The Rev Richard G#2

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bolded by me.. that is a pretty vague statement. She may have texted it to BS as early as July 16th, but I doubt any of the WS'rs in the name of sleuthing knew that as early as July 17th or any one else on the boards.
Heck the police found out about the text msg only on July 22nd from BS.

The public got wind of it because the NEWS station found out which ZG was at Sawgrass and went and interviewed her. People on message boards ran away with it instead of dismissing her with a few simple words. Can't be her, Casey did it. Do not discuss innocent people.

Whatever happened in believing that gossiping was wrong?

I am sure her life was made miserable. But not just by Casey.. by anyone who speculated on her MySpace for more than 2 seconds and DID NOT think.. Na-noway.. because the leaks regarding Cadaver dogs and smell in the trunk leads me to believe it was Casey.

I do think that her giving the media interview did not help matters much either.

Where are you trying to go with all this regarding ZFG? Are you trying to prove her lawsuit frivolous? People on message boards and the media never would have had an interest in ZFG if it wasn't for Casey.
Never before seen surveillance photos show accused killer Casey Anthony and her boyfriend walking into an east Orange County Blockbuster (see map) just before 8:00pm on Monday June 16, just hours after her daughter Caylee was last seen alive by Casey's father at home.

The new photos show Casey without Caylee, arm in arm with her boyfriend, after they chose two movies to rent. One rented was "Untraceable," about a kidnapper and killer. The other was "Jumper," about a mother who abandons her 5-year-old child.
Has anyone seen these movies?

Do you remember that one of the searches on the computer was "One Tree Hill 100th episode"? In that particular episode, a "crazy nanny" kidnaps a child!! It was briefly discussed here on WS but I think that it was before we had the actual records to verify the search took place ... I think it was kind of glossed over, personally!
But here's the thing of it.

before you begin speculating 'well maybe there actually was a Zanny the Nanny", think it through. There is no ex coworker Jeff Hopkins. There is no son Zachary. These people do not exist. Plus the dates RG first heard of Zanny and the dates Cindy supposedly did do not coincide. Noone can legitimately account for what was being done with that child, or who was providing daily care for almost 2 years. The child was not quite 3 years old when she died. So most of her day to day life cannot be accounted for. Her supposed playmate is fictional. There is no way reasonable doubt coulp possibly allow anyone to believe one small piece of this mess, when so much of the connecting story is such obvious and proven bullcrap.

This entire case is one of connecting threads. yes it is almost all circumstatial evidence, but it is a tightly woven web of circumstantial evidence where bits and pieces reinforce and conform others. It is very hard to fight it by simply shaking one thread.

If you think about it, what a sad, short life Caylee must've had. Instead of playdates, day care, fun outings with mommy; she probably spent a majority of the time watching tv, riding around in the car (hopefully not in the trunk), or possibly being drugged and out of it.
Where are you trying to go with all this regarding ZFG? Are you trying to prove her lawsuit frivolous? People on message boards and the media never would have had an interest in ZFG if it wasn't for Casey.

The same thing happened to this woman that happened to ZFG.

She had alot more in common with the suspect. News media even went as far as to post her school picture vs the real suspect. This shows me that innocent people's names do get drug into murder cases. PERIOD. Who should this MH sue?

My point is: People on the web dug up information on the ZG as early at July 17th at 10 AM BEFORE any DETAILS were leaked. All they had was a name. Yes, a name that Casey threw out there but we also knew she EXTENSIVELY LIED to the police and she had a smell of decomp in her car. A little common sense on people's part and a little personal thought to others could have protected ZG. Other ZG's were brought into question on many boards, interviewed by police and turned down requests by news media.

What I am saying is... I think we should all be careful on the web with throwing out people's MySpace pages. This ZG case and this MH really does prove that point.

Just because Casey threw a name out there did not mean we needed to grab on to it like a bunch of vultures. The early posts as well on WS discounted there even being a nanny. The first reports out by the police was they did not think a nanny existed. We should have NIPPED speculation on ZG in the bud. That is my point. We were part of the problem. Hard to admit.. but we were. Just calling it like I see it.

The NEWS MEDIA could have helped ZG and did a news story like the one above.

Do I think her lawsuit is frivolous? I will let the courts decide that one. I just think once Casey is convicted then it automatically shows she did not do it. Maybe I just think there was a better way to clear her name.

Any moron that heard on the news early on that Casey extensively lied to police, the car smelled like a dxxx dead body, she did not report her kid missing for 31 days, the nanny did not exist and STILL SENT ZG HATE MAIL, drug her MYSPACE to crime forums and discussed her life on line hold responsibility for defamation as well. They owe her an apology.
Well, if KC was describing herself as the nanny which so many of us believe she was that would be exactly what she would think of herself, that she is a 10. The straight white teeth was the big one for me. Ask dear old dad with the Hello Beautiful, gorgeous remarks.

I thought this too. If KC is Zanny then she would describe herself as a 10! I don't think KC has multiple personality disorder in the textbook sense. What I am thinking is she thinks of it as a kind of "character" she uses. There are no blackouts, she is ZFG at certain times and at others she is KC. She has memory of murdering Caylee, but it's just that she somehow in her sick mind says that the ZFG part of her is the one that did it. Her statement of "the last person I saw my daughter with was Z" then becomes true in her own mind. When asked where she put her daughter, well she is speaking as KC at that moment, and KC doesn't know where Caylee is (she does but in her mind she is able to convince herself that Z and KC are two different people). Is ZFG the only "character" in there? IDK, maybe or maybe she has a whole cast of them. I don't know if there is a name for this in medical terms but this is what I think is going on with KC. Like JG said, she becomes whatever the person she is enamored with at the time there could be others in there with her?! :cow:

I almost forgot....I do find it strange that RG remembers such an odd name from so many years back but if it is true then maybe after KC thought up this nanny name and story she did a search for others by this name, and then kept track of a couple of them who lived in the area, using them to add true details to her imaginanny. Maybe it is pure coinky dink that Z looked at an apt there or maybe KC took some initiative and sent this Z a fake add she created about Sawgrass apts. ??? It's not out of the realm of things she would do in my mind, (but there is problems with timing in that). :cow:
In this statement KC states "Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, has watched her for the past year and a half, to two years" That would be the time line for KC telling RG about ZFG and stating the name.

One of the things that really stood out to me during that 911 call was with what ease KC popped the Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez name out and the spelling. I am not a good speller but WOW that was amazing to me that she could spell that name. The first time I heard that 911 call it really was a "wow moment" for me. She had to have used it before. I am leaning towards KC being the "Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez". It is a character in her made up world. Can't wait to find out if she had a DL with that name.

There is an excellent thread somewhere that theorizes that KC adopted the ZG identity, that Annie was aware of it and was there when KC received a traffic ticket using the DL. (Excellent thread /theory) That said, I'm not surprised by Rev. Grund's statement or the fact that KC knew how to spell the name, who knows how long she'd had to get comfortable with her alter-ego.

Found the thread...
Casey told LE that Zany was 5' and weighed 140 lb. I'll look for where I read it yesterday and link it A.S.A.P.

I haven't seen an LE report where Casey describes Zany as looking like a model or a 10.
I haven't either, and I think I have seen pretty much everything that's been released. This Zanny is a "ten" description must have been talked about when Casey was out on bail...I believe the suit against Casey story broke in September, Casey was out at home then. Funny that Casey didn't give that description to LE in her statement. I am thinking when she found out ZG was filing a law suit, she had to come up with some features that were different than what this ZG has, and therefore the straight teeth, the "ten", etc... came to be.
I am looking for a thread that I was reading late last night about R Grund. I believe it had a link with his interview with LE. I thought this might be it, but have read this entire thread, and can't find it. In fact, have seen very little about RG here at all. Does anyone know where another thread is that is about RG? Thanks, Nonni
I think his father is making sure that Jesse does not get any of this BS the A's are trying taken seriously by LE. Everyone's opinion, across the board is that all of the KC sized lies (I have coined that phrase, I think it is very funny) that the A family are perpetuating are BS. No one believes them. No one.

My advice to him would be to hold his head high, testify to the truth, continue in his life with his future plans, continue to believe that God has a sweet, honest girl for him to marry and have his own children with. (It matters that LE has cleared him, publicly and I am very glad they have). Knowing that, I would tell him close this chapter and move on with the rest of your beautiful life, when you are old and gray and looking back your life, the five years you knew CK will disappear among all the other good people, your accomplishments, and all that you can be proud of. If I had the kid's address I would tell him I am proud of him and not to waste another moment looking back.

Jesse if you should ever read this, your life has just begun, treasure the happy memories of a sweet little baby, let the rest go. Be proud that you loved her without condition, it was honorable that you wanted to raise her as your own. God sees you, he knows your heart. The way......., the very, very best way to honor her memory is to have a happy and full life. Julia Watson
Help! I am wondering what this means, if anything , for the case that in Reverand Grund's police sworn interview he relays that back in 2006 KC finally found a new babysitter (he and his family had been caring for the baby), she told him very specifically that her name was Zenaida Gonzalez, and even the story about having met her through Jeff H., yada, yada, yada. In 2006! Will this affect anything, except the civil trial?
Are Z's lawyers going to file suit against Cindy now too, just to make sure they can indeed attach a lien to any profits she makes off the sale of this story, and since she is the one who "published the defamation" knowing it to be a lie,now that she has admitted she knew KC was lying?, Richard-0905.pdf

The following information was found on pages 7 & 8.

“Yeah (affirmative), I’ve got that worked out,” “Oh, yeah (affirmative), I found this lady uh, Zenaida Gonzalez and she, she watches my
friend Jeffrey Hopkins son Zachery. And Zachery and Caylee play together and they, they love to be together. So this’ll work out great.” I’m thinking, “Wow that’s a whole lot more information than I really needed.” And by this point I picked up that Casey likes to tell stories. Uhm, we started to all pick up that Casey had a little problem with exaggeration.

Update: I found on NG show, where Rev. Grund relays this same incident, but this time remembers it as KC having called the nanny Zanny: "Finally, one day when Casey came home from work to wait for Jesse and hang out with us, I kind of greeted her at the door with, What are we going to do about this baby-sitter thing? And she says, I found one. I have a nanny. Her name is Zanny, and I got her from Jeffrey Hopkins, who has a son named..."

most of casey's friends saw her as a a habitual liar since middleschool. Her own brother said this to his friend. saw a video and it was very interesting Sorry I forgot where I saw it online and he was disgusted with her lying. She is shaming the whole family and taking advantage of their love for her.
What I want to know is how we reconcile.. that Casey may have being posing as ZFG (fake id? parking ticket?) prior to June 17th, yet we say she purposely picked out the ZG(that's suing) with the NY plates, 2 kids, ford focus.. yada yada?

We can not have the "scenario" both ways. I have been re-reading the doc dumps AGAIN and viewing every news story.

Please can someone point to me.... where in the POLICE documentation, reports and videos (the evidence that will be admitted into court) where Casey specifically said that ZFG drove a Ford focus and had NY plates. All I am finding is LP speculating on this on NG.

I am doing this to get down to the bare bones of the matter. I am trying to sort out what was really stated to police vs hearsy by LP. I am just in search of the truth without all the previous speculation by LP.

Also, can someone point to me ANOTHER SOURCE, besides LP that states Casey's story about JBP? So far, I only have LP saying that Casey said this to RD. But I can not find anything in the police questioning of Casey regarding this. Would this not be considered hearsay in court?

Kc sent out the ford focus detail in text messages when the word came out that caylee was missing. Dont know about the NY plates though.
i think it was such a good thing that Rev. Grund publicly noted that it was important to hold today's memorial in Caylee's memory in a children's park instead of a swampy piece of land. Caylee loved the park and spent happy times there. The focus should remain on her short, happy life rather than on her sad and sordid death, and I commend Rev. Grund for the decision.
Does anyone have a link to the full video of RG's anniversary memorial service?
I remember reading the story from Mr Grund also concerning the babysitter named ZG. Which is part of the reason I have always considered the civil law suit as frivolous because whether she was real or not, the name showed up several years ago. I do have a problem calling him reverend, though. I have always been under the assumption that you had to have a divinity degree to be given that title. As far as I have found, he has a degree in business administration or some such and was an actor for 20 years. Not saying he can't preach the Lords' words. The more the merrier so to speak. JMO
i think it was such a good thing that Rev. Grund publicly noted that it was important to hold today's memorial in Caylee's memory in a children's park instead of a swampy piece of land. Caylee loved the park and spent happy times there. The focus should remain on her short, happy life rather than on her sad and sordid death, and I commend Rev. Grund for the decision.
ITA. I wasn't aware of his memorial but I'm sure it was dignified and that Caylee smiled down on it because we know the Grunds loved her deeply without agenda.
There you go again Essies! LMAO! This songs for you ~<3~
Is this the real life - Is this just fantasy - Caught in a landslide -No escape from reality - Open your eyes - Look up to the skies and see .....
By Queen only altered a bit. Song from 30 +yrs. ago. :boohoo: "Bohemian Rhapsody" may be being sung by the jail bird, KC. Lets hope for the guards sake KC can stay on pitch! Will delete if I'v stepped on copy rights!
I think his father is making sure that Jesse does not get any of this BS the A's are trying taken seriously by LE. Everyone's opinion, across the board is that all of the KC sized lies (I have coined that phrase, I think it is very funny) that the A family are perpetuating are BS. No one believes them. No one.

My advice to him would be to hold his head high, testify to the truth, continue in his life with his future plans, continue to believe that God has a sweet, honest girl for him to marry and have his own children with. (It matters that LE has cleared him, publicly and I am very glad they have). Knowing that, I would tell him close this chapter and move on with the rest of your beautiful life, when you are old and gray and looking back your life, the five years you knew CK will disappear among all the other good people, your accomplishments, and all that you can be proud of. If I had the kid's address I would tell him I am proud of him and not to waste another moment looking back.

Jesse if you should ever read this, your life has just begun, treasure the happy memories of a sweet little baby, let the rest go. Be proud that you loved her without condition, it was honorable that you wanted to raise her as your own. God sees you, he knows your heart. The way......., the very, very best way to honor her memory is to have a happy and full life. Julia Watson
I actually got a lump in my throat, reading what you wrote to Jesse.

God bless YOU, for your kind heart and wise words. :blowkiss:

I really hope Jesse gets a chance to read what you wrote to him.
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