the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #84

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I don't think it's supposed to be the "trial of the century". Nor should it be entertaining or something to complain about being "bored" by. It's about justice for a man who was slaughtered to death simply because he didn't do what a woman wanted him to do.

As far as the complaining about Juan.... he's been to this rodeo before and I'm sure he knows what he is doing. After all, he's the lawyer and most of us here are not. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback sitting in front of a screen watching, but it's entirely another to do what he's doing. I'll continue to watch because I'm invested in the outcome for Travis and his family. I don't know them personally, but I know enough about the case to become emotional about things. I've been brought to tears more than once.

Well said. This case has me in tears half a dozen times a day. :(
Does anyone know if the shelves in the closet were secured to the wall?

No there weren't secure to the wall or sides. They were just secure with small pegs. Of course she just hoped right on top there.. (the shelves went boom boom in reality) left there with things thrown all over but yet in the forensic pics nice and neat to the hilt not one thing out of place!!! Boom for JM..

Couldn't have jumped on the shelf to get the gun.. Not on those type shelves. I can dust them and they can hop and move.. and things fall over.. Much less Jodi stepping/jumping up on them to get the gun.. BIG GAIN FOR THE PROSECUTION today!!!

First time I've been annoyed by JM and feel like he's running down rabbit holes ...

I feel like some sort of reenactment regarding the shelf would have been a good move. I felt like his last shot at her should have blown her right out of the water. It didn't. was really ok for Nurmi to drone on and on and on for seven or eight days while we went through every sex act she ever performed, every break up she ever had, every Frappuchino and Latte she ever drank and every personal lubricant she ever used or heard about? I agree with you that Nurmi is objecting out of spite....his objections usually don't have any legal foundation so spite is as good a reason as any, I suppose.

And if the defendant could just answer the question, the prosecutor would not NEED to go all around Hogans barn and back to get ANY kind of an answer out of her.


Now THAT was very boring. Today was anything but boring.

Blond headed defense attorney dude on HLN is delusional. He says it's easy to do what Jodi did to Travis in 62 seconds. Where do they get these people?
What's up with the HLN woman with the electric red hair...she looks like she sleeps under the turnpike.
So she will not have to answer the other questions the jurors put in the basket?


Oh wow! What about those questions
You mean the jury has more!
Are you serious? Will that be allowed!
Ok before I got booted off I asked you?
If you thought that the latest jury questions are indicators that they aren't buying her calm lying affect?
I think JM a did great and most talking heads are in agreement!
Man there's more black smoke coming out of the maricopa courthouse! Than the Vatican in Rome!
Can anyone tell me what her answer to the question about why she didn't just shoot him again instead of using a knife?

Something like ... after she was tackled and the gun magically went off, he knocked it out of her hands (all phrased to blame him, of course). But of course she couldn't elaborate on the whereabouts of the gun or the knife because her awareness of either would involve clarity, honesty, and brutality so she pretty much skirted around answering that directly.

I remember thinking if Juan asked that question and she answered it like she did, he would have absolutely followed up several times different ways until she was clearer somehow.

More blatant avoidance. Pathetic but par for the course.
Does anyone know if the shelves in the closet were secured to the wall?

It's usual to fix the entire carcass of heavy, flat-pack furniture to the wall with screws for safety. The shelves however are the sort which merely balance on pins, the kind of pins you can insert at various heights to suit your needs. Stand on the front edge of one of these shelves and it'll fall towards you.
I feel like some sort of reenactment regarding the shelf would have been a good move. I felt like his last shot at her should have blown her right out of the water. It didn't.

It did imo but he had already blown her out of the water long before the end of the day.
And I think she wanted to tarnish Travis's image so she trashed him with the Bishop, imo.

I believe that Jodi was very likely a tattle-tale as a child - to the point that she would have made up lies to get her siblings, classmates, and/or playmates in trouble. :moo:
So wait. She goes to the Bishop to confess after Travis is dead about their sex but leaves out an important detail such as "I killed him". What was her point???? Did she feel the Bishop would give her a pass on the killing a fellow Mormon part???? To the jury it must look as if she told the Bishop to paint Travis in a bad light which ultimately would benefit her. Wow. Just wow. Can she stoop any lower????? jmo
The frame is definitely secured to the wall. The shelves are adjustable. I have the same shelving sytem in all of my closets.

Definitely how? I have the same system, too, but mine ARE NOT secured to the wall.
There was no gun in the closet!!!!

That's the problem I'm having... That point wasn't made loud and clear. She stole the gun and brought it with her!!!!!

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Oh wow! What about those questions
You mean the jury has more!

Beth has been reporting they have more questions. Iirc she said about 60 had been put in the basket and 2 more today.

Maybe that is why court isnt in session until after lunch tomorrow. The lawyers and Arias have to go through all the other questions like before.:banghead:
It did imo but he had already blown her out of the water long before the end of the day.

True. He did good work today. I just wanted the last exchange between them to leave a lump in the throats of the jurors. Maybe I watch too much TV. Ok not maybe, I definitely watch too much TV. :blushing:
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