The Rev. Richard G

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I haave peersonally corresponded with Rev. Grund since this mess began.

I do not feel he is overly involved, nor front and center.

He is a truthful, loving man, one who lives and carries the word of God to others.

Perhaps we need to stop and realize how painful this was
for him to learrn that Caylee is gone.....He was led to believe by CASEY that Caylee was Jesse Grund's son. The Grund family became emotionally vested, and then had the rug pulled from beneath their feet. Seeing a new born baby girl in the hospital, holding her, and being led to believe that Caylee and he shared the same blood.The paternity test tooldd the truthful ttale of this story Casey made up, and Rev. Grund was very hurt by her deceit, as well as Ms. Grund and Jesse. I think he still feels a very strong connection.

Lake I agree with you on Mr. Grund, it was a loss to his family as well.
His name is being maligned by the crazy A's. He probably will write a book, him and every other player in this sordid story. So what.
And that just for men remark was just childish.

I met the man.....................and I do not care if you think it is childish..... I could not help but laugh at the black hair...... My husband used to use that stuff and I even laughed at him.
Personally, I think Mr. G. is overstepping his bounds. He has no blood relationship to Caylee or Casey. Hurt or not, he should butt out. As for defending his son, I think he should butt out of that too. His son is an adult, let him handle it on his own.
What I gather from Richard (whom I have been in contact with quite a bit) is that he feels like all of us do....helpless and confused.

When he talks about eventually telling "all", I feel that must relate not to pertinent information about Caylee's whereabouts etc, but more about the Anthony family and Casey specifically. Remember, the Grund's have known the Anthony's for over 3 years...they've seen and been a part of the inner workings to an extent. The Grund's spent a lot of time with Casey...they know her better than a neighbor or a casual friend might. Since Jesse had some insight into Casey's mind, I'm guessing Richard must as well.
As for his wife, Deb....I'll take a shot in the dark and say that she has elected to stay out of the media heat. I get the impression she is a humble and respectful woman, and I think in general women tend to feel more "private" about matters of the heart. What Cindy is doing day in day out (blah blah blah, yak yak yak) is all part of what the A's are's not the actions of a grieving, confused, deeply sorrowful grandmother IMHO.

Try to bare in mind that the Grund's love Caylee. They babysat that sweet little girl and developed a relationship with her. Losing her likely a huge and terrible shock for this family. They may not have seen her every day (and that seems balanced to me, due to the fact that she was not their own flesh and blood) but that doesn't mean they didn't care about her.

Did RG crusade for missing children in the past? No, probably not. But he has been extremely open in stating that CAYLEE'S DISAPPEARANCE has brought people together to fight for and be a voice for missing children elsewhere. Sometimes it takes a hit close to home to "wake up" that piece of our hearts.

He may be a little quirky and eccentric, but he and his family have done more than Caylee's own family have, in terms of stepping up and volunteering to answer questions, take polygraph and provide any DNA or other information LE could find useful. :clap:
I personally think that RG is a publicity hound. I have been reading his blog for years and its only been in the past few months that he has posted anything about missing kids. And its only since he has been on NG has his myspace changed. It used to be alot more frightening - but it has been completely toned down. Yes I am sure he loved Caylee when JG was engaged to KC - but I am sorry - he didnt have anything to do with either one of them for a long long while. He even said how upset he was when he saw the two of them at JGs graduation from OPD. Now - if you honestly felt that you were Caylees other grandfather he would have at least thrilled to see lil Caylee - which he admitted he wasnt (I think this was from one of his oldest blogs).

If he was that important to the case, or had anything meaningful to say LE would have him on the witness list - which he isnt. Adding where is Mrs G throughout all of this? You never hear about her, or see her mentioned, or her saying anything to defend JG from anything. I have always found that extremely odd - either she has nothing to say, or perhaps isnt allowed to say anything. Who knows.

I still say he will be the first one to sell his story for a book deal or something like that. I also say "Beware of a wolf in sheeps clothing".

On Rev Grund's M/S he says he has been married 28 years to the Woman of Proverbs 31:10.

"She is a wife of noble character.
She is worth far more than rubies."

Sounds like he has only good to say about his wife! Maybe the A's finally found someone they Can't throw under the bus!
Personally, I think Mr. G. is overstepping his bounds. He has no blood relationship to Caylee or Casey. Hurt or not, he should butt out. As for defending his son, I think he should butt out of that too. His son is an adult, let him handle it on his own.

I don't think you need to have a blood relationship to someone, to grow to love them and be concerned for them. That would be like saying an adoptive parent or grandparent shouldn't be concerned about an adopted child or grandchild, because there is no blood relationship.

They believed, at one time, that Caylee was their grandchild and even after the they found out otherwise, they still embraced her, and loved her and cared for her as if she was.

So if you are saying he should butt out, because JG is an adult, then the same should go for Cindy and George, because Casey is an adult also, and should be able to handle this all on her own.
I don't think you need to have a blood relationship to someone, to grow to love them and be concerned for them. That would be like saying an adoptive parent or grandparent shouldn't be concerned about an adopted child or grandchild, because there is no blood relationship.

They believed, at one time, that Caylee was their grandchild and even after the they found out otherwise, they still embraced her, and loved her and cared for her as if she was.

So if you are saying he should butt out, because JG is an adult, then the same should go for Cindy and George, because Casey is an adult also, and should be able to handle this all on her own.

What I gather from Richard (whom I have been in contact with quite a bit) is that he feels like all of us do....helpless and confused.

When he talks about eventually telling "all", I feel that must relate not to pertinent information about Caylee's whereabouts etc, but more about the Anthony family and Casey specifically. Remember, the Grund's have known the Anthony's for over 3 years...they've seen and been a part of the inner workings to an extent. The Grund's spent a lot of time with Casey...they know her better than a neighbor or a casual friend might. Since Jesse had some insight into Casey's mind, I'm guessing Richard must as well.
As for his wife, Deb....I'll take a shot in the dark and say that she has elected to stay out of the media heat. I get the impression she is a humble and respectful woman, and I think in general women tend to feel more "private" about matters of the heart. What Cindy is doing day in day out (blah blah blah, yak yak yak) is all part of what the A's are's not the actions of a grieving, confused, deeply sorrowful grandmother IMHO.

Try to bare in mind that the Grund's love Caylee. They babysat that sweet little girl and developed a relationship with her. Losing her likely a huge and terrible shock for this family. They may not have seen her every day (and that seems balanced to me, due to the fact that she was not their own flesh and blood) but that doesn't mean they didn't care about her.

Did RG crusade for missing children in the past? No, probably not. But he has been extremely open in stating that CAYLEE'S DISAPPEARANCE has brought people together to fight for and be a voice for missing children elsewhere. Sometimes it takes a hit close to home to "wake up" that piece of our hearts.

He may be a little quirky and eccentric, but he and his family have done more than Caylee's own family have, in terms of stepping up and volunteering to answer questions, take polygraph and provide any DNA or other information LE could find useful. :clap:

I've always thought that RG has a big grudge against Cindy and George or that there were some past troubles and arguments over their kids. Unless RG knows something firsthand or witnessed something, I don't think there's much he as a pastor should be telling against the family. Casey is a known liar and also had her parents believing that Jesse was obsessed with her and could be capable of doing something. If the past ending of the relationship and possible lies about Jesse were that bad then I don't blame Cindy for suspecting everyone at the beginning. Also, I thought Jesse's family knew from the beginning that Casey was pregnant and showing, that there was no possibility the baby was his because he hadn't even known her or been with her that long. IMO, RG should just give his views and knowledge to the court and LE and otherwise stay out of it.
Why Rev. Grund is the subject of discussion, I do not know. The man is some kind of advocate for his own brand of Christianity which is always a little kooky to me, but so what. That is his gig, not mine.

He knows KC and has heard a lot out of her mouth in the last few years - talking about her family, etc. He has a little insight into her and her family but he hasn't yakked it up on tv about the things he knows.

When CA and GA started to toss JG under the bus, he stood up to them. He was not going to allow them to smear his son when it is their daughter who killed the baby that the Grunds loved so much. His son tried to do the right thing by KC and Caylee and surely when the baby was born 7 months after the "one night stand" between KC and JG, I am sure the Rev. said "get a DNA test, son - full term babies do not happen in 7 months". KC begged and coerced JG to have faith that the baby was his, not to do the test. Unfortunately, the Grunds can count to 9.

If someone was accusing my grown son of being involved in the disappearance of death of a baby, I would be talking too. He isn't going to sit back and let the A's drag his family into the sewer they dug for themselves.

What does ex-LE do? They question the ridiculous.

"I can't take it anymore, I am tired of living a lie." GA

OK, GA spit it out. We are all listening.

I think GA is about to explode, trying to keep it all in. I think that he believes if he could just talk to KC, he could get the answers. Too bad Baez's associate stopped the meeting KC had arranged with GA, it would have all been over by now. Of course, nothing is stopping her from talking now. But her mouth is too full of pop-tarts.

Bold is mine. How do you know this? I was under the impression that there was always a ? about who the father was from the start.
Just curious.
Did RG crusade for missing children in the past? No, probably not. But he has been extremely open in stating that CAYLEE'S DISAPPEARANCE has brought people together to fight for and be a voice for missing children elsewhere. Sometimes it takes a hit close to home to "wake up" that piece of our hearts.

(Snipped for space)

Truer words have never been spoken. There are many many people who have embraced this case now, that were more than likely not crusaders for missing children prior to.

This whole case has become so heinous and unbelievable, I think it has opened the eyes of many. It is just inconceivable and absurd that a Mother would not report her child missing after 31 days and be out partying like we all have witnessed. It is unbelievable that someone would spin such an outlandish tale, and expect normal, reasonable, intelligent adults to believe it. I think that's why this case has made the average person, even those of us who have never met Caylee, WANT to become a crusader for missing children, to ensure that nothing ever, ever happens like this again.

Caylee deserved better, and she deserves to have as many crusaders as it takes, to see to it that no child gets harmed and disrepected like she has, and that no Mother is allowed to erase their child and forget them in the blink of an eye and go dancing. :mad:
Who did the Anthonys call when the protesters were getting rowdy - yout got it! It makes me crazy when they put down OCSO for not doing 'enough' but they have no problems calling them when things get ugly at their house.

Every time I run into someone who complains about the police I tell them, well then don't call them the next time someone tries to break into your house, your car, tries to assault you, etc. Handle it yourself! That never goes over very well, as you can imagine. My hubby has been LE for over 35 years so I am sorta biased when it comes to LE in general :)
They had a history of calling the police to their house over the years. Now they are targeting them for the sole purpose of making them look bad. Shame on them!
Yeah, well, he seems like a bit of a "publicity hound" to me! And I, too, do not like the "teaser" statements. As in "I will tell all when the time is right", etc.

By the way, there was a place in the recently released documents where he states he was talking to George about attending a vigil and he (REv. Grunmd) asks George Anthony "Why aren't you doing what ex-policemen do?"

What is it that "ex-policemen do"? Anybody know?

(No policemen in my family)

Well, for STARTERS, an ex-homicide detective would not go to work after getting a noseful of human decomp reeking from his or her daughter's trunk! I think an ex-policeman would INVESTIGATE!

Maybe Rev. Grund's "interest" in this case started not only because his son had fingers pointed at him but because he also babysat little Caylee when he thought she could be his granddaughter.
I don't think you need to have a blood relationship to someone, to grow to love them and be concerned for them. That would be like saying an adoptive parent or grandparent shouldn't be concerned about an adopted child or grandchild, because there is no blood relationship.

They believed, at one time, that Caylee was their grandchild and even after the they found out otherwise, they still embraced her, and loved her and cared for her as if she was.

So if you are saying he should butt out, because JG is an adult, then the same should go for Cindy and George, because Casey is an adult also, and should be able to handle this all on her own.

FYI I am an adoptive parent and love my adopted child as if he were my blood. However, I raised him and lived with him for years. The Rev. G had no viable relationship with the A's. I still say he should mind his own business.
FYI I am an adoptive parent and love my adopted child as if he were my blood. However, I raised him and lived with him for years. The Rev. G had no viable relationship with the A's. I still say he should mind his own business.

A little O/T..I gave up my daughter for adoption 40 years ago this Christmas and I hope she is loved as you have loved your child all these years. God bless you! :blowkiss:
A little O/T..I gave up my daughter for adoption 40 years ago this Christmas and I hope she is loved as you have loved your child all these years. God bless you! :blowkiss:
God bless you Dolly. What a selfless gift!:blowkiss:
(Snipped for space)

Truer words have never been spoken. There are many many people who have embraced this case now, that were more than likely not crusaders for missing children prior to.

This whole case has become so heinous and unbelievable, I think it has opened the eyes of many. It is just inconceivable and absurd that a Mother would not report her child missing after 31 days and be out partying like we all have witnessed. It is unbelievable that someone would spin such an outlandish tale, and expect normal, reasonable, intelligent adults to believe it. I think that's why this case has made the average person, even those of us who have never met Caylee, WANT to become a crusader for missing children, to ensure that nothing ever, ever happens like this again.

Caylee deserved better, and she deserves to have as many crusaders as it takes, to see to it that no child gets harmed and disrepected like she has, and that no Mother is allowed to erase their child and forget them in the blink of an eye and go dancing. :mad:
Wonderful post, marmar!:)

Caylee did deserve better! It breaks my heart to think of what Caylee must have endured in her short life! It is quite obvious that Casey never put Caylee's welfare, safety and life as the top priority! Sickening, to say the very least.
This case has certainly opened my eyes! I know that. And I, like so many here, just fell in love with adorable little Caylee.
I can not begin to comprehend a mother 'losing' her child, or doing deadly harm to her child, and then carrying on life for 31 days as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever occurred. That tells the whole story to me! It tells exactly how Casey felt about Caylee!

I sure hope it was all worth it to Casey. Because her actions in those 31 days, is what will hang her!
And, I personally hope she gets everything she deserves.
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