Why would the wife of a millionaire need to mark underwear with the day of the week, do they not make underwear with that feature?

You're right, IMO. To mark underwear with the days of the week makes no sense considering there are companies that make "Days of the Week" underwear. Although marking underwear with dates makes hardly any sense either, I think Schiller and LHP did mean dates instead of days of the week.

Also, I think CorallaroC brings up a great point about PR's strict date/days on underwear policy. PR was obviously a perfectionist when it came to the dates/days of the week on the underwear, yet she doesn't remember which pair JBR had on when put to bed on Dec. 25th or the last time JBR had a bath? Not remembering a whole lot about those size 12s is also significant, IMO.

I'm reminded of this part of an interview with Tom Haney and Trip DeMuth:

Patsy Ramsey BDA interview - June 23, 1998
16 THOMAS HANEY: Did JonBenet have
17 panties with the names of each day of the week
18 on it?
19 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-hum.
20 THOMAS HANEY: Okay. And did she
21 wear those according to the day of the week or
22 was it just kind of --
23 PATSY RAMSEY: Just whatever.
24 THOMAS HANEY: Did she know, pay
25 much attention to what day of the week it was?
2 THOMAS HANEY: So whatever would
3 come out of the drawer?
4 PATSY RAMSEY: (Nodding).

Why would PR waste time writing dates/days of the week on every pair of underwear if she would just let JBR wear whichever one she wanted and not be aware of the pair JBR was wearing at any given day? My guess is because the pairs she's talking about above were never really worn by JBR.
Why would the wife of a millionaire need to mark underwear with the day of the week, do they not make underwear with that feature?

My guess is that this was an exercise in teaching the kids the days of the week whilst also teaching them to regularly change undergarments. Obviously at some point they did discover the pre-printed days of the week underpants because she was wearing them. And what would be the point of Patsy writing "Wednesday" on a pair of Wednesday panties? I wish LHP was asked if JB generally wore the marked panties on the corresponding days.

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