The Rev Richard G#2

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Originally Posted by ibyoungr
What I want to know is how we reconcile.. that Casey may have being posing as ZFG (fake id? parking ticket?) prior to June 17th, yet we say she purposely picked out the ZG(that's suing) with the NY plates, 2 kids, ford focus.. yada yada?

We can not have the "scenario" both ways. I have been re-reading the doc dumps AGAIN and viewing every news story.

Please can someone point to me.... where in the POLICE documentation, reports and videos (the evidence that will be admitted into court) where Casey specifically said that ZFG drove a Ford focus and had NY plates. All I am finding is LP speculating on this on NG.

I am doing this to get down to the bare bones of the matter. I am trying to sort out what was really stated to police vs hearsy by LP. I am just in search of the truth without all the previous speculation by LP.

Also, can someone point to me ANOTHER SOURCE, besides LP that states Casey's story about JBP? So far, I only have LP saying that Casey said this to RD. But I can not find anything in the police questioning of Casey regarding this. Would this not be considered hearsay in court?

KC texted to Brittany S. that ZFG drove a silver Ford Focus. It's in the documents but I don't remember which dump.
But I think we have the question backward. We know Casey said her ZFG drove a Ford Focus...but where do we have any support for the idea that the real ZG has a Ford Focus? If ZG doesn't have a Ford Focus, why are we asking "how did Casey know ZG had a Ford Focus?"

Many months ago ZFG's car was discussed ..and I remember a claim made that it was not a silver Ford Focus but a car that can be mistaken for a Ford Focus, a silver Kia I think.

Trying to find the link
Many months ago ZFG's car was discussed ..and I remember a claim made that it was not a silver Ford Focus but a car that can be mistaken for a Ford Focus, a silver Kia I think.

Trying to find the link

that was a claim being made by LP on the NG show one night IIRC
I think his father is making sure that Jesse does not get any of this BS the A's are trying taken seriously by LE. Everyone's opinion, across the board is that all of the KC sized lies (I have coined that phrase, I think it is very funny) that the A family are perpetuating are BS. No one believes them. No one.

My advice to him would be to hold his head high, testify to the truth, continue in his life with his future plans, continue to believe that God has a sweet, honest girl for him to marry and have his own children with. (It matters that LE has cleared him, publicly and I am very glad they have). Knowing that, I would tell him close this chapter and move on with the rest of your beautiful life, when you are old and gray and looking back your life, the five years you knew CK will disappear among all the other good people, your accomplishments, and all that you can be proud of. If I had the kid's address I would tell him I am proud of him and not to waste another moment looking back.

Jesse if you should ever read this, your life has just begun, treasure the happy memories of a sweet little baby, let the rest go. Be proud that you loved her without condition, it was honorable that you wanted to raise her as your own. God sees you, he knows your heart. The way......., the very, very best way to honor her memory is to have a happy and full life. Julia Watson

I hope he does somehow see this post - it's a wonderful message for him. He deserves so much better and I'm sure his life will turn out well!
that was a claim being made by LP on the NG show one night IIRC

:waitasec: aaahh LP my fave cowboy bounty hunter.... in that case I regard it as a rumour LOL
I've been searching for investigative docs sut everything that comes up about her car is on either a message board or show transcript.
IIRC there may be mention of the car in LA's Morgan Depo but I don't have the patience to go thru it...
How very random and vague. Can you please elaborate?
I was surprised to see this thread was a long time ago when we were first discussing this. I had no idea at the time the depth and breath of the extremes that would go on over this year and half.

For a person as young as he is, I think Jesse has shown a quiet dignity and selflessness that would rival any wise man. Despite everything, and it has been unthinkable what has been done to this kid, he is steady and true with one goal , justice for the little baby girl he fell in love with and was going to raise as his own.

I respect everyone has a right to their opinion, our kids in the military now and every generation have sacrificed for the elementary freedom of what it means to be an American. Maybe I have no right to ask , but my Gram used to tell us "If you don't speak up... even God wont hear you!" Please, please don't anyone start disparaging this young man with no links to substantiate any wrongdoing on his part. He has moved and begun a new life. Let him continue on that path. Please.
Beautiful post TWA!!
I started on page one with your opening post, visited DocStock and came back. I'm not sure what's happened on this thread over the past year but maybe I won't read back if any of it was disparaging to JG.

In Jesses July 23 LE interview on page 16 line 23 the imaginanny comes up and Jesse refers to her as Zani with no last name and tells LE he's known of Zani for at least 6 months.

I've been thinking about the different perceptions of father and son on the subject because at first I thought it was very strange.
I've decided it isn't though. KC always elaborated the ridiculous details to parental authority figures when lying. I mean CA goes on and on about Zanny's car accident for example like she was there. In reality if you really did watch your Nanny/ friend crash her car and sustain head injuries you'd be in shock too and likely not either able to, or be willing to cooperate in providing insignificant details to anyone, let alone your Mother.
Also CA the RN wouldn't have retained the BS details and would have likely questioned the medical ones and provided those to LE.
So before I go too off track, KC has an MO of elaborating to adults. I could see RG just saying to JG 'Casey told me she found a new babysitter' JG responding 'Yeah' and that being the end of the conversation.

TWA have we come closer to figuring out how a name KC used years ago coincides with the ZG we know who applied for an apartment at Sawgrass?
imo jg knows much more than he has led us to believe

I don't doubt he could write a book but he's too much of a gentleman to tell.
Karn, how right you are that all Casey sized lies are very detailed and colorful, indeed. I am still at a loss to explain how Rev. Grund came out with that name and Jeff, etc from long ago. The only thing I can offer up is he is mistaken. If I knew the answer to that...I would know what in the world LP is thinking to win over my mother in law...aren't I entitled to more tax exemptions.... why didn't I think of the mud mess when I had the big idea to put in a dog flap in the back to get Gilligan off the Island. LOL!!!
Karn, how right you are that all Casey sized lies are very detailed and colorful, indeed. I am still at a loss to explain how Rev. Grund came out with that name and Jeff, etc from long ago. The only thing I can offer up is he is mistaken. If I knew the answer to that...I would know what in the world LP is thinking to win over my mother in law...aren't I entitled to more tax exemptions.... why didn't I think of the mud mess when I had the big idea to put in a dog flap in the back to get Gilligan off the Island. LOL!!!

LOL @ your coined phrase highlighted, mud flap problems etc!!

I think RG's mistaken too. I don't think there's anything nefarious about it. He's a busy man hit with a tragedy in which he felt a bond to both the victim and her accused abuser at that point. He may have been told the name Zanny and just filled in the rest from details he obtained after the fact innocently.
LP? Yeah, I'm at a loss. He has a good heart and lots of emotional baggage that requires he insert himself into these cases IMO. Have no idea what issues specifically and won't be searching, but I bet they run deep.
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