the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #84

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Now Arias is arguing that she cannot tell whether Travis' throat had been cut in that photo? So she will say most of the stabbing happened after that photo with her boot in it???

Makes no sense. He was dead or close to it by that point. The evidence is in the foot. Look at the FOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if this was posed but Mr. Martinez needs to emphasize that in those 62 seconds, Travis also stood at the sink coughing and dripping blood. So his back would have been to Jodi. This was likely when she stabbed him in the back. Then he turned, she stabbed him in the chest and he collapsed in the hall and she finished him off.

It adds a few seconds and helps.

Another question, does anyone have a link to or record of the call log between Jodi and Travis. I remember about 2 minutes of calls while she was still around the Salinas area. Is there any records of calls or texts after that point?

BTW Hello everyone, I am a longtime lurker who appreciates the amazing posts and analyses on these boards. I won't be posting much as I have to do my catching up after work but thank you!

My guess would be JM may be asking her all these questions to give her a chance to fill in the blanks. I would think it might be possible for him to call someone who is an expert at accident reconstruction to testify what could have happened in those 62 seconds based on the forensic evidence since Jodi insists that she can't recall. jmo
After the break for technical difficulties and before lunch, was there any more questioning? I had go switch to the Vatican (Catholic over here).

why doesn't the judge bring the hammer down on nurmi and his speaking objections? his tone and the added 'she's answered that like 3 times now' is OUT OF ORDER!!!! also, what he calls 'argumentative' isn't. it's just cross examination from my experience.

Actually, his tone and the asked and answered three times already is not out if the ordinary. But I love hearing him overruled!

The failure of the judge to help speed this trial along is really beginning to cause serious and legal issues. It is preventing the jury from being able to try to piece together all the informtion. They get a small tidbit one day and then a day or week later another tidbit. It is very disturbing and Im seriously worried about the legal ramifications.

It may be grounds for an appeal.

No. It won't.

Am I the only one who has the urge to send Jodi postcards from places that I go on vacation with the caption " Here is another of the 1001 places that you will NEVER see".

100%!!!! I've thought of lots of postcards I'd love to send her.
I so agree.. After Casey Anthony trial, I hoped more people would stop working so hard to get OUT of jury duty. Understandably for many its not possible, but it seems a majority of folks ages 20 & 50 act like they're being asked to enlist for 4 years, but have never benefitted from any blessings Americans enjoy. It's an inconvenience and a hardship for everyone, but our system requires good people with common sense to serve as jurors if it's going to work.
*But* for those who DO serve, courts must respect their sacrifice of time and income and GET ON WITH IT! This unethical wasting of time just to keep her from an inevitable "guilty" verdict is making the entire process a laughingstock. THAT borders on criminal in my opinion!! Is nothing sacred anymore? Sheesh..

ITA, I think this court is completely disrespecting these jurors. To begin they are sitting on a very high stress, high profile, death penalty case expected to last 4+ months. That is a huge sacrifice in every area of their lives. This trial has got to be taking an emotional toll on them. Even if a juror is retired this is going to interfere greatly, forget about taking care of children, grandchildren, spouses, pets, home, one's own health, etc.

Meanwhile Arizona taxpayers are footing the bill for this entire trial including the defense including Nurmi and his drawn out irrelevant questioning and delay tactics and constant sidebars. Surely issues will always arise but I don't see this court making an effort to keep proceedings running efficiently and THAT is why citizens don't want to participate in the jury system, IMO.

The judge especially should be ensuring the ship runs smoothly, allowing the jury to focus on the evidence, not the sideshows and that's what this has become.

Really unfortunate.
until Nurmi has had his leisurely lunch and comes back to "may we approach" BS. I wonder if we all write the presiding Judge Norman Davis a note of disappointment if anything would change LOL :jail:

Yup, he'd take out the cameras. IMO
That's not necessarily true. The Scott Peterson jurors wanted answers from the defense right till the end and they sentenced him to death! :great:

Juries are happy to condemn an evil man to death who killed his wife and baby for no other reason than convenience.

They are not so happy to condemn a scorned woman to death, especially a young, pretty blonde like JA who was actually treated quite badly by her victim.

The state should never have pursued the DP in this case, it was a stupid move. The risk of acquital is the other side of the DP coin. Juries don't actually want to kill anyone.

Yet another reason why the DP should be illegal. It's just too arbitrary.
I don't know if I should keep watching the trial today. I have a feeling JA will keep distancing herself from the murder she committed.

The gun just "went off" (NO, you pulled the trigger)
Travis "passed away". (NO, you murdered him)

GRRRRR! My blood pressure is already rising.
Not only is Arias making a complete mockery of this court, IMO so is the Judge. I have tried to remain objective, tried to understand what she is dealing with, HOWEVER...This IS a Death Penalty Case, that Courtroom should be ran with PRECISION, PROMPT and ORDER and so far, this Court has always started LATE, there are CONSTANT communications issues, the Judge has allowed testimony that is complete irrelevant, allowed Nurmi to blather on and on and consistently object and cause unnecessary and purposeful delays in order to interrupt the Prosecution or to give his pathetic defendant time to gather her thoughts. This Court room is another travesty of justice as long as this Judge keeps allowing this court to be ran in this manner. Those Jurors are going to get SICK of this crap, they are going to get fatigued and it could end up BACKFIRING on the State like i totally believe happened in the Casey Anthony case. This needs to STOP now with the constant late starts and incessant delays. :banghead:
Not only that, but Mr. Nurmi has become increasingly hostile and disrespectful to not only Mr. Martinez, but directly to the judge herself! When Mr. Martinez asked Jodi if she could "imagine how it must have hurt Travis when you stabbed him in the chest", Nurmi jumped up and demanded to approach WHILE ACTUALLY STARTING TO HEAD UP THERE! Finally, the judge asked if was had an objection and was ASKING to approach and he barked out a yes. It was SOOOO disrespectful, and lacked ANY kind of self control that an attorney should have when addressing THE COURT. How many judges would tolerate that behavior? Not many I hope. She's losing control of this entire courtroom by the day. AND, it seems she sustains or overrules objections based on whichever she said last. As if she's said sustained too often, she'll throw in a couple overruled's, then back to some sustained, blah blah...Sorry, it's just very frustrating and seems to have NO definitive pattern. If I was Mr. Martinez, I'd be tempted to say NO, I'm NOT going to rephrase - it's a legitimate question - either sustain or overrule, but I'm not rephrasing it.
It's almost 3pm Central time, and for the sake of Jodi getting her Sloppy Joe sammich on time tonight, we should be ending about 6:30pm Central time. I predict lots of husbands bringing home Taco Bell tonight! :what: :great: Ladies, call your hubbys and place your dinner orders!

Oh I had a flat screen tv put in my kitchen :D
The jury is asking tons of questions for clarification so this darn trial does not get appealed/acquitted !

Even though it is slow and we are extremely impatient, we have to accept this may be lloooooooooooog and drawn out.
Juries are happy to condemn an evil man to death who killed his wife and baby for no other reason than convenience.

They are not so happy to condemn a scorned woman to death, especially a young, pretty blonde like JA who was actually treated quite badly by her victim.

The state should never have pursued the DP in this case, it was a stupid move. The risk of acquital is the other side of the DP coin. Juries don't actually want to kill anyone.

Yet another reason why the DP should be illegal. It's just too arbitrary.

Not necessarily. They have the option of LWOP in this case.
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I feel a cancellation of court for the day rolling in like a great fog. :what:

Every time JA mentions The Fog I imagine it sounds like Darth Vader when it speaks to her. Looks like Darth Vader too: only grey. :floorlaugh:
that TH defense atty on HLN, Dwayne Cates, annoys the every livin' snot outta me :furious:

I agree and have wondered why HLN choose this guy who appears to be a looser. Surely they could have found someone better
I bet some of the juror's are annoyed that more questions are being submitted. How much more do they need?? Kind of reminds of that person in a meeting (and there is always at least one!) that won't stop asking questions when all you want to do is get the heck out of there.

The kid who asks the teacher if she forgot to give the homework assignment three minutes before the bell :banghead: they will have to sit through a Jodi seminar when she answers then.they.will.listen.while.Nurmi.starts.the.story.all.over.again.
He will probably find some reason to play the sex tape one more time :great:
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