The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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Rule of thumb for serial killer investigations.. there is rarely, if ever, a monetary incentive among corrupt cops to deliberately fudge, or mishandle, the case. Lack of evidence, lack of necessary PC, lack of reliable tips, etc.. trump all nefarious conspiracies. Even the most on the take cop would most likely not protect a co-worker or friend if they were suspected of murdering prostitutes.

I can't say I disagree with your over-all premise on this case. I also believe even a less than good cop would gie his left nut to bring this case in. The problem is not the detectives, the problem is with the people that are running it. IMO

Yeah I'm not thinking any monetary incentive here at all for detectives to be involved in a cover up.

Although having said that...there is always that possibility....A quick search typing in "Corrupt Cops cover up Murder" brings back many many hits...and in a lot of those cases...covering ones own arses for being involved in other highly illegal activity seems to be the predominate feature...and it does seem quite crazy how fellow "good guys" will stand back and say nothing - even when murder is involved....... But I don't think that is the case here ??

What I have seen or my take on the Gilgo investigation .... maybe like Hawk is saying...its not necessarily the detectives on the ground...but the puppet masters behind the scenes... those Higher up the food chain who have the Nay or ya say in how an investigation can proceed....they have IMO been the ones putting up the road Blocks.....why?

Now with all that has come to light ...... one scenario could be that this is more politically driven ..... we are talking important (in their minds) people. People who if exposed can bring the whole card house tumbling down...for a lot of people..

You have wiretaps.... you have supposedly undercover female officers following and chatting up political personal in bars - all under the rouse of information gathering.... it could make one stop and ponder if it was information gathering or a set up for Blackmail.

Imagine if you had the power to implicate a person in murder....even simply through association...or could wield the threat of implication....Woah...Imagine the power you would have to control your own or your political friends future.
Was just reading at the dl about the VV guy. I have heard and read many stories from people who claim to know who the killer is. They all love to post in comments and claim police won't listen to them. I have a theory that a lot of these comments are from the same person. Yet I know that there are a few of these types out there. A guy with the initials TAL recently wrote on my blog and Shannan's memory page a story of seeing someone dumping something off oak beach. Says Burke himself came out to discuss it with him and that he was not believed. This guy like others claim police won't listen. With so many out there telling these types of stories its hard to tell if any of them are based in reality. They seem unbelievable but learning what is now being said about Burke, Spota, and LI LE, it makes you wonder if one of these stories being told out there might need to be l looked at closer. Frustrating is an understatement.
I HEARD that story about Burke going out to see some guy. I hear a lot of stories like that. Frankly, without having anyway to confirm the story I just leave it alone until I hear something else.

What got me very curious is when Burke left the DA office to become chief he was replaced by a newly promoted captain. Before the day was out that captain was promoted to deputy inspector. That same person was promptly promoted to Chief of Detectives. In military terms he jumped from a LT to Lt.General in a matter of a couple of years. This put him in direct command of the LISK investigation. That person recently retired when the poop started hitting the fan.

This fellow was a former FED. Some people believe he may be getting special consideration from the FEDS because of this. He has pretty much dropped off the radar screen since he has retired.

Spota has not been at any press conferences where the police, NYS police, and FEDS have made arrests. It makes one wonder if his days are numbered and he is being left out to minimize the damage if the house falls down on his ears.
Google 184 higbie lane west Islip ny. Limo service called Dynasty. Theres alot going on at one address. Including LI Road gents car club. They also have car shows. It brought to mind timeout dolls.
Hawk, a member of LE made an arrest. Shortly afterwards he found himself under investigation by the feds. Is it safe to a assume this is related to the individual that was hauled off to a federal lockup instead if state prison to do his time?
The poster pizza party sent me this awhile ago...I think it's 57's nephew:

"Cops: Speeding Driver Had Crack Pipe, Heroin
by Patrick Kelton on January 27, 2010
A 27-year-old Mastic Beach man was arrested for heroin possession on the Southern State Parkway in West Hempstead on Monday night, New York State police said.

James Hilbert
James Hilbert was pulled over by a Trooper for speeding while driving a Cadillac eastbound near Eagle Avenue, Exit 18, police said.

Hilbert was found to have a suspended license and during a search of the vehicle the Trooper discovered a crack pipe, a vial with a white powdery substance and a bag containing 100 decks of heroin, police said.

Hilbert was charged with two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, driving with a suspended license and several traffic violations."

Pretty interesting, now according to what I heard 57 was who the police suspected of being the gilgo killer. zero have you heard this theory?

Also the dynasty limo....i feel this company may have come up in a PM convo with someone...any posters this sounds familiar with? I've since deleted the messages
Oh yea it was just the other day with Puggle I think...we were talking about dynasty limo and the owner...if you look up his name his nickname is Big G and you can find his FB profile. His entire friend list is ALL asian names, mostly females look like Thai, vietnamese, etc I'm not really sure but there are a lot. I just thought it was kind of strange that a limo company owner from Babylon would have so many asian female friends. Considering the UID asian victims
Zero, there is another kid on reddit who claimed to see a guy dumping bodies along OP from a footpath. I posted it somewhere in this strange. Thought it was interesting, especially the bit about the footpath considering 57's proximity to the dumpsites. Poster claimed they reported it to the cops as well
Correct me if Im wrong. Did Mari claim Hackett said Shannan was at his house and she left with her DRIVER?. This according to a media report.
I believe so. I think the key is that Pak set up the date didn't he? Well did he also set up the date she had before JB which was on like 32nd st or something near there?
Google 184 higbie lane west Islip ny. Limo service called Dynasty. Theres alot going on at one address. Including LI Road gents car club. They also have car shows. It brought to mind timeout dolls.

There is a lot going on at that address....not home cant check google street walk it a mall...multiple businesses sharing the one number on Higbie Lane...the seperate unit numbers maybe? ....... what I did find interesting was that Harrys old partner had a business registeted there and that A Mr Scalise was at some time a Known resident at that address also....... its not a residential address though is it?.... I have never delved into all the discussion I read on other sites and commented...because it all seemed really bizzare....but I certainly read that name many a time.....mostly people mentioning. ..who I assume is the Junior Scalise.....the one listed has having a residence at this address was Mr Scalise...Senior.
..what it means if anyones guess....But what did Mr Senior do for a job...just curious?
Oh yea it was just the other day with Puggle I think...we were talking about dynasty limo and the owner...if you look up his name his nickname is Big G and you can find his FB profile. His entire friend list is ALL asian names, mostly females look like Thai, vietnamese, etc I'm not really sure but there are a lot. I just thought it was kind of strange that a limo company owner from Babylon would have so many asian female friends. Considering the UID asian victims
You may have found another connection Im unaware of Lyndsay.....but the Gandolfo...I found connected to that business and address is named Charlie G..... and as I am finding all to common......he is friends with some of Joseph Brewers friends.....Harrys younger Brother Marc seems to share the most in common and that would make sense if they own businesses side by side...
Yes, the car club makes me think of the time out doll too. Plus if I remember right it was said a mechanic left those dolls. Saw it on one of those crime shows. And I have seen lots of comments about a mechanic in deer park. When I first looked up Marc Feingold name I found a long island body shop. Don't know if any of this means anything and what all of you already looked into. Just thought it all seemed to circle each other.
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