The Rev Richard G#2

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This case is so bazaar the only thing I can think of is the fact that a ZG did live in Casey's neighborhood at one time. At the abandon house or close by. I don't have the links now but it was discussed in the abandon house thread. What if that ZG, which is said to have move - Cindy also claimed a ZG was being watched in P.R. was the ZG that at one time may of watched Caylee for Casey? Then, it just happen that a ZG went to Saw-Grass and bingo...Casey was desperate for an alibi for what she had done to Caylee and that particular ZG was at the wrong place at the wrong time. So, maybe Casey did mention to JG about the ZG that lived near her home way back. Just a thought.

Not sure if I did this correctly, but I also remember reading in another thread that Casey had a classmate in high school named Zenaida, different last name.
What about the possibility that KC has duel personalities like Sybil? So in her mind she did not kill Caylee - she blocked it out and her other personality ZFG did it?
KC used ZFG as her "catch all" problem solver. Need to stay out late or crash at new guys house? Over at Zanny's....Caylee not around? Zanny has her. Where did you get that thing? Zanny gave it to me.....Zanny was an invention to make KC's path through her weird wild nutty world smoother.

I completely agree with this.
What about the possibility that KC has duel personalities like Sybil? So in her mind she did not kill Caylee - she blocked it out and her other personality ZFG did it?

I have to say I've wondered about this too.
This whole interview with RG is very interesting. KC had allegedly dropped the Zenaida name back in 2006?? That may give a bit of credence to the invisananny defense, but I doubt it. Not one single person ever met her or witnessed KC talking to her?? Over that long a period of time?? No way. She doesn't exist. Who knows where KC found the name. Maybe she was just enthralled with the name because it sounded exotic to her or something. I'm thinking it was her alter ego or just an imaginary person she could pull out of her backside whenever she needed to.

Obviously she had no child care outside of friends, her parents and the Grund's who were all working for free. Not that she needed it - she wasn't working, but everyone thought she was - so when she was told they couldn't watch her - she invented the nanny. What I'm really really curious about is this: Everyone talks about what a doting loving mother she was.....ummm.....let's see she's dumping off her child - an infant in this case with the Grunds so she can do what? She's not even working!!!! Point out one new mother to me that doesn't feel guilty, with dropping their child off at day-care or a babysitter, even though necessary, just one!! WTH??

If this is all true - this shows me that she didn't just undergo some "change" in the past month or two prior to Caylee's death - it shows me she was always the way she is and no one really saw it until afterward.
It makes sense to me - which would explain why she can be so adament about not doing it - and maybe she doesn't remember killing Caylee because in her mind - she didn't - ZFG did?
I always thought that it sounded rather fishy that RG remembered these names that KC rattled off to him two years prior to the interview. Zenaida is a bizarre name at that. I certainly would not be able to remember first and last names of an invisinanny, her mutual acquaintance, said acquaintance's son. Of course, maybe he wrote it down or has an incredible memory.... I could see someone remembering the name Zanny because it rhymes with nanny, but that would be all I believe. It almost sounds like he wanted to say that KC was lying about all of this for two years.
I agree. The name Zenaida would be very hard to remember after 2 years. Now the name Zanny..Yes.
This case is so bazaar the only thing I can think of is the fact that a ZG did live in Casey's neighborhood at one time. At the abandon house or close by. I don't have the links now but it was discussed in the abandon house thread. What if that ZG, which is said to have move - Cindy also claimed a ZG was being watched in P.R. was the ZG that at one time may of watched Caylee for Casey? Then, it just happen that a ZG went to Saw-Grass and bingo...Casey was desperate for an alibi for what she had done to Caylee and that particular ZG was at the wrong place at the wrong time. So, maybe Casey did mention to JG about the ZG that lived near her home way back. Just a thought.

Cindy and I think George have both mentioned that a ZG was being watched in PR, but watched by whom??? I believe both DC and JH have stated that they never were asked to and never did investigate or try to find ZG????????
I still wonder if the two properties close to where Caylee's body was found had anything to do with the "nanny" name.. Fernandez and Gonzalez. I have always thought it was Casey's "way" of disclosing her location. Think about it.. Caylee's body was presumably at that location mid June. It was after that that we heard about ZFG. Anyone else have this feeling too?
KC had a mental eval prior to being released from jail last summer. IIRC it was reported that she was very proud of the fact that nothing was found to be wrong with her. She bragged to the DCFS people about it. If she had multiple personality disorder wouldn't there have been indicators?

I don't think she has multiple personalities, nor did I mean to infer such an idea with my alter-ego comment. I just simply meant she was most likely referring to herself. I also don't believe that she is suffering from any type of amnesia.
This whole interview with RG is very interesting. KC had allegedly dropped the Zenaida name back in 2006?? That may give a bit of credence to the invisananny defense, but I doubt it. Not one single person ever met her or witnessed KC talking to her?? Over that long a period of time?? No way. She doesn't exist. Who knows where KC found the name. Maybe she was just enthralled with the name because it sounded exotic to her or something. I'm thinking it was her alter ego or just an imaginary person she could pull out of her backside whenever she needed to.

Obviously she had no child care outside of friends, her parents and the Grund's who were all working for free. Not that she needed it - she wasn't working, but everyone thought she was - so when she was told they couldn't watch her - she invented the nanny. What I'm really really curious about is this: Everyone talks about what a doting loving mother she was.....ummm.....let's see she's dumping off her child - an infant in this case with the Grunds so she can do what? She's not even working!!!! Point out one new mother to me that doesn't feel guilty, with dropping their child off at day-care or a babysitter, even though necessary, just one!! WTH??
If this is all true - this shows me that she didn't just undergo some "change" in the past month or two prior to Caylee's death - it shows me she was always the way she is and no one really saw it until afterward.


Caylee was only two and half years old and look at how many people have baby sat: GP's, the Grunds, all the folks that Cindy talked about during her deposition. I let one non-family member watch my child and that was my babysitter, for the first 4 years.

And what about the txting? LP said she txt'd or was on the phone most of every day. How do you do that and look after a toddler???? IMO everyone thinks she was a good Mom because she never spent any long period of time with Caylee. It is easy to appear to be a great mother when you aren't actually around your child. KC really didn't get a chance to show what kind of mother she was.... until the end.
KC was a good mother when it was time to pose for a "cute" picture. Otherwise, I have no doubt Caylee watched a lot a lot a lot of movies. As far as RG hearing ZFG name, I think he's mixed up and he only heard Zanny.
Maybe this explans why the liies came rolling off her tongue so easily with LE, she had been using the name, Zenaida, when she needed to for quite a while. As a poster said earlier though, there is still no proof that anyone by this name exists, that watched Caylee.
What I want to know is how we reconcile.. that Casey may have being posing as ZFG (fake id? parking ticket?) prior to June 17th, yet we say she purposely picked out the ZG(that's suing) with the NY plates, 2 kids, ford focus.. yada yada?

We can not have the "scenario" both ways. I have been re-reading the doc dumps AGAIN and viewing every news story.

Please can someone point to me.... where in the POLICE documentation, reports and videos (the evidence that will be admitted into court) where Casey specifically said that ZFG drove a Ford focus and had NY plates. All I am finding is LP speculating on this on NG.

I am doing this to get down to the bare bones of the matter. I am trying to sort out what was really stated to police vs hearsy by LP. I am just in search of the truth without all the previous speculation by LP.

Also, can someone point to me ANOTHER SOURCE, besides LP that states Casey's story about JBP? So far, I only have LP saying that Casey said this to RD. But I can not find anything in the police questioning of Casey regarding this. Would this not be considered hearsay in court?
I always thought that it sounded rather fishy that RG remembered these names that KC rattled off to him two years prior to the interview. Zenaida is a bizarre name at that. I certainly would not be able to remember first and last names of an invisinanny, her mutual acquaintance, said acquaintance's son. Of course, maybe he wrote it down or has an incredible memory.... I could see someone remembering the name Zanny because it rhymes with nanny, but that would be all I believe. It almost sounds like he wanted to say that KC was lying about all of this for two years.

I agree. I have a fantastic memory, and I know I would not be able to pull out a name I was told once two years ago, unless it had some correlation with something else meaningful in my head. It will have to be proven to me RG possesses total recall before I am going to find it probable he really remembers this name being stated back then. I don't think he is lying about it, though, I just think it is more of a suggestive kind of thing where he now believes that is what he was told.
I agree. The name Zenaida would be very hard to remember after 2 years. Now the name Zanny..Yes.

I'm wondering if RG only heard "Zanny" way back it 2006. It could be that, at the time of the interview, he had become aware of the name ZFG and used it instead.

This is something LE need to clarify with RG.
What about the possibility that KC has duel personalities like Sybil? So in her mind she did not kill Caylee - she blocked it out and her other personality ZFG did it?

Let's explore this.

So if she did say, have Multiple Personalities... when would ZFG resurface?

Can't keep all of the good personalities down all the time can you?

On another note... I just don't know how they're going to keep this out of the trial. She set the tone with this story and how can she backtrack now?
I tend to follow the theory that Zanny was actually code referring to Xanax. Xanax was possibly used to sedate Caylee while KC did what she wanted to do i.e. socialize, shop, date, party, etc.. Hence, if Grunds' testimony is that they were informed of Zanny back 2006, and toxicology reports indicate Xanax in Caylee's system, that is a long, long time to give a very young child Xanax. Did too much of it cause the child's death? Too much built up in the child's system?
I personally think I would have remembered the name Zenaida two years later only because I've never heard it before until this case. Granted I've learned since then that it appears to be fairly common, but I've never heard it. MOO

As for the JBP scenario.....didn't they ask Cindy about this in the depo. I thought GA said it was at Sawgrass and he didn't know the JBP scenario, but CA said she I just confused on that point? I thought it came up with LA too.

LE never did question KC about JBP, because she allegedly told that story after she quit talking to them.
Is it possible that the name Zenaida was just one she grabbed from her own little head or one that she had heard before? Heck, she needed some excuse to explain where Caylee would be - but how does she explain Jeffrey and his son Zack when there is no Zack?
I was just thinking that the jurors will have to bring lots of paper for note taking in order to keep all the players in this case straight. This trial will have more twists and turns than a coiled spring - there are spinoffs involving so many people - the PI's, the Anthony's, Casey, Zenaida Gonzalez, and now HB. A little two-year-old child's death has inadvertently shown us what some people are made of.
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