The Real World: Employment Facts and Records

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I think the confusion here lies in the fact that Casey, as an employee of Kodak, would have had as much as 6 months maternity leave from her job. So although Caylee was born in August 2005, Casey would have had until January 2006 to return to her job. Technically, she is still considered employed at Kodak, even though she's not going to work during that period. I'm surprise that they waited until Spring 2006 to terminate her. I imagine she was in telephone contact with her work during that period saying she was going to come back, but then, she didn't attend the Colorvision turnover class and they finally decided that she had just abandoned her job.

This does make me think that Casey had post partum depression. Clearly something was very wrong. Up until giving birth, she was doing well at her job. Then she has this baby which she didn't seem to want any part of, hence dropping her off on Lauren or whoever she could. It is amazing to me that her mother didn't realize that Casey was deeply disturbed and not bonding with her child. I see the photos of Casey when she was engaged to JG and it's almost like she was trying to be her mother - hair color, cut and all. She told her father something to the effect that JG was too controlling. She may have felt that way because she was trying to be the person he wanted, rather than just be herself.

It would be interesting to know if the date her engagement to JG finally ended was around the time she was supposed to go back to work. Anyone know?
Work and all aside...I get that KC was employed at some point. After she got preggers not so much if at all. JMO. That girl was not working. Period. Her entire career revolved around Kodak/Universal/etc...a theme park in the town in which she grew up. She was not working after a period of time and her parents (unless they were sniffing glue all day) had to know that.
Yeah, and if GA and CA knew she wasn't working, then they probably knew there was no nanny. No need. No money.
I have asked this question on several threads and it somehow keeps getting misplaced in the shuffle, but I have wondered since reading the interview from Casey's boss at Kodak why does everyone keep saying that Casey was employed through April 2006? In the interview, and I have lost all my docs in a most horrible computer crash, so I got his name from this link:
"Mike C.: Employee, Event Imaging Solutions Group (Kodak) who confirmed that Casey had worked for him in 2005, but that he could not remember Jeff Hopkins or Juliette Lewis. Note: Kodak was taken over by Colorvision in 2006."
Mr. Cozak tells us some very important information about Casey. He tells us that she NEVER returned to work after Caylee was born (August 05) and that when Colorvision took over she never showed up for the roll-over class and to fill out the appropriate paperwork, and eventually was terminated for job abandonment...
So, to me this says that Casey was no longer working at all for kodak once Caylee was born according to her manager/boss...and yet, for 8 months she continued to have Lauren come to the house and watch Caylee while she went Lord knows where, but it wasn't work. Then Lauren found out that is what Casey was doing, not paying HER while she was out running around and not working at all, and THAT gig was up...she stopped watching Caylee then...
My question is why does everyone keep to the April 2006 date when it is not correct? It is almost like the June 9th date in that once it was stated, it seems to be set in stone, when the date is WRONG...



I also wonder, as do many, where the heck KC was going after she abandoned her job. Why did she keep Lauren as a sitter and take off? How did Lauren figure out KC wasn't working and wasting Larens time? She was doing this for free after all.
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