The Possible Abuse of Caylee REVISIT

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I just cannot fathom the scenario that George and Cindy thought Casey was at work and that Caylee was with a babysitter or nanny. I cannot fathom that they did not have any interest in KNOWING who was caring for their grandchild while Casey "worked".

snipped by me

This is a major point that has bothered me since the beginning of this case. Every one who has ever lived with a parent while raising a child (or knows someone who has) knows that Cindy and/or George would have asked a zillion questions about "Zanny" along time ago if they had really heard about her before all this.

They would have asked what Zannys rate was per week or month, and they would have also known that Nannys don't buy car seats and clothes and/or diapers for the kids they watch.

ETA: Just as an afterthought- I am looking for full time work right now and my mom came over for a visit. I moved out to the dorms when I was 18 , married at 22, first child at 25.....and so on and so I have never lived with my parents, just a normal grandchild/grandmother relationship...and the other day I told my mom that I thought I had found a really nice place to take my youngest daughter while I worked and she immediately started throwing the questions at me....she was relentless, lol. Why in the world did Cindy not do this to Casey...Hmmmmm- me thinks it is fishy.
Well said! :clap: I don't come around here much anymore (not that I ever really posted much to begin with ;)) because it seems that when there is nothing going on people want to just stir the pot and "make things up" I think some of this is getting out of control really...

I'm with you. I really wish we could get back to posting about actual facts rather than slinging malicious gossip. Where's that new document dump when we need it???
it really bothers me when people say "oh, you don't have kids so you don't know what it's like"...

i respectfully disagree with you, the man is a cop, who i believe works on the child abuse/missing persons unit..the man is a professional..he knows the difference between an everyday bruise and something worse.

and again, i'm not saying anyone other than casey is to blame for any abuse.

I am not saying that you don't know what its like because you don't have kids, I am saying that sometimes people without kids see further into something that is not always the case. EX. Before I had children, I seen a kid at the school with a black eye, and thought surely that his mother had hit him! She looked mean, had a mean voice, and he certainly was very well in my mind there must be a reason right? There was, he was hit in the eye with a baseball a week prior playing on an organized team.
If Caylee were abused prior to being killed, we would already know about it. This baby was abused the day she was killed, and her body was after.
I most certainly would not disagree that Yuri is a professional, I give him 100% credit for everything that has been done up to this point, not even he suggested that Caylee was abused prior to her death, or going missing, under oath, on the stand. I do 100% feel that the ONLY reason he mentioned the picture with the bruises is because this child was missing and there was decomp in the car.
WOW pretty harsh of you to be so judgemental of someone...she was posting something that SHE does and felt ok doing who are YOU to be the moral police? :mad:

Not harsh at all. I do find it unacceptable. Too bad. Doesn't mean I think she's a bad person. I do not agree with the practice.
Is there anywhere that says that George and Cindy went to see Casey (to her apartment or house) when she moved out? When Casey left home and took Caylee, she was gone with her a long time,,, for the Anthony's not to see Caylee. They had her there everyday.... I'd have been so frantic,,, wondering what she was doing and where she was,,, when Casey took her away. Just seems odd to me that they waited that long to see the baby, being a grandparent myself,,,, I don't understand that..
snipped by me

This is a major point that has bothered me since the beginning of this case. Every one who has ever lived with a parent while raising a child (or knows someone who has) knows that Cindy and/or George would have asked a zillion questions about "Zanny" along time ago if they had really heard about her before all this.

They would have asked what Zannys rate was per week or month, and they would have also known that Nannys don't buy car seats and clothes and/or diapers for the kids they watch.

From what I've deduced, "Zanny" was not a regular weekly sitter. Casey usually claimed she was working during the evenings and left Caylee with George and Cindy. I don't find it odd that a nanny would have a car seat in her car or extra clothing for a child. I worked for a day care that kept an assortment of kid's clothing on hand. It wasn't until June 16th that "Zanny" became Caylee's main caregiver. By then Cindy was questioning things, but she couldn't get any answers.
Is there anywhere that says that George and Cindy went to see Casey (to her apartment or house) when she moved out? When Casey left home and took Caylee, she was gone with her a long time,,, for the Anthony's not to see Caylee. They had her there everyday.... I'd have been so frantic,,, wondering what she was doing and where she was,,, when Casey took her away. Just seems odd to me that they waited that long to see the baby, being a grandparent myself,,,, I don't understand that..

Casey didn't 'move out'. She was away on business, or taking a few extra vacation days, or trapped in Tampa because Zanny had been in a car accident (her stories, of course). Cindy was trying desperately to reach her at that time and to talk to Caylee. Casey always had an excuse.
From what I've deduced, "Zanny" was not a regular weekly sitter. Casey usually claimed she was working during the evenings and left Caylee with George and Cindy. I don't find it odd that a nanny would have a car seat in her car or extra clothing for a child. I worked for a day care that kept an assortment of kid's clothing on hand. It wasn't until June 16th that "Zanny" became Caylee's main caregiver. By then Cindy was questioning things, but she couldn't get any answers.

Are you sure about this? I can't recall off hand but I would swear that I've heard CA tell either OCSO or FBI that she remembers KC talking about Zani the babysitter for at least a year and a half?
Are you sure about this? I can't recall off hand but I would swear that I've heard CA tell either OCSO or FBI that she remembers KC talking about Zani the babysitter for at least a year and a half?

I'm not saying that "Zanny" didn't come into being until Caylee disappeared, just that she was not a regular every day type sitter like normal people with real jobs would have. Casey used "Zanny" on those occasions when she needed to go to 'work' and George and Cindy weren't able to stay with Caylee. When Casey and Caylee spent the night with Ricardo, for instance, Casey told Cindy they were spending the night at Zanny's.
Children's Services would have been very interested in KC's lifestyle had they been notified. There was no income besides stealing,no home, men in and out of the bed with the child in it.....mothers have had children taken away from them fo thse things. This was an emergency situation and part of loving your child or grandchild is to do what has to be done however unpleasant that may be. There were many many signs that KC was unstable before he daughter died.

I don't know about this. My son clerked for a family court judge and had to quit because he said he couldn't believe scum of the earth parents were able to keep their kids. Unless there was blatant and provable drug use or abuse in the kid's presence, the parents kept the kids.
The fact that KC slept around wouldn't make any differnece. If as has been stated, Caylee was in the bed while her mother had sex, then she'd have lost custody. However, try getting anyone to come forward because the guy would have been arrested.

IIRC, Amy said Caylee was flirting beyond what a 2 year old would do.

According to what/who's standards? We've always taught little ones to make "sweet eyes"-a kind of wink. Kids who are always around adults, won't act like toddlers who are around other kids. My son was an only child for 8 years and he always acted older than other kids his age.
I'm not saying that "Zanny" didn't come into being until Caylee disappeared, just that she was not a regular every day type sitter like normal people with real jobs would have. Casey used "Zanny" on those occasions when she needed to go to 'work' and George and Cindy weren't able to stay with Caylee. When Casey and Caylee spent the night with Ricardo, for instance, Casey told Cindy they were spending the night at Zanny's.

I gotcha.
Children's Services would have been very interested in KC's lifestyle had they been notified. There was no income besides stealing,no home, men in and out of the bed with the child in it.....mothers have had children taken away from them fo thse things. This was an emergency situation and part of loving your child or grandchild is to do what has to be done however unpleasant that may be. There were many many signs that KC was unstable before he daughter died.

If SS had been called they would have seen a child that was wanted with a room of her own clothes,toys,food,Dr's visits loving Grandparents if they had interviewed Casey's friends they would have been told she was a good parent the GPS would have said she was a good parent she would not have been removed from that home no way..of course now we know different
I don't know about this. My son clerked for a family court judge and had to quit because he said he couldn't believe scum of the earth parents were able to keep their kids. Unless there was blatant and provable drug use or abuse in the kid's presence, the parents kept the kids.
The fact that KC slept around wouldn't make any differnece. If as has been stated, Caylee was in the bed while her mother had sex, then she'd have lost custody. However, try getting anyone to come forward because the guy would have been arrested.

I actually think it would have been a bigger deal that KC was basically homeless, and had no source of income. had she been facing theft charges then pertaining to the check fraud that would have been a factor as well (the ones from the GPs checking acct).
Don't forget the name calling -- snot head -- is emotional abuse and has damaging impacts. If she said it to others, that was the tip of the iceberg.

to be honest, the way casey had referred to caylee as 'the little snothead' when talking to the boyfriend, me it seemed as though the boyfriend had called caylee that to casey before and casey was using his words to make a point, as in, 'well, i can't come over unless of course you want the little snothead to come too...didn't think so'.

or something along those lines. (i know i didn't quote her exactly, but that is what she was saying in the conversation.)

i think casey is evil beyond evil, but in that instance, i think she was using someone else's words back against them simply to make the point of, well i would come over anyway and bring her, but you won't have it because my kid is with me and you obviously don't want her there with us. she might have even said it to kind of make him feel like a jerk for calling her names and trying to get sympathy about it so he would say, okay just come over and bring her too, no big deal.

and i have heard of caylee sleeping in the bed with only one of casey's boyfriends and casey, who happened to be ricardo. who else did this happen with and where is it documented? or are we referring to when caylee was a baby and she was with jesse and casey, who at the time were supposedly both her parents?
Is there anywhere that says that George and Cindy went to see Casey (to her apartment or house) when she moved out? When Casey left home and took Caylee, she was gone with her a long time,,, for the Anthony's not to see Caylee. They had her there everyday.... I'd have been so frantic,,, wondering what she was doing and where she was,,, when Casey took her away. Just seems odd to me that they waited that long to see the baby, being a grandparent myself,,,, I don't understand that..

Casey never had a house/apartment. She would crash on friends sofas or put Caylee in the same bed with her and her man of the night.
I'm watching Nancy Grace,,, trying to catch up so much has happened...I kept thinking Casey had a place to live. Thanks for answering my questions...
If SS had been called they would have seen a child that was wanted with a room of her own clothes,toys,food,Dr's visits loving Grandparents if they had interviewed Casey's friends they would have been told she was a good parent the GPS would have said she was a good parent she would not have been removed from that home no way..of course now we know different

Maybe she would have been put back in that home. There are ways to do that.
I'm not saying that "Zanny" didn't come into being until Caylee disappeared, just that she was not a regular every day type sitter like normal people with real jobs would have. Casey used "Zanny" on those occasions when she needed to go to 'work' and George and Cindy weren't able to stay with Caylee. When Casey and Caylee spent the night with Ricardo, for instance, Casey told Cindy they were spending the night at Zanny's.

Respectfully, I disagree. George mentioned that he had asked Caylee if she had a good time with Zanny and Caylee looked at him like she had no idea what he was talking about. IIRC, he regretted not taking it further but claimed that Cindy told him to butt out because he was not LE anymore.
There were no photos of bruises, other than the small bruise under the eye which has been explained, so Melich had no basis for saying whether or not the bruises that he never saw were every day bruises or not.

ONE person who rarely saw Caylee called in months afterward to say she'd seen bruises. Dozens of other people who saw Caylee frequently have said no such thing, quite the opposite in fact. :waitasec:

Huh?? So Yuri was mistaken in stating that the witness corroborated a photo he had seen of Caylee with "similar marks.?" Not a bruise under the eye alone, but similar marks.

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